Source: managers/retention-policies.ts

 * @fileoverview Manager for the Retention Policies Resource

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Requirements
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import BoxClient from '../box-client';
import urlPath from '../util/url-path';
import {UserMini} from "../schemas";

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Typedefs
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Enum of valid retention policy types, which specify how long the policy should
 * remain in effect.
 * @readonly
 * @enum {RetentionPolicyType}
enum RetentionPolicyType {
	FINITE = 'finite',
	INDEFINITE = 'indefinite',

 * Enum of valid retention types.
 * @readonly
 * @enum {RetentionType}
enum RetentionType {
	 * You can modify the retention policy. For example, you can add or remove folders,
	 * shorten or lengthen the policy duration, or delete the assignment.
	 * Use this type if your retention policy is not related to any regulatory purposes.
	MODIFIABLE = 'modifiable',
	 * You can modify the retention policy only in a limited way: add a folder, lengthen the duration,
	 * retire the policy, change the disposition action or notification settings.
	 * You cannot perform other actions, such as deleting the assignment or shortening the policy duration.
	 * Use this type to ensure compliance with regulatory retention policies.
	NON_MODIFIABLE = 'non_modifiable',

 * Enum of valid retention policy disposition actions, which specify what should
 * be done when the retention period is over
 * @readonly
 * @enum {RetentionPolicyDispositionAction}
enum RetentionPolicyDispositionAction {
	PERMANENTLY_DELETE = 'permanently_delete',
	REMOVE_RETENTION = 'remove_retention',

 * Enum of valid policy assignment types, which specify what object the policy applies to
 * @readonly
 * @enum {RetentionPolicyAssignmentType}
enum RetentionPolicyAssignmentType {
	FOLDER = 'folder',
	ENTERPRISE = 'enterprise',
	METADATA = 'metadata_template',

 * Metadata template fields to filter on for assigning a retention policy
 * @typedef {Object} MetadataFilterField
 * @property {string} field The field to filter on
 * @property {string|int} value The value to filter against
type MetadataFilterField = {
	field: string;
	value: string | number;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

const BASE_PATH = '/retention_policies',
	ASSIGNMENTS_PATH = '/retention_policy_assignments',
	FILE_VERSION_RETENTIONS_PATH = '/file_version_retentions',
	FILES_UNDER_RETENTION_SUBRESOURCE = 'files_under_retention',
	FILES_VERSIONS_UNDER_RETENTION_SUBRESOURCE = 'file_versions_under_retention';

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Simple manager for interacting with all Retention Policies endpoints and actions.
 * @constructor
 * @param {BoxClient} client - The Box API Client that is responsible for making calls to the API
 * @returns {void}
class RetentionPolicies {
	client: BoxClient;

	policyTypes!: typeof RetentionPolicyType;
	dispositionActions!: typeof RetentionPolicyDispositionAction;
	assignmentTypes!: typeof RetentionPolicyAssignmentType;
	retentionTypes!: typeof RetentionType;

	constructor(client: BoxClient) {
		this.client = client;

	 * Used to create a single retention policy for an enterprise
	 * API Endpoint: '/retention_policies'
	 * Method: POST
	 * @param {string} name - The name of the retention policy to be created
	 * @param {RetentionPolicyType} type - The type of policy to create
	 * @param {RetentionPolicyDispositionAction} action - The disposition action for the new policy
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Additional parameters
	 * @param {boolean} [options.are_owners_notified] - Whether or not owner and co-owners of a file are notified when the policy nears expiration
	 * @param {boolean} [options.can_owner_extend_retention] - Whether or not the owner of a file will be allowed to extend the retention
	 * @param {UserMini[]} [options.custom_notification_recipients] - A list of users notified when the retention policy duration is about to end
	 * @param {string} [options.description] - The additional text description of the retention policy
	 * @param {int} [options.retention_length] - For finite policies, the number of days to retain the content
	 * @param {RetentionType} [options.retention_type] - The type of retention for the new policy
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the new policy information if it was acquired successfully, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the new policy object
		name: string,
		type: RetentionPolicyType,
		action: RetentionPolicyDispositionAction,
		options?: {
			are_owners_notified? : boolean;
			can_owner_extend_retention?: boolean;
			custom_notification_recipients?: UserMini[];
			description?: string;
			retention_length?: number;
			retention_type?: RetentionType;
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH),
			params = {
				body: {
					policy_name: name,
					policy_type: type,
					disposition_action: action,

		Object.assign(params.body, options);

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(

	 * Fetches details about a specific retention policy
	 * API Endpoint: '/retention_policies/:policyID'
	 * Method: GET
	 * @param {string} policyID - The Box ID of the retention policy being requested
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the request. Can be left null in most cases.
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the policy information if it was acquired successfully, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the policy object
	get(policyID: string, options?: Record<string, any>, callback?: Function) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, policyID),
			params = {
				qs: options,

