Source: managers/folders.ts

 * @fileoverview Manager for the Box Folders Resource

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Requirements
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import BoxClient from '../box-client';
import urlPath from '../util/url-path';
import errors from '../util/errors';
import {Collaborations} from "../schemas";

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Typedefs
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
type FolderSharedLinkAccess = 'open' | 'company' | 'collaborators' | null;

type FolderSharedLinkPermissions = {
	 * If the shared link allows only to view folders. This can only be set when access is set to open or company.
	can_view?: true,
	 * If the shared link allows only to download folders. This can only be set when access is set to open or company.
	can_download?: boolean

type FolderSharedLink = {
	 * The level of access for the shared link. This can be restricted to anyone with the link (open),
	 * only people within the company (company) and only those who have been invited to the file (collaborators).
	 * If not set, this field defaults to the access level specified by the enterprise admin.
	 * To create a shared link with this default setting pass the shared_link object with no access field.
	 * To remove access and change its value to default one pass the shared_link object with null value access field.
	access?: FolderSharedLinkAccess,
	 * The password required to access the shared link. Set the password to null to remove it.
	 * A password can only be set when access is set to open.
	password?: string | null,
	 * The timestamp at which this shared link will expire. This field can only be set by users with paid accounts.
	 * The value must be greater than the current date and time.
	 * Example value: '2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00'
	unshared_at?: string | null,
	 * Defines a custom vanity name to use in the shared link URL, for example vanity_name: "my-shared-link" will
	 * produce a shared link of "".
	 * Custom URLs should not be used when sharing sensitive content as vanity URLs are a lot easier to guess
	 * than regular shared links.
	vanity_name?: string | null,
	 * Defines what actions are allowed on a shared link.
	permissions?: FolderSharedLinkPermissions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

const BASE_PATH = '/folders',
	FOLDER_LOCK = '/folder_locks',

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Simple manager for interacting with all 'Folder' endpoints and actions.
 * @constructor
 * @param {BoxClient} client - The Box API Client that is responsible for making calls to the API
 * @returns {void}
class Folders {
	client: BoxClient;

	constructor(client: BoxClient) {
		this.client = client;

	 * Requests a folder object with the given ID.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID'
	 * Method: GET
	 * @param {string} folderID - Box ID of the folder being requested
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the request. Can be left null in most cases.
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the folder information if it was acquired successfully
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the folder object
	get(folderID: string, options?: Record<string, any>, callback?: Function) {
		var params = {
			qs: options,
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID);
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(

	 * Requests items contained within a given folder.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID/items'
	 * Method: GET
	 * @param {string} folderID - Box ID of the folder being requested
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the request. Can be left null in most cases.
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the folder information if it was acquired successfully
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the collection of the items in the folder
		folderID: string,
		options?: Record<string, any>,
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var params = {
			qs: options,
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID, '/items');
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(

	 * Requests collaborations on a given folder.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID/collaborations'
	 * Method: GET
	 * @param {string} folderID - Box ID of the folder being requested
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the request. Can be left null in most cases.
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the folder information if it was acquired successfully
	 * @returns {Promise<schemas.Collaborations>} A promise resolving to the collection of collaborations
		folderID: string,
		options?: Record<string, any>,
		callback?: Function
	): Promise<Collaborations> {
		var params = {
			qs: options,
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID, '/collaborations');
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(

	 * Creates a new Folder within a parent folder
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders
	 * Method: POST
	 * @param {string} parentFolderID - Box folder id of the folder to add into
	 * @param {string} name - The name for the new folder
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - passed the new folder info if call was successful
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the created folder object
	create(parentFolderID: string, name: string, callback?: Function) {
		var params = {
			body: {
				parent: {
					id: parentFolderID,
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(

