In this session we will review some of the basic features of the R language, before proceeding more-complicated workflows required for the analysis of NGS, and other high-throughput data.
We recommend using the RStudio GUI for this course.
R has an in-built help system. At the console, you can type ?
followed by the name of a function. This will bring-up the documentation for the function; which includes the expected inputs (arguments), the output you should expect from the function and some use-cases.
More-detailed information on particular packages is also available (see below)
The Packages tab in the bottom-right panel of RStudio lists all packages that you currently have installed. Clicking on a package name will show a list of functions that available once that package has been loaded. The library
function is used to load a package and make it’s functions / data available in your current R session. You need to do this every time you load a new RStudio session.
There are functions for installing packages within R. If your package is part of the main CRAN repository, you can use install.packages
We will be using the wakefield
R package in this practical. To install it, we do.
Bioconductor packages have their own install script, which you can download from the Bioconductor website
A package may have several dependancies; other R packages from which it uses functions or data types (re-using code from other packages is strongly-encouraged). If this is the case, the other R packages will be located and installed too.
So long as you stick with the same version of R, you won’t need to repeat this install process.
Aside from teaching you about RNA-seq and ChIP-seq analysis, we also hope to teach you how to work in a reproducible manner. The first step in this process is to master the R markdown format.
Open the file R-recap-template.Rmd
in Rstudio now…..
Each line of R code can be executed in the R console by placing the cursor on the line and pressing CTRL + ENTER
. You can also highlight multiple lines of code. NB. You do not need to highlight to the backtick (```) symbols. Hitting the knit button (*) will run all R code in order and (providing there are no errors!) you will get a PDF or HTML document. The resultant document will contain all the plain text you wrote, the R code, and any outputs (including graphs, tables etc) that R produced. You can then distribute this document to have a reproducible account of your analysis.
. Clicking the ?
next to the Knit HTML
button will give more information about how to format this text. You can introduce bold and italics for example.We are going to explore some of the basic features of R using some patient data; the kind of data that we might encounter in the wild. However, rather than using real-life data we are going to make some up. There is a package called wakefield
that is particularly convenient for this task.
Various patient characteristics can be generated. The following is a function that uses the package to create a data frame with various clinical characteristics. The number of patients we want to simulate is an argument.
Don’t worry about what the function does, you can just paste the following into the R console, or highlight it in the the markdown template and press CTRL + ENTER
to run.
random_patients <- function(n) {
birth(random = TRUE, x = NULL, start = Sys.Date() - 365 * 45, k = 365*2,by = "1 days"),
We can now use the random_patients
function to generate a data frame of fictitious patients
patients <- random_patients(100)
In Rstudio , you can view the contents of this data frame in a tab.
