Source: api-request.ts

 * @fileoverview A Box API Request

// This module is used by APIRequestManager to make requests. If you'd like to make requests to the
// Box API, consider using APIRequestManager instead. {@Link APIRequestManager}

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Requirements
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import assert from 'assert';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import httpStatusCodes from 'http-status';
import Config from './util/config';
import getRetryTimeout from './util/exponential-backoff';

const request = require('@cypress/request');

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Typedefs and Callbacks
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// @NOTE(fschott) 08-19-2014: We cannot return the request/response objects directly because they contain loads of extra
// information, unnecessary bloat, circular dependencies, and cause an infinite loop when stringifying.
 * The API response object includes information about the request made and its response. The information attached is a subset
 * of the information returned by the request module, which is too large and complex to be safely handled (contains circular
 * references, errors on serialization, etc.)
 * @typedef {Object} APIRequest~ResponseObject
 * @property {APIRequest~RequestObject} request Information about the request that generated this response
 * @property {int} statusCode The response HTTP status code
 * @property {Object} headers A collection of response headers
 * @property {Object|Buffer|string} [body] The response body. Encoded to JSON by default, but can be a buffer
 *  (if encoding fails or if json encoding is disabled) or a string (if string encoding is enabled). Will be undefined
 *  if no response body is sent.
type APIRequestResponseObject = {
	request: APIRequestRequestObject;
	statusCode: number;
	headers: Record<string, string>;
	body?: object | Buffer | string;

// @NOTE(fschott) 08-19-2014: We cannot return the request/response objects directly because they contain loads of extra
// information, unnecessary bloat, circular dependencies, and cause an infinite loop when stringifying.
 * The API request object includes information about the request made. The information attached is a subset of the information
 * of a request module instance, which is too large and complex to be safely handled (contains circular references, errors on
 * serialization, etc.).
 * @typedef {Object} APIRequest~RequestObject
 * @property {Object} uri Information about the request, including host, path, and the full 'href' url
 * @property {string} method The request method (GET, POST, etc.)
 * @property {Object} headers A collection of headers sent with the request

type APIRequestRequestObject = {
	uri: Record<string, any>;
	method: string;
	headers: Record<string, string>;

 * The error returned by APIRequest callbacks, which includes any relevent, available information about the request
 * and response. Note that these properties do not exist on stream errors, only errors retuned to the callback.
 * @typedef {Error} APIRequest~Error
 * @property {APIRequest~RequestObject} request Information about the request that generated this error
 * @property {APIRequest~ResponseObject} [response] Information about the response related to this error, if available
 * @property {int} [statusCode] The response HTTP status code
 * @property {boolean} [maxRetriesExceeded] True iff the max number of retries were exceeded. Otherwise, undefined.

type APIRequestError = {
	request: APIRequestRequestObject;
	response?: APIRequestResponseObject;
	statusCode?: number;
	maxRetriesExceeded?: boolean;

 * Callback invoked when an APIRequest request is complete and finalized. On success,
 * propagates the relevent response information. An err will indicate an unresolvable issue
 * with the request (permanent failure or temp error response from the server, retried too many times).
 * @callback APIRequest~Callback
 * @param {?APIRequest~Error} err If Error object, API request did not get back the data it was supposed to. This
 *  could be either because of a temporary error, or a more serious error connecting to the API.
 * @param {APIRequest~ResponseObject} response The response returned by an APIRequestManager request
type APIRequestCallback = (
	err?: APIRequestError | null,
	response?: APIRequestResponseObject
) => void;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Message to replace removed headers with in the request

// Range of SERVER ERROR http status codes

// Timer used to track elapsed time beginning from executing an async request to emitting the response.
var asyncRequestTimer: [number, number];

// A map of HTTP status codes and whether or not they can be retried
var retryableStatusCodes: Record<number, boolean> = {};
retryableStatusCodes[httpStatusCodes.REQUEST_TIMEOUT] = true;
retryableStatusCodes[httpStatusCodes.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS] = true;

