'use strict';
var Entity = require('./Entity');
var Context = require('./Context');
var Path = require('./Path');
var Agent = require('../Agent');
var Vec2 = require('../Common/Vec2');
var Grid = require('../Common/Grid');
var Panic = require('../Behavior/Panic');
* Group Entity where agents belong.
* @class Group
* @module Entities
* @submodule Group
* @constructor
* @param {Number} x coordinate
* @param {Number} y coordinate
* @param {World} parent world
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {String} id to use insted of autogenerate it, used when loading worlds
* @extends Entity
var Group = function(x, y, parent, options, id) {
this.options = Lazy(options).defaults(Group.defaults).toObject();
this.id = id || 'G' + Group.id;
Group.id = Entity.prototype.calcNewId.call(this, Group.id);
Entity.call(this, x, y, parent, this.options);
this.behavior = new Panic(this.parent);
this.agents = [];
this.agentsCount = this.options.agentsCount;
this.entities.path = null;
this.entities.startContext = null;
this.entities.endContext = null;
* Destroy the Group
* @method destroy
Group.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.behavior = null;
if (this.entities.startContext) {
if (this.entities.endContext) {
* Get radius
* @method getRadius
* @return {Number} radius
Group.prototype.getRadius = function() {
return this.options.radius;
* Set radius
* @method setRadius
* @param {Number} radius
Group.prototype.setRadius = function(radius) {
this.options.radius = radius;
* Increment radius by dr.
* @method incrRadius
* @param {Number} dr increment
Group.prototype.incrRadius = function(dr) {
this.options.radius = Math.abs(this.options.radius + dr);
* Gets the end context where agents are destoyed optionally.
* @method getStartContext
* @return {Context} end context
Group.prototype.getStartContext = function() {
return this.entities.startContext;
* Sets the start context where agents are created
* @method assignStartContext
* @param {Context} context
Group.prototype.assignStartContext = function(context) {
if (this.entities.startContext) {
if (context) {
this.entities.startContext = context;
* Gets the start context where agents are created
* @method getEndContext
* @return {Context} end context
Group.prototype.getEndContext = function() {
return this.entities.endContext;
* Sets the end context where agents are destroyed.
* @method assignEndContext
* @param {Context} context
Group.prototype.assignEndContext = function(context) {
if (this.entities.endContext) {
if (context) {
this.entities.endContext = context;
* Gets the path asigned to the group that agents will follow.
* @method getPath
* @return {Array} paths
Group.prototype.getPath = function() {
return this.entities.path;
* Assign a path to the group and its agents.
* @method assignPath
* @param {Path} path
* @param {Number} idx start index
Group.prototype.assignPath = function(path, idx) {
if (this.entities.path) {
this.options.pathStart = idx || 0;
this.entities.path = path;
if (path) {
for (var i in this.agents) {
this.agents[i].followPath(path, this.options.pathStart);
* Gets the flag pathReverse from options.
* @method isPathReverse
* @return {Boolean} true if path is reversed
Group.prototype.isPathReverse = function() {
return this.options.pathReverse;
* Gets the flag pathCircular from options.
* @method isPathCircular
* @return {Boolean} true if path is circular
Group.prototype.isPathCircular = function() {
return this.options.pathCircular;
* Gets the start index of the agents in the group path.
* @method getPathStartIdx
* @return {Number} start index
Group.prototype.getPathStartIdx = function() {
return this.options.pathStart;
* Unassing a start, end contexts or a path from the group.
* @method unAssign
* @param {Entity} entity , context or path.
Group.prototype.unAssign = function(entity) {
if (entity instanceof Context) {
if (this.entities.startContext === entity) {
this.entities.startContext = null;
if (this.entities.endContext === entity) {
this.entities.endContext = null;
} else if (entity instanceof Path) {
this.entities.path = null;
} else {
throw 'Entity not assigned to group';
* Assign a behavior model to the group.
* @method assignBehavior
* @param {Behavior} behavior
Group.prototype.assignBehavior = function(behavior) {
this.behavior = behavior;
* Generate a number of agents in a context. Used internally by the group.
* @method generateAgents
* @param {Number} agentsCount
* @param {Context} startContext
* @return newAgents
Group.prototype.generateAgents = function(agentsCount, startContext) {
if (!startContext) {
startContext = this.entities.startContext;
// functions to set initial position
var newAgents = [];
var opts = this.options;
var pos = Vec2.create();
var radius = this.options.radius;
var initPos = this.pos;
* Generates a random init position in the group radius centered at pos.
* @method myInitPos
* @param {Vec2} pos center position
* @return {Vec2} point
function myInitPos(pos) {
var r = Math.random() * radius;
Vec2.random(pos, r);
Vec2.add(pos, pos, initPos);
return pos;
* Generates a position within the group start context.
* @method