*** HINT: see the dim
, ncol
, nrow
and colnames
## [1] 100 13
## [1] "ID" "Name" "Race" "Sex" "Smokes"
## [6] "Height" "Birth" "State" "Pet" "Grade_Level"
## [11] "Died" "Count" "Date"
## [1] "Britt" "Martin" "Young" "Deon" "Juan" "Devon"
## [7] "Adam" "Cary" "Yong" "Clyde" "Mary" "Stacey"
## [13] "Micah" "Theo" "Refugio" "Toby" "Chang" "Connie"
## [19] "Blair" "Daniel" "Paul" "Devin" "Joshua" "Ira"
## [25] "Casey" "Oscar" "Minh" "Stacy" "Kenneth" "Julio"
## [31] "Jude" "Trinidad" "Cody" "Laverne" "Rudy" "Larry"
## [37] "Lonnie" "Andrew" "Jean" "Odell" "Andre" "Timothy"
## [43] "Cecil" "Dee" "John" "Carlos" "Wesley" "Brandon"
## [49] "Tracey" "Johnnie" "Ali" "George" "Carroll" "Lewis"
## [55] "Chris" "Lawrence" "Otha" "Sidney" "Sydney" "Royce"
## [61] "James" "Mario" "Walter" "Gary" "Curtis" "Lou"
## [67] "Gail" "Ronald" "Frances" "Keith" "Steven" "Carl"
## [73] "Norman" "Clair" "Cleo" "Carol" "Ellis" "Shannon"
## [79] "Jamey" "Rory" "Dale" "Marion" "Leo" "Peter"
## [85] "Ollie" "Michael" "Billy" "Morgan" "Antonia" "Corey"
## [91] "Victor" "Kim" "Dean" "Antonio" "Shaun" "Santos"
## [97] "Leslie" "Drew" "Hollis" "Lindsey"
## [1] "Britt" "Martin" "Young" "Deon" "Juan" "Devon"
## [7] "Adam" "Cary" "Yong" "Clyde" "Mary" "Stacey"
## [13] "Micah" "Theo" "Refugio" "Toby" "Chang" "Connie"
## [19] "Blair" "Daniel" "Paul" "Devin" "Joshua" "Ira"
## [25] "Casey" "Oscar" "Minh" "Stacy" "Kenneth" "Julio"
## [31] "Jude" "Trinidad" "Cody" "Laverne" "Rudy" "Larry"
## [37] "Lonnie" "Andrew" "Jean" "Odell" "Andre" "Timothy"
## [43] "Cecil" "Dee" "John" "Carlos" "Wesley" "Brandon"
## [49] "Tracey" "Johnnie" "Ali" "George" "Carroll" "Lewis"
## [55] "Chris" "Lawrence" "Otha" "Sidney" "Sydney" "Royce"
## [61] "James" "Mario" "Walter" "Gary" "Curtis" "Lou"
## [67] "Gail" "Ronald" "Frances" "Keith" "Steven" "Carl"
## [73] "Norman" "Clair" "Cleo" "Carol" "Ellis" "Shannon"
## [79] "Jamey" "Rory" "Dale" "Marion" "Leo" "Peter"
## [85] "Ollie" "Michael" "Billy" "Morgan" "Antonia" "Corey"
## [91] "Victor" "Kim" "Dean" "Antonio" "Shaun" "Santos"
## [97] "Leslie" "Drew" "Hollis" "Lindsey"
We can access the columns of a data frame by either
By column name is recommended, unless you can guarentee the columns will also be in the same order
TOP TIP: Use auto-complete with the
A vector (1-dimensional) is returned, the length of which is the same as the number of rows in the data frame. The vector could be stored as a variable and itself be subset or used in further calculations
peeps <- patients$Name
## [1] "Britt" "Martin" "Young" "Deon" "Juan" "Devon"
## [7] "Adam" "Cary" "Yong" "Clyde" "Mary" "Stacey"
## [13] "Micah" "Theo" "Refugio" "Toby" "Chang" "Connie"
## [19] "Blair" "Daniel" "Paul" "Devin" "Joshua" "Ira"
## [25] "Casey" "Oscar" "Minh" "Stacy" "Kenneth" "Julio"
## [31] "Jude" "Trinidad" "Cody" "Laverne" "Rudy" "Larry"
## [37] "Lonnie" "Andrew" "Jean" "Odell" "Andre" "Timothy"
## [43] "Cecil" "Dee" "John" "Carlos" "Wesley" "Brandon"
## [49] "Tracey" "Johnnie" "Ali" "George" "Carroll" "Lewis"
## [55] "Chris" "Lawrence" "Otha" "Sidney" "Sydney" "Royce"
## [61] "James" "Mario" "Walter" "Gary" "Curtis" "Lou"
## [67] "Gail" "Ronald" "Frances" "Keith" "Steven" "Carl"
## [73] "Norman" "Clair" "Cleo" "Carol" "Ellis" "Shannon"
## [79] "Jamey" "Rory" "Dale" "Marion" "Leo" "Peter"
## [85] "Ollie" "Michael" "Billy" "Morgan" "Antonia" "Corey"
## [91] "Victor" "Kim" "Dean" "Antonio" "Shaun" "Santos"
## [97] "Leslie" "Drew" "Hollis" "Lindsey"
## [1] 100
## [1] 5 6 5 4 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 6 5 4 7 4 5 6 5 6 4 5 6 3 5 5 4 5 7 5 4 8 4 7 4
## [36] 5 6 6 4 5 5 7 5 3 4 6 6 7 6 7 