Available databases

Database URL
WHO-EURO Health For All Database http://sic.hi.lt/DPS/ws/dps_ws.php

WHO-EURO Health For All Database

#> [1] "Health for all database, November 2015 version"

Available languages

Id Title
en English

Available regions

RegID RegPID Title

Available countries

RegID CntrID Title
EUR ALB Albania
EUR AND Andorra
EUR ARM Armenia
EUR AUT Austria
EUR AZE Azerbaijan
EUR BLR Belarus
EUR BEL Belgium
EUR BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina
EUR BUL Bulgaria
EUR CRO Croatia
EUR CYP Cyprus
EUR CZH Czech Republic
EUR DEN Denmark
EUR EST Estonia
EUR FIN Finland
EUR FRA France
EUR GEO Georgia
EUR DEU Germany
EUR GRE Greece
EUR HUN Hungary
EUR ICE Iceland
EUR IRE Ireland
EUR ISR Israel
EUR KAZ Kazakhstan
EUR KGZ Kyrgyzstan
EUR LVA Latvia
EUR LTU Lithuania
EUR LUX Luxembourg
EUR MON Monaco
EUR MNE Montenegro
EUR NET Netherlands
EUR NOR Norway
EUR POL Poland
EUR POR Portugal
EUR MDA Republic of Moldova
EUR ROM Romania
EUR RUS Russian Federation
EUR SMR San Marino
EUR SRB Serbia
EUR SVK Slovakia
EUR SVN Slovenia
EUR SWE Sweden
EUR SWI Switzerland
EUR TJK Tajikistan
EUR TUR Turkey
EUR TKM Turkmenistan
EUR UKR Ukraine
EUR UNK United Kingdom
EUR UZB Uzbekistan
EUR EUR European Region
EUR EU15 EU members before May 2004
EUR EU13 EU members since May 2004
EUR Eur-A Eur-A
EUR Eur-B+C Eur-B+C
EUR NOC Nordic countries
EUR SMC Small countries

Available years

#>  [1] 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002
#> [15] 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988
#> [29] 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974
#> [43] 1973 1972 1971 1970

Available indicator groups

Id Title

Available indicators


IndID IndPID Title
0010 NA Mid-year population
0011 0010 Mid-year male population
0012 0010 Mid-year female population
0020 NA % of population aged 0–14 years
0021 0020 % of population aged 0–14 years, males
0022 0020 % of population aged 0–14 years, females
0030 NA % of population aged 65+ years
0031 0030 % of population aged 65+ years, males
0032 0030 % of population aged 65+ years, females
0060 NA Live births per 1000 population
0061 0060 Live births per 1000 population, males
0062 0060 Live births per 1000 population, females
0063 0060 Number of live births
0064 0060 Number of live births, males
0065 0060 Number of live births, females
0070 NA Crude death rate per 1000 population
0071 0070 Crude death rate per 1000 population, males
0072 0070 Crude death rate per 1000 population, females
0080 NA Total fertility rate
0150 NA % of urban population
0160 NA Average population density per km2
0161 0160 Area (km2)
0200 NA Unemployment rate (%)
0210 NA Labour force as % of population
0220 NA Annual average rate of inflation (%)
0250 NA Gross national income, US$ per capita
0260 NA Gross domestic product (GDP), US$ per capita
0270 NA Real gross domestic product, PPP$ per capita
0280 NA GINI coefficient (income distribution)
0300 NA Total government expenditure as % of GDP
0400 NA Literacy rate (%) in population aged 15+ years
0401 0400 Literacy rate (%) in male population aged 15+ years
0402 0400 Literacy rate (%) in female population aged 15+ years
0410 NA % of population with postsecondary education aged 25+ years
0411 0410 % of population with primary education only aged 25+ years
0412 0410 % of population with secondary education only aged 25+ years
0420 NA Proportion of children of official primary school age not enrolled, both sexes
0421 0420 Proportion of children of official primary school age not enrolled, males
0422 0420 Proportion of children of official primary school age not enrolled, females
0500 NA UNDP Human Development Index (HDI)
0600 NA Availability of social support


