Source: token-manager.ts

 * @fileoverview Token Manager

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Requirements
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import Promise from 'bluebird';
import httpStatusCodes from 'http-status';
import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
import APIRequestManager from './api-request-manager';
import errors from './util/errors';
import getRetryTimeout from './util/exponential-backoff';

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Typedefs and Callbacks
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

type Config = Record<string, any> /* FIXME */;

 * Token request options. Set by the consumer to add/modify the params sent to the
 * request.
 * @typedef {Object} TokenRequestOptions
 * @property {string} [ip] The IP Address of the requesting user. This IP will be reflected in authentication
 *                         notification emails sent to your users on login. Defaults to the IP address of the
 *                         server requesting the tokens.
type TokenRequestOptions = {
	ip?: string;

 * Parameters for creating a token using a Box shared link via token exchange
 * @typedef {Object} SharedLinkParams
 * @property {string} url Shared link URL
type SharedLinkParams = {
	url: string;

 * Parameters for creating an actor token via token exchange
 * @typedef {Object} ActorParams
 * @property {string} id The external identifier for the actor
 * @property {string} name The display name of the actor
type ActorParams = {
	id: string;
	name: string;

 * An object representing all token information for a single Box user.
 * @typedef {Object} TokenInfo
 * @property {string} accessToken    The API access token. Used to authenticate API requests to a certain
 *                                   user and/or application.
 * @property {int} acquiredAtMS      The time that the tokens were acquired.
 * @property {int} accessTokenTTLMS  The TTL of the access token. Can be used with acquiredAtMS to
 *                                   calculate if the current access token has expired.
 * @property {string} [refreshToken] The API refresh token is a Longer-lasting than an access token, and can
 *                                   be used to gain a new access token if the current access token becomes
 *                                   expired. Grants like the 'client credentials' grant don't return a
 *                                   refresh token, and have no refresh capabilities.
type TokenInfo = {
	accessToken: string;
	acquiredAtMS: number;
	accessTokenTTLMS: number;
	refreshToken?: string;

 *	Determines whether a JWT auth error can be retried
 * @param {Error} err The JWT auth error
 * @returns {boolean} True if the error is retryable
function isJWTAuthErrorRetryable(err: any /* FIXME */) {
	if (
		err.authExpired && &&
		(err.response.body.error_description.indexOf('exp') > -1 ||
			err.response.body.error_description.indexOf('jti') > -1)
	) {
		return true;
	} else if (err.statusCode === 429 || err.statusCode >= 500) {
		return true;
	return false;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Collection of grant types that can be used to acquire tokens via OAuth2
 * @readonly
 * @enum {string}
var grantTypes = {
	AUTHORIZATION_CODE: 'authorization_code',
	REFRESH_TOKEN: 'refresh_token',
	CLIENT_CREDENTIALS: 'client_credentials',
	JWT: 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer',
	TOKEN_EXCHANGE: 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange',

 * Collection of paths to interact with Box OAuth2 tokening system
 * @readonly
 * @enum {string}
enum tokenPaths {
	ROOT = '/oauth2',
	GET = '/token',
	REVOKE = '/revoke',

// Timer used to track elapsed time starting with executing an async request and ending with emitting the response.
var asyncRequestTimer: any /* FIXME */;

// The XFF header label - Used to give the API better information for uploads, rate-limiting, etc.
const HEADER_XFF = 'X-Forwarded-For';
const ACCESS_TOKEN_TYPE = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token';
const ACTOR_TOKEN_TYPE = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token';
const BOX_JWT_AUDIENCE = '';

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Parse the response body to create a new TokenInfo object.
 * @param {Object} grantResponseBody - (Request lib) response body containing granted token info from API
 * @returns {TokenInfo} A TokenInfo object.
 * @private
function getTokensFromGrantResponse(
	grantResponseBody: Record<string, any> /* FIXME */
) {
	return {
		// Set the access token & refresh token (if passed)
		accessToken: grantResponseBody.access_token,
		refreshToken: grantResponseBody.refresh_token,
		// Box API sends back expires_in in seconds, we convert to ms for consistency of keeping all time in ms
		accessTokenTTLMS: parseInt(grantResponseBody.expires_in, 10) * 1000,

 * Determines if a given string could represent an authorization code or token.
 * @param {string} codeOrToken The code or token to check.
 * @returns {boolean} True if codeOrToken is valid, false if not.
 * @private
function isValidCodeOrToken(codeOrToken: string) {
	return typeof codeOrToken === 'string' && codeOrToken.length > 0;