3 6 7 5 5 8 4 6 6 5 5 5 6 4 6 3 4 6 7 5
## [71] 6 4 6 5 4 5 5 7 5 4 4 6 3 5 5 7 5 6 7 5 6 3 4 7 5 6 6 4 6 7
## [1] "Bri" "Mar" "You" "Deo" "Jua" "Dev" "Ada" "Car" "Yon" "Cly" "Mar"
## [12] "Sta" "Mic" "The" "Ref" "Tob" "Cha" "Con" "Bla" "Dan" "Pau" "Dev"
## [23] "Jos" "Ira" "Cas" "Osc" "Min" "Sta" "Ken" "Jul" "Jud" "Tri" "Cod"
## [34] "Lav" "Rud" "Lar" "Lon" "And" "Jea" "Ode" "And" "Tim" "Cec" "Dee"
## [45] "Joh" "Car" "Wes" "Bra" "Tra" "Joh" "Ali" "Geo" "Car" "Lew" "Chr"
## [56] "Law" "Oth" "Sid" "Syd" "Roy" "Jam" "Mar" "Wal" "Gar" "Cur" "Lou"
## [67] "Gai" "Ron" "Fra" "Kei" "Ste" "Car" "Nor" "Cla" "Cle" "Car" "Ell"
## [78] "Sha" "Jam" "Ror" "Dal" "Mar" "Leo" "Pet" "Oll" "Mic" "Bil" "Mor"
## [89] "Ant" "Cor" "Vic" "Kim" "Dea" "Ant" "Sha" "San" "Les" "Dre" "Hol"
## [100] "Lin"
The summary
function is a useful way of summarising the data containing in each column. It will give information about the type of data (remember, data frames can have a mixture of numeric and character columns) and also an appropriate summary. For numeric columns, it will report some stats about the distribution of the data. For categorical data, it will report the different levels.
## ID Name Race Sex
## Length:100 Length:100 White :55 Male :50
## Class :character Class :character Hispanic :22 Female:50
## Mode :character Mode :character Black :16
## Asian : 6
## Native : 1
## Bi-Racial: 0
## (Other) : 0
## Smokes Height Birth State
## Mode :logical Min. :62.00 Min. :1971-04-29 California: 9
## FALSE:81 1st Qu.:66.00 1st Qu.:1971-09-03 New Jersey: 9
## TRUE :19 Median :69.00 Median :1972-03-28 New York : 8
## NA's :0 Mean :68.89 Mean :1972-03-24 Florida : 6
## 3rd Qu.:71.00 3rd Qu.:1972-08-24 Texas : 6
## Max. :79.00 Max. :1973-04-09 Georgia : 5
## (Other) :57
## Pet Grade_Level Died Count
## Dog :42 1:35 Mode :logical Min. :-2.22434
## Cat :16 2:38 FALSE:51 1st Qu.:-0.53078
## None :36 3:27 TRUE :49 Median :-0.06120
## Bird : 4 NA's :0 Mean : 0.03244
## Horse: 2 3rd Qu.: 0.64184
## Max. : 2.45857
## Date
## Min. :2015-05-06
## 1st Qu.:2015-07-06
## Median :2015-10-06
## Mean :2015-10-08
## 3rd Qu.:2016-01-06
## Max. :2016-04-06
A data frame can be subset using square brackes[]
placed after the name of the data frame. As a data frame is a two-dimensional object, you need a row and column index, or vector indices.
Note that the data frame is not altered we are just seeing what a subset of the data looks like and not changing the underlying data. If we wanted to do this, we would need to create a new variale.
Should we wish to see all rows, or all columns, we can neglect either the row or column index
is commonly-used to give a snapshot of a data frame. Otherwise, you can use the [row,column]
## ID Name Race Sex Smokes Height Birth State Pet
## 1 001 Britt Black Male TRUE 65 1973-04-06 Kansas None
## 2 002 Martin Hispanic Female FALSE 73 1971-07-19 New Jersey Dog
## 3 003 Young Hispanic Male FALSE 66 1972-02-10 Pennsylvania Dog
## 4 004 Deon Native Female TRUE 66 1972-06-20 Florida Dog
## 5 005 Juan White Female FALSE 73 1972-04-07 Wisconsin None
## 6 006 Devon White Female FALSE 79 1971-08-20 Arkansas Dog
## Grade_Level Died Count Date
## 1 3 FALSE 0.01228378 2015-05-06
## 2 1 TRUE -2.22434373 2015-05-06
## 3 3 TRUE -0.41127709 2015-05-06
## 4 1 TRUE -1.37401244 2015-05-06
## 5 1 FALSE -1.16615907 2015-05-06
## 6 3 FALSE -1.30834218 2015-05-06
Rather than selecting rows based on their numeric index (as in the previous example) we can use what we call a logical test. This is a test that gives either a TRUE
result. When applied to subsetting, only rows with a TRUE
result get returned.
For example we could compare the Count
variable to zero. The result is a vector of TRUE
; one for each row in the data frame
patients$Count < 0
## [100] TRUE
This R code can be put inside the square brackets.
patients[patients$Count<0, ]
## ID Name Race Sex Smokes Height Birth State Pet
## 2 002 Martin Hispanic Female FALSE 73 1971-07-19 New Jersey Dog
## 3 003 Young Hispanic Male FALSE 66 1972-02-10 Pennsylvania Dog
## 4 004 Deon Native Female TRUE 66 1972-06-20 Florida Dog
## 5 005 Juan White Female FALSE 73 1972-04-07 Wisconsin None
## 6 006 Devon White Female FALSE 79 1971-08-20 Arkansas Dog
## 7 007 Adam Hispanic Male FALSE 68 1971-09-20 Wyoming Dog
## Grade_Level Died Count Date
## 2 1 TRUE -2.2243437 2015-05-06
## 3 3 TRUE -0.4112771 2015-05-06
## 4 1 TRUE -1.3740124 2015-05-06
## 5 1 FALSE -1.1661591 2015-05-06
## 6 3 FALSE -1.3083422 2015-05-06
## 7 3 TRUE -1.6454587 2015-05-06
If we wanted to know about the patients that had died, we could do;
deceased <- patients[patients$Died == TRUE,]
## ID Name Race Sex Smokes Height Birth State Pet
## 2 002 Martin Hispanic Female FALSE 73 1971-07-19 New Jersey Dog
## 3 003 Young Hispanic Male FALSE 66 1972-02-10 Pennsylvania Dog
## 4 004 Deon Native Female TRUE 66 1972-06-20 Florida Dog
## 7 007 Adam Hispanic Male FALSE 68 1971-09-20 Wyoming Dog
## 11 011 Mary White Male FALSE 72 1972-02-27 Montana None
## 12 012 Stacey Hispanic Male FALSE 68 1972-03-29 New York None
## Grade_Level Died Count Date
## 2 1 TRUE -2.2243437 2015-05-06
## 3 3 TRUE -0.4112771 2015-05-06
## 4 1 TRUE -1.3740124 2015-05-06
## 7 3 TRUE -1.6454587 2015-05-06
## 11 1 TRUE -0.7416127 2015-05-06
## 12 2 TRUE 1.7317718 2015-06-06
In fact, this is equivalent to
deceased <- patients[patients$Died,]
The test of equality ==
also works for text
patients[patients$Race == "White",]
## ID Name Race Sex Smokes Height Birth State Pet
## 5 005 Juan White Female FALSE 73 1972-04-07 Wisconsin None
## 6 006 Devon White Female FALSE 79 1971-08-20 Arkansas Dog
## 10 010 Clyde White Male FALSE 74 1972-07-07 Alabama None
## 11 011 Mary White Male FALSE 72 1972-02-27 Montana None
## 15 015 Refugio White Female FALSE 74 1971-08-02 North Carolina Dog
## 17 017 Chang White Male TRUE 68 1971-05-02 Texas None
## Grade_Level Died Count Date
## 5 1 FALSE -1.1661591 2015-05-06
## 6 3 FALSE -1.3083422 2015-05-06
## 10 3 FALSE 0.1924214 2015-05-06
## 11 1 TRUE -0.7416127 2015-05-06
## 15 3 TRUE 1.2337392 2015-06-06
## 17 1 TRUE -0.1831558 2015-07-06
## ID Name Race Sex Smokes Height Birth State Pet
## 2 002 Martin Hispanic Female FALSE 73 1971-07-19 New Jersey Dog
## 3 003 Young Hispanic Male FALSE 66 1972-02-10 Pennsylvania Dog
## 4 004 Deon Native Female TRUE 66 1972-06-20 Florida Dog
## 6 006 Devon White Female FALSE 79 1971-08-20 Arkansas Dog
## 7 007 Adam Hispanic Male FALSE 68 1971-09-20 Wyoming Dog
## 8 008 Cary Hispanic Male FALSE 79 1973-02-01 Florida Dog
## Grade_Level Died Count Date
## 2 1 TRUE -2.2243437 2015-05-06
## 3 3 TRUE -0.4112771 2015-05-06
## 4 1 TRUE -1.3740124 2015-05-06
## 6 3 FALSE -1.3083422 2015-05-06
## 7 3 TRUE -1.6454587 2015-05-06
## 8 1 FALSE -0.6606125 2015-05-06
There are a couple of ways of testing for more than one text value. The first uses an or |
statement. i.e. testing if the value of Pet
is Dog
or the value is Cat
The %in%
function is a convenient function for testing which items in a vector correspond to a defined set of values.
