// ==UserScript==
// @name IdleLoops Predictor
// @namespace https://github.com/Koviko/
// @version 1.3.6
// @description Predicts the amount of resources spent and gained by each action in the action list. Valid as of IdleLoops v.77.
// @author Koviko <koviko.net@gmail.com>
// @website http://koviko.net/
// @match *://stopsign.github.io/idleLoops/*
// @grant none
// @run-at document-idle
// ==/UserScript==
/** @namespace */
const Koviko = {
* IdleLoops view
* @typedef {Object} Koviko~View
* @prop {function} updateNextActions Method responsible for updating the view
* Represents an action in the action list
* @typedef {Object} Koviko~ListedAction
* @prop {string} name Name of the action
* @prop {number} loops Number of loops to perform
* IdleLoops action
* @typedef {Object} Koviko~Action
* @prop {string} name Name of the action
* @prop {number} expMult Experience multiplier (typically 1)
* @prop {number} townNum The town to which the action belongs
* @prop {string} varName The unique identifier used for variables in the `towns` array
* @prop {number} [segments] Amount of segments per loop
* @prop {number} [dungeonNum] The dungeon to which the action belongs
* @prop {Object.<string, number>} stats Stats that affect and are affected by the action
* @prop {Array.<string>} [loopStats] Stats used in the respective segment per loop
* @prop {function} manaCost Mana cost to complete the action
* IdleLoops town, which includes total progression for all actions
* @typedef {Object} Koviko~Town
* IdleLoops dungeon floor
* @typedef {Object} Koviko~DungeonFloor
* @prop {number} ssChance Chance to get a soulstone
* @prop {number} completed Amount of times completed
* IdleLoops skill
* @typedef {Object} Koviko~Skill
* @prop {number} exp Experience
* Globals
* @prop {Koviko~View} view IdleLoops view object
* @prop {Object} actions IdleLoops actions object
* @prop {Array.<Koviko~ListedAction>} actions.next Action List
* @prop {HTMLElement} nextActionsDiv Action list container
* @prop {Array.<string>} statList Names of all stats
* @prop {Object.<string, Koviko~Skill>} skills Skill objects
* @prop {Array.<Koviko~Town>} towns Town objects
* @prop {Array.<Array.<Koviko~DungeonFloor>>} dungeons Dungeon objects
* @prop {function} fibonacci Calculates the value of the given index of the Fibonacci sequence
* @prop {function} precision3 Rounds numbers to a precision of 3
* @prop {function} translateClassNames Converts an action name to a {@link Koviko~Action} object
* @prop {function} getLevelFromExp Converts an amount of stat experience into a level
* @prop {function} getSkillLevelFromExp Converts an amount of skill experience into a level
* @prop {function} getTotalBonusXP Determine the current amount of bonus XP from talents and soulstones
* @prop {function} goldCostLocks Determine the amount of gold gained from lockpicking
* @prop {function} goldCostSQuests Determine the amount of gold gained from short quests
* @prop {function} goldCostLQuests Determine the amount of gold gained from long quests
globals: {
view: null,
actions: null,
nextActionsDiv: null,
statList: null,
skills: null,
towns: null,
dungeons: null,
fibonacci: null,
precision3: null,
translateClassNames: null,
getLevelFromExp: null,
getSkillLevelFromExp: null,
getTotalBonusXP: null,
goldCostLocks: null,
goldCostSQuests: null,
goldCostLQuests: null,
/** A prediction, capable of calculating and estimating ticks and rewards of an action. */
Prediction: class {
* Loop attributes for a prediction
* @typedef {Object} Koviko.Prediction~Loop
* @prop {function} cost Cost to complete a segment
* @prop {function} tick Amount of progress completed in one tick
* @prop {Object} effect Effects at the end of a loop or segment
* @prop {function} [effect.segment] Effect at the end of a segment
* @prop {function} [effect.loop] Effect at the end of a loop
* Parameters to be passed to the Prediction constructor
* @typedef {Object} Koviko.Prediction~Parameters
* @prop {Array.<string>} affected Affected resources
* @prop {function} effect Method that will mutate resources
* @prop {Koviko.Prediction~Loop} loop Loop attributes
* Create the prediction
* @param {string} name Name of the action
* @param {Koviko.Prediction~Parameters} params Parameter object
constructor(name, params) {
* Name of the action
* @member {string}
this.name = name;
* Action being estimated
* @member {Koviko~Action}
this.action = Koviko.globals.translateClassNames(name);
* The pre-calculated amount of ticks needed for the action to complete.