IndID IndPID Title
1010 NA Life expectancy at birth (years)
1011 1010 Life expectancy at birth (years), males
1012 1010 Life expectancy at birth (years), females
1020 NA Life expectancy at age 1 (years)
1021 1020 Life expectancy at age 1 (years), males
1022 1020 Life expectancy at age 1 (years), females
1030 NA Life expectancy at age 15 (years)
1031 1030 Life expectancy at age 15 (years), males
1032 1030 Life expectancy at age 15 (years), females
1040 NA Life expectancy at age 45 (years)
1041 1040 Life expectancy at age 45 (years), males
1042 1040 Life expectancy at age 45 (years), females
1050 NA Life expectancy at age 65 (years)
1051 1050 Life expectancy at age 65 (years), males
1052 1050 Life expectancy at age 65 (years), females
1060 NA Reduction of life expectancy through death before 65 years
1061 1060 Reduction of life expectancy through death before 65 years, males
1062 1060 Reduction of life expectancy through death before 65 years, females
1070 NA Probability of dying before age 5 per 1000 live births
1071 1070 Probability of dying before age 5 per 1000 live births, males
1072 1070 Probability of dying before age 5 per 1000 live births, females
1073 1070 Estimated probability of dying before age 5, per 1000 live births (world health report)
1074 1070 Estimated probability of dying before age 5, per 1000 live births (world health report), males
1075 1070 Estimated probability of dying before age 5, per 1000 live births (world health report), females
1080 NA Disability-adjusted life expectancy (world health report)
1081 1080 Disability-adjusted life expectancy (world health report), males
1082 1080 Disability-adjusted life expectancy (world health report), females
1090 NA Estimated life expectancy (world health report)
1091 1090 Estimated life expectancy (world health report), males
1092 1090 Estimated life expectancy (world health report), females
1100 NA Estimated infant mortality per 1000 live births (world health report)
1110 NA Infant deaths per 1000 live births
1111 1110 Infant deaths per 1000 live births, males
1112 1110 Infant deaths per 1000 live births, females
1120 NA Neonatal deaths per 1000 live births
1130 NA Early neonatal deaths per 1000 live births
1131 1130 Number of early neonatal deaths
1140 NA Late neonatal deaths per 1000 live births
1150 NA Postneonatal deaths per 1000 live births
1160 NA Fetal deaths per 1000 births
1161 1160 Number of dead-born fetuses
1170 NA Perinatal deaths per 1000 births
1171 1170 Number of deadborn fetuses with a birth weight of 1000 g or more
1172 1170 Number of early neonatal deaths with a birth weight of 1000 g or more
1173 1170 Number of live births with a birth weight of 1000 g or more
1174 1170 Perinatal deaths national criteria per 1000 births
1175 1170 Perinatal deaths 1000+g per 1000 births
1210 NA Maternal deaths per 100 000, max of cod and clinical data
1211 1210 Maternal deaths, abortion, per 100 000 live births
1212 1210 Maternal deaths, haemorrhage, per 100 000 live births
1213 1210 Maternal deaths, gestational (pregnancy-induced) hypertension and hyperemesis, per 100 000 live births
1214 1210 Maternal deaths, puerperium, per 100 000 live births
1215 1210 Maternal deaths per 100 000 live births according to clinical data
1216 1210 Maternal deaths, cause of death data per 100 000 live births
1220 NA Estimated maternal mortality per 100 000 live births (WHO/UNICEFF/UNFPA estimates)
1310 NA SDR, diseases of circulatory system, 0–64, per 100 000
1311 1310 SDR, diseases of circulatory system, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1312 1310 SDR, diseases of circulatory system, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1320 NA SDR, diseases of circulatory system, all ages, per 100 000
1321 1320 SDR, diseases of circulatory system, all ages, per 100 000, males
1322 1320 SDR, diseases of circulatory system, all ages, per 100 000, females
1323 1320 SDR, diseases of circulatory system, 65+, per 100 000
1324 1320 SDR, diseases of circulatory system, 65+, per 100 000, males
1325 1320 SDR, diseases of circulatory system, 65+, per 100 000, females
1330 NA SDR, ischaemic heart disease, 0–64, per 100 000
1331 1330 SDR, ischaemic heart disease, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1332 1330 SDR, ischaemic heart disease, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1340 NA SDR, ischaemic heart disease, all ages, per 100 000
1341 1340 SDR, ischaemic heart disease, all ages, per 100 000, males
1342 1340 SDR, ischaemic heart disease, all ages, per 100 000, females
1343 1340 SDR, ischaemic heart disease, 65+, per 100 000
1344 1340 SDR, ischaemic heart disease, 65+, per 100 000, males
1345 1340 SDR, ischaemic heart disease, 65+, per 100 000, females
1350 NA SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, 0–64, per 100 000
1351 1350 SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1352 1350 SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, 0–64, per 100 000,female
1360 NA SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, all ages, per 100 000
1361 1360 SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, all ages, per 100 000, males
1362 1360 SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, all ages, per 100 000, females
1363 1360 SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, 65+, per 100 000
1364 1360 SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, 65+, per 100 000, males
1365 1360 SDR, cerebrovascular diseases, 65+, per 100 000, females
1510 NA SDR, malignant neoplasms, 0–64, per 100 000
1511 1510 SDR, malignant neoplasms, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1512 1510 SDR, malignant neoplasms, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1520 NA SDR, malignant neoplasms, all ages, per 100 000
1521 1520 SDR, malignant neoplasms, all ages, per 100 000, males
1522 1520 SDR, malignant neoplasms, all ages, per 100 000, females
1523 1520 SDR, malignant neoplasms, 65+, per 100 000
1524 1520 SDR, malignant neoplasms, 65+, per 100 000, males
1525 1520 SDR, malignant neoplasms, 65+, per 100 000, females
1530 NA SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, 0–64, per 100 000
1531 1530 SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1532 1530 SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1540 NA SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, all ages, per 100 000
1541 1540 SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, all ages, per 100 000, males
1542 1540 SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, all ages, per 100 000, females
1543 1540 SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, 65+, per 100 000
1544 1540 SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, 65+, per 100 000, males
1545 1540 SDR, trachea/bronchus/lung cancer, 65+, per 100 000, females
1550 NA SDR, cancer of the cervix uteri, 0–64, per 100 000
1560 NA SDR, cancer of the cervix uteri, all ages, per 100 000
1561 1560 SDR, cancer of the cervix uteri, 65+, per 100 000
1580 NA SDR, malignant neoplasm female breast, 0–64, per 100 000
1590 NA SDR, malignant neoplasm female breast, all ages, per 100 000
1591 1590 SDR, malignant neoplasm female breast, 65+, per 100 000
1710 NA SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 0–64, per 100 000
1711 1710 SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1712 1710 SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1713 1710 SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 0–4
1714 1710 SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 0–4, males
1715 1710 SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 0–4, females
1716 1710 SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 5–19
1717 1710 SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 5–19, males
1718 1710 SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 5–19, females
1720 NA SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, all ages, per 100 000
1721 1720 SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, all ages, per 100 000, males
1722 1720 SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, all ages, per 100 000, females
1723 1720 SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 65+, per 100 000
1724 1720 SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 65+, per 100 000, males
1725 1720 SDR, external causes of injury and poisoning, 65+, per 100 000, females
1730 NA SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, 0–64, per 100 000
1731 1730 SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1732 1730 SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1740 NA SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, all ages, per 100 000
1741 1740 SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, all ages, per 100 000, males
1742 1740 SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, all ages, per 100 000, females
1743 1740 SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, 65+, per 100 0000
1744 1740 SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, 65+, per 100 000, males
1745 1740 SDR, motor vehicle traffic accidents, 65+, per 100 000, females
1770 NA SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, 0–64, per 100 000
1771 1770 SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1772 1770 SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1780 NA SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, all ages, per 100 000
1781 1780 SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, all ages, per 100 000, males
1782 1780 SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, all ages, per 100 000, females
1783 1780 SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, 65+, per 100 000
1784 1780 SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, 65+, per 100 000, males
1785 1780 SDR, suicide and self-inflicted injury, 65+, per 100 000, females
1790 NA SDR, homicide and intentional injury, 0–64, per 100 000
1791 1790 SDR, homicide and intentional injury, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1792 1790 SDR, homicide and intentional injury, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1793 1790 SDR, homicide and intentional injury, all ages, per 100 000
1794 1790 SDR, homicide and intentional injury, all ages, per 100 000, males
1795 1790 SDR, homicide and intentional injury, all ages, per 100 000, females
1796 1790 SDR, homicide and intentional injury, 65+, per 100 000
1797 1790 SDR, homicide and intentional injury, 65+, per 100 000, males
1798 1790 SDR, homicide and intentional injury, 65+, per 100 000, females
1800 NA SDR, transport accidents, all ages, per 100 000
1801 1800 SDR, transport accidents, all ages, per 100 000, males
1802 1800 SDR, transport accidents, all ages, per 100 000, females
1810 NA SDR all causes, all ages, per 100 000
1811 1810 SDR, all causes, all ages, per 100 000, males
1812 1810 SDR, all causes, all ages, per 100 000, females
1813 1810 SDR, all causes, 0–64, per 100 000
1814 1810 SDR, all causes, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1815 1810 SDR, all causes, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1816 1810 SDR, all causes, 65+, per 100 000
1817 1810 SDR, all causes, 65+, per 100 000, males
1818 1810 SDR, all causes, 65+, per 100 000, females
1820 NA SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, all ages, per 100 000
1821 1820 SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, all ages, per 100 000, males
1822 1820 SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, all ages, per 100 000, females
1823 1820 SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, 0–64, per 100 000
1824 1820 SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1825 1820 SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1826 1820 SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, 65+, per 100 000
1827 1820 SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, 65+, per 100 000, males
1828 1820 SDR, infectious and parasitic diseases, 65+, per 100 000, females
1830 NA SDR, diseases of respiratory system, all ages, per 100 000
1831 1830 SDR, diseases of respiratory system, all ages, per 100 000, males
1832 1830 SDR, diseases of respiratory system, all ages, per 100 000, females
1833 1830 SDR, diseases of respiratory system, 0–64, per 100 000
1834 1830 SDR, diseases of respiratory system, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1835 1830 SDR, diseases of respiratory system, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1836 1830 SDR, diseases of respiratory system, 65+, per 100 000
1837 1830 SDR, diseases of respiratory system, 65+, per 100 000, males
1838 1830 SDR, diseases of respiratory system, 65+, per 100 000, females
1840 NA SDR, bronchitis/emphysema/asthma, all ages, per 100 000
1841 1840 SDR, bronchitis/emphysema/asthma, all ages, per 100 000, males
1842 1840 SDR, bronchitis/emphysema/asthma, all ages, per 100 000, females
1843 1840 SDR, bronchitis/emphysema/asthma, 0–64, per 100 000
1844 1840 SDR, bronchitis/emphysema/asthma, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1845 1840 SDR, bronchitis/emphysema/asthma, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1850 NA SDR, diseases of digestive system, all ages, per 100 000
1851 1850 SDR, diseases of digestive system, all ages, per 100 000, males
1852 1850 SDR, diseases of digestive system, all ages, per 100 000, females
1853 1850 SDR, diseases of digestive system, 0–64, per 100 000
1854 1850 SDR, diseases of digestive system, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1855 1850 SDR, diseases of digestive system, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1856 1850 SDR, diseases of digestive system, 65+, per 100 000
1857 1850 SDR, diseases of digestive system, 65+, per 100 000, males
1858 1850 SDR, diseases of digestive system, 65+, per 100 000, females
1860 NA SDR, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, all ages, per 100 000
1861 1860 SDR, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, all ages, per 100 000, males
1862 1860 SDR, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, all ages, per 100 000, females
1863 1860 SDR, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, 0–64, per 100 000
1864 1860 SDR, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1865 1860 SDR, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1870 NA SDR, endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, all ages, per 100 000
1871 1870 SDR, endocrine/nutrition/metabolic disease/disorder involving immune mechanism, all ages, per 100 000, males
1872 1870 SDR, endocrine/nutrition/metabolic disease/disorder involving immune mechanism, all ages, per 100 000, females
1873 1870 SDR, endocrine/nutrition/metabolic disease/disorder involving immune mechanism, 0–64, per 100 000
1874 1870 SDR, endocrine/nutrition/metabolic disease/disorder involving immune mechanism, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1875 1870 SDR, endocrine/nutrition/metabolic disease/disorder involving immune mechanism, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1880 NA SDR, diabetes, all ages, per 100 000
1881 1880 SDR, diabetes mellitus, all ages, per 100 000, males
1882 1880 SDR, diabetes mellitus, all ages, per 100 000, females
1883 1880 SDR, diabetes mellitus, 0–64, per 100 000
1884 1880 SDR, diabetes mellitus, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1885 1880 SDR, diabetes mellitus, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1890 NA SDR, diseases of the blood, blood forming organs and certain immunity disorders, all ages, per 100 000
1891 1890 SDR, diseases of the blood, blood forming organs and certain immunity disorders, all ages, per 100 000, males
1892 1890 SDR, diseases of the blood, blood forming organs and certain immunity disorders, all ages, per 100 000, females
1893 1890 SDR, diseases of the blood, blood forming organs and certain immunity disorders, 0–64, per 100 000
1894 1890 SDR, diseases of the blood, blood forming organs and certain immunity disorders, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1895 1890 SDR, diseases of the blood, blood forming organs and certain immunity disorders, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1900 NA SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, all ages, per 100 000
1901 1900 SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, all ages, per 100 000, males
1902 1900 SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, all ages, per 100 000, females
1903 1900 SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 0–64, per 100 000
1904 1900 SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1905 1900 SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1906 1900 SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 65+/100 000
1907 1900 SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 65+/100 000, males
1908 1900 SDR, mental disorders, diseases of nervous system and sense organs, 65+/100 000, females
1910 NA SDR, disease of genitourinary system, all ages, per 100 000
1911 1910 SDR, disease of genitourinary system, all ages, per 100 000, males
1912 1910 SDR, disease of genitourinary system, all ages, per 100 000, females
1913 1910 SDR, disease of genitourinary system, 0–64, per 100 000
1914 1910 SDR, disease of genitourinary system, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1915 1910 SDR, disease of genitourinary system, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1920 NA SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, all ages, per 100 000
1921 1920 SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, all ages, per 100 000, males
1922 1920 SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, all ages, per 100 000, females
1923 1920 SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, 0–64, per 100 000
1924 1920 SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, 0–64, per 100 000, males
1925 1920 SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, 0–64, per 100 000, females
1926 1920 SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, 65+, per 100 000
1927 1920 SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, 65+, per 100 000, males
1928 1920 SDR, symptoms, signs and ill defined conditions, 65+, per 100 000, females
1930 NA SDR, tuberculosis, all ages, per 100 000
1931 1930 SDR, tuberculosis, all ages, per 100 000, males
1932 1930 SDR, tuberculosis, all ages, per 100 000, females
1940 NA SDR, diarrhoeal diseases, under 5 years, per 100 000
1941 1940 SDR, diarrhoeal diseases, under 5 years, per 100 000, males
1942 1940 SDR, diarrhoeal diseases, under 5 years, per 100 000, females
1960 NA SDR, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia and influenza, under 5 years, per 100 000
1961 1960 SDR, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia and influenza, under 5 years, per 100 000, males
1962 1960 SDR, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia and influenza, under 5 years, per 100 000, females
1970 NA SDR, selected alcohol-related causes, per 100 000
1971 1970 SDR, selected alcohol-related causes, per 100 000, males
1972 1970 SDR, selected alcohol-related causes, per 100 000, females
1980 NA SDR, selected smoking-related causes, per 100 000
1981 1980 SDR, selected smoking-related causes, per 100 000, males
1982 1980 SDR, selected smoking-related causes, per 100 000, females
1990 NA SDR, major noncommunicable diseases, 30-69 years, both sexes
1991 1990 SDR, major noncommunicable diseases, 30-69 years, males
1992 1990 SDR, major noncommunicable diseases, 30-69 years, females
1993 1990 SDR, digestive diseases, 30-69 years, both sexes
1994 1990 SDR, digestive diseases, 30-69 years, males
1995 1990 SDR, digestive diseases, 30-69 years, females


