Welcome to the Fun with BigNum!

Count from left to right
Type '0' to start
Type 'q' to stop.

Get ready

- Basic algorithm for left-to-right sum is
1. Sum highest-order digits;
2. Move to lower digits and check for three cases:
- if sum of the digits is not greater than 8, your sum is done;
- if sum of the digits is equal or greater than 10, add 1 to sum;
- if sum of the digits is equal to 9, follow the point 2 again.
3. Check this method on example 1877 + 1123.
- Edit field have to be clean after every time you type digits sum, if is not cleaned, you've made a mistake.
- Time measurement is in milliseconds;

Return to simple addition

For programmers we also have
hexdemical addition test
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