* @member {number}
this._ticks = 0;
* Resources affected by the action
* @member {Array.<string>}
this.affected = params.affected || [];
* Effect of the action.
* @member {function|null}
this.effect = params.effect || null;
* Effect(s) and tick calculations of the action's loops
* @member {Koviko.Prediction~Loop|null}
this.loop = params.loop || null;
* Calculate the number of ticks needed to complete the action.
* @param {Koviko.Prediction~Action} a Action object
* @param {Koviko.Predictor~Stats} s Accumulated stat experience
* @memberof Koviko.Prediction
updateTicks(a, s) {
let cost = Koviko.globals.statList.reduce((cost, i) => cost + (i in a.stats && i in s ? a.stats[i] / (1 + Koviko.globals.getLevelFromExp(s[i]) / 100) : 0), 0);
return (this._ticks = Math.ceil(a.manaCost() * cost - .000001));
* Get the pre-calculated amount of ticks needed for the action to complete.
* @memberof Koviko.Prediction
ticks() {
return this._ticks || this.updateTicks();
* Add the experience gained in one tick to the accumulated stat experience.
* @param {Koviko.Prediction~Action} a Action object
* @param {Koviko.Predictor~Stats} s Accumulated stat experience
* @memberof Koviko.Prediction
exp(a, s) {
Koviko.globals.statList.forEach(i => i in a.stats && i in s && (s[i] += a.stats[i] * a.expMult * (a.manaCost() / this.ticks()) * Koviko.globals.getTotalBonusXP(i)));
/** A collection of attributes and a comparison of those attributes from one snapshot to the next. */
Snapshot: class {
* Attributes to consider from one snapshot to the next.
* @typedef {Object.<string, number>} Koviko.Snapshot~Attributes
* Comparison of current snapshot to last snapshot.
* @typedef {Object} Koviko.Snapshot~Comparison
* @prop {number} value New value after the snapshot is taken
* @prop {number} delta Difference between new value and old value
* Create the snapshot handler.
* @param {Koviko.Snapshot~Attributes} attributes Attributes and their values
* @memberof Koviko.Snapshot
constructor(attributes) {
* Valid attributes for a snapshot
* @member {Object.<string, number>}
this.attributes = {};
* Whether the attributes have been initialized
* @member {boolean}
this._isInitialized = false;
if (attributes) {
* Initialize the attributes to consider in each snapshot.
* @param {Koviko.Snapshot~Attributes} attributes Attributes and their values
* @return {Object.<string, Koviko.Snapshot~Comparison>} Initial comparison values
* @memberof Koviko.Snapshot
init(attributes) {
for (let i in attributes) {
this.attributes[i] = { value: attributes[i], delta: null };
this._isInitialized = true;
return this.attributes;
* Take a snapshot of the attributes and compare them to the previous snapshot.
* @param {Koviko.Snapshot~Attributes} attributes Attributes and their values
* @return {Object.<string, Koviko.Snapshot~Comparison>} Comparison values from the last snapshot to the current one
* @memberof Koviko.Snapshot
snap(attributes) {
if (!this._isInitialized) {
for (let i in this.attributes) {
this.attributes[i].delta = attributes[i] - this.attributes[i].value;
this.attributes[i].value = attributes[i];
return this.attributes;
* Get the snapshot.
* @return {Object.<string, Koviko.Snapshot~Comparison>} Comparison values from the last snapshot to the current one
* @memberof Koviko.Snapshot
get() {
return this.attributes;
/** A predictor which uses Predictions to calculate and estimate an entire action list. */
Predictor: class {
* Progression
* @typedef {Object} Koviko.Predictor~Progression
* @prop {number} completed The amount of total segments completed
* @prop {number} progress The amount of progress in segments beyond that already represented in `completed`
* @prop {number} total The amount of successful loops ever completed
* Accumulated stat experience
* @typedef {Object.<string, number>} Koviko.Predictor~Stats
* Accumulated skill experience
* @typedef {Object.<string, number>} Koviko.Predictor~Skills
* Accumulated resources
* @typedef {Object.<string, number>} Koviko.Predictor~Resources
* Accumulated progress
* @typedef {Object.<string, Koviko.Predictor~Progression>} Koviko.Predictor~Progress
* State object
* @typedef {Object} Koviko.Predictor~State
* @prop {Koviko.Predictor~Stats} stats Accumulated stat experience
* @prop {Koviko.Predictor~Skills} skills Accumulated skill experience
* @prop {Koviko.Predictor~Resources} resources Accumulated resources
* @prop {Koviko.Predictor~Progress} progress Accumulated progress
* Create the predictor
* @param {Koviko~View} view IdleLoops view object
* @param {Object} actions IdleLoops actions object
* @param {Array.<Koviko~ListedAction>} actions.next Action List
* @param {HTMLElement} container Action list container
constructor(view, actions, container) {
// Initialization steps broken into pieces, for my sake
// Prepare `updateNextActions` to be hooked
if (!view._updateNextActions) {
view._updateNextActions = view.updateNextActions;
// Hook `updateNextActions` with the predictor's update function
view.updateNextActions = () => {
this.update(actions.next, container);
* Run a fake action list containing every possible action so that, hopefully, every function is ran at least once.
* @memberof Koviko.Predictor
test() {
const actions = [];
for (const name in this.predictions) {
actions.push({ name: name, loops: 100 });
this.update(actions, null, true);
* Build the style element responsible for the formatting of the predictor's values.
* @memberof Koviko.Predictor
initStyle() {
// Get the style element if it already exists for some reason
let style = document.getElementById('koviko');
// Build the CSS
let css = `
.nextActionContainer{width:auto!important;padding:0 4px}
ul.koviko li{display:inline-block;margin: 0 2px;font-weight:bold;font-size:90%}
ul.koviko.invalid li{color:#c00!important}
ul.koviko .mana{color:#8293ff}
ul.koviko .gold{color:#d09249}
ul.koviko .rep{color:#b06f37}
ul.koviko .soul{color:#9d67cd}
ul.koviko .herbs{color:#4caf50}
ul.koviko .hide{color:#663300}
ul.koviko .potions{color:#00b2ee}
ul.koviko .crafts{color:#777777}
ul.koviko .adventures{color:#191919}
// Create the <style> element if it doesn't already exist
if (!style || style.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'style') {
style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.id = 'koviko';
// Clean out the <style> element and append the correct CSS
for (; style.lastChild; style.removeChild(style.lastChild));
* Build the element that shows the total mana required by the action list.
* @memberof Koviko.Predictor
initElements() {
// Find the display element for the total if it already exists
let parent = document.getElementById('actionList').firstElementChild;
* Element that displays the total amount of mana used in the action list
* @member {HTMLElement}
this.totalDisplay = [...parent.children].reduce((total, el, i, arr) => total || el.className === 'koviko' && el, false);
// If the element doesn't already exist, create it
if (!this.totalDisplay) {
this.totalDisplay = document.createElement('span');
this.totalDisplay.className = 'koviko';
* Build all of the necessary components to make predictions about each action.