IndID IndPID Title
2010 NA Incidence of tuberculosis per 100 000
2011 2010 Number of new tuberculosis cases
2012 2010 Estimated incidence of tuberculosis per 100 000
2013 2010 Estimated prevalence of tuberculosis per 100 000
2014 2010 Estimated mortality of tuberculosis per 100 000
2015 2010 Proportion (%) of tuberculosis cases detected under DOTS
2016 2010 Proportion (%) of tuberculosis cases cured under DOTS
2020 NA Incidence of viral hepatitis per 100 000
2021 2020 Number of new viral hepatitis cases
2022 2020 Number of new hepatitis C cases
2023 2020 Incidence of hepatitis C per 100 000
2030 NA Incidence of viral hepatitis A per 100 000
2031 2030 Number of new hepatitis A cases
2040 NA Incidence of viral hepatitis B per 100 000
2041 2040 Number of new hepatitis B cases
2050 NA Incidence of syphilis per 100 000
2051 2050 Number of new syphilis cases
2060 NA Incidence of gonococcal infection per 100 000
2061 2060 Number of new gonococcal infection cases
2070 NA Incidence of pertussis per 100 000
2071 2070 Number of new pertussis cases
2080 NA Incidence of measles per 100 000
2081 2080 Number of new measles cases
2090 NA Incidence of malaria per 100 000
2091 2090 Number of new malaria cases
2092 2090 Number of deaths from malaria
2100 NA Incidence of diphtheria per 100 000
2101 2100 Number of new diphtheria cases
2110 NA Incidence of tetanus per 100 000
2111 2110 Number of new tetanus cases
2120 NA Incidence of acute poliomyelitis per 100 000
2121 2120 Number of new poliomyelitis cases
2130 NA Incidence of congenital syphilis per 100 000
2131 2130 Number of new congenital syphilis cases
2140 NA Incidence of congenital rubella per 100 000
2141 2140 Number of new congenital rubella cases
2150 NA Incidence of neonatal tetanus per 100 000
2151 2150 Number of new neonatal tetanus cases
2160 NA Incidence of rubella per 100 000
2161 2160 Number of new rubella cases
2170 NA Incidence of mumps per 100 000
2171 2170 Number of new mumps cases
2180 NA Incidence of AIDS per 100 000
2182 2180 Number of new AIDS cases
2190 NA Incidence of HIV per 100 000
2191 2190 Number of new HIV infections
2200 NA Incidence of Haemophilus influenzae type b invasive disease per 100 000
2201 2200 Number of new Haemophilus influenzae type b invasive disease cases
2300 NA Hospital discharges, infectious and parasitic diseases per 100 000
2301 2300 Hospital discharges, infectious and parasitic diseases
2310 NA Hospital discharges, all neoplasms per 100 000
2311 2310 Hospital discharges, all neoplasms
2320 NA Incidence of cancer per 100 000
2321 2320 Number of new cases of cancer
2322 2320 Number of new cases of cancer, males
2323 2320 Number of new cases of cancer, females
2324 2320 Incidence of cancer per 100 000, males
2325 2320 Incidence of cancer per 100 000, female
2330 NA Prevalence of cancer (%)
2331 2330 Number of all cases of cancer at year’s end
2332 2330 Number of all cases cancer at year’s end, males
2333 2330 Number of all cases cancer at year’s end, females
2334 2330 Prevalence of cancer (%), males
2335 2330 Prevalence of cancer (%), females
2340 NA Incidence of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer per 100 000
2341 2340 Number of new cases of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer
2342 2340 Number of new cases of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer, males
2343 2340 Number of new cases of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer, females
2344 2340 Incidence of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer per 100 000, males
2345 2340 Incidence of trachea, bronchus and lung cancer per 100 000, females
2350 NA Incidence of female breast cancer per 100 000
2351 2350 Number of new cases of female breast cancer
2360 NA Incidence of cervix uteri cancer per 100 000
2361 2360 Number of new cases of cervix uteri cancer
2370 NA Prevalence of diabetes mellitus (%)
2371 2370 Number of all cases of diabetes mellitus at year’s end
2372 2370 Number of new cases of diabetes mellitus
2373 2370 New cases, diabetes mellitus per 100 000
2380 NA Number of mental patients staying in hospitals 365+ days per 100 000
2381 2380 Number of mental patients staying in hospitals 365+ days
2382 2380 Number of hospital discharges, mental and behavioural disorders
2383 2380 Hospital discharges, mental and behavioural disorders, per 100 000
2390 NA Incidence of mental disorders per 100 000
2391 2390 Number of new cases of mental disorders
2400 NA Incidence of alcoholic psychosis per 100 000
2401 2400 Number of new cases of alcoholic psychosis
2410 NA Prevalence of mental disorders (%)
2411 2410 All cases of mental disorders at year’s end
2450 NA Hospital discharges, circulatory system disease, per 100 000
2451 2450 Number of hospital discharges, circulatory system disease
2460 NA Hospital discharges, ischaemic heart disease, per 100 000
2461 2460 Number of hospital discharges, ischaemic heart disease
2480 NA Hospital discharges, cerebrovascular diseases, per 100 000
2481 2480 Hospital discharges, cerebrovascular diseases
2500 NA Hospital discharges, respiratory system diseases, per 100 000
2501 2500 Hospital discharges, respiratory system diseases
2510 NA Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (%)
2511 2510 Number of cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
2520 NA Hospital discharges, digestive system diseases, per 100 000
2521 2520 Hospital discharges, digestive system diseases
2530 NA Hospital discharges, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue diseases, per 100 000
2531 2530 Hospital discharges, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue diseases
2540 NA Hospital discharges, injury and poisoning, per 100 000
2541 2540 Hospital discharges, injury and poisoning
2700 NA Absenteeism from work due to illness, days per employee per year
2710 NA New invalidity/disability cases per 100 000
2711 2710 Number of newly recognized invalidity/disability cases
2720 NA People receiving social/disability benefits per 100 000
2721 2720 Number of people receiving social/disability benefits
2730 NA % of disabled people of working age engaged in regular occupational activity
2800 NA % population self-assessing health as good
2801 2800 % population self-assessing health as good, males
2802 2800 % population self-assessing health as good, females
2810 NA Decayed, missing or filled teeth at age 12 (DMFT-12 index)


