Source: managers/sign-requests.generated.ts

import BoxClient from '../box-client';
import urlPath from '../util/url-path';
import * as schemas from '../schemas';
 * Simple manager for interacting with all Sign Requests endpoints and actions.
class SignRequestsManager {
	client: BoxClient;
	 * @param {BoxClient} client The Box API Client that is responsible for making calls to the API
	constructor(client: BoxClient) {
		this.client = client;
	 * Get Box Sign request by ID
	 * Gets a sign request by ID.
	 * @param {object} options Options for the request
	 * @param {string} options.sign_request_id The ID of the signature request
	 * @param {Function} [callback] Passed the result if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<schemas.SignRequest>} A promise resolving to the result or rejecting with an error
		options: {
			 * The ID of the signature request
			readonly sign_request_id: string;
		callback?: Function
	): Promise<schemas.SignRequest> {
		const { sign_request_id: signRequestId, ...queryParams } = options,
			apiPath = urlPath('sign_requests', signRequestId),
			params = {
				qs: queryParams,
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(
	 * List Box Sign requests
	 * Gets signature requests created by a user. If the `sign_files` and/or
	 * `parent_folder` are deleted, the signature request will not return in the list.
	 * @param {object} [options] Options for the request
	 * @param {string} [options.marker] Defines the position marker at which to begin returning results. This is used when paginating using marker-based pagination. This requires `usemarker` to be set to `true`.
	 * @param {number} [options.limit] The maximum number of items to return per page.
	 * @param {Function} [callback] Passed the result if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<schemas.SignRequests>} A promise resolving to the result or rejecting with an error
		options?: {
			 * Defines the position marker at which to begin returning results. This is
			 * used when paginating using marker-based pagination.
			 * This requires `usemarker` to be set to `true`.
			readonly marker?: string;
			 * The maximum number of items to return per page.
			readonly limit?: number;
		callback?: Function
	): Promise<schemas.SignRequests> {
		const { ...queryParams } = options,
			apiPath = urlPath('sign_requests'),
			params = {
				qs: queryParams,
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(
	 * Create Box Sign request
	 * Creates a signature request. This involves preparing a document for signing and
	 * sending the signature request to signers.
	 * @param {schemas.SignRequestCreateRequest} body
	 * @param {object} [options] Options for the request
	 * @param {Function} [callback] Passed the result if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<schemas.SignRequest>} A promise resolving to the result or rejecting with an error
		body: schemas.SignRequestCreateRequest,
		options?: {},
		callback?: Function
	): Promise<schemas.SignRequest> {
		const { ...queryParams } = options,
			apiPath = urlPath('sign_requests'),
			params = {
				qs: queryParams,
				body: body,
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(
	 * Cancel Box Sign request
	 * Cancels a sign request.
	 * @param {object} options Options for the request
	 * @param {string} options.sign_request_id The ID of the signature request
	 * @param {Function} [callback] Passed the result if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<schemas.SignRequest>} A promise resolving to the result or rejecting with an error
		options: {
			 * The ID of the signature request
			readonly sign_request_id: string;
		callback?: Function
	): Promise<schemas.SignRequest> {
		const { sign_request_id: signRequestId, ...queryParams } = options,
			apiPath = urlPath('sign_requests', signRequestId, 'cancel'),
			params = {
				qs: queryParams,
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(
	 * Resend Box Sign request
	 * Resends a signature request email to all outstanding signers.
	 * @param {object} options Options for the request
	 * @param {string} options.sign_request_id The ID of the signature request
	 * @param {Function} [callback] Passed the result if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise resolving to the result or rejecting with an error
		options: {
			 * The ID of the signature request
			readonly sign_request_id: string;
		callback?: Function
	): Promise<void> {
		const { sign_request_id: signRequestId, ...queryParams } = options,
			apiPath = urlPath('sign_requests', signRequestId, 'resend'),
			params = {
				qs: queryParams,
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(
export = SignRequestsManager;