Barbara Borges Ribeiro
WSDS 2017
standardizes how to interact with a databaseodbc
is a DBI backend for any database with an ODBC driverdplyr
syntax to talk to a databasepool
(my package) to connect to a database from ShinyPART II
, RSQLite
, dplyr
, and pool
Relational databases <– We’ll focus on these
NoSQL/object oriented databases
Relational-ish databases
RDBMSs (relational database management systems) store data in columns and rows, which in turn make up tables
A table in RDBMS is like a spreadsheet.
MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite
Apache Hive and Cloudera Impala for distributed systems (relational-like)
R packages: DBI
, odbc
, dplyr
(and dbplyr
), pool
NoSQL/object oriented databases
These do not follow the table/row/column approach of RDBMS
Good for working with large amounts of data that do not require structure
Less concerned with storing them in ordered tables than they are with simply making them available for fast access
MongoDB, CouchDB, HBase, Cassandra
defines the generic DataBase Interface for R. The idea is to standardize how to interact with a database from R (connect, disconnect, read, write and mutate data safely from R)
The connection to individual DBMS is provided by other packages that import DBI
-compliant backends) and implement the methods for the generics defined in DBI
Current goal: ensure maximum portability and exchangeability and reduce the effort for implementing a new DBI backend (through the DBItest
package and the DBI specification)
con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
DBI::dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris)
DBI::dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT count() FROM iris")
#> count()
#> 1 150
sql <- "SELECT * FROM X WHERE name = ?name"
DBI::sqlInterpolate(DBI::ANSI(), sql, name = "Hadley")
#> <SQL> SELECT * FROM X WHERE name = 'Hadley'
# This is safe because the single quote has been double escaped
DBI::sqlInterpolate(DBI::ANSI(), sql, name = "H'); DROP TABLE--;")
#> <SQL> SELECT * FROM X WHERE name = 'H''); DROP TABLE--;'
bobby-tables from xkcd:
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is a specification for a database API. This API is independent of any one DBMS, operating system or programming language. The functions in the ODBC API are implemented by developers of DBMS-specific drivers. (source)
The odbc
package provides a DBI compliant backend for any database with an ODBC driver (although anyone can write a driver, most of these tend to be paid, enterprise products).
This allows for an efficient, easy to setup connection to any database with ODBC drivers available (RStudio Server Pro will soon bundle several of these drivers including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Cloudera Impala, Apache Hive and others).
Recognized in the brand-new RStudio IDE “Connections” pane (demo!)
In a computer system, an adaptor program is required for making a connection to another system of different type. Similar to connecting a printer to a computer by using a printer driver, a DBMS (database management system) needs a database driver that enables a database connection in other systems. (source)
acts as “middleman” driver
Why is this useful?
con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
Driver = "{postgresql}",
Server = "",
Port = 5432,
Database = "postgresdemo",
UID = "guest",
PWD = "guest"
DBI::dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM city LIMIT 2;")
#> id name countrycode district population
#> 1 1 Kabul AFG Kabol 1780000
#> 2 2 Qandahar AFG Qandahar 237500
Idea: use dplyr
syntax to talk to databases (no SQL involved for the end user).
(and the brand-new dbplyr
) wrap and extend a lot of DBI
methods, so that you can use dplyr
+ R directly to interact with your database (instead of DBI
+ SQL, which is what dplyr
does for you)
With the recent revamp, you can a LOT with dplyr
(reading and transforming data, writing tables, querying the database)
You can combine DBI
and dplyr
as much as you want!
Bottom line: Especially if you’re already familiar with the dplyr
verbs (mainly, filter()
, select()
, mutate()
, group_by()
, and summarise()
), using dplyr
to interact with databases is a great idea.
con <- DBI::dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(),
dbname = "shinydemo",
host = "",
username = "guest",
password = "guest"
con %>% tbl("City") %>% head(2)
#> # Source: lazy query [?? x 5]
#> # Database: mysql 5.5.5-10.0.17-MariaDB
#> # [guest@shiny-demo (...)]
#> ID Name CountryCode District Population
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 1 Kabul AFG Kabol 1780000
#> 2 2 Qandahar AFG Qandahar 237500
Problem: how to interact with a database from Shiny?
Per session, there is only a single R process and potentially multiple users
Also, establishing connections takes time and they can go down at any time
So, you don’t want a fresh connection every for every user action (because that’s slow), and you don’t want one connection per app (because that’s unreliable)…
package allows you to manage a shared pool of connections for your app, giving you both speed (good performance) and reliability (connection management).pool
is mainly important when in a Shiny app (or another interactive app with an R backend), but it can be used in other situations with no problem.
integrates seamlessly with both DBI
and dplyr
(the only noticeable differences are in the create/connect and close/disconnect functions).
Is on CRAN, as of a month ago! (maintenance release coming soon)
pool <- pool::dbPool(RMySQL::MySQL(),
dbname = "shinydemo",
host = "",
username = "guest",
password = "guest"
pool %>% tbl("City") %>% head(2)
#> # Source: lazy query [?? x 5]
#> # Database: mysql 5.5.5-10.0.17-MariaDB
#> # [guest@shiny-demo (...)]
#> ID Name CountryCode District Population
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 1 Kabul AFG Kabol 1780000
#> 2 2 Qandahar AFG Qandahar 237500
All packages mentioned here are open-source and available on Github
, dplyr
, odbc
, pool
AND best practices, security, authentication, examples:
(and general shiny
): (Databases section)
These slides + app source code:
Getting help
pool <- dbPool(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = "db.sqlite")
tbls <- reactiveFileReader(500, NULL, "db.sqlite",
function(x) db_list_tables(pool)
# ui
ui <- dashboardPage(...)
# server
server <- function(input, output, session) {...}
shinyApp(ui, server)
# ui (snippet)
actionButton("create", "Create table"),
textInput("tableName", "Table name"),
numericInput("ncols", "Number of columns"),
# server (snippet)
output$cols <- renderUI({
cols <- vector("list", input$ncols)
for (i in seq_len(input$ncols)) {
textInput(paste0("colName", i), "Column name"),
selectInput(paste0("colType", i), "Column type",
c(Integer = "INT", Character = "VARCHAR"))
observeEvent(input$create, {
# finalCols is a list. E.g: list(ID = "INT", item = "VARCHAR", count = "INT")
db_create_table(pool, input$tableName, finalCols)
# ui (snippet)
selectInput("tableName", "Table name", NULL),
checkboxGroupInput("select", "Choose columns to read"),
selectInput("filter", "Choose column to filter on", NULL),
checkboxGroupInput("vals", "Choose values to include"),
# server (snippet)
observeEvent(tbls(), {
updateSelectInput(session, "tableName", choices = tbls())
cols <- db_query_fields(pool, input$tableName)
updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "select", choices = cols)
output$res <- renderTable({
pool %>%
tbl(input$tableName) %>%
select(input$select) %>%
filter(input$filter %in% input$vals)