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28, \ 2016)", StyleDefinitions->"Default.nb" ] (* End of Notebook Content *) (* Internal cache information *) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[558, 20, 510, 16, 32, "Input"], Cell[1071, 38, 438, 14, 32, "Input"], Cell[1512, 54, 8660, 227, 864, "Input"], Cell[10175, 283, 28409, 702, 2406, "Input"], Cell[38587, 987, 12615, 308, 852, "Input"], Cell[51205, 1297, 1630, 44, 117, "Input"], Cell[52838, 1343, 13996, 330, 1272, "Input"], Cell[66837, 1675, 11918, 296, 789, "Input"], Cell[78758, 1973, 2840, 74, 369, "Input"], Cell[81601, 2049, 1344, 36, 138, "Input"], Cell[82948, 2087, 4837, 130, 201, "Input"], Cell[87788, 2219, 476, 14, 32, "Input"], Cell[88267, 2235, 2639, 64, 390, "Input"], Cell[90909, 2301, 629, 20, 32, "Input"], Cell[91541, 2323, 5199, 135, 306, "Input"], Cell[96743, 2460, 363, 11, 32, "Input"], Cell[97109, 2473, 1195, 36, 96, "Input"], Cell[98307, 2511, 385, 11, 32, "Input"], Cell[98695, 2524, 3089, 85, 327, "Input"], Cell[101787, 2611, 901, 28, 54, "Input"], Cell[102691, 2641, 1871, 52, 75, "Input"], Cell[104565, 2695, 7561, 200, 390, "Input"], Cell[112129, 2897, 1172, 34, 75, "Input"], Cell[113304, 2933, 991, 28, 54, "Input"], Cell[114298, 2963, 8272, 213, 390, "Input"], Cell[122573, 3178, 1466, 39, 201, "Input"], Cell[124042, 3219, 2073, 53, 180, "Input"], Cell[126118, 3274, 2808, 70, 306, "Input"], Cell[128929, 3346, 1034, 29, 54, "Input"], Cell[129966, 3377, 3927, 92, 285, "Input"], Cell[133896, 3471, 7365, 182, 621, "Input"], Cell[141264, 3655, 1353, 37, 138, "Input"], Cell[142620, 3694, 2684, 73, 224, "Input"], Cell[145307, 3769, 6905, 189, 732, "Input"], Cell[152215, 3960, 6838, 191, 795, "Input"], Cell[159056, 4153, 9852, 273, 954, "Input"], Cell[168911, 4428, 4582, 116, 537, "Input"], Cell[173496, 4546, 3047, 82, 120, "Input"], Cell[176546, 4630, 967, 29, 75, "Input"], Cell[177516, 4661, 238, 6, 32, "Input"], Cell[177757, 4669, 4751, 118, 453, "Input"], 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