patients[patients$Pet == "Dog" | patients$Pet == "Cat",]
patients[patients$Pet %in% c("Dog","Cat"),]
## ID Name Race Sex Smokes Height Birth State Pet
## 2 002 Martin Hispanic Female FALSE 73 1971-07-19 New Jersey Dog
## 3 003 Young Hispanic Male FALSE 66 1972-02-10 Pennsylvania Dog
## 4 004 Deon Native Female TRUE 66 1972-06-20 Florida Dog
## 6 006 Devon White Female FALSE 79 1971-08-20 Arkansas Dog
## 7 007 Adam Hispanic Male FALSE 68 1971-09-20 Wyoming Dog
## 8 008 Cary Hispanic Male FALSE 79 1973-02-01 Florida Dog
## Grade_Level Died Count Date
## 2 1 TRUE -2.2243437 2015-05-06
## 3 3 TRUE -0.4112771 2015-05-06
## 4 1 TRUE -1.3740124 2015-05-06
## 6 3 FALSE -1.3083422 2015-05-06
## 7 3 TRUE -1.6454587 2015-05-06
## 8 1 FALSE -0.6606125 2015-05-06
## ID Name Race Sex Smokes Height Birth State Pet
## 2 002 Martin Hispanic Female FALSE 73 1971-07-19 New Jersey Dog
## 3 003 Young Hispanic Male FALSE 66 1972-02-10 Pennsylvania Dog
## 4 004 Deon Native Female TRUE 66 1972-06-20 Florida Dog
## 6 006 Devon White Female FALSE 79 1971-08-20 Arkansas Dog
## 7 007 Adam Hispanic Male FALSE 68 1971-09-20 Wyoming Dog
## 8 008 Cary Hispanic Male FALSE 79 1973-02-01 Florida Dog
## Grade_Level Died Count Date
## 2 1 TRUE -2.2243437 2015-05-06
## 3 3 TRUE -0.4112771 2015-05-06
## 4 1 TRUE -1.3740124 2015-05-06
## 6 3 FALSE -1.3083422 2015-05-06
## 7 3 TRUE -1.6454587 2015-05-06
## 8 1 FALSE -0.6606125 2015-05-06
Similar to or, we can require that both tests are TRUE
by using an and &
operation. e.g. to look for white males.
patients[patients$Race == "White" & patients$Sex =="Male",]
head(patients[patients$Race == "White" & patients$Sex =="Male",])
## ID Name Race Sex Smokes Height Birth State Pet
## 10 010 Clyde White Male FALSE 74 1972-07-07 Alabama None
## 11 011 Mary White Male FALSE 72 1972-02-27 Montana None
## 17 017 Chang White Male TRUE 68 1971-05-02 Texas None
## 19 019 Blair White Male FALSE 69 1971-11-25 Pennsylvania Dog
## 24 024 Ira White Male FALSE 68 1972-11-15 Indiana Bird
## 25 025 Casey White Male FALSE 75 1971-05-08 New York Dog
## Grade_Level Died Count Date
## 10 3 FALSE 0.19242136 2015-05-06
## 11 1 TRUE -0.74161272 2015-05-06
## 17 1 TRUE -0.18315577 2015-07-06
## 19 2 TRUE 0.72404776 2015-07-06
## 24 1 FALSE 1.97621969 2015-07-06
## 25 1 TRUE 0.09502301 2015-07-06
## ID Name Race Sex Smokes Height Birth State Pet
## 2 002 Martin Hispanic Female FALSE 73 1971-07-19 New Jersey Dog
## 3 003 Young Hispanic Male FALSE 66 1972-02-10 Pennsylvania Dog
## 4 004 Deon Native Female TRUE 66 1972-06-20 Florida Dog
## 7 007 Adam Hispanic Male FALSE 68 1971-09-20 Wyoming Dog
## 11 011 Mary White Male FALSE 72 1972-02-27 Montana None
## 13 013 Micah Hispanic Male FALSE 62 1972-12-31 Texas Cat
## Grade_Level Died Count Date
## 2 1 TRUE -2.2243437 2015-05-06
## 3 3 TRUE -0.4112771 2015-05-06
## 4 1 TRUE -1.3740124 2015-05-06
## 7 3 TRUE -1.6454587 2015-05-06
## 11 1 TRUE -0.7416127 2015-05-06
## 13 2 TRUE -0.2532091 2015-06-06
We can also use the negation operator !