 * Returns true if the response info indicates a temporary/transient error.
 * @param {?APIRequest~ResponseObject} response The response info from an API request,
 * or undefined if the API request did not return any response info.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the API call error is temporary (and hence can
 * be retried). False otherwise.
 * @private
function isTemporaryError(response: APIRequestResponseObject) {
	var statusCode = response.statusCode;

	// An API error is a temporary/transient if it returns a 5xx HTTP Status, with the exception of the 507 status.
	// The API returns a 507 error when the user has run out of account space, in which case, it should be treated
	// as a permanent, non-retryable error.
	if (
		statusCode !== httpStatusCodes.INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE &&
	) {
		return true;

	// An API error is a temporary/transient error if it returns a HTTP Status that indicates it is a temporary,
	if (retryableStatusCodes[statusCode]) {
		return true;

	return false;

function isClientErrorResponse(response: { statusCode: number }) {
	if (!response || typeof response !== 'object') {
		throw new Error(
			`Expecting response to be an object, got: ${String(response)}`
	const { statusCode } = response;
	if (typeof statusCode !== 'number') {
		throw new Error(
			`Expecting status code of response to be a number, got: ${String(
	return 400 <= statusCode && statusCode < 500;

function createErrorForResponse(response: { statusCode: number }): Error {
	var errorMessage = `${response.statusCode} - ${
		(httpStatusCodes as any)[response.statusCode]
	return new Error(errorMessage);

 * Determine whether a given request can be retried, based on its options
 * @param {Object} options The request options
 * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the request is retryable
 * @private
function isRequestRetryable(options: Record<string, any>) {
	return !options.formData;

 * Clean sensitive headers from the request object. This prevents this data from
 * propagating out to the SDK and getting unintentionally logged via the error or
 * response objects. Note that this function modifies the given object and returns
 * nothing.
 * @param {APIRequest~RequestObject} requestObj Any request object
 * @returns {void}
 * @private
function cleanSensitiveHeaders(requestObj: APIRequestRequestObject) {
	if (requestObj.headers) {
		if (requestObj.headers.BoxApi) {
			requestObj.headers.BoxApi = REMOVED_HEADER_MESSAGE;
		if (requestObj.headers.Authorization) {
			requestObj.headers.Authorization = REMOVED_HEADER_MESSAGE;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * APIRequest helps to prepare and execute requests to the Box API. It supports
 * retries, multipart uploads, and more.

 * @param {Config} config Request-specific Config object
 * @param {EventEmitter} eventBus Event bus for the SDK instance
 * @constructor
class APIRequest {
	config: Config;
	eventBus: EventEmitter;
	isRetryable: boolean;

	_callback?: APIRequestCallback;
	request?: any; // request.Request;
	stream?: any; // request.Request;
	numRetries?: number;

	constructor(config: Config, eventBus: EventEmitter) {
			config instanceof Config,
			'Config must be passed to APIRequest constructor'
			eventBus instanceof EventEmitter,
			'Valid event bus must be passed to APIRequest constructor'
		this.config = config;
		this.eventBus = eventBus;
		this.isRetryable = isRequestRetryable(config.request);

	 * Executes the request with the given options. If a callback is provided, we'll
	 * handle the response via callbacks. Otherwise, the response will be streamed to
	 * via the stream property. You can access this stream with the getResponseStream()
	 * method.
	 * @param {APIRequest~Callback} [callback] Callback for handling the response
	 * @returns {void}
	execute(callback?: APIRequestCallback) {
		this._callback = callback || this._callback;

		// Initiate an async- or stream-based request, based on the presence of the callback.
		if (this._callback) {
			// Start the request timer immediately before executing the async request
			if (!asyncRequestTimer) {
				asyncRequestTimer = process.hrtime();
			this.request = request(
		} else {
			this.request = request(this.config.request); = this.request;'error', (err: any) => {
				this.eventBus.emit('response', err);
			});'response', (response: any) => {
				if (isClientErrorResponse(response)) {
					this.eventBus.emit('response', createErrorForResponse(response));
				this.eventBus.emit('response', null, response);