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(

	 * Update or modify a retention policy.
	 * API Endpoint: '/retention_policies/:policyID'
	 * Method: PUT
	 * @param {string} policyID - The Box ID of the retention policy to update
	 * @param {Object} updates - The information to be updated
	 * @param {string} [updates.policy_name] - The name of the retention policy
	 * @param {RetentionPolicyDispositionAction} [updates.disposition_action] - The disposition action for the updated policy
	 * @param {boolean} [updates.are_owners_notified] - Whether or not owner and co-owners of a file are notified when the policy nears expiration
	 * @param {boolean} [updates.can_owner_extend_retention] - Whether or not the owner of a file will be allowed to extend the retention
	 * @param {UserMini[]} [updates.custom_notification_recipients] - A list of users notified when the retention policy duration is about to end
	 * @param {string} [updates.description] - The additional text description of the retention policy
	 * @param {int} [updates.retention_length] - For finite policies, the number of days to retain the content
	 * @param {RetentionType} [updates.retention_type] - The type of retention. The only possible value here is non_modifiable. You can convert a modifiable policy to non_modifiable, but not the other way around.
	 * @param {string} [updates.status] - Used to retire a retention policy if status is set to retired
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the updated policy information if it was acquired successfully, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the updated policy object
		policyID: string,
		updates: {
			policy_name?: string;
			disposition_action?: RetentionPolicyDispositionAction;
			are_owners_notified? : boolean;
			can_owner_extend_retention?: boolean;
			custom_notification_recipients?: UserMini[];
			description?: string;
			retention_length?: number;
			retention_type?: RetentionType;
			status?: string;
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, policyID),
			params = {
				body: updates,

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.put)(

	 * Fetches a list of retention policies for the enterprise
	 * API Endpoint: '/retention_policies
	 * Method: GET
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the request. Can be left null in most cases.
	 * @param {string} [options.policy_name] - A full or partial name to filter the retention policies by
	 * @param {RetentionPolicyType} [options.policy_type] - A policy type to filter the retention policies by
	 * @param {string} [options.created_by_user_id] - A user id to filter the retention policies by
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the policy objects if they were acquired successfully, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the collection of policies
		options?: {
			policy_name?: string;
			policy_type?: RetentionPolicyType;
			created_by_user_id?: string;
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH),
			params = {
				qs: options,

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(

	 * Fetch a list of assignments for a given retention policy
	 * API Endpoint: '/retention_policies/:policyID/assignments'
	 * Method: GET
	 * @param {string} policyID - The Box ID of the retention policy to get assignments for
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the request. Can be left null in most cases.
	 * @param {RetentionPolicyAssignmentType} [options.type] - The type of the retention policy assignment to retrieve
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the assignment objects if they were acquired successfully, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the collection of policy assignments
		policyID: string,
		options?: {
			type?: RetentionPolicyAssignmentType;
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, policyID, ASSIGNMENTS_SUBRESOURCE),
			params = {
				qs: options,

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(

	 * Assign a retention policy to a folder or the entire enterprise.
	 * API Endpoint: '/retention_policy_assignments
	 * Method: POST
	 * @param {string} policyID - The ID of the policy to assign
	 * @param {RetentionPolicyAssignmentType} assignType - The type of object the policy will be assigned to
	 * @param {string} assignID - The Box ID of the object to assign the retention policy to
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Optional parameters for the request
	 * @param {MetadataFilterField[]} [options.filter_fields] - Metadata fields to filter against, if assigning to a metadata template
	 * @param {string} [options.start_date_field] - Id of Metadata field which will be used to specify the start date for the retention policy, or set this to "upload_date" as value to use the date when the file was uploaded to Box
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the new assignment object if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the created assignment object
		policyID: string,
		assignType: RetentionPolicyAssignmentType,
		assignID: string,
			| {
					filter_fields?: MetadataFilterField[];
					start_date_field?: string;
			| Function
			| null,
		callback?: Function
	) {
		// Shuffle optional arguments
		if (typeof options === 'function') {
			callback = options;
			options = null;

		var apiPath = urlPath(ASSIGNMENTS_PATH),
			params = {
				body: {
					policy_id: policyID,
					assign_to: {
						type: assignType,
						id: assignID,

		Object.assign(params.body, options);

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(

	 * Fetch a specific policy assignment
	 * API Endpoint: '/retention_policy_assignments/:assignmentID'
	 * Method: GET
	 * @param {string} assignmentID - The Box ID of the policy assignment object to fetch
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the request. Can be left null in most cases.
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the assignment object if it was acquired successfully, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the assignment object
		assignmentID: string,
		options?: Record<string, any>,
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(ASSIGNMENTS_PATH, assignmentID),
			params = {
				qs: options,

