file Cписок членов класса

Полный список членов класса file, включая наследуемые из базового класса

close() file private
getPos() const file private
getSize() const file private
isEndOfFile() const file private
movePos(int delta) file private
open(const string &in filename, const string &in mode) file private
readData(uint count, uint8[]&data) file private
readLine(string &out str) file private
readNumber() file private
readString(uint length, string &out str) file private
readUint16() file private
readUint32() file private
readUint64() file private
readUint8() file private
readWord() file private
setPos(int pos) file private
writeData(uint8[]&data, uint count) file private
writeString(const string &in string) file private
writeUint16(uint16 data) file private
writeUint32(uint32 data) file private
writeUint64(uint64 data) file private
writeUint8(uint8 data) file private
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