Demos resizable


Resize an element as you like. Set min size and max size. Press "esc" key for cancel resizing. Press "Shift" when resizing to preserve aspect ratio.

    type : 'resizable',
    minSize : [30,50],
    maxSize : [600,300]

Aspect Ratio and Events.

Force to preserve aspect ratio. Also, you can bind some events, as 'clayfy-resize' (triggered when element is been resizing) and 'clayfy-cancel' (triggered when you press esc key)

var $demo2 = $('#demo-2');
var writeSize = function(){
    $demo2.html( $demo2.width() + ' x '+ $demo2.height() )

    type : 'resizable',
    minSize : [30,50],
    maxSize : [600,300],
    preserveAspectRatio : true
$demo2.on('clayfy-resize clayfy-cancel', writeSize);


Resize only by right border.

Select on which border find resizing handlers. Also, you can set move false.

    type : 'resizable',
    move: false,
    top: false,
    left: false,
    bottom: false,
    minSize : [30,50],
    maxSize : [600,300],

Container and Callbacks.

Set a container. Also, instead of bind events, you can set callbacks.

var $demo4 = $('#demo-4');
    type : 'resizable',
    container : '#container-4',
    minSize : [100,100],
    maxSize : [600,300],
    callbacks : {
        resize : function(){
            $demo4.html( 'inner: ' + $demo4.width() + ' x '+ $demo4.height() +'
outer: ' + $demo4.outerWidth() + ' x '+ $demo4.outerHeight()); } } });

Outer handlers.

When you resize even with borders, padding, and scrollbars.

        border: 4px solid #38c429;

    var $demo4 = $('#demo-4');
        type : 'resizable',
        container : '#container-4',
        minSize : [100,50],
        maxSize : [200,120],
        callbacks : {
            resize : function(){
                $demo4.html( 'inner: ' + $demo4.width() + ' x '+ $demo4.height() +'
outer: ' + $demo4.outerWidth() + ' x '+ $demo4.outerHeight()); } } }); </script>


Style as you like. We recommend you to use ::after and ::before pseudo classes.

        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        height: 2px;
        background: red;
        top:auto; bottom: 0;
        width:2px; height:100%;
        width:2px; height:100%;
        right: 0; left:auto;
        height: 100%;

    var $demo6 = $('#demo-6');
        type : 'resizable',
        container : '#container-6',
        minSize : [100,50],
        maxSize : [200,120],
        className : 'custom-handlers',
        callbacks : {
            resize : function(){
                $demo6.html( 'inner: ' + $demo6.width() + ' x '+ $demo6.height() +'
outer: ' + $demo6.outerWidth() + ' x '+ $demo6.outerHeight()); } } }); $demo6.on('clayfy-cancel', function(){ $demo6.html( 'inner: ' + $demo6.width() + ' x '+ $demo6.height() +'
outer: ' + $demo6.outerWidth() + ' x '+ $demo6.outerHeight()); }); </script>