Some unsual causes of death in the CDC's WONDER database

By David Taylor, (blog), (hire me!)

There is a blog post about this notebook at (html).

The CDC's Compressed Mortality Files were downloaded from They can't be linked to directly, so I'll describe how to download them here.

On the mortsql.html page, follow the following steps for the following three links:

  • Mortality for 1999 - 2013 with ICD 10 codes
  • Mortality for 1979 - 1998 with ICD 9 codes
  • Mortality for 1968 - 1978 with ICD 8 codes
  1. Click the link
  2. Click the "I Agree" button.
  3. In Part 1 of the form, select dropdown boxes to list "Group Results By" as "Cause of Death" and "Year".
  4. In Part 6 of the form, check the "Export Results" box.
  5. Click the "Send" button.
  6. Wait several minutes, then the download starts.

I looked through the ICD-8 through ICD-10 at to find unusual causes of death.

In [1]:
import sys
print(sys.version) #I'm using Python 2.7 because I can't get plotly to work in 3.4

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import plotly.plotly as py
import as tls
from plotly.graph_objs import *

py.sign_in(open('Z:/DT/plotly_emanresu.txt', 'r').read(), #keep moving, nothing to see here.
           open('Z:/DT/plotly_yekipa.txt', 'r').read())
2.7.8 |Anaconda 2.1.0 (64-bit)| (default, Jul  2 2014, 15:12:11) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]

In [2]:
df = pd.read_csv('Compressed Mortality, 1968-1978 per year.txt', sep='\t', encoding="latin-1")
df = pd.merge(df, pd.read_csv('Compressed Mortality, 1979-1998 per year.txt', sep='\t', encoding="latin-1"), 'outer')
df = pd.merge(df, pd.read_csv('Compressed Mortality, 1999-2012 per year.txt', sep='\t', encoding="latin-1"), 'outer')
df = df.dropna(subset=['Year'])
df.drop(['Notes', 'Year Code'], axis=1, inplace=True)
In [4]:
# note that causes of death like "Classical, 000.0" are subsets of groups of cause of death; 
# the group names are not included in this table
Cause of death Cause of death Code Year Deaths Population Crude Rate
3107 Classical 000.0 1968 0 0 0.0 (Unreliable)
3108 Classical 000.0 1969 0 0 0.0 (Unreliable)
3109 Classical 000.0 1970 0 0 0.0 (Unreliable)
3110 Classical 000.0 1971 0 0 0.0 (Unreliable)
3111 Classical 000.0 1972 0 0 0.0 (Unreliable)

Note: Plotly is good for making quick stacked bar graphs, but its legends are not very customizable (that I could determine, in any case). So I have made versions with and without legends, to be assembled later in Photoshop.

In [38]:
def plot_graphs(df, search_term, title):
    dfchart = df[(df['Cause of death'].str.contains(search_term))]
    years = range(1968, 2013)
    bars = []
    for cause in dfchart['Cause of death'].unique():
        deaths = []
        for year in years:
            if len(dfchart[(dfchart['Cause of death'] == cause)&(dfchart.Year == year)]) > 0:
                deaths.append(dfchart[(dfchart['Cause of death'] == cause)&(dfchart.Year == year)].Deaths.iloc[0])

