Understanding file formats for aligned reads

Unlike most of Bioinfomatics, a single standard file format has emerged for aligned reads. Moreoever, this file format is consistent regardless of whether you have DNA-seq, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq… data.

The .sam file

  • Sequence Alignment/Map (sam)
  • The output from an aligner such as bwa
  • Same format regardless of sequencing protocol (i.e. RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, DNA-seq etc)
  • May contain un-mapped reads
  • Potentially large size on disk; ~100s of Gb
    • Can be manipulated with standard unix tools; e.g. cat, head, grep, more, less….
  • Official specification can be obtained online: -
  • We normally work on a compressed version called a .bam file. See later.
  • Header lines starting with an @ character, followed by tab-delimited lines
    • Header gives information about the alignment and references sequences used

The first part of the header lists the names (SN) of the sequences (chromosomes) used in alignment, their length (LN) and a md5sumdigital fingerprint” of the .fasta file used for alignment (M5).

@HD VN:1.5  SO:coordinate   GO:none
@SQ SN:1    LN:249250621    M5:1b22b98cdeb4a9304cb5d48026a85128
@SQ SN:2    LN:243199373    M5:a0d9851da00400dec1098a9255ac712e
@SQ SN:3    LN:198022430    M5:fdfd811849cc2fadebc929bb925902e5
@SQ SN:4    LN:191154276    M5:23dccd106897542ad87d2765d28a19a1

Next we can define the read groups present in the file which we can use to identify which sequencing library, sequencing centre, Lane, sample name etc.

@RG ID:SRR077850    CN:bi   LB:Solexa-42057 PL:illumina PU:ILLUMINA SM:NA06984
@RG ID:SRR081675    CN:bi   LB:Solexa-42316 PL:illumina PU:ILLUMINA SM:NA06984
@RG ID:SRR080818    CN:bi   LB:Solexa-44770 PL:illumina PU:ILLUMINA SM:NA06984
@RG ID:SRR084838    CN:bi   LB:Solexa-42316 PL:illumina PU:ILLUMINA SM:NA06984
@RG ID:SRR081730    CN:bi   LB:Solexa-42316 PL:illumina PU:ILLUMINA SM:NA06984

Finally, we have a section where we can record the processing steps used to derive the file

@PG ID:MosaikAligner    CL:/share/home/wardag/programs/MOSAIK/bin/MosaikAligner -in /scratch/wardag/NA06984.SRR077850.mapped.illumina.mosaik.CEU.SINGLE.20111114/NA06984.SRR077850.mapped.illumina.mosaik.CEU.SINGLE.20111114.mkb -out

Next is a tab-delimited section that describes the alignment of each sequence in detail.

SRR081708.237649    163 1   10003   6   1S67M   =   10041   105 GACCCTGACCCTAACCCTGACCCTGACCCTAACCCTGACCCTGACCCTAACCCTGACCCTAACCCTAA    S=<====<<>=><?=?=?>==@??;?>@@@=??@@????@??@?>?@@<@>@'@=?=??=<=>?>?=Q    ZA:Z:<&;0;0;;308;68M;68><@;0;0;;27;;>MD:Z:5A11A5A11A5A11A13 RG:Z:SRR081708  NM:i:6  OQ:Z:GEGFFFEGGGDGDGGGDGA?DCDD:GGGDGDCFGFDDFFFCCCBEBFDABDD-D:EEEE=D=DDDDC:
Column Official Name Brief
1 QNAME Sequence ID
2 FLAG Sequence quality expressed as a bitwise flag
3 RNAME Chromosome
4 POS Start Position
5 MAPQ Mapping Quality
6 CIGAR Describes positions of matches, insertions, deletions w.r.t reference
7 RNEXT Ref. name of mate / next read
8 PNEXT Postion of mate / next read
9 TLEN Observed Template length
10 SEQ Sequence
11 QUAL Base Qualities

There can also be all manner of optional tags as extra columns introduce by an aligner or downstream analysis tool. A common use is the RG tag which refers back to the read groups in the header.

Unlike the .fastq files, where we had a separate file for forward and reverse reads, the .sam file contains all reads. Reads that are paired with each other should appear in consecutive lines in the .sam file generated by an aligner. Otherwise it is more common for the file to be sorted according to genomic coordinates. The paired reads should share the same sequence ID in the first column (sometimes with a /1 or /2 to indicate which is which).

Dr Mark Dunning presents….Fun with flags!