* @memberof Koviko.Predictor
initPredictions() {
* Helper methods
* @member {Object.<string, function>}
* @namespace
this.helpers = (this.helpers || {
* Get the level of a town attribute.
* @param {number} exp Amount of experience in the town attribute
* @return {number} Current level of town attribute
* @memberof Koviko.Predictor#helpers
getTownLevelFromExp: exp => Math.floor((Math.sqrt(8 * exp / 100 + 1) - 1) / 2),
* Get the current guild rank's bonus, noting that there is a max of 15 ranks, base zero.
* @param {Koviko.Predictor~Resources} r Accumulated resources
* @return {number} Current bonus from guild rank
* @memberof Koviko.Predictor#helpers
getGuildRankBonus: (guild) => Math.floor(guild / 3 + .00001) >= 14 ? Math.floor(10 + (45 ** 2) / 30) : g.precision3(1 + guild / 20 + (guild ** 2) / 300),
* Calculate the combat skill specifically affecting the team leader
* @param {Koviko.Predictor~Resources} r Accumulated resources
* @param {Koviko.Predictor~Skills} k Accumulated skills
* @return {number} Combat skill of the team leader
* @memberof Koviko.Predictor#helpers
getSelfCombat: (r, k) => g.getSkillLevelFromExp(k.combat) * (1 + ((r.armor || 0) * h.getGuildRankBonus(r.crafts || 0)) / 5),
* Calculate the combat skill of the entire team
* @param {Koviko.Predictor~Resources} r Accumulated resources
* @param {Koviko.Predictor~Skills} k Accumulated skills
* @return {number} Combat skill of the team members
* @memberof Koviko.Predictor#helpers
getTeamCombat: (r, k) => h.getSelfCombat(r, k) + g.getSkillLevelFromExp(k.combat) * (r.team || 0) / 2 * h.getGuildRankBonus(r.adventures || 0),
// Alias the globals to a shorter variable name
const g = Koviko.globals;
const h = this.helpers;
* Prediction parameters
* @type {Object.<string, Koviko.Prediction~Parameters>}
const predictions = {
// Beginnersville
'Wander': {},
'Smash Pots': { affected: ['mana'], effect: r => r.mana += 100 },
'Pick Locks': { affected: ['gold'], effect: r => r.gold += g.goldCostLocks() },
'Buy Glasses': { effect: r => (r.gold -= 10, r.glasses = true) },
'Buy Mana': { affected: ['mana', 'gold'], effect: r => (r.mana += r.gold * 50, r.gold = 0) },
'Meet People': {},
'Train Strength': {},
'Short Quest': { affected: ['gold'], effect: r => r.gold += g.goldCostSQuests() },
'Investigate': {},
'Long Quest': { affected: ['gold', 'rep'], effect: r => (r.gold += g.goldCostLQuests(), r.rep += 1) },
'Throw Party': { affected: ['rep'], effect: r => r.rep -= 2 },
'Warrior Lessons': { effect: (r, k) => k.combat += 100 },
'Mage Lessons': { effect: (r, k) => k.magic += 100 * (1 + g.getSkillLevelFromExp(k.alchemy) / 100) },
'Buy Supplies': { affected: ['gold'], effect: r => (r.gold -= Math.max(300 - Math.max((r.supplyDiscount || 0) * 20, 0), 0), r.supplies = (r.supplies || 0) + 1) },
'Haggle': { effect: r => (r.rep--, r.supplyDiscount = (r.supplyDiscount || 0) + 1) },
'Start Journey': { effect: r => r.supplies = (r.supplies || 0) - 1 },
// Forest Path
'Explore Forest': {},
'Wild Mana': { affected: ['mana'], effect: r => r.mana += 250 },
'Gather Herbs': { affected: ['herbs'], effect: r => r.herbs += 1 },
'Hunt': { affected: ['hide'], effect: r => r.hide += 1 },
'Sit By Waterfall': {},
'Old Shortcut': {},
'Talk To Hermit': {},
'Practical Magic': { effect: (r, k) => k.practical += 100 },
'Learn Alchemy': { affected: ['herbs'], effect: (r, k) => (r.herbs -= 10, k.alchemy += 50, k.magic += 50) },
'Brew Potions': { affected: ['herbs', 'potions'], effect: (r, k) => (r.herbs -= 10, r.potions++, k.alchemy += 25, k.magic += 50) },
'Train Dex': {},
'Train Speed': {},
'Continue On': {},
// Merchanton
'Explore City': {},
'Gamble': { affected: ['gold', 'rep'], effect: r => (r.rep--, r.gold += 60 - 20) },
'Get Drunk': { affected: ['rep'], effect: r => r.rep-- },
'Purchase Mana': { affected: ['mana', 'gold'], effect: r => (r.mana += r.gold * 50, r.gold = 0) },
'Sell Potions': { affected: ['gold', 'potions'], effect: (r, k) => (r.gold += r.potions * g.getSkillLevelFromExp(k.alchemy), r.potions = 0) },
'Read Books': {},
'Gather Team': { affected: ['gold'], effect: r => (r.team = (r.team || 0) + 1, r.gold -= r.team * 200) },
'Craft Armor': { affected: ['hide'], effect: r => (r.hide -= 2, r.armor = (r.armor || 0) + 1) },
'Apprentice': { effect: (r, k) => (r.apprentice = (r.apprentice || 0) + 30 * h.getGuildRankBonus(r.crafts || 0), k.crafting += 10 * (1 + h.getTownLevelFromExp(r.apprentice) / 100)) },
'Mason': { effect: (r, k) => (r.mason = (r.mason || 0) + 20 * h.getGuildRankBonus(r.crafts || 0), k.crafting += 20 * (1 + h.getTownLevelFromExp(r.mason) / 100)) },
'Architect': { effect: (r, k) => (r.architect = (r.architect || 0) + 10 * h.getGuildRankBonus(r.crafts || 0), k.crafting += 40 * (1 + h.getTownLevelFromExp(r.architect) / 100)) },
// Basic loops
'Heal The Sick': { affected: ['rep'], effect: (r, k) => k.magic += 10, loop: {
cost: (p, a) => segment => g.fibonacci(2 + Math.floor((p.completed + segment) / a.segments + .0000001)) * 5000,
tick: (p, a, s, k) => offset => g.getSkillLevelFromExp(k.magic) * Math.sqrt(1 + p.total / 100) * (1 + g.getLevelFromExp(s[a.loopStats[(p.completed + offset) % a.loopStats.length]]) / 100),
effect: { loop: r => r.rep += 3 },
'Fight Monsters': { affected: ['gold'], effect: (r, k) => k.combat += 10, loop: {
cost: (p, a) => segment => g.fibonacci(Math.floor((p.completed + segment) - p.completed / a.segments + .0000001)) * 10000,
tick: (p, a, s, k) => offset => g.getSkillLevelFromExp(k.combat) * Math.sqrt(1 + p.total / 100) * (1 + g.getLevelFromExp(s[a.loopStats[(p.completed + offset) % a.loopStats.length]]) / 100),
effect: { segment: r => r.gold += 20 },
'Adventure Guild': { affected: ['gold', 'adventures'], loop: {
cost: (p) => segment => g.precision3(Math.pow(1.2, p.completed + segment)) * 5e6,
