Four general principles
Case studies
Costs and benefits
20 July 2017
Four general principles
Case studies
Costs and benefits
Reproducibilty is necessary for scientific progress
Computers wrangle the data, but also obscure it
Especially point-and-click actions
Technical solutions available in open source/format/data/access
Four general principles of reproducible research that have emerged in other fields
✓ Make openly available the data and methods that generated the published result
✓ Write scripts to conduct analyses
✓ Use version control to track changes
✓ Describe and archive the computational environment
All files on figshare, OSF, university data repo, or similar
Data in CSV format
Organised as an R package
All files tracked with Git, hosted on GitHub
Collaboration occurred via GitHub's 'flow'
Docker image and Dockerfile to contain RStudio, packages, code and external dependencies
Based on Rocker image and templates
Case Studies of Compendia
VCS repository
R package & manuscript
code CI
environment CI
Costs & benefits
Time learning the tools
Time doing new things
Built-in vs Bolt-on
Comfort of knowing that I am right & have no secrets
Save time by reusing my previous code
Open data confers citation advantages, but magnitude is highly variable
Open Source community membership provides access to high-quality help
Open methods and materials, scripted workflow, version control and environment control are generic principles suitable for most fields of research
The specific details will change over time, but the principles will endure
For most people, the technical problems already have good solutions, the remaining challenge is cultural
Presentation written in R Markdown using ioslides
Compiled into HTML5 using RStudio & knitr
Source code hosting: