'use strict';
var Context = require('./Entities/Context');
var Group = require('./Entities/Group');
var Path = require('./Entities/Path');
var Wall = require('./Entities/Wall');
var Grid = require('./Common/Grid');
* The world where al entities live
* @class World
* @module CrowdSim
* @submodule World
* @constructor
* @param {Object} parent entity
* @param {Object} options
var World = function(parent, options) {
this.options = Lazy(options).defaults(World.defaults).toObject();
var that = this;
this.parent = parent;
this.agents = [];
this.entities = {
contexts: [],
groups: [],
paths: [],
walls: []
this.grid = new Grid(this.options.near);
this.gridWalls = new Grid(this.options.near);
this.changes = 1;
this.isFrozen = true;
* Gets and resets the number of steps executed since last call
* @method changesNumber
* @return {Number} changes
World.prototype.changesNumber = function() {
var changes = this.changes;
this.changes = 0;
return changes;
* Get/set if the world is not running (Frozen). This is set from the Engine
* @method freeze
* @param {Boolean} freeze
* @return {Boolean} true if world is static
World.prototype.freeze = function(freeze) {
this.isFrozen = freeze || this.isFrozen;
return this.isFrozen;
* Returns the first group created.
* @method getDefaultGroup
* @return {Object} group
World.prototype.getDefaultGroup = function() {
return this.entities.groups[0];
* Get the list of Agents.
* @method getAgents
* @return {Array} agents
World.prototype.getAgents = function() {
return this.agents;
* Gets a iterator for all entities.
* @method getEntitiesIterator
* @return {Object} Lazy iterator
World.prototype.getEntitiesIterator = function() {
return Lazy(this.entities).values().flatten();
* Get the list of contexts.
* @method getContexts
* @return {Array} contexts
World.prototype.getContexts = function() {
return this.entities.contexts;
* Get the list of groups.
* @method getGroups
* @return {Array} groups
World.prototype.getGroups = function() {
return this.entities.groups;
* Get the list of paths.
* @method getPaths
* @return {Array} paths
World.prototype.getPaths = function() {
return this.entities.paths;
* Get the list of walls.
* @method getWalls
* @return {Array} walls
World.prototype.getWalls = function() {
return this.entities.walls;
* Add an array of Agents from the world.
* @method addAgents
* @param {Array} agents
World.prototype.addAgents = function(agents) {
this.agents = this.agents.concat(agents);
if (this.options.onCreateAgents) {
* Remove an array of agents from the World.
* @method removeAgents
* @param {Array} agents
World.prototype.removeAgents = function(agents) {
for (var i in agents) {
var j = this.agents.indexOf(agents[i]);
this.agents.splice(j, 1);
if (this.options.onDestroyAgents) {
* Get the list of agents in a given Context
* @method agentsInContext
* @param {Context} context
* @return {Array} all entities
World.prototype.agentsInContext = function(context) {
return this.grid.neighboursContext(context).filter(function(agent) {
return context.in(agent.pos);
* Callback trigger when an entity is created
* @method _onCreate
* @param {Entity} entity Context, Group, Wall or Path
World.prototype._onCreate = function(entity) {
if (this.options.onCreateEntity) {
* Callback trigger when an entity is destroyed
* @method _onDestroy
* @param {Entity} entity Context, Group, Wall or Path
World.prototype._onDestroy = function(entity) {
if (this.options.onDestroyEntity) {
* Returns the property that holds the entity list, used internally.
* @method _getEntityList
* @param {Entity} entity Context, Group, Wall or Path
World.prototype._getEntityList = function(entity) {
if (entity instanceof Context) { // is context
return this.entities.contexts;
} else if (entity instanceof Group) { // is group
return this.entities.groups;
} else if (entity instanceof Path) { // is path
return this.entities.paths;
} else if (entity instanceof Wall) { // is wall
return this.entities.walls;
} else {
throw 'Entity object is not context, group, wall or path';
* Remove an entity from the world. Called by entities on destroy.
* @method removeEntity
* @param {Entity} entity Context, Group, Wall or Path
World.prototype.removeEntity = function(entity) {
var entityList = this._getEntityList(entity);
var idx = entityList.indexOf(entity);
if (idx !== -1) {
entityList.splice(idx, 1);
* Add an entity from the world. Called by entities on constructor.
* @method addEntity
* @param {Entity} entity Context, Group, Wall or Path
World.prototype.addEntity = function(entity) {
var entityList = this._getEntityList(entity);
* Add a Context to the world.
* @method addContext
* @param {Context} context
World.prototype.addContext = function(context) {
* Add a Group to the world.
* @method addGroup
* @param {Group} group
World.prototype.addGroup = function(group) {
* Add a Path to the world.
* @method addPath
* @param {Path} path
World.prototype.addPath = function(path) {
* Add a Wall to the world.
* @method addWall
* @param {Wall} wall
World.prototype.addWall = function(wall) {
* Search an entity in the world by its id.