tick: (p, a, s, k, r) => offset => {
return (h.getSelfCombat(r, k) + g.getSkillLevelFromExp(k.magic) / 2)
* (1 + g.getLevelFromExp(s[a.loopStats[(p.completed + offset) % a.loopStats.length]]) / 100)
* Math.sqrt(1 + p.total / 1000);
effect: { segment: r => (r.mana += 200, r.adventures++) }
'Crafting Guild': { affected: ['gold', 'crafts'], loop: {
cost: (p) => segment => g.precision3(Math.pow(1.2, p.completed + segment)) * 2e6,
tick: (p, a, s, k) => offset => (g.getSkillLevelFromExp(k.magic) / 2 + g.getSkillLevelFromExp(k.crafting))
* (1 + g.getLevelFromExp(s[a.loopStats[(p.completed + offset) % a.loopStats.length]]) / 100)
* Math.sqrt(1 + p.total / 1000),
effect: { segment: (r, k) => (r.gold += 10, r.crafts++, k.crafting += 50) }
// Dungeon-style loops
'Small Dungeon': { affected: ['soul'], effect: (r, k) => (k.combat += 5, k.magic += 5), loop: {
max: a => g.dungeons[a.dungeonNum].length,
cost: (p, a) => segment => g.precision3(Math.pow(2, Math.floor((p.completed + segment) / a.segments + .0000001)) * 15000),
tick: (p, a, s, k) => offset => {
let floor = Math.floor(p.completed / a.segments + .0000001);
return floor in g.dungeons[a.dungeonNum]
? (g.getSkillLevelFromExp(k.combat) + g.getSkillLevelFromExp(k.magic))
* (1 + g.getLevelFromExp(s[a.loopStats[(p.completed + offset) % a.loopStats.length]]) / 100)
* Math.sqrt(1 + g.dungeons[a.dungeonNum][floor].completed / 200)
: 0;
effect: { loop: r => r.soul++ },
'Large Dungeon': { affected: ['soul'], effect: (r, k) => (k.combat += 15, k.magic += 15), loop: {
max: a => g.dungeons[a.dungeonNum].length,
cost: (p, a) => segment => g.precision3(Math.pow(3, Math.floor((p.completed + segment) / a.segments + .0000001)) * 5e5),
tick: (p, a, s, k, r) => offset => {
let floor = Math.floor(p.completed / a.segments + .0000001);
return floor in g.dungeons[a.dungeonNum]
? (h.getTeamCombat(r, k) + g.getSkillLevelFromExp(k.magic))
* (1 + g.getLevelFromExp(s[a.loopStats[(p.completed + offset) % a.loopStats.length]]) / 100)
* Math.sqrt(1 + g.dungeons[a.dungeonNum][floor].completed / 200)
: 0;
effect: { loop: r => r.soul++ }
'Tournament': { affected: ['gold'], loop: {
max: () => 6,
cost: (p) => segment => g.precision3(Math.pow(1.1, p.completed + segment)) * 5e6,
tick: (p, a, s, k, r) => offset => {
return (h.getSelfCombat(r, k) + g.getSkillLevelFromExp(k.magic))
* (1 + g.getLevelFromExp(s[a.loopStats[(p.completed + offset) % a.loopStats.length]]) / 100)
* Math.sqrt(1 + p.total / 1000);
effect: { segment: (r, k) => {
r.tourney = (r.tourney || 0) + 1;
let floor = Math.floor((r.tourney - 1) / 3 + .00001);
r.gold += 40 + floor * 20;
k.combat += 100 + floor * 50;
* Prediction collection
* @member {Object.<string, Prediction>}
this.predictions = {};
// Create predictions
for (const name in predictions) {
this.predictions[name] = new Koviko.Prediction(name, predictions[name]);
* Update the action list view.