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(

	 * Delete a specific policy assignment.
	 * API Endpoint: '/retention_policy_assignments/:assignmentID'
	 * Method: DELETE
	 * @param {string} assignmentID - The Box ID of the policy assignment object to delete
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Empty response body passed if successful.
	 * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise resolving to nothing
	deleteAssignment(assignmentID: string, callback?: Function) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(ASSIGNMENTS_PATH, assignmentID)

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.del)(

	 * Get the specific retention record for a retained file version. To use this feature,
	 * you must have the manage retention policies scope enabled for your API key
	 * via your application management console.
	 * API Endpoint: '/file_version_retentions/:retentionID'
	 * Method: GET
	 * @param {string} retentionID - The ID for the file retention record to retrieve
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the request. Can be left null in most cases.
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Pass the file version retention record if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the retention record
		retentionID: string,
		options?: Record<string, any>,
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(FILE_VERSION_RETENTIONS_PATH, retentionID),
			params = {
				qs: options,

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(

	 * Get a list of retention records for a retained file versions in an enterprise.
	 * To use this feature, you must have the manage retention policies scope enabled
	 * for your API key via your application management console.
	 * API Endpoint: '/file_version_retentions'
	 * Method: GET
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the request. Can be left null in most cases.
	 * @param {string} [options.file_id] - A file id to filter the file version retentions by
	 * @param {string} [options.file_version_id] - A file version id to filter the file version retentions by
	 * @param {string} [options.policy_id] - A policy id to filter the file version retentions by
	 * @param {RetentionPolicyDispositionAction} [options.disposition_action] - The disposition action of the retention policy to filter by
	 * @param {string} [options.disposition_before] - Filter by retention policies which will complete before a certain time
	 * @param {string} [options.disposition_after] - Filter by retention policies which will complete after a certain time
	 * @param {int} [options.limit] - The maximum number of items to return in a page
	 * @param {string} [options.marker] - Paging marker, left blank to begin paging from the beginning
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Pass the file version retention record if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the collection of retention records
		options?: {
			file_id?: string;
			file_version_id?: string;
			policy_id?: string;
			disposition_action?: RetentionPolicyDispositionAction;
			disposition_before?: string;
			disposition_after?: string;
			limit?: number;
			marker?: string;
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(FILE_VERSION_RETENTIONS_PATH),
			params = {
				qs: options,

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(

	 * Get files under retention by each assignment
	 * To use this feature, you must have the manage retention policies scope enabled
	 * for your API key via your application management console.
	 * API Endpoint: '/retention_policy_assignments/:assignmentID/files_under_retention'
	 * Method: GET
	 * @param {string} assignmentID - The Box ID of the policy assignment object to fetch
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the request. Can be left null in most cases.
	 * @param {int} [options.limit] - The maximum number of items to return in a page
	 * @param {string} [options.marker] - Paging marker, left blank to begin paging from the beginning
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Pass the file version retention record if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the collection of retention records
		assignmentID: string,
		options?: {
			limit?: number;
			marker?: string;
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(
			params = {
				qs: options,

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(

	 * Get file versions under retention by each assignment
	 * To use this feature, you must have the manage retention policies scope enabled
	 * for your API key via your application management console.
	 * API Endpoint: '/retention_policy_assignments/:assignmentID/file_versions_under_retention'
	 * Method: GET
	 * @param {string} assignmentID - The Box ID of the policy assignment object to fetch
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the request. Can be left null in most cases.
	 * @param {int} [options.limit] - The maximum number of items to return in a page
	 * @param {string} [options.marker] - Paging marker, left blank to begin paging from the beginning
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Pass the file version retention record if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the collection of retention records
		assignmentID: string,
		options?: {
			limit?: number;
			market?: string;
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(
			params = {
				qs: options,

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(

 * Enum of valid retention policy types, which specify how long the policy should
 * remain in effect.
 * @readonly
 * @enum {RetentionPolicyType}
RetentionPolicies.prototype.policyTypes = RetentionPolicyType;

 * Enum of valid retention policy disposition actions, which specify what should
 * be done when the retention period is over
 * @readonly
 * @enum {RetentionPolicyDispositionAction}
RetentionPolicies.prototype.dispositionActions =

 * Enum of valid policy assignment types, which specify what object the policy applies to
 * @readonly
 * @enum {RetentionPolicyAssignmentType}
RetentionPolicies.prototype.assignmentTypes = RetentionPolicyAssignmentType;

 * Enum of valid retention types. Could be either modifiable or non-modifiable.
 * @readonly
 * @enum {RetentionType}
RetentionPolicies.prototype.retentionTypes = RetentionType;

export = RetentionPolicies;