IndID IndPID Title
3010 NA % of regular daily smokers in the population, age 15+
3011 3010 % of regular daily smokers in the population, age 15+, males
3012 3010 % of regular daily smokers in the population, age 15+, females
3013 3010 Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco smoking among people aged 15 years and over, WHO estimates (%)
3014 3010 Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco smoking among people aged 15 years and over, WHO estimates (%), males
3015 3010 Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco smoking among people aged 15 years and over, WHO estimates (%), females
3016 3010 Number cigarettes consumed per person per year
3017 3010 Total number of cigarettes consumed (in million pieces), per year
3020 NA Age-standardized prevalence of overweight (defined as BMI = 25 kg/m2) in people aged 18 years and over, WHO estimates (%)
3021 3020 Age-standardized prevalence of overweight (defined as BMI = 25 kg/m2) in people aged 18 years and over, WHO estimates (%), males
3022 3020 Age-standardized prevalence of overweight (defined as BMI = 25 kg/m2) in people aged 18 years and over, WHO estimates (%), femal
3023 3020 Age-standardized prevalence of obesity (defined as BMI = 30 kg/m2) in people aged 18 years and over, WHO estimates (%)
3024 3020 Age-standardized prevalence of obesity (defined as BMI = 30 kg/m2) in people aged 18 years and over, WHO estimates (%), males
3025 3020 Age-standardized prevalence of obesity (defined as BMI = 30 kg/m2) in people aged 18 years and over, WHO estimates (%), females
3050 NA Pure alcohol consumption, litres per capita, age 15+
3051 3050 Spirits consumed in pure alcohol, litres per capita, age 15+
3052 3050 Wine consumed in pure alcohol, litres per capita, age 15+
3053 3050 Beer consumed in pure alcohol, litres per capita, age 15+
3054 3050 Pure alcohol consumed, litres per capita
3060 NA Road traffic accidents involving alcohol per 100 000
3061 3060 Number of road traffic accidents involving alcohol
3080 NA First admissions to drug treatment centres per 100 000
3081 3080 Number of first admissions to drug treatment centres
3082 3080 Number of deaths from overdose of illicit drugs
3150 NA Road traffic accidents with injury per 100 000
3151 3150 Number of road traffic accidents with injury
3160 NA People killed or injured in road traffic accidents per 100 000
3161 3160 Number of people killed or injured in road traffic accidents
3200 NA Average number of calories available per person per day (kcal)
3210 NA % of total energy available from fat
3211 3210 Fat available per person per day (g)
3220 NA % of total energy available from protein
3221 3220 Protein available per person per day (g)
3230 NA Average amount of cereal available per person per year (kg)
3240 NA Average amount of fruits and vegetables available per person per year (kg)