        bars.append( Bar(
        )  )          
    data = Data(bars)
    layout_nolegend = Layout(
            title='Deaths per year',
    layout_legend = Layout(
    fig1 = Figure(data=data, layout=layout_nolegend)
    fig2 = Figure(data=data, layout=layout_legend)
In [39]:
plot_graphs(df, 'caries', 'Deaths due to Dental Caries in CDC database, 1968-2012')
In [40]:
plot_graphs(df, '[Pp]enis', "Causes of death containing the word 'penis' in CDC database, 1968-2012")
In [9]:
df[(df['Cause of death'].str.contains('[Tt]ransvest'))]
Cause of death Cause of death Code Year Deaths Population Crude Rate
19676 Transvestitism 302.3 1968 0 0 0.0 (Unreliable)
19677 Transvestitism 302.3 1969 0 0 0.0 (Unreliable)
19678 Transvestitism 302.3 1970 0 0 0.0 (Unreliable)
19679 Transvestitism 302.3 1971 0 0 0.0 (Unreliable)
19680 Transvestitism 302.3 1972 0 0 0.0 (Unreliable)
19681 Transvestitism 302.3 1973 0 0 0.0 (Unreliable)
19682 Transvestitism 302.3 1974 0 0 0.0 (Unreliable)
19683 Transvestitism 302.3 1975 0 0 0.0 (Unreliable)
19684 Transvestitism 302.3 1976 0 0 0.0 (Unreliable)
19685 Transvestitism 302.3 1977 0 0 0.0 (Unreliable)
19686 Transvestitism 302.3 1978 0 0 0.0 (Unreliable)
In [41]:
plot_graphs(df, '([Ww]eather|[^ro] storm)', "Causes of death contain 'weather' or 'storm' in CDC database, 1968-2012")
In [42]:
plot_graphs(df, '[Mm]igraine', "Causes of death containing word 'migraine', CDC database 1968-2012")
In [43]:
plot_graphs(df, '[Cc]left [pl]', "Causes of death containing words 'cleft palate'/'cleft lip', CDC database 1968-2012")
In [45]:
plot_graphs(df, '[Ff]oreign body', "Causes of death containing the words 'foreign body' in CDC database, 1968-2012")
In [46]:
plot_graphs(df, '[Ee]lbow', "Causes of death containing the word 'elbow' in CDC database, 1968-2012")
In [56]:
plot_graphs(df, '[Ee]nthesopath', "Causes of death containing the word 'enthesopathy' in CDC database, 1968-2012")
In [58]:
df2 = df[~df['Cause of death'].str.contains('pedestrian')]
plot_graphs(df2, '[Cc]onjunctivitis', "Causes of death containing the word 'conjunctivitis' in CDC database, 1968-2012")
In [47]:
plot_graphs(df, '[Dd]og', "Causes of death containing the word 'dog' in CDC database, 1968-2012")
In [77]:
plot_graphs(df, ' war[^tf]', "Causes of death containing the word 'war' in CDC database, 1968-2012")
In [49]:
plot_graphs(df, '[Pp]soriasis', "Causes of death containing the word 'psoriasis' in CDC database, 1968-2012")
In [76]:
plot_graphs(df, '[Ii]ngrow', "Cause of death by ingrowing nail in CDC database, 1968-2012")
In [74]:
df[(df['Cause of death'].str.contains('ngrow'))&(df.Deaths>0)]
Cause of death Cause of death Code Year Deaths Population Crude Rate
31029 Ingrowing nail 703.0 1976 1 217615788 0.0 (Unreliable)
31030 Ingrowing nail 703.0 1977 1 219808632 0.0 (Unreliable)
31032 Ingrowing nail 703.0 1991 1 253088068 0.0 (Unreliable)
31033 Ingrowing nail 703.0 1984 1 235922142 0.0 (Unreliable)
31034 Ingrowing nail L60.0 2000 1 281421906 0.0 (Unreliable)
31035 Ingrowing nail L60.0 2011 1 311591917 0.0 (Unreliable)
In [51]:
plot_graphs(df, '[Ss]pacecraft', "Causes of death containing the word 'spacecraft' in CDC database, 1968-2012")
In [61]:
plot_graphs(df, '[Aa]nimal', "Causes of death containing the word 'animal' in CDC database, 1968-2012")
In [71]:
df2 = df[~df['Cause of death'].str.contains('pedestrian')]
plot_graphs(df2, '([Aa]nimal|[Bb]ee|[Dd]og)', "Causes of death by 'animal'/'dog'/'bee' in CDC database, 1968-2012")
In [67]:
# No cats
df2 = df[~df['Cause of death'].str.contains('[^ ]cat')]
df2 = df2[~df2['Cause of death'].str.contains('cath')]
df2[df2['Cause of death'].str.contains('cat')]['Cause of death'].unique()
array([u'Congenital cataract', u'Senile cataract', u'Unspecified cataract',
       u'Congenital cataract and lens anomalies',
       u'Defects of catalase and peroxidase',
       u'Organic catatonic disorder', u'Narcolepsy and cataplexy',
       u'Victim of cataclysmic storm'], dtype=object)
In [53]:
plot_graphs(df, '[Ss]yndactyl', "Causes of death containing the word 'syndactyly' in CDC database, 1968-2012")
In []: