Source: util/config.ts

 * @fileoverview Configuration Object

import assert = require('assert');
import * as https from 'https';
import * as url from 'url';
import { Readable } from 'stream';

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Requirements
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const merge = require('merge-options'),
	sdkVersion = require('../../package.json').version;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

const nodeVersion = process.version;

 * Configuration for App Auth
 * @typedef {Object} AppAuthConfig
 * @property {string} keyID The ID of the public key used for app auth
 * @property {string|Buffer} privateKey The private key used for app auth
 * @property {string} passphrase The passphrase associated with the private key
 * @property {string} [algorithm=RS256] The signing algorithm to use, "RS256", "RS384", or "RS512"
 * @property {int} [expirationTime=30] Number of seconds the JWT should live for
 * @property {boolean} [verifyTimestamp=false] Whether the timestamp when the auth token is created should be validated
type AppAuthConfig = {
	keyID: string;
	privateKey: string | Buffer;
	passphrase: string;
	algorithm: 'RS256' | 'RS384' | 'RS512';
	expirationTime: number;
	verifyTimestamp: boolean;

 * Configuration settings used to initialize and customize the SDK
 * @typedef {Object} UserConfigurationOptions
 * @property {string} clientID Client ID of your Box Application
 * @property {string} clientSecret Client secret of your Box Application
 * @property {string} [apiRootURL] The root URL to Box [Default: '']
 * @property {string} [uploadAPIRootURL] The root URL to Box for uploads [Default: '']
 * @property {string} [authorizeRootURL] The root URL for the authorization screen [Default: '']
 * @property {int} [uploadRequestTimeoutMS] Timeout after which an upload request is aborted [Default: 60000]
 * @property {int} [retryIntervalMS] Time between auto-retries of the API call on a temp failure [Default: 2000]
 * @property {int} [numMaxRetries] Max # of times a temporarily-failed request should be retried before propagating a permanent failure [Default: 5]
 * @property {int} [expiredBufferMS] Time before expiration, in milliseconds, when we begin to treat tokens as expired [Default: 3 min.]
 * @property {Object} [request] Request options
 * @property {boolean} [request.strictSSL] Set to false to disable strict SSL checking, which allows using Dev APIs [Default: true]
 * @property {?AppAuthConfig} appAuth Optional configuration for App Auth
type UserConfigurationOptions = {
	clientID: string;
	clientSecret: string;
	apiRootURL: string;
	uploadAPIRootURL: string;
	authorizeRootURL: string;
	uploadRequestTimeoutMS: number;
	retryIntervalMS: number;
	numMaxRetries: number;
	expiredBufferMS: number;
	request: {
		agentClass: any /* FIXME */;
		agentOptions: any /* FIXME */;
		strictSSL: boolean;
	appAuth?: AppAuthConfig;
	proxy?: {
		url: string;
		username: string;
		password: string;

var defaults = {
	clientID: null,
	clientSecret: null,
	apiRootURL: '',
	uploadAPIRootURL: '',
	authorizeRootURL: '',
	apiVersion: '2.0',
	uploadRequestTimeoutMS: 60000,
	retryIntervalMS: 2000,
	numMaxRetries: 5,
	retryStrategy: null,
	expiredBufferMS: 180000,
	appAuth: undefined,
	iterators: false,
	enterpriseID: undefined,
	analyticsClient: null,
	disableStreamPassThrough: false,
	proxy: {
		url: null,
		username: null,
		password: null,
	request: {
		// By default, require API SSL cert to be valid
		strictSSL: true,
		// Use an agent with keep-alive enabled to avoid performing SSL handshake per connection
		agentClass: https.Agent,
		agentOptions: {
			keepAlive: true,
		// Encode requests as JSON. Encode the response as well if JSON is returned.
		json: true,
		// Do not encode the response as a string, since the response could be a file. return Buffers instead.
		encoding: null,
		// A redirect is usually information we want to handle, so don't automatically follow
		followRedirect: false,
		// By default, we attach a version-specific user-agent string to SDK requests
		headers: {
			'User-Agent': `Box Node.js SDK v${sdkVersion} (Node ${nodeVersion})`,

var appAuthDefaults = {
	algorithm: 'RS256',
	expirationTime: 30,
	verifyTimestamp: false,

 * Validate the basic Config values needed for the SDK to function
 * @param {UserConfigurationOptions} params The user-supplied config values
 * @returns {void}
 * @throws {AssertionError}
 * @private
function validateBasicParams(params: UserConfigurationOptions) {
	// Assert that the given params valid, and that required values are present
		typeof params.clientID === 'string',
		'"clientID" must be set via init() before using the SDK.'
		typeof params.clientSecret === 'string',
		'"clientSecret" must be set via init() before using the SDK.'