The “flags” in the sam file can represent useful QC information

  • Read is unmapped
  • Read is paired / unpaired
  • Read failed QC
  • Read is a PCR duplicate (see later)

The combination of any of these properties is used to derive a numeric value

For instance, a particular read has a flag of 163


There is a set of properties that a read can possess. If a particular property is observed, a corresponding power of 2 is added multiplied by 1. The final value is derived by summing all the powers of 2.

ReadHasProperty Binary MultiplyBy
isPaired TRUE 1 1
isProperPair TRUE 1 2
isUnmappedQuery FALSE 0 4
hasUnmappedMate FALSE 0 8
isMinusStrand FALSE 0 16
isMateMinusStrand TRUE 1 32
isFirstMateRead FALSE 0 64
isSecondMateRead TRUE 1 128
isSecondaryAlignment FALSE 0 256
isNotPassingQualityControls FALSE 0 512
isDuplicate FALSE 0 1024

Value of flag is given by 1x1 + 1x2 + 0x4 + 0x8 + 0x16 + 1x32 + 0x64 + 1x128 + 0x256 + 0x512 + 0x1024 = 163

See also

Have a CIGAR!

The CIGAR (Compact Idiosyncratic Gapped Alignment Report) string is a way of encoding the match between a given sequence and the position it has been assigned in the genome. It is comprised by a series of letters and numbers to indicate how many consecutive bases have that mapping.

Code Description
M alignment match
I insertion
D deletion
N skipped
S soft-clipping
H hard-clipping


  • 68M
    • 68 bases matching the reference
  • 1S67M
    • 1 soft-clipped read followed by 67 matches
  • 15M87N70M90N16M
    • 15 matches following by 87 bases skipped followed by 70 matches etc.

Rather than dealing with .sam files, we usually analyse a .bam file.


If you want to try any of these commands, click the link to the CRUK Docker on the Desktop

samtools is one of the most-popular ngs-related software suites and has a wealth of tools for dealing with files in .bam and .sam format. If you are going to start processing your own data, the chances are you’ll be using samtools a lot. Typing samtools in a terminal will give a quick overview of the functions available, and importantly, the version number of the software.


More information about a particular command within samtools can be displayed by printing samtools followed by the name of the command. For example, the samtools view command can convert a .sam file into a compressed version called a .bam file. This is a very-common step in an NGS workflow.

Lets assume we have a file sample.sam which is the result of aligning reads using a tool such as bwa. Then the command to convert would be:-

samtools view -bS sample.sam > sample.bam
-b: output a bam file
-S: input is a sam file
> : redirect to a file

So a .bam file is

  • Exactly the same information as a sam file
  • ..except that it is binary version of sam
  • compressed around x4
  • However, attempting to read with standard unix tools cat, head etc will print garbage to the screen

When viewing a .sam or .bam, we can choose to just view the header information

samtools view -H paired.bam

The samtools view command needs to be used with a bit of care if not selecting the -H option. Unless directed otherwise, samtools will print the entire contents of the file to the screen (“the standard output”). We usually “pipe” the output to another unix command, such as head

samtools view paired.bam | head

Alternative, we can print the reads within a specific region. There are also options to print reads with particular flags.

samtools view 1:1-100000 paired.bam

Other useful samtools commands

samtools sort
  • Sorting
    • The reads in a newly-aligned .sam file will probably be sorted according to the order they were generated by the sequencer
    • Reads can be sorted according to genomic position
    • Which allows us to access the file more easily
samtools index
  • Indexing
    • Allow efficient access
    • Producing a file .bai in the same directory
samtools flagstat
  • Collates quality control information from the “flags”
$ samtools flagstat paired.bam
12581680 + 0 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads)
177715 + 0 duplicates
12581680 + 0 mapped (100.00%:-nan%)
12581680 + 0 paired in sequencing
6291126 + 0 read1
6290554 + 0 read2
12581680 + 0 properly paired (100.00%:-nan%)
12581680 + 0 with itself and mate mapped
0 + 0 singletons (0.00%:-nan%)
0 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr
0 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5)

Typically, you will be dealing with .bam files that are

  • indexed
  • sorted
  • have had PCR duplicates marked

About PCR duplicates…

  • Marking of PCR duplicates
    • PCR amplification errors can cause some sequences to be over-represented
    • Chances of any two sequences aligning to the same position are unlikely
    • Caveat: obviously this depends on amount of the genome you are capturing

  • Such reads are marked but not usually removed from the data
  • Most downstream methods will ignore such reads
  • Typically, picard is used

Picard is another very-common tool in NGS analysis with lots of conversion, manipulation tools. If you are seriously considering getting into NGS analysis, it is worth getting to know.

java -jar $PICARD -h

Here, $PICARD refers to the location that PICARD is installed within the CRUK Docker