IndID IndPID Title
4010 NA Microbiological foodborne diseases, number of outbreaks
4020 NA Microbiological foodborne diseases per 100 000
4021 4020 Number of cases of microbiological foodborne diseases
4030 NA Salmonellosis cases per 100 000
4031 4030 Number of salmonellosis cases
4040 NA New cases of occupational diseases per 100 000
4041 4040 Number of new cases of occupational diseases
4060 NA People injured due to work-related accidents per 100 000
4061 4060 Number of people injured due to work-related accidents
4070 NA Deaths due to work-related accidents per 100 000
4071 4070 Number of deaths due to work-related accidents
4150 NA Sulfur dioxide emissions, kg per capita per year
4160 NA Average annual concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in capital, µg/m3
4170 NA Average annual concentration of particulate matter <10 µm (PM10) in the capital, µg/m3
4180 NA Average annual concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in capital, µg/m3
4190 NA Average annual concentration of ozone (O3) in the capital, µg/m3
4300 NA % population with homes connected to water supply system
4301 4300 % population with homes connected to water supply system, urban
4302 4300 % population with homes connected to water supply system, rural
4310 NA % population with access to sewage system, septic tank or other hygienic means of sewage disposal
4311 4310 % population with access to sewage system, septic tank or other hygienic means of sewage disposal, urban
4312 4310 % population with access to sewage system, septic tank or other hygienic means of sewage disposal, rural
4350 NA Average number of people per room in occupied housing unit