to find which entries are not equal to a particular value. For example, patients that do not own a dog can be found in the following way.
patients[patients$Pet != "Dog",]
## ID Name Race Sex Smokes Height Birth State Pet
## 1 001 Britt Black Male TRUE 65 1973-04-06 Kansas None
## 5 005 Juan White Female FALSE 73 1972-04-07 Wisconsin None
## 9 009 Yong Black Female FALSE 64 1971-12-15 Georgia Bird
## 10 010 Clyde White Male FALSE 74 1972-07-07 Alabama None
## 11 011 Mary White Male FALSE 72 1972-02-27 Montana None
## 12 012 Stacey Hispanic Male FALSE 68 1972-03-29 New York None
## Grade_Level Died Count Date
## 1 3 FALSE 0.01228378 2015-05-06
## 5 1 FALSE -1.16615907 2015-05-06
## 9 2 FALSE -0.18090878 2015-05-06
## 10 3 FALSE 0.19242136 2015-05-06
## 11 1 TRUE -0.74161272 2015-05-06
## 12 2 TRUE 1.73177184 2015-06-06
Finer control over how we search for particular text is given by the match
and grep
functions, which we will visit in due course.
## ID Name Race Sex Smokes Height Birth State Pet
## 2 002 Martin Hispanic Female FALSE 73 1971-07-19 New Jersey Dog
## 3 003 Young Hispanic Male FALSE 66 1972-02-10 Pennsylvania Dog
## 4 004 Deon Native Female TRUE 66 1972-06-20 Florida Dog
## 6 006 Devon White Female FALSE 79 1971-08-20 Arkansas Dog
## 7 007 Adam Hispanic Male FALSE 68 1971-09-20 Wyoming Dog
## 8 008 Cary Hispanic Male FALSE 79 1973-02-01 Florida Dog
## Grade_Level Died Count Date
## 2 1 TRUE -2.2243437 2015-05-06
## 3 3 TRUE -0.4112771 2015-05-06
## 4 1 TRUE -1.3740124 2015-05-06
## 6 3 FALSE -1.3083422 2015-05-06
## 7 3 TRUE -1.6454587 2015-05-06
## 8 1 FALSE -0.6606125 2015-05-06
## ID Name Race Sex Smokes Height Birth State Pet
## 2 002 Martin Hispanic Female FALSE 73 1971-07-19 New Jersey Dog
## 12 012 Stacey Hispanic Male FALSE 68 1972-03-29 New York None
## 18 018 Connie White Female FALSE 63 1971-06-28 New Jersey Dog
## 25 025 Casey White Male FALSE 75 1971-05-08 New York Dog
## 28 028 Stacy White Male FALSE 66 1972-10-29 New Jersey Horse
## 32 032 Trinidad White Female TRUE 66 1972-08-04 New York Dog
## Grade_Level Died Count Date
## 2 1 TRUE -2.22434373 2015-05-06
## 12 2 TRUE 1.73177184 2015-06-06
## 18 1 TRUE 1.43582581 2015-07-06
## 25 1 TRUE 0.09502301 2015-07-06
## 28 2 TRUE 1.27939103 2015-08-06
## 32 3 FALSE 0.58284920 2015-08-06
## ID Name Race Sex Smokes Height Birth State Pet
## 2 002 Martin Hispanic Female FALSE 73 1971-07-19 New Jersey Dog
## Grade_Level Died Count Date
## 2 1 TRUE -2.224344 2015-05-06
A vector can be returned in sorted form using the sort
sort(patients$Count,decreasing = TRUE)
However, if we want to sort an entire data frame a different approach is needed. The trick is to use order
. Rather than giving a sorted set of values, it will give sorted indices.