 * Validate app auth-specific Config values
 * @param {Object} appAuth The user-supplied app auth values
 * @returns {void}
 * @throws {AssertionError}
 * @private
function validateAppAuthParams(appAuth: AppAuthConfig) {
		typeof appAuth.keyID === 'string',
		'Key ID must be provided in app auth params'
		typeof appAuth.privateKey === 'string' ||
			appAuth.privateKey instanceof Buffer,
		'Private key must be provided in app auth params'
		typeof appAuth.passphrase === 'string' && appAuth.passphrase.length > 0,
		'Passphrase must be provided in app auth params'

	var validAlgorithms = ['RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512'];
	if (typeof appAuth.algorithm !== 'undefined') {
			validAlgorithms.indexOf(appAuth.algorithm) > -1,
			`Algorithm in app auth params must be one of: ${validAlgorithms.join(
				', '

	if (typeof appAuth.expirationTime !== 'undefined') {
			Number.isInteger(appAuth.expirationTime) &&
				appAuth.expirationTime > 0 &&
				appAuth.expirationTime <= 60,
			'Valid token expiration time (0 - 60) must be provided in app auth params'

 * Update the agentClass based on the proxy config values passed in by the user
 * @param {UserConfigurationOptions} params The current Config values
 * @returns {void}
 * @private
function updateRequestAgent(
	params: UserConfigurationOptions &
		Required<Pick<UserConfigurationOptions, 'proxy'>>
) {
	if (params.proxy.url) {
		let proxyUrl = params.proxy.url;
		if (params.proxy.username && params.proxy.password) {
			proxyUrl = proxyUrl.replace('://', `://${params.proxy.username}:${params.proxy.password}@`);

		const ProxyAgent = require('proxy-agent').ProxyAgent;
		params.request.agentClass = ProxyAgent;
		params.request.agentOptions = Object.assign({}, 
				getProxyForUrl: (url: string) => proxyUrl

 * Deep freeze an object and all nested objects within it. It doesn't go deep on
 * Buffers and Readable streams so can be used on objects containing requests.
 * @param {Object} obj The object to freeze
 * @returns {Object} The frozen object
function deepFreezeWithRequest(obj: any) {

	Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach(function (name) {
		const prop = obj[name];

		if (
			prop !== null &&
			typeof prop === 'object' &&
			obj.hasOwnProperty(name) &&
			!Object.isFrozen(prop) &&
			!(prop instanceof Buffer) &&
			!(prop instanceof Readable)
		) {

	return obj;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * A Config Object holds the configuration options of the current setup. These are all
 * customizable by the user, and will default if no value is specified in the given params
 * object. The object is frozen on initialization, so that no values can be changed after
 * setup.
 * @param {UserConfigurationOptions} params - The config options set by the user
 * @constructor
class Config {
	_params: Required<UserConfigurationOptions>;
	[key: string]: any;

	constructor(params: UserConfigurationOptions) {
		if (typeof params.appAuth === 'object') {
			params.appAuth = merge({}, appAuthDefaults, params.appAuth);

		// Ensure that we don't accidentally assign over Config methods
			'Config params may not override Config methods'
			'Config params may not override Config methods'

		// Set the given params or default value if params property is missing
		this._params = merge(defaults, params);
		Object.assign(this, this._params);
		// Freeze the object so that configuration options cannot be modified

	 * Extend the current config into a new config with new params overriding old ones
	 * @param {UserConfigurationOptions} params The override options
	 * @returns {Config} The extended configuration
	extend(params: UserConfigurationOptions) {
		var newParams = merge({}, this._params, params);
		delete newParams.extend;
		delete newParams._params;
		return new Config(newParams);

 * @module box-node-sdk/lib/util/config
 * @see {@Link Config}
export = Config;