	 * Copy a folder into a new, different folder
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID/copy
	 * Method: POST
	 * @param {string} folderID - The Box ID of the folder being requested
	 * @param {string} newParentID - The Box ID for the new parent folder. '0' to copy to All Files.
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Optional parameters for the copy operation, can be left null in most cases
	 * @param {string} [] - A new name to use if there is an identically-named item in the new parent folder
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - passed the new folder info if call was successful
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the new folder object
		folderID: string,
		newParentID: string,
			| {
					[key: string]: any;
					name?: string;
			| Function,
		callback?: Function
	) {
		// @NOTE(mwiller) 2016-10-25: Shuffle arguments to maintain backward compatibility
		//  This can be removed at the v2.0 update
		if (typeof options === 'function') {
			callback = options;
			options = {};

		options = options || {};

		options.parent = {
			id: newParentID,

		var params = {
			body: options,
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID, '/copy');
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(

	 * Update some information about a given folder.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID'
	 * Method: PUT
	 * @param {string} folderID - The Box ID of the folder being requested
	 * @param {Object} updates - Folder fields to update
	 * @param {string} [updates.etag] Only update the folder if the ETag matches
	 * @param {string} [updates.fields] Comma-separated list of fields to return
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the updated folder information if it was acquired successfully
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the updated folder object
		folderID: string,
		updates: {
			[key: string]: any;
			etag?: string;
			shared_link?: FolderSharedLink;
			fields?: string;
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var params: Record<string, any> = {
			body: updates,

		if (updates && updates.etag) {
			params.headers = {
				'If-Match': updates.etag,
			delete updates.etag;

		if (updates && updates.fields) {
			params.qs = {
				fields: updates.fields,
			delete updates.fields;

		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID);
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.put)(

	 * Add a folder to a given collection
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID'
	 * Method: PUT
	 * @param {string} folderID - The folder to add to the collection
	 * @param {string} collectionID - The collection to add the folder to
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the updated folder if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the updated folder object
	addToCollection(folderID: string, collectionID: string, callback?: Function) {
		return this.get(folderID, { fields: 'collections' })
			.then((data: any /* FIXME */) => {
				var collections = data.collections || [];

				// Convert to correct format
				collections = any /* FIXME */) => ({ id: }));

				if (!collections.find((c: any /* FIXME */) => === collectionID)) {
					collections.push({ id: collectionID });

				return this.update(folderID, { collections });

	 * Remove a folder from a given collection
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID'
	 * Method: PUT
	 * @param {string} folderID - The folder to remove from the collection
	 * @param {string} collectionID - The collection to remove the folder from
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the updated folder if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the updated folder object
		folderID: string,
		collectionID: string,
		callback?: Function
	) {
		return this.get(folderID, { fields: 'collections' })
			.then((data: any /* FIXME */) => {
				var collections = data.collections || [];
				// Convert to correct object format and remove the specified collection
				collections = collections
					.map((c: any /* FIXME */) => ({ id: }))
					.filter((c: any /* FIXME */) => !== collectionID);

				return this.update(folderID, { collections });

	 * Move a folder into a new parent folder.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID'
	 * Method: PUT
	 * @param {string} folderID - The Box ID of the folder being requested
	 * @param {string} newParentID - The Box ID for the new parent folder. '0' to move to All Files.
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the updated folder information if it was acquired successfully
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the updated folder object
	move(folderID: string, newParentID: string, callback?: Function) {
		var params = {
			body: {
				parent: {
					id: newParentID,
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID);
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.put)(

	 * Delete a given folder.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID'
	 * Method: DELETE
	 * @param {string} folderID - Box ID of the folder being requested
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the request. Can be left null in most cases.
	 * @param {string} [options.etag] Only delete the folder if the ETag matches
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Empty response body passed if successful.
	 * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise resolving to nothing
		folderID: string,
		options?: {
			[key: string]: any;
			etag?: string;
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var params: Record<string, any> = {
			qs: options,

		if (options && options.etag) {
			params.headers = {
				'If-Match': options.etag,
			delete options.etag;

		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID);
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.del)(

	 * Retrieves all metadata associated with a folder.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID/metadata'
	 * Method: GET
	 * @param {string} folderID - the ID of the folder to get metadata for
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - called with an array of metadata when successful
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the collection of metadata on the folder
	getAllMetadata(folderID: string, callback?: Function) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID, 'metadata');
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(

