#include #include #include #include #include #define SQRT_TWO_PI 2.506628274631000 #define BLOCK_D1 1024 #define BLOCK_D2 1 #define BLOCK_D3 1 // Note: Needs compute capability >= 2.0 for calculation with doubles, so compile with: // nvcc kernelExample-pinned.cu -arch=compute_20 -code=sm_20,compute_20 -o kernelExample-pinned // -use_fast_math // CUDA kernel: __global__ void calc_loglik(double* vals, int n, double mu, double sigma) { // note that this assumes no third dimension to the grid // id of the block int myblock = blockIdx.x + blockIdx.y * gridDim.x; // size of each block (within grid of blocks) int blocksize = blockDim.x * blockDim.y * blockDim.z; // id of thread in a given block int subthread = threadIdx.z*(blockDim.x * blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; // assign overall id/index of the thread int idx = myblock * blocksize + subthread; if(idx < n) { double std = (vals[idx] - mu)/sigma; double e = exp( - 0.5 * std * std); vals[idx] = e / ( sigma * SQRT_TWO_PI); } } int calc_loglik_cpu(double* vals, int n, double mu, double sigma) { double std, e; for(int idx = 0; idx < n; idx++) { std = (vals[idx] - mu)/sigma; e = exp( - 0.5 * std * std); vals[idx] = e / ( sigma * SQRT_TWO_PI); } return 0; } /* --------------------------- host code ------------------------------*/ void fill( double *p, int n ) { int i; srand48(0); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) p[i] = 2*drand48()-1; } double read_timer() { struct timeval end; gettimeofday( &end, NULL ); return end.tv_sec+1.e-6*end.tv_usec; } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { double* cpu_vals; double* gpu_vals; int n; cudaError_t cudaStat; printf("====================================================\n"); for( n = 32768; n <= 134217728; n*=8 ) { // allocated pinned and mapped memory on CPU cudaSetDeviceFlags(cudaDeviceMapHost); cudaHostAlloc((void**)&cpu_vals, n*sizeof(double), cudaHostAllocMapped); // map the CPU storage to the GPU to the CPU storage cudaStat = cudaHostGetDevicePointer(&gpu_vals, cpu_vals, 0); if(cudaStat != cudaSuccess) { printf ("device memory mapping failed"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } const dim3 blockSize(BLOCK_D1, BLOCK_D2, BLOCK_D3); int tmp = ceil(pow(n/BLOCK_D1, 0.5)); printf("Grid dimension is %i x %i\n", tmp, tmp); dim3 gridSize(tmp, tmp, 1); int nthreads = BLOCK_D1*BLOCK_D2*BLOCK_D3*tmp*tmp; if (nthreads < n){ printf("\n============ NOT ENOUGH THREADS TO COVER n=%d ===============\n\n",n); } else { printf("Launching %d threads (n=%d)\n", nthreads, n); } double mu = 0.0; double sigma = 1.0; // simulate 'data' fill(cpu_vals, n); printf("Input values: %f %f %f...\n", cpu_vals[0], cpu_vals[1], cpu_vals[2]); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); double tInit = read_timer(); // do the calculation calc_loglik<<>>(gpu_vals, n, mu, sigma); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); double tCalc = read_timer(); printf("Output values: %f %f %f...\n", cpu_vals[0], cpu_vals[1], cpu_vals[2]); // do calculation on CPU for comparison (unfair as this will only use one core) fill(cpu_vals, n); double tInit2 = read_timer(); calc_loglik_cpu(cpu_vals, n, mu, sigma); double tCalcCPU = read_timer(); printf("Output values (CPU): %f %f %f...\n", cpu_vals[0], cpu_vals[1], cpu_vals[2]); printf("Timing results for n = %d\n", n); printf("Calculation time (GPU): %f\n", tCalc - tInit); printf("Calculation time (CPU): %f\n", tCalcCPU - tInit2); printf("Freeing memory...\n"); printf("====================================================\n"); cudaFreeHost(cpu_vals); } printf("\n\nFinished.\n\n"); return 0; }