ZWare Sample Client 1.1
Dependencies and Setup


1.Ensure that the PC has a network connection.
2.Python 3 should be installed on the PC. The recommended version is 3.5.2.
3.Install the python library requests by going to the command line and running

python -m pip install requests 

If the library is not available python will download and install it.


1.Ensure that the ZWare web server and the ZIP Gateway (Z-Wave over Internet Protocol Gateway) are installed on the Raspberry Pi board provided to the user.
2.Refer to the respective documentation of the ZWare web server and the ZIP Gateway in order to correctly install and configure them for use with the ZWare Sample Client.
3.The ZIP Gateway should be able to connect to the ZWare server.
4.Ensure that a Z-Wave supported device is available for using with the client.