--- title: "Exercise: workflows, filtering and sorting" author: "Mark Dunning and Matt Eldridge" date: '`r format(Sys.time(), "Last modified: %d %b %Y")`' output: html_document --- ## Part I -- Workflows using pipes 1. Read in the patients dataset and rewrite the following cleaning steps as a workflow using the `%>%` operator. ```{r eval = FALSE} library(tidyverse) patients <- read_tsv("patient-data.txt") patients <- mutate(patients, Smokes = Smokes %in% c("TRUE", "Yes")) patients <- mutate(patients, Height = as.numeric(str_remove(Height, pattern = "cm$"))) patients <- mutate(patients, Weight = as.numeric(str_remove(Weight, pattern = "kg$"))) patients <- mutate(patients, BMI = Weight / (Height / 100) ** 2) patients <- mutate(patients, Overweight = BMI > 25) ``` ```{r} ``` 2. Add a step to the workflow to round the Height, Weight and BMI to 1 decimal place. ```{r} ``` ## Part II - Filtering rows 3. Filter for female patients from New York or New Jersey. ```{r} ``` 4. Filter for overweight smokers that are still alive. ```{r} ```