	 * Retrieve a single metadata template instance for a folder.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID/metadata/:scope/:template'
	 * Method: GET
	 * @param {string} folderID - The ID of the folder to retrive the metadata of
	 * @param {string} scope - The scope of the metadata template, e.g. "global"
	 * @param {string} template - The metadata template to retrieve
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the metadata template if successful
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the metadata template
		folderID: string,
		scope: string,
		template: string,
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID, 'metadata', scope, template);
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(

	 * Adds metadata to a folder.  Metadata must either match a template schema or
	 * be placed into the unstructured "properties" template in global scope.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID/metadata/:scope/:template'
	 * Method: POST
	 * @param {string} folderID - The ID of the folder to add metadata to
	 * @param {string} scope - The scope of the metadata template, e.g. "enterprise"
	 * @param {string} template - The metadata template schema to add
	 * @param {Object} data - Key/value pairs to add as metadata
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Called with error if unsuccessful
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the created metadata
		folderID: string,
		scope: string,
		template: string,
		data: Record<string, any>,
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID, 'metadata', scope, template),
			params = {
				body: data,

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(

	 * Updates a metadata template instance with JSON Patch-formatted data.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID/metadata/:scope/:template'
	 * Method: PUT
	 * @param {string} folderID - The folder to update metadata for
	 * @param {string} scope - The scope of the template to update
	 * @param {string} template - The template to update
	 * @param {Object} patch - The patch data
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Called with updated metadata if successful
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the updated metadata
		folderID: string,
		scope: string,
		template: string,
		patch: Record<string, any>,
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID, 'metadata', scope, template),
			params = {
				body: patch,
				headers: {
					'Content-Type': 'application/json-patch+json',

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.put)(

	 * Sets metadata on a folder, overwriting any metadata that exists for the provided keys.
	 * @param {string} folderID - The folder to set metadata on
	 * @param {string} scope - The scope of the metadata template
	 * @param {string} template - The key of the metadata template
	 * @param {Object} metadata - The metadata to set
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Called with updated metadata if successful
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the updated metadata
		folderID: string,
		scope: string,
		template: string,
		metadata: Record<string, any>,
		callback?: Function
	) {
		return this.addMetadata(folderID, scope, template, metadata)
			.catch((err: any /* FIXME */) => {
				if (err.statusCode !== 409) {
					throw err;

				// Metadata already exists on the file; update instead
				var updates = Object.keys(metadata).map((key) => ({
					op: 'add',
					path: `/${key}`,
					value: metadata[key],

				return this.updateMetadata(folderID, scope, template, updates);

	 * Deletes a metadata template from a folder.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID/metadata/:scope/:template'
	 * Method: DELETE
	 * @param {string} folderID - The ID of the folder to remove metadata from
	 * @param {string} scope - The scope of the metadata template
	 * @param {string} template - The template to remove from the folder
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Called with nothing if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise resolving to nothing
		folderID: string,
		scope: string,
		template: string,
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID, 'metadata', scope, template);
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.del)(

	 * Retrieves a folder that has been moved to the trash
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID/trash'
	 * Method: GET
	 * @param  {string} folderID  - The ID of the folder being requested
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the request. Can be left null in most cases.
	 * @param  {Function} [callback]  - Passed the folder information if it was acquired successfully
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the trashed folder object
		folderID: string,
		options?: Record<string, any>,
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var params = {
			qs: options,

		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID, 'trash');
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(

	 * Restores an item that has been moved to the trash. Default behavior is to restore the item
	 * to the folder it was in before it was moved to the trash. If that parent folder no longer
	 * exists or if there is now an item with the same name in that parent folder, the new parent
	 * older and/or new name will need to be included in the request.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID'
	 * Method: POST
	 * @param {string} folderID - The ID of the folder to restore
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Optional parameters, can be left null
	 * @param {?string} [] - The new name for this item
	 * @param {string} [options.parent_id] - The new parent folder for this item
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Called with folder information if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the restored folder object
		folderID: string,
		options?: {
			[key: string]: any;
			name?: string;
			parent_id?: string;
		callback?: Function
	) {
		// Set up the parent_id parameter
		if (options && options.parent_id) {
			options.parent = {
				id: options.parent_id,

			delete options.parent_id;