* @method getEntityById
* @param {String} id
* @return {Entity}
World.prototype.getEntityById = function(id) {
return Lazy(this.entities).values().flatten().findWhere({id: id});
* Search an context in the world by its id.
* @method getContextById
* @param {String} id
* @return {Array} contexts
World.prototype.getContextById = function(id) {
return Lazy(this.entities.contexts).findWhere({id: id});
* Search an path in the world by its id.
* @method getPathById
* @param {String} id
* @return {Array} paths
World.prototype.getPathById = function(id) {
return Lazy(this.entities.paths).findWhere({id: id});
* Returns the agents near to another.
* The near property is given in the options constructor parameter
* @method getNearAgents
* @param {Agent} agent
* @return {Array} agents
World.prototype.getNearAgents = function(agent) {
return this.grid.neighbours(agent).toArray();
* Returns the agents near to another.
* The near property is given in the options constructor parameter
* @method getNearWalls
* @param {Agent} agent
* @return {Array} walls
World.prototype.getNearWalls = function(agent) {
return this.gridWalls.neighbours(agent).uniq().toArray();
* Save the world state without agents.
* @method save
* @param {Boolean} save true to store internally; false to return the JSON data
World.prototype.save = function(save) {
var raw = this._saveHelper(this.entities);
if (save) {
this.entitiesSave = raw;
} else {
return raw;
* Load the world state from a loader.
* @method load
* @param {String|Function} loader
* @param {Boolean} loadDefault true to load the last snapshoot created with save(true)
World.prototype.load = function(loader, loadDefault) {
if (!loader) {
// snapshoot load
if (loadDefault && this.entitiesSave) {
loader = this.entitiesSave;
} else {
if (typeof(loader) === 'function') {
// try function loader
} else {
// loader of raw JSON strings
if (typeof(loader) === 'string') {
loader = JSON.parse(loader);
var world = this;
// check if its json data
// entites are arred to world passing its reference
Lazy(loader.walls).each(function(e) {
var joints = e.children.joints;
var pos = e.children.joints ? [null, null] : e.pos; // to avoid duplicate init
var wall = new Wall(pos[0], pos[1], world, e.options, e.id);
Lazy(joints).each(function(j) {
wall.addJoint(j.pos[0], j.pos[1], j.options, j.id);
Lazy(loader.paths).each(function(e) {
var joints = e.children.joints;
var pos = e.children.joints ? [null, null] : e.pos; // to avoid duplicates init
var path = new Path(pos[0], pos[1], world, e.options, e.id);
Lazy(joints).each(function(j) {
path.addJoint(j.pos[0], j.pos[1], j.options, j.id);
Lazy(loader.contexts).each(function(e) {
new Context(e.pos[0], e.pos[1], world, e.options, e.id);
Lazy(loader.groups).each(function(e) {
var g = new Group(e.pos[0], e.pos[1], world, e.options, e.id);
if (e.entities.startContext) {
var startContext = world.getContextById(e.entities.startContext);
if (e.entities.endContext) {
var endContext = world.getContextById(e.entities.endContext);
if (e.entities.path) {
var path = world.getPathById(e.entities.path);
g.assignPath(path, g.options.pathStart);
* Save helper to remove loops and agents from world data.
* @method _saveHelper
* @param {Object} o the world.entities property
* @return {String} JSON data that represents the world.entities
World.prototype._saveHelper = function(o) {
var ignore = ['view', 'extra', 'agents', 'parent', 'world'];
var cache = [];
var result = JSON.stringify(o, function(key, value) {
if (ignore.indexOf(key) !== -1) { return; }
if (key === 'entities') {
var entities = {};
// map entities to array of ids
for (var prop in value) {
entities[prop] = value[prop] ? value[prop].id : null;
return entities;
if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
if (cache.indexOf(value) !== -1) {
// Circular reference found, discard key
throw 'Circular reference found!';
// Store value in our collection
return value;
}, 2);
return result;
* Advances the simulation of the world entities one stepSize.
* If one contexts configured to nofify when agentsIn === 0
* @method step
* @param {Number} stepSize defined by the simulation step size
* @return {Context|Null} contextEmpty that triggers step
World.prototype.step = function(stepSize) {
var that = this;
// check contexts interaction reducing speed or life of agents
Lazy(this.entities.contexts).filter(function(c) {return c.getMobility() !== 1;}).each(function(context) {
var agents = that.agentsInContext(context, that.agents);
if (agents.length > 0) {
Lazy(agents).each(function(agent) {
Lazy(this.agents).each(function(agent) {
Lazy(this.entities.groups).each(function(group) {
// check contexts that triggers stop on empty
var contextEmpty = null;
Lazy(this.entities.contexts).filter(function(c) {return c.getTrigger();}).each(function(context) {
var agents = that.agentsInContext(context, that.agents);
if (agents.length === 0) {
contextEmpty = context; // to inform engine of stop source
return contextEmpty;
World.defaults = {
near: 8, // grid of 3x3 squares of 3 meters
width: null,
height: null,
onCreateAgents: null,
onDestroyAgents: null,
onCreateEntity: null,
onDestroyEntity: null
module.exports = World;