#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # Name of application to install AppName="FastProject" # Set your project's install directory name here InstallDir="FastProject" # Dependencies installed by Conda # Comment out the next line if no Conda dependencies CondaDeps="numpy=1.11 nomkl scipy=0.18 scikit-learn=0.18.1 pandas=0.19" # Install the package from PyPi # Comment out next line if installing locally PyPiPackage="FastProject" # Local packages to install # Useful if your application is not in PyPi # Distribute this with a .tar.gz and use this variable # Comment out the next line if no local package to install # LocalPackage="FastProject-0.9.2.tar.gz" # Entry points to add to the path # Comment out the next line of no entry point # (Though not sure why this script would be useful otherwise) EntryPoint="fastproject" echo echo "Installing $AppName" echo echo "Installing into: $(pwd)/$InstallDir" echo # Miniconda doesn't work for directory structures with spaces if [[ $(pwd) == *" "* ]] then echo "ERROR: Cannot install into a directory with a space in its path" >&2 echo "Exiting..." echo exit 1 fi # Test if new directory is empty. Exit if it's not if [ -d $(pwd)/$InstallDir ]; then if [ "$(ls -A $(pwd)/$InstallDir)" ]; then echo "ERROR: Directory is not empty" >&2 echo "If you want to install into $(pwd)/$InstallDir, " echo "clear the directory first and run this script again." echo "Exiting..." echo exit 1 fi fi set +e # Download and install Miniconda curl "https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda2-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh" -o Miniconda_Install.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then curl "http://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda2-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh" -o Miniconda_Install.sh fi set -e bash Miniconda_Install.sh -b -f -p $InstallDir # Activate the new environment PATH="$(pwd)/$InstallDir/bin":$PATH # Make the new python environment completely independent # Modify the site.py file so that USER_SITE is not imported python -s << END import site site_file = site.__file__.replace(".pyc", ".py"); with open(site_file) as fin: lines = fin.readlines(); for i,line in enumerate(lines): if(line.find("ENABLE_USER_SITE = None") > -1): user_site_line = i; break; lines[user_site_line] = "ENABLE_USER_SITE = False\n" with open(site_file,'w') as fout: fout.writelines(lines) END # Install Conda Dependencies if [[ $CondaDeps ]]; then conda install $CondaDeps -y -c defaults --override-channels fi # Install Package from PyPi if [[ $PyPiPackage ]]; then pip install $PyPiPackage -q fi # Install Local Package if [[ $LocalPackage ]]; then pip install $LocalPackage -q fi # Cleanup rm Miniconda_Install.sh conda clean -iltp --yes # Add Entry Point to the path if [[ $EntryPoint ]]; then cd $InstallDir mkdir Scripts ln -s ../bin/$EntryPoint Scripts/$EntryPoint echo "$EntryPoint script installed to $(pwd)/Scripts" echo echo "Add folder to path by appending to .bash_profile?" read -p "[y/n] >>> " -r echo if [[ ($REPLY == "yes") || ($REPLY == "Yes") || ($REPLY == "YES") || ($REPLY == "y") || ($REPLY == "Y")]] then echo "export PATH=\"$(pwd)/Scripts\":\$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile echo "Your PATH was updated." echo "Restart the terminal for the change to take effect" else echo "Your PATH was not modified." fi cd .. fi echo echo "$AppName Install Successfully"