AxGmap Example

AxGmap is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to easily create Google Map, add marker and info window.

View on GitHub : Nouris-Inc/jquery-axgmap

Simple use

Louvre Museum

Place de la Concorde

Palais Garnier

Adding the marker and info window

Louvre Museum


Place de la Concorde


Palais Garnier


Customize the marker image

Louvre Museum

Place de la Concorde

Palais Garnier

Disable drag and scrollwheel zooming

Louvre Museum

Place de la Concorde

Palais Garnier

Disable map controll

Louvre Museum

Place de la Concorde

Palais Garnier

Show map status



data-latlnglat, lngThe initial Map center.
data-map-widthnumberMap width (px)
data-map-heightnumberMap Height (px)
data-zoomnumberThe initial Map zoom level.
data-max-zoomnumberThe maximum zoom level .
data-min-zoomnumberThe minimum zoom level.
data-map-typeHYBRID | ROADMAP | SATELLITE | TERRAINThe initial Map mapType. Defaults to ROADMAP.
data-draggablebooleanIf false, prevents the map from being dragged.
data-scrollwheelbooleanIf false, disables scrollwheel zooming on the map.
data-map-statusbooleanIf true, show map status.
data-map-type-controlbooleanThe initial enabled/disabled state of the Map type control.
data-overview-map-controlbooleanThe enabled/disabled state of the Overview Map control.
data-pan-controlbooleanThe enabled/disabled state of the Pan control.
data-rotate-controlbooleanThe enabled/disabled state of the Rotate control.
data-scale-controlbooleanThe initial enabled/disabled state of the Scale control.
data-street-view-controlbooleanThe initial enabled/disabled state of the Street View Pegman control.
data-zoom-controlbooleanThe enabled/disabled state of the Zoom control.


data-latlnglat, lngMarker position. Defaults to Map center.
data-titleStringRollover text.
data-window-openBooleanIf true, initial opened the info window.
data-marker-imageURLThe URL of the marker image


This plugin is available under the MIT license.