* @param {Array.<IdleLoops~ListedAction>} actions Actions in the action list
* @param {HTMLElement} [container] Parent element of the action list
* @param {boolean} [isDebug] Whether to log useful debug information
* @memberof Koviko.Predictor
update(actions, container, isDebug) {
* Organize accumulated resources, accumulated stats, and accumulated progress into a single object
* @var {Koviko.Predictor~State}
const state = {
resources: { mana: 250 },
stats: Koviko.globals.statList.reduce((stats, name) => (stats[name] = 0, stats), {}),
skills: Object.entries(Koviko.globals.skills).reduce((skills, x) => (skills[x[0].toLowerCase()] = x[1].exp, skills), {}),
progress: {}
* Snapshots of accumulated stats and accumulated skills
* @var {Object}
* @prop {Koviko.Snapshot} stats Snapshot of accumulated stats
* @prop {Koviko.Snapshot} skills Snapshot of accumulated skills
const snapshots = {
stats: new Koviko.Snapshot(state.stats),
skills: new Koviko.Snapshot(state.skills),
* Total mana used for the action list
* @var {number}
let total = 0;
* All affected resources of the current action list
* @var {Array.<string>}
const affected = Object.keys(actions.reduce((stats, x) => (x.name in this.predictions && this.predictions[x.name].affected || []).reduce((stats, name) => (stats[name] = true, stats), stats), {}));
// Initialize all affected resources
affected.forEach(x => state.resources[x] || (state.resources[x] = 0));
// Initialize the display element for the total amount of mana used
container && (this.totalDisplay.innerHTML = '');
// Run through the action list and update the view for each action
actions.forEach((listedAction, i) => {
/** @var {Koviko.Prediction} */
let prediction = this.predictions[listedAction.name];
if (prediction) {
* Element for the action in the list
* @var {HTMLElement}
let div = container ? container.children[i] : null;
/** @var {boolean} */
let isValid = true;
/** @var {number} */
let currentMana;
// Make sure that the loop is properly represented in `state.progress`
if (prediction.loop && !(prediction.name in state.progress)) {
/** @var {Koviko.Predictor~Progression} */
state.progress[prediction.name] = {
progress: 0,
completed: 0,
total: Koviko.globals.towns[prediction.action.townNum]['total' + prediction.action.varName],
// Predict each loop in sequence
for (let loop = 0; loop < listedAction.loops; loop++) {
// Save the mana prior to the prediction
currentMana = state.resources.mana;
// Run the prediction
this.predict(prediction, state);
// Check if the amount of mana used was too much
isValid = isValid && state.resources.mana >= 0;
// Calculate the total amount of mana used in the prediction and add it to the total
total += currentMana - state.resources.mana;
// Run the effect, now that the mana checks are complete
if (prediction.effect) {
prediction.effect(state.resources, state.skills);
// Update the snapshots
for (let i in snapshots) {
// Update the view
if (div) {
div.className += ' showthat';
div.innerHTML += this.template(affected, state.resources, snapshots, isValid);
// Update the display for the total amount of mana used by the action list
container && (this.totalDisplay.innerHTML = total);
// Log useful debugging data
if (isDebug) {
actions: actions,
affected: affected,
state: state,
total: total
* Generate the element showing the resources accumulated for an action in the action list.
* @param {Array.<string>} affected Names of resources to display
* @param {Koviko.Predictor~Resources} resources Accumulated resources
* @param {Object} snapshots Snapshots with value comparisons
* @param {Koviko.Snapshot} snapshots.stats Value comparisons of stats from one snapshot to the next
* @param {Koviko.Snapshot} snapshots.skills Value comparisons of skills from one snapshot to the next
* @param {boolean} isValid Whether the amount of mana remaining is valid for this action
* @return {string} HTML of the new element
* @memberof Koviko.Predictor
template(affected, resources, snapshots, isValid) {
isValid = isValid ? 'valid' : 'invalid';
let stats = snapshots.stats.get();
let skills = snapshots.skills.get();
let tooltip = '';
for (let i in stats) {
if (stats[i].delta) {
let level = {
start: Koviko.globals.getLevelFromExp(stats[i].value - stats[i].delta),
end: Koviko.globals.getLevelFromExp(stats[i].value),
tooltip += '<tr><td><b>' +
_txt(`stats>${i}>short_form`).toUpperCase() + '</b></td><td>' +
level.end + '</td><td>(+' +
(level.end - level.start) + ')</td></tr>';
for (let i in skills) {
if (skills[i].delta) {
let level = {
start: Koviko.globals.getSkillLevelFromExp(skills[i].value - skills[i].delta),
end: Koviko.globals.getSkillLevelFromExp(skills[i].value),
tooltip += '<tr><td><b>' +
i.toUpperCase() + '</b></td><td>' +
level.end + '</td><td>(+' +
(level.end - level.start) + ')</td></tr>';
return `<ul class='koviko ${isValid}'>` +
affected.map(name => `<li class=${name}>${resources[name]}</li>`).join('') +
`</ul><div class='koviko showthis'><table>${tooltip || '<b>N/A</b>'}</table></div>`;
* Perform one tick of a prediction.