IndID IndPID Title
5010 NA Hospitals per 100 000
5011 5010 Number of hospitals
5020 NA Acute (short-stay) hospitals per 100 000
5021 5020 Number of acute (short-stay) hospitals
5030 NA Primary health care units per 100 000
5031 5030 Number of primary health care units
5050 NA Hospital beds per 100 000
5051 5050 Total number of hospital beds
5060 NA Acute care hospital beds per 100 000
5061 5060 Number of acute care hospital beds
5062 5060 Acute care hospital beds, medical group of specialties
5063 5060 Acute care hospital beds, medical group of specialties, per 100 000
5064 5060 Acute care hospital beds, surgical group of specialties
5065 5060 Acute care hospital beds, surgical group of specialties, per 100 000
5066 5060 Acute care hospital beds, obstetric and gynaecological group of specialties
5067 5060 Acute care hospital beds, obstetric and gynaecological group of specialties, per 100 000
5068 5060 Acute care hospital beds, paediatric group of specialties
5069 5060 Acute care hospital beds, paediatric group of specialties, per 100 000
5070 NA Psychiatric hospital beds per 100 000
5071 5070 Number of psychiatric hospital beds
5100 NA Nursing and elderly home beds per 100 000
5101 5100 Number of nursing and elderly home beds
5150 NA Private inpatient hospital beds as % of all beds
5151 5150 Number of private inpatient hospital beds
5250 NA Physicians per 100 000
5251 5250 Number of physicians, physical persons (PP)
5252 5250 Physicians, full-time equivalent (FTE) per 100 000
5253 5250 Number of physicians, full-time equivalent (FTE)
5260 NA Physicians, medical group of specialties (PP), per 100 000
5261 5260 Number of physicians, medical group of specialties (PP)
5262 5260 Number of physicians, surgical group of specialties (PP)
5263 5260 Physicians, surgical group of specialties (PP), per 100 000
5264 5260 Number of physicians, obstetric and gynaecological group of specialties (PP)
5265 5260 Physicians, obstetric and gynaecological group of specialties (PP), per 100 000
5266 5260 Number of physicians, paediatric specialties (PP)
5267 5260 Physicians, paediatric group of specialties (PP), per 100 000
5270 NA % of physicians working in hospitals
5290 NA General practitioners (PP) per 100 000
5291 5290 Number of general practitioners (PP)
5300 NA Dentists (PP) per 100 000
5301 5300 Number of dentists (PP)
5302 5300 Dentists (FTE) per 100 000
5303 5300 Number of dentists (FTE)
5310 NA Pharmacists (PP) per 100 000
5311 5310 Number of pharmacists (PP)
5320 NA Nurses (PP) per 100 000
5321 5320 Number of nurses (PP)
5322 5320 Nurses (FTE) per 100 000
5323 5320 Number of nurses (FTE)
5330 NA % of nurses working in hospitals
5350 NA Midwives (PP) per 100 000
5351 5350 Number of midwives (PP)
5352 5350 Midwives (FTE) per 100 000
5353 5350 Number of midwives (FTE)
5400 NA Physicians graduated per 100 000
5401 5400 Number of physicians graduated in given year
5410 NA Nurses graduated per 100 000
5411 5410 Number of nurses graduated in given year
5420 NA Midwives graduated per 100 000
5421 5420 Number of midwives graduated in given year
5430 NA Pharmacists graduated per 100 000
5431 5430 Number of pharmacists graduated in given year
5440 NA Dentists graduated per 100 000
5441 5440 Number of dentists graduated in given year