	 * Return the response read stream for a request. This will be undefined until
	 * a stream-based request has been started.
	 * @returns {?ReadableStream} The response stream
	getResponseStream() {

	 * Handle the request response in the callback case.
	 * @param {?Error} err An error, if one occurred
	 * @param {Object} [response] The full response object, returned by the request module.
	 *  Contains information about the request & response, including the response body itself.
	 * @returns {void}
	 * @private
	_handleResponse(err?: any /* FIXME */, response?: any /* FIXME */) {
		// Clean sensitive headers here to prevent the user from accidentily using/logging them in prod

		// If the API connected successfully but responded with a temporary error (like a 5xx code,
		// a rate limited response, etc.) then this is considered an error as well.
		if (!err && isTemporaryError(response)) {
			err = createErrorForResponse(response);

		if (err) {
			// Attach request & response information to the error object
			err.request = this.request;
			if (response) {
				err.response = response;
				err.statusCode = response.statusCode;

			// Have the SDK emit the error response
			this.eventBus.emit('response', err);

			var isJWT = false;
			if (
				this.config.request.hasOwnProperty('form') &&
				this.config.request.form.hasOwnProperty('grant_type') &&
				this.config.request.form.grant_type ===
			) {
				isJWT = true;
			// If our APIRequest instance is retryable, attempt a retry. Otherwise, finish and propagate the error. Doesn't retry when the request is for JWT authentication, since that is handled in retryJWTGrant.
			if (this.isRetryable && !isJWT) {
			} else {


		// If the request was successful, emit & propagate the response!
		this.eventBus.emit('response', null, response);
		this._finish(null, response);

	 * Attempt a retry. If the request hasn't exceeded it's maximum number of retries,
	 * re-execute the request (after the retry interval). Otherwise, propagate a new error.
	 * @param {?Error} err An error, if one occurred
	 * @returns {void}
	 * @private
	_retry(err?: any /* FIXME */) {
		this.numRetries = this.numRetries || 0;

		if (this.numRetries < this.config.numMaxRetries) {
			var retryTimeout;
			this.numRetries += 1;
			// If the retry strategy is defined, then use it to determine the time (in ms) until the next retry or to
			// propagate an error to the user.
			if (this.config.retryStrategy) {
				// Get the total elapsed time so far since the request was executed
				var totalElapsedTime = process.hrtime(asyncRequestTimer);
				var totalElapsedTimeMS =
					totalElapsedTime[0] * 1000 + totalElapsedTime[1] / 1000000;
				var retryOptions = {
					error: err,
					numRetryAttempts: this.numRetries,
					numMaxRetries: this.config.numMaxRetries,
					retryIntervalMS: this.config.retryIntervalMS,

				retryTimeout = this.config.retryStrategy(retryOptions);

				// If the retry strategy doesn't return a number/time in ms, then propagate the response error to the user.
				// However, if the retry strategy returns its own error, this will be propagated to the user instead.
				if (typeof retryTimeout !== 'number') {
					if (retryTimeout instanceof Error) {
						err = retryTimeout;
			} else if (
				err.hasOwnProperty('response') &&
				err.response.hasOwnProperty('headers') &&
			) {
				retryTimeout = err.response.headers['retry-after'] * 1000;
			} else {
				retryTimeout = getRetryTimeout(
			setTimeout(this.execute.bind(this), retryTimeout);
		} else {
			err.maxRetriesExceeded = true;

	 * Propagate the response to the provided callback.
	 * @param {?Error} err An error, if one occurred
	 * @param {APIRequest~ResponseObject} response Information about the request & response
	 * @returns {void}
	 * @private
	_finish(err?: any, response?: APIRequestResponseObject) {
		var callback = this._callback!;
		process.nextTick(() => {
			if (err) {

			callback(null, response);

 * @module box-node-sdk/lib/api-request
 * @see {@Link APIRequest}
export = APIRequest;