* @param {Koviko.Prediction} prediction Prediction object
* @param {Koviko.Predictor~State} state State object
* @return {boolean} Whether another tick can occur
* @memberof Koviko.Predictor
tick(prediction, state) {
// Apply the accumulated stat experience
prediction.exp(prediction.action, state.stats);
// Handle the loop if it exists
if (prediction.loop) {
/** @var {Koviko.Predictor~Progression} */
const progression = state.progress[prediction.name];
/** @var {function} */
const loopCost = prediction.loop.cost(progression, prediction.action);
/** @var {function} */
const tickProgress = prediction.loop.tick(progression, prediction.action, state.stats, state.skills, state.resources);
/** @var {number} */
const totalSegments = prediction.action.segments;
/** @var {number} */
const maxSegments = prediction.loop.max ? prediction.loop.max(prediction.action) * totalSegments : Infinity;
* Current segment within the loop
* @var {number}
let segment = 0;
* Progress through the current loop
* @var {number}
let progress = progression.progress;
// Calculate the progress and current segment before the tick
for (; progress >= loopCost(segment); progress -= loopCost(segment++));
* Progress of the tick
* @var {number}
let additionalProgress = tickProgress(segment) * (prediction.action.manaCost() / prediction.ticks());
// Accumulate the progress from the tick
progress += additionalProgress;
progression.progress += additionalProgress;
// Calculate the progress and current segment after the tick
for (; progress >= loopCost(segment) && segment < maxSegments; progress -= loopCost(segment++)) {
// Handle the completion of a loop
if (segment >= totalSegments - 1) {
progression.progress = 0;
progression.completed += totalSegments;
segment -= totalSegments;
// Apply the effect from the completion of a loop
if (prediction.loop.effect.loop) {
prediction.loop.effect.loop(state.resources, state.skills);
// Apply the effect from the completion of a segment
if (prediction.loop.effect.segment) {
prediction.loop.effect.segment(state.resources, state.skills);
return additionalProgress && segment < maxSegments;
return true;
* Perform all ticks of a prediction
* @param {Koviko.Prediction} prediction Prediction object
* @param {Koviko.Predictor~state} state State object
* @memberof Koviko.Predictor
predict(prediction, state) {
// Update the amount of ticks necessary to complete the action, but only once at the start of the action
prediction.updateTicks(prediction.action, state.stats);
// Perform all ticks in succession
for (let ticks = 0; ticks < prediction.ticks(); ticks++) {
if (!this.tick(prediction, state)) break;
hasRan: false,
run: () => {
if (!Koviko.hasRan) {
Koviko.hasRan = true;
for (let varName in Koviko.globals) {
try {
Koviko.globals[varName] = eval(varName);
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Unable to retrieve global '${varName}'.`);
Koviko.hasRan = false;
window.Koviko = new Koviko.Predictor(Koviko.globals.view, Koviko.globals.actions, Koviko.globals.nextActionsDiv);
// Run the code!
window.addEventListener('load', Koviko.run);
setTimeout(() => document.readyState == 'complete' && Koviko.run(), 2000); // If it hasn't already ran in a couple of seconds, see if it can run