Regression Test Reporting Tools

This repository is the home of tools used to run Boost's automated regression testing and reporting, and tools that may (optionally) be used by Boost developers to perform local regression test reporting.

Instructions for running Boost's automated regression testing and reporting, and reporting
the results back to the Boost community are available on the Boost web site.

To build developers local test reporting tools, cd to the specific tool's build directory, then invoke b2 like this:

b2 --boost-root=path install

For example:

cd regression/library_status/build
b2 --boost-root=c:/boost install

Options for building are:

Specify where to find the Boost tree to use to compile the tools. Defaults to environment variable "BOOST_ROOT".
Override the path to the Boost Build sources. The Boost Build sources default to environment variable "BOOST_BUILD", or "boost-root/tools/build/src", in that order.
Root path where to install to. Installed files will be copied into sub-directories of this location. Defaults to environment variable "INSTALL_PREFIX", or to environment variable "PREFIX", or the option as specified, or "regression-root/stage" in that order.
Path where to install programs. Defaults to environment variable "INSTALL_PREFIX_EXEC", or to environment variable "EPREFIX", or to the option as specified, or to "install-prefix/bin" in that order.

There is one developers local test reporting tool.

Revised: 01 April 2015

Copyright Beman Dawes 2003.

Copyright Rene Rivera 2007, 2015.

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See copy at