## ID Name Race Sex Smokes Height Birth State Pet
## 2 002 Martin Hispanic Female FALSE 73 1971-07-19 New Jersey Dog
## 84 084 Peter White Male FALSE 68 1971-10-17 Arizona Cat
## 98 098 Drew Asian Female TRUE 69 1972-05-07 Florida Cat
## 7 007 Adam Hispanic Male FALSE 68 1971-09-20 Wyoming Dog
## 41 041 Andre Black Male FALSE 68 1972-02-08 Illinois Dog
## 65 065 Curtis Black Female FALSE 71 1971-08-27 North Carolina Cat
## Grade_Level Died Count Date
## 2 1 TRUE -2.224344 2015-05-06
## 84 1 FALSE -1.971551 2016-02-06
## 98 3 FALSE -1.881610 2016-04-06
## 7 3 TRUE -1.645459 2015-05-06
## 41 2 FALSE -1.616096 2015-09-06
## 65 1 TRUE -1.452303 2015-11-06
## ID Name Race Sex Smokes Height Birth State Pet
## 1 001 Britt Black Male TRUE 65 1973-04-06 Kansas None
## 3 003 Young Hispanic Male FALSE 66 1972-02-10 Pennsylvania Dog
## 7 007 Adam Hispanic Male FALSE 68 1971-09-20 Wyoming Dog
## 8 008 Cary Hispanic Male FALSE 79 1973-02-01 Florida Dog
## 10 010 Clyde White Male FALSE 74 1972-07-07 Alabama None
## 11 011 Mary White Male FALSE 72 1972-02-27 Montana None
## Grade_Level Died Count Date
## 1 3 FALSE 0.01228378 2015-05-06
## 3 3 TRUE -0.41127709 2015-05-06
## 7 3 TRUE -1.64545873 2015-05-06
## 8 1 FALSE -0.66061246 2015-05-06
## 10 3 FALSE 0.19242136 2015-05-06
## 11 1 TRUE -0.74161272 2015-05-06
## ID Name Race Sex Smokes Height Birth State Pet
## 6 006 Devon White Female FALSE 79 1971-08-20 Arkansas Dog
## 8 008 Cary Hispanic Male FALSE 79 1973-02-01 Florida Dog
## 91 091 Victor White Male FALSE 77 1972-11-05 California None
## 96 096 Santos White Male FALSE 76 1971-11-12 Georgia Dog
## 25 025 Casey White Male FALSE 75 1971-05-08 New York Dog
## 31 031 Jude Hispanic Male FALSE 75 1971-10-29 Georgia None
## Grade_Level Died Count Date
## 6 3 FALSE -1.30834218 2015-05-06
## 8 1 FALSE -0.66061246 2015-05-06
## 91 3 FALSE 0.92032955 2016-03-06
## 96 2 TRUE 0.47041682 2016-04-06
## 25 1 TRUE 0.09502301 2015-07-06
## 31 1 FALSE -0.11038661 2015-08-06
A final point on data frames is that we can export them out of R once we have done our data processing.
countOrder <- patients[order(patients$Count),]
write.csv(countOrder, file="patientsOrderedByCount.csv")
Various simple plots are supported in the base distribution of R (what you get automatically when you download R). In the course, we will show how some of these plots can be used to inform us about the quality of NGS data, and to visualise our results.
Plotting is discussed in greater length on our introductory R course and a useful reference is the Quick-R page.
boxplot(patients$Count ~ patients$Died)
Lots of customisations are possible to enhance the appaerance of our plots; colour, labels, axes, legends
boxplot(patients$Count ~ patients$Died,col=c("red","yellow"))
Plots can be exported by the Plots tab in RStudio, or by calling the pdf
or png
functions which will write the plot to a file
## png
## 2