We’ve covered many topics on how to manipulate and reshape a single data frame:
But what if your data arrives in many pieces? There are many good (and bad) reasons why this might happen. How do you get it into one big beautiful tibble? These tasks break down into 3 main classes:
Bind This is basically smashing rocks tibbles together. You can smash things together row-wise (“row binding”) or column-wise (“column binding”). Why do I characterize this as rock-smashing? They’re often fairly crude operations, with lots of responsibility falling on the analyst for making sure that the whole enterprise even makes sense.
When row binding, you need to consider the variables in the two tibbles. Do the same variables exist in each? Are they of the same type? Different approaches for row binding have different combinations of flexibility vs rigidity around these matters.
When column binding, the onus is entirely on the analyst to make sure that the rows are aligned. I would avoid column binding whenever possible. If you can introduce new variables through any other, safer means, do so! By safer, I mean: use a mechanism where the row alignment is correct by definition. A proper join is the gold standard. In addition to joins, functions like dplyr::mutate()
and tidyr::separate()
can be very useful for forcing yourself to work inside the constraint of a tibble.
Join Here you designate a variable (or a combination of variables) as a key. A row in one data frame gets matched with a row in another data frame because they have the same key. You can then bring information from variables in a secondary data frame into a primary data frame based on this key-based lookup. That description is incredibly oversimplified, but that’s the basic idea.
A variety of row- and column-wise operations fit into this framework, which implies there are many different flavors of join. The concepts and vocabulary around joins come from the database world. The relevant functions in dplyr follow this convention and all mention join
. The most relevant base R function is merge()
Lookup Lookups are really just a special case of join. But it’s a special case worth making for two reasons:
and friends in Excel, you already have a mental model for this. Let’s exploit that!Let’s explore each type of operation with a few examples.
First, let’s load the tidyverse (and expose version information).
#> ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.2.1 ──
#> ✔ ggplot2 3.0.0 ✔ purrr 0.2.5
#> ✔ tibble ✔ dplyr 0.7.7
#> ✔ tidyr 0.8.1 ✔ stringr 1.3.1
#> ✔ readr 1.1.1 ✔ forcats 0.3.0
#> ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
#> ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
#> ✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
We used word count data from the Lord of the Rings trilogy to explore the concept of tidy data. That kicked off with a quiet, successful row bind. Let’s revisit that.
Here’s what a perfect row bind of three (untidy!) data frames looks like.
fship <- tribble(
~Film, ~Race, ~Female, ~Male,
"The Fellowship Of The Ring", "Elf", 1229, 971,
"The Fellowship Of The Ring", "Hobbit", 14, 3644,
"The Fellowship Of The Ring", "Man", 0, 1995
rking <- tribble(
~Film, ~Race, ~Female, ~Male,
"The Return Of The King", "Elf", 183, 510,
"The Return Of The King", "Hobbit", 2, 2673,
"The Return Of The King", "Man", 268, 2459
ttow <- tribble(
~Film, ~Race, ~Female, ~Male,
"The Two Towers", "Elf", 331, 513,
"The Two Towers", "Hobbit", 0, 2463,
"The Two Towers", "Man", 401, 3589
(lotr_untidy <- bind_rows(fship, ttow, rking))
#> # A tibble: 9 x 4
#> Film Race Female Male
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 The Fellowship Of The Ring Elf 1229 971
#> 2 The Fellowship Of The Ring Hobbit 14 3644
#> 3 The Fellowship Of The Ring Man 0 1995
#> 4 The Two Towers Elf 331 513
#> 5 The Two Towers Hobbit 0 2463
#> 6 The Two Towers Man 401 3589
#> 7 The Return Of The King Elf 183 510
#> 8 The Return Of The King Hobbit 2 2673
#> 9 The Return Of The King Man 268 2459
works like a charm with these very row-bindable data frames! So does base rbind()
(try it!).
But what if one of the data frames is somehow missing a variable? Let’s mangle one and find out.
ttow_no_Female <- ttow %>% mutate(Female = NULL)
bind_rows(fship, ttow_no_Female, rking)
#> # A tibble: 9 x 4
#> Film Race Female Male
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 The Fellowship Of The Ring Elf 1229 971
#> 2 The Fellowship Of The Ring Hobbit 14 3644
#> 3 The Fellowship Of The Ring Man 0 1995
#> 4 The Two Towers Elf NA 513
#> 5 The Two Towers Hobbit NA 2463
#> 6 The Two Towers Man NA 3589
#> 7 The Return Of The King Elf 183 510
#> 8 The Return Of The King Hobbit 2 2673
#> 9 The Return Of The King Man 268 2459
rbind(fship, ttow_no_Female, rking)
#> Error in rbind(deparse.level, ...): numbers of columns of arguments do not match
We see that dplyr::bind_rows()
does the row bind and puts NA
in for the missing values caused by the lack of Female
data from The Two Towers. Base rbind()
refuses to row bind in this situation.
I invite you to experiment with other realistic, challenging scenarios, e.g.:
is of one type in one data frame and another type in the other. Try combinations that you think should work and some that should not. What actually happens?x
has different levels in one data frame and different levels in the other. What happens?In conclusion, row binding usually works when it should (especially with dplyr::bind_rows()
) and usually doesn’t when it shouldn’t. The biggest risk is being aggravated.