IndID IndPID Title
6010 NA Inpatient care discharges per 100
6011 6010 Number of all hospital discharges
6020 NA Acute care hospital discharges per 100
6021 6020 Number of acute care hospital discharges
6030 NA Inpatient surgical procedures per year per 100 000
6031 6030 Total number of inpatient surgical procedures per year
6100 NA Average length of stay, all hospitals
6110 NA Average length of stay, acute care hospitals only
6210 NA Bed occupancy rate (%), acute care hospitals only
6300 NA Outpatient contacts per person per year
6400 NA Autopsy rate (%) for hospital deaths
6410 NA Autopsy rate (%) for all deaths
6420 NA Surgical wound infection rate (%), all operations
6440 NA SDR, appendicitis, 0–64, per 100 000
6441 6440 SDR, appendicitis, 0–64, per 100 000, males
6442 6440 SDR, appendicitis, 0–64, per 100 000, females
6450 NA SDR, appendicitis, all ages, per 100 000
6451 6450 SDR, appendicitis, all ages, per 100 000, males
6452 6450 SDR, appendicitis, all ages, per 100 000, females
6460 NA SDR, hernia and intestinal obstruction, 0–64, per 100 000
6461 6460 SDR, hernia and intestinal obstruction, 0–64, per 100 000, males
6462 6460 SDR, hernia and intestinal obstruction, 0–64, per 100 000, females
6470 NA SDR, hernia and intestinal obstruction, all ages, per 100 000
6471 6470 SDR, hernia and intestinal obstruction, all ages, per 100 000, males
6472 6470 SDR, hernia and intestinal obstruction, all ages, per 100 000, females
6480 NA SDR, adverse effects of therapeutic agents, 0–64, per 100 000
6481 6480 SDR, adverse effects of therapeutic agents, 0–64, per 100 000, males
6482 6480 SDR, adverse effects of therapeutic agents, 0–64, per 100 000, females
6490 NA SDR, adverse effects of therapeutic agents, all ages, per 100 000
6491 6490 SDR, adverse effects of therapeutic agents, all ages, per 100 000, males
6492 6490 SDR, adverse effects of therapeutic agents, all ages, per 100 000, females
6710 NA Total health expenditure as % of GDP, WHO estimates
6711 6710 Total health expenditure as % of GDP
6712 6710 Public-sector expenditure on health as % of GDP, WHO estimates
6713 6710 Private-sector expenditure on health as % of GDP, WHO estimates
6720 NA Total health expenditure, PPP$ per capita, WHO estimates
6721 6720 Total health expenditure, PPP$ per capita
6722 6720 Public expenditure on health, PPP$ per capita, WHO estimates
6730 NA Public-sector health expenditure as % of total health expenditure, WHO estimates
6731 6730 Public-sector health expenditure as % of total health expenditure
6732 6730 Private-sector expenditure on health as % of total health expenditure, WHO estimates
6740 NA Total inpatient expenditure as % of total health expenditure
6750 NA Expenditure on inpatient care, PPP$ per capita
6760 NA Public inpatient expenditure as % of total inpatient expenditure
6770 NA Total pharmaceutical expenditure as % of total health expenditure
6780 NA Pharmaceutical expenditure, PPP$ per capita
6790 NA Public pharmaceutical expenditure as % of total pharmaceutical expenditure
6800 NA Total capital investment expenditure on medical facilities as % of total health expenditure
6810 NA Salaries as % of total public health expenditure
6850 NA Public-sector expenditure on health as % of total government expenditure, WHO estimates
6860 NA Private households’ out-of-pocket payments on health as % of total health expenditure
6861 6860 Private households’ out-of-pocket payments on health as % of private-sector health expenditure