		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID),
			params = {
				body: options || {},

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(

	 * Permanently deletes an folder that is in the trash. The item will no longer exist in Box. This action cannot be undone
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID/trash'
	 * Method: DELETE
	 * @param  {string} folderID Box ID of the folder being requested
	 * @param {Object} [options] Optional parameters
	 * @param {string} [options.etag] Only delete the folder if the ETag matches
	 * @param  {Function} [callback] Called with nothing if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise resolving to nothing
		folderID: string,
		options?: {
			[key: string]: any;
			etag?: string;
		callback?: Function
	) {
		// Switch around arguments if necessary for backwards compatibility
		if (typeof options === 'function') {
			callback = options;
			options = {};

		var params: Record<string, any> = {};

		if (options && options.etag) {
			params.headers = {
				'If-Match': options.etag,

		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID, '/trash');
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.del)(

	 * Used to retrieve the watermark for a corresponding Box folder.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID/watermark'
	 * Method: GET
	 * @param {string} folderID - The Box ID of the folder to get watermark for
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the request. Can be left null in most cases.
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the watermark information if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the watermark info
		folderID: string,
		options?: Record<string, any>,
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID, WATERMARK_SUBRESOURCE),
			params = {
				qs: options,

		return this.client
			.get(apiPath, params)
			.then((response: any /* FIXME */) => {
				if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
					throw errors.buildUnexpectedResponseError(response);

				return response.body.watermark;

	 * Used to apply or update the watermark for a corresponding Box folder.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID/watermark'
	 * Method: PUT
	 * @param {string} folderID - The Box ID of the folder to update watermark for
	 * @param {Object} [options] - Optional parameters, can be left null
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the watermark information if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<Object>} A promise resolving to the watermark info
		folderID: string,
		options?: Record<string, any>,
		callback?: Function
	) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID, WATERMARK_SUBRESOURCE),
			params = {
				body: {
					watermark: {
						imprint: 'default', // Currently the API only supports default imprint

		Object.assign(params.body.watermark, options);

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.put)(

	 * Used to remove the watermark for a corresponding Box folder.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folders/:folderID/watermark'
	 * Method: DELETE
	 * @param {string} folderID - The Box ID of the folder to remove watermark from
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Empty response body passed if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise resolving to nothing
	removeWatermark(folderID: string, callback?: Function) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(BASE_PATH, folderID, WATERMARK_SUBRESOURCE);

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.del)(

	 * Used to lock a Box folder.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folder_locks'
	 * Method: POST
	 * @param {string} folderID - The Box ID of the folder to lock
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed the folder lock object if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise resolving to a folder lock object
	lock(folderID: string, callback?: Function) {
		var params = {
			body: {
				folder: {
					type: 'folder',
					id: folderID,
				locked_operations: {
					move: true,
					delete: true,
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(

	 * Used to get all locks on a folder.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folder_locks'
	 * Method: GET
	 * @param {string} folderID - The Box ID of the folder to lock
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Passed a collection of folder lock objects if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise resolving to a collection of folder lock objects
	getLocks(folderID: string, callback?: Function) {
		var params = {
			qs: {
				folder_id: folderID,
		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.get)(

	 * Used to delete a lock on a folder.
	 * API Endpoint: '/folder_locks/:folderLockID'
	 * Method: DELETE
	 * @param {string} folderLockID - The Box ID of the folder lock
	 * @param {Function} [callback] - Empty response body passed if successful, error otherwise
	 * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise resolving to nothing
	deleteLock(folderLockID: string, callback?: Function) {
		var apiPath = urlPath(FOLDER_LOCK, folderLockID);

		return this.client.wrapWithDefaultHandler(this.client.del)(

 * @module box-node-sdk/lib/managers/folders
 * @see {@Link Folders}
export = Folders;