Column binding is much more dangerous because it often “works” when it should not. It’s your job to the rows are aligned and it’s all too easy to screw this up.
The data in gapminder
was originally excavated from 3 messy Excel spreadsheets: one each for life expectancy, population, and GDP per capital. Let’s relive some of the data wrangling joy and show a column bind gone wrong.
I create 3 separate data frames, do some evil row sorting, then column bind. There are no errors. The result gapminder_garbage
sort of looks OK. Univariate summary statistics and exploratory plots will look OK. But I’ve created complete nonsense!
life_exp <- gapminder %>%
select(country, year, lifeExp)
pop <- gapminder %>%
arrange(year) %>%
gdp_percap <- gapminder %>%
arrange(pop) %>%
(gapminder_garbage <- bind_cols(life_exp, pop, gdp_percap))
#> # A tibble: 1,704 x 5
#> country year lifeExp pop gdpPercap
#> <fct> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 Afghanistan 1952 28.8 8425333 880.
#> 2 Afghanistan 1957 30.3 1282697 861.
#> 3 Afghanistan 1962 32.0 9279525 2670.
#> 4 Afghanistan 1967 34.0 4232095 1072.
#> 5 Afghanistan 1972 36.1 17876956 1385.
#> 6 Afghanistan 1977 38.4 8691212 2865.
#> 7 Afghanistan 1982 39.9 6927772 1533.
#> 8 Afghanistan 1987 40.8 120447 1738.
#> 9 Afghanistan 1992 41.7 46886859 3021.
#> 10 Afghanistan 1997 41.8 8730405 1890.
#> # … with 1,694 more rows
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 23.60 48.20 60.71 59.47 70.85 82.60
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 23.60 48.20 60.71 59.47 70.85 82.60
#> [1] 241.1659 113523.1329
#> [1] 241.1659 113523.1329
One last cautionary tale about column binding. This one requires the use of cbind()
and it’s why the tidyverse is generally unwilling to recycle when combining things of different length.
I create a tibble with most of the gapminder
columns. I create another with the remainder, but filtered down to just one country. I am able to cbind()
these objects! Why? Because the 12 rows for Canada divide evenly into the 1704 rows of gapminder
. Note that dplyr::bind_cols()
refuses to column bind here.
gapminder_mostly <- gapminder %>% select(-pop, -gdpPercap)
gapminder_leftovers_filtered <- gapminder %>%
filter(country == "Canada") %>%
select(pop, gdpPercap)
gapminder_nonsense <- cbind(gapminder_mostly, gapminder_leftovers_filtered)
head(gapminder_nonsense, 14)
#> country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap
#> 1 Afghanistan Asia 1952 28.801 14785584 11367.16
#> 2 Afghanistan Asia 1957 30.332 17010154 12489.95
#> 3 Afghanistan Asia 1962 31.997 18985849 13462.49
#> 4 Afghanistan Asia 1967 34.020 20819767 16076.59
#> 5 Afghanistan Asia 1972 36.088 22284500 18970.57
#> 6 Afghanistan Asia 1977 38.438 23796400 22090.88
#> 7 Afghanistan Asia 1982 39.854 25201900 22898.79
#> 8 Afghanistan Asia 1987 40.822 26549700 26626.52
#> 9 Afghanistan Asia 1992 41.674 28523502 26342.88
#> 10 Afghanistan Asia 1997 41.763 30305843 28954.93
#> 11 Afghanistan Asia 2002 42.129 31902268 33328.97
#> 12 Afghanistan Asia 2007 43.828 33390141 36319.24
#> 13 Albania Europe 1952 55.230 14785584 11367.16
#> 14 Albania Europe 1957 59.280 17010154 12489.95
This data frame isn’t obviously wrong, but it is wrong. See how the Canada’s population and GDP per capita repeat for each country?
Bottom line: Row bind when you need to, but inspect the results re: coercion. Column bind only if you must and be extremely paranoid.
Visit the dplyr join cheatsheet to see concrete examples of all the joins implemented in dplyr, based on comic characters and publishers.
The most recent release of gapminder includes a new data frame, country_codes
, with country names and ISO codes. Therefore you can also use it to practice joins.
gapminder %>%
select(country, continent) %>%
group_by(country) %>%
slice(1) %>%
#> Joining, by = "country"
#> Warning: Column `country` joining factor and character vector, coercing
#> into character vector
#> # A tibble: 142 x 4
#> # Groups: country [?]
#> country continent iso_alpha iso_num
#> <chr> <fct> <chr> <int>
#> 1 Afghanistan Asia AFG 4
#> 2 Albania Europe ALB 8
#> 3 Algeria Africa DZA 12
#> 4 Angola Africa AGO 24
#> 5 Argentina Americas ARG 32
#> 6 Australia Oceania AUS 36
#> 7 Austria Europe AUT 40
#> 8 Bahrain Asia BHR 48
#> 9 Bangladesh Asia BGD 50
#> 10 Belgium Europe BEL 56
#> # … with 132 more rows
See this resource for examples: Table look up.