IndID IndPID Title
7010 NA Abortions per 1000 live births
7011 7010 Number of abortions, all ages
7020 NA Abortions per 1000 live births, age under 20 years
7021 7020 Number of abortions, age under 20 years
7030 NA Abortions per 1000 live births, age 35+ years
7031 7030 Number of abortions, age 35+ years
7040 NA % of all live births to mothers aged under 20 years
7041 7040 Number of all live births to mothers aged under 20 years
7050 NA % of all live births to mothers aged 35+ years
7051 7050 Number of all live births, mothers aged 35+ years
7060 NA Caesarean sections per 1000 live births
7061 7060 Number of caesarean sections
7070 NA Proportion (%) of births attended by skilled health personnel
7080 NA Contraceptive use among currently married women aged 15–49 (%), any method
7100 NA % of live births weighing 2500 g or more
7110 NA Congenital anomalies per 100 000 live births
7111 7110 Number of births with congenital anomalies
7120 NA Births with Down’s syndrome per 100 000 live births
7121 7120 Number of births with Down’s syndrome
7150 NA % of infants vaccinated against tuberculosis
7160 NA % of infants vaccinated against diphtheria
7170 NA % of infants vaccinated against tetanus
7180 NA % of infants vaccinated against pertussis
7190 NA % of children vaccinated against measles
7200 NA % of infants vaccinated against poliomyelitis
7210 NA % infants vaccinated against invasive disease due to Haemophilus influenzae type b
7220 NA % of infants vaccinated against hepatitis B
7230 NA % of infants vaccinated against mumps
7240 NA % of infants vaccinated against rubella
7250 NA % of infants breastfed at age 3 months
7260 NA % of infants breastfed at age 6 months