 * Determines if a token grant response is valid
 * @param {string} grantType the type of token grant
 * @param {Object} responseBody the body of the response to check
 * @returns {boolean} True if response body has expected fields, false if not.
 * @private
function isValidTokenResponse(
	grantType: string,
	responseBody: Record<string, any> /* FIXME */
) {
	if (!isValidCodeOrToken(responseBody.access_token)) {
		return false;
	if (typeof responseBody.expires_in !== 'number') {
		return false;
	// Check the refresh_token for certain types of grants
	if (grantType === 'authorization_code' || grantType === 'refresh_token') {
		if (!isValidCodeOrToken(responseBody.refresh_token)) {
			return false;
	return true;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Manager for API access abd refresh tokens
 * @param {Config} config The config object
 * @param {APIRequestManager} requestManager The API Request Manager
 * @constructor
class TokenManager {
	config: Config;
	requestManager: APIRequestManager;
	oauthBaseURL: string;

	constructor(config: Config, requestManager: APIRequestManager) {
		this.config = config;
		this.oauthBaseURL = config.apiRootURL + tokenPaths.ROOT;
		this.requestManager = requestManager;

	 * Given a TokenInfo object, returns whether its access token is expired. An access token is considered
	 * expired once its TTL surpasses the current time outside of the given buffer. This is a public method so
	 * that other modules may check the validity of their tokens.
	 * @param {TokenInfo} tokenInfo the token info to be written
	 * @param {int} [bufferMS] An optional buffer we'd like to test against. The greater this buffer, the more aggressively
	 * we'll call a token invalid.
	 * @returns {boolean} True if token is valid outside of buffer, otherwise false
	isAccessTokenValid(tokenInfo: TokenInfo, bufferMS?: number) {
		if (
			typeof tokenInfo.acquiredAtMS === 'undefined' ||
			typeof tokenInfo.accessTokenTTLMS === 'undefined'
		) {
			return false;
		bufferMS = bufferMS || 0;
		var expireTime =
			tokenInfo.acquiredAtMS + tokenInfo.accessTokenTTLMS - bufferMS;
		return expireTime >;

	 * Acquires OAuth2 tokens using a grant type (authorization_code, password, refresh_token)
	 * @param {Object} formParams - should contain all params expected by Box OAuth2 token endpoint
	 * @param {TokenRequestOptions} [options] - Sets optional behavior for the token grant, null for default behavior
	 * @returns {Promise<TokenInfo>} Promise resolving to the token info
	 * @private
		formParams: Record<string, any>,
		options?: TokenRequestOptions | null
	) {
		var params = {
			method: 'POST',
			url: this.oauthBaseURL + tokenPaths.GET,
			headers: {} as Record<string, any>,
			form: formParams,
		options = options || {};

		// add in app-specific id and secret to auth with Box
		params.form.client_id = this.config.clientID;
		params.form.client_secret = this.config.clientSecret;

		if (options.ip) {
			params.headers[HEADER_XFF] = options.ip;

		return this.requestManager.makeRequest(params).then((
			response: any /* FIXME */
		) => {
			// Response Error: The API is telling us that we attempted an invalid token grant. This
			// means that our refresh token or auth code has exipred, so propagate an "Expired Tokens"
			// error.
			if (
				response.body &&
				response.body.error &&
				response.body.error === 'invalid_grant'
			) {
				var errDescription = response.body.error_description;
				var message = errDescription
					? `Auth Error: ${errDescription}`
					: undefined;
				throw errors.buildAuthError(response, message);

			// Unexpected Response: If the token request couldn't get a valid response, then we're
			// out of options. Build an "Unexpected Response" error and propagate it out for the
			// consumer to handle.
			if (
				response.statusCode !== httpStatusCodes.OK ||
				response.body instanceof Buffer
			) {
				throw errors.buildUnexpectedResponseError(response);

			// Check to see if token response is valid in case the API returns us a 200 with a malformed token
			if (!isValidTokenResponse(formParams.grant_type, response.body)) {
				throw errors.buildResponseError(
					'Token format from response invalid'

			// Got valid token response. Parse out the TokenInfo and propagate it back.
			return getTokensFromGrantResponse(response.body);

	 * Acquires token info using an authorization code
	 * @param {string} authorizationCode - authorization code issued by Box
	 * @param {TokenRequestOptions} [options] - Sets optional behavior for the token grant
	 * @returns {Promise<TokenInfo>} Promise resolving to the token info
		authorizationCode: string,
		options?: TokenRequestOptions
	) {
		if (!isValidCodeOrToken(authorizationCode)) {
			return Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid authorization code.'));

		var params = {
			grant_type: grantTypes.AUTHORIZATION_CODE,
			code: authorizationCode,

		return this.getTokens(params, options);

	 * Acquires token info using the client credentials grant.
	 * @param {TokenRequestOptions} [options] - Sets optional behavior for the token grant
	 * @returns {Promise<TokenInfo>} Promise resolving to the token info
	getTokensClientCredentialsGrant(options?: TokenRequestOptions) {
		var params = {
			grant_type: grantTypes.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS,
			box_subject_type: this.config.boxSubjectType,
			box_subject_id: this.config.boxSubjectId
		return this.getTokens(params, options);

	 * Refreshes the access and refresh tokens for a given refresh token.
	 * @param {string} refreshToken - A valid OAuth refresh token
	 * @param {TokenRequestOptions} [options] - Sets optional behavior for the token grant
	 * @returns {Promise<TokenInfo>} Promise resolving to the token info
	getTokensRefreshGrant(refreshToken: string, options?: TokenRequestOptions) {
		if (!isValidCodeOrToken(refreshToken)) {
			return Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid refresh token.'));

		var params = {
			grant_type: grantTypes.REFRESH_TOKEN,
			refresh_token: refreshToken,

		return this.getTokens(params, options);

	 * Gets tokens for enterprise administration of app users
	 * @param {string} type The type of token to create, "user" or "enterprise"
	 * @param {string} id The ID of the enterprise to generate a token for
	 * @param {TokenRequestOptions} [options] - Sets optional behavior for the token grant
	 * @returns {Promise<TokenInfo>} Promise resolving to the token info
	getTokensJWTGrant(type: string, id: string, options?: TokenRequestOptions) {
		if (!this.config.appAuth || !this.config.appAuth.keyID) {
			return Promise.reject(
				new Error('Must provide app auth configuration to use JWT Grant')

		var claims = {
			exp: Math.floor( / 1000) + this.config.appAuth.expirationTime,
			box_sub_type: type,
		var jwtOptions = {
			algorithm: this.config.appAuth.algorithm,
			audience: BOX_JWT_AUDIENCE,
			subject: id,
			issuer: this.config.clientID,
			jwtid: uuidv4(),
			noTimestamp: !this.config.appAuth.verifyTimestamp,
			keyid: this.config.appAuth.keyID,
		var keyParams = {
			key: this.config.appAuth.privateKey,
			passphrase: this.config.appAuth.passphrase,

		var assertion;
		try {
			assertion = jwt.sign(claims, keyParams, jwtOptions);
		} catch (jwtErr) {
			return Promise.reject(jwtErr);

		var params = {
			grant_type: grantTypes.JWT,
		// Start the request timer immediately before executing the async request
		asyncRequestTimer = process.hrtime();
		return this.getTokens(params, options).catch((err) =>
			this.retryJWTGrant(claims, jwtOptions, keyParams, params, options, err, 0)

	 * Attempt a retry if possible and create a new JTI claim. If the request hasn't exceeded it's maximum number of retries,
	 * re-execute the request (after the retry interval). Otherwise, propagate a new error.
	 * @param {Object} claims - JTI claims object
	 * @param {Object} [jwtOptions] - JWT options for the signature
	 * @param {Object} keyParams - Key JWT parameters object that contains the private key and the passphrase
	 * @param {Object} params - Should contain all params expected by Box OAuth2 token endpoint
	 * @param {TokenRequestOptions} [options] - Sets optional behavior for the token grant
	 * @param {Error} error - Error from the previous JWT request
	 * @param {int} numRetries - Number of retries attempted
	 * @returns {Promise<TokenInfo>} Promise resolving to the token info
	// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
		claims: any /* FIXME */,
		jwtOptions: any /* FIXME */,
		keyParams: any /* FIXME */,
		params: any /* FIXME */,
		options: TokenRequestOptions | undefined,
		error: any /* FIXME */,
		numRetries: number
	): any /* FIXME */ {
		if (
			numRetries < this.config.numMaxRetries &&
		) {
			var retryTimeoutinSeconds;
			numRetries += 1;
			// If the retry strategy is defined, then use it to determine the time (in ms) until the next retry or to
			// propagate an error to the user.
			if (this.config.retryStrategy) {
				// Get the total elapsed time so far since the request was executed
				var totalElapsedTime = process.hrtime(asyncRequestTimer);
				var totalElapsedTimeMS =
					totalElapsedTime[0] * 1000 + totalElapsedTime[1] / 1000000;
				var retryOptions = {
					numRetryAttempts: numRetries,
					numMaxRetries: this.config.numMaxRetries,
					retryIntervalMS: this.config.retryIntervalMS,

				retryTimeoutinSeconds = this.config.retryStrategy(retryOptions);

				// If the retry strategy doesn't return a number/time in ms, then propagate the response error to the user.
				// However, if the retry strategy returns its own error, this will be propagated to the user instead.
				if (typeof retryTimeoutinSeconds !== 'number') {
					if (retryTimeoutinSeconds instanceof Error) {
						error = retryTimeoutinSeconds;
					throw error;
			} else if (
				error.hasOwnProperty('response') &&
				error.response.hasOwnProperty('headers') &&
			) {
				retryTimeoutinSeconds = error.response.headers['retry-after'];
			} else {
				retryTimeoutinSeconds = Math.ceil(getRetryTimeout(numRetries, this.config.retryIntervalMS) / 1000);

			var time = Math.floor( / 1000);
			if ( {
				time = Math.floor(Date.parse( / 1000);
			// Add length of retry timeout to current expiration time to calculate the expiration time for the JTI claim.
			claims.exp = Math.ceil(time + this.config.appAuth.expirationTime + retryTimeoutinSeconds);
			jwtOptions.jwtid = uuidv4();

			try {
				params.assertion = jwt.sign(claims, keyParams, jwtOptions);
			} catch (jwtErr) {
				throw jwtErr;

			return Promise.delay(retryTimeoutinSeconds).then(() => {
				// Start the request timer immediately before executing the async request
				asyncRequestTimer = process.hrtime();
				return this.getTokens(params, options).catch((err) =>
		} else if (numRetries >= this.config.numMaxRetries) {
			error.maxRetriesExceeded = true;

		throw error;

	 * Exchange a valid access token for one with a lower scope, or delegated to
	 * an external user identifier.
	 * @param {string} accessToken - The valid access token to exchange
	 * @param {string|string[]} scopes - The scope(s) of the new access token
	 * @param {string} [resource] - The absolute URL of an API resource to restrict the new token to
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Optional parameters
	 * @param {TokenRequestOptions} [options.tokenRequestOptions] - Sets optional behavior for the token grant
	 * @param {ActorParams} [] - Optional actor parameters for creating annotator tokens
	 * @param {SharedLinkParams} [options.sharedLink] - Optional shared link parameters for creating tokens using shared links
	 * @returns {Promise<TokenInfo>} Promise resolving to the new token info
		accessToken: string,
		scopes: string | string[],
		resource?: string,
		options?: {
			tokenRequestOptions?: TokenRequestOptions;
			actor?: ActorParams;
			sharedLink?: SharedLinkParams;
	) {
		var params: {
			grant_type: string;
			subject_token_type: string;
			subject_token: string;
			scope: string;
			resource?: string;
			box_shared_link?: string;
			actor_token?: string;
			actor_token_type?: string;
		} = {
			grant_type: grantTypes.TOKEN_EXCHANGE,
			subject_token_type: ACCESS_TOKEN_TYPE,
			subject_token: accessToken,
			scope: typeof scopes === 'string' ? scopes : scopes.join(' '),

		if (resource) {
			params.resource = resource;

		if (options && options.sharedLink) {
			params.box_shared_link = options.sharedLink.url;

		if (options && {
			var payload = {
				iss: this.config.clientID,
				box_sub_type: 'external',

			var jwtOptions = {
				algorithm: 'none',
				expiresIn: '1m',
				noTimestamp: true,
				jwtid: uuidv4(),

			var token;
			try {
				token = jwt.sign(payload, 'UNUSED', jwtOptions as any /* FIXME */);
			} catch (jwtError) {
				return Promise.reject(jwtError);

			params.actor_token = token;
			params.actor_token_type = ACTOR_TOKEN_TYPE;

		return this.getTokens(
			options && options.tokenRequestOptions
				? options.tokenRequestOptions
				: null

	 * Revokes a token pair associated with a given access or refresh token.
	 * @param {string} token - A valid access or refresh token to revoke
	 * @param {TokenRequestOptions} [options] - Sets optional behavior for the token grant
	 * @returns {Promise} Promise resolving if the revoke succeeds
	revokeTokens(token: string, options?: TokenRequestOptions) {
		var params: {
			method: string;
			url: string;
			form: Record<string, string>;
			headers?: Record<string, string>;
		} = {
			method: 'POST',
			url: this.oauthBaseURL + tokenPaths.REVOKE,
			form: {
				client_id: this.config.clientID,
				client_secret: this.config.clientSecret,

		if (options && options.ip) {
			params.headers = {};
			params.headers[HEADER_XFF] = options.ip;

		return this.requestManager.makeRequest(params);

 * Provides interactions with Box OAuth2 tokening system.
 * @module box-node-sdk/lib/token-manager
export = TokenManager;