The following historical commit information, by author, was found.

Author Commits Insertions Deletions % of changes
Fabian Prasser846713084339177.65
Florian Kohlmayer253177801218120.28
Igor Vujosevic1110.00
Karol Babioch3923336752.04
Raffael Bild19280.03

Below are the number of rows from each author that have survived and are still intact in the current revision.

Author Rows Stability Age % in comments
Fabian Prasser3500449.161.332.3574.77
Florian Kohlmayer1060959.761.467.9122.66
Igor Vujosevic1100.
Karol Babioch120251.595.045.922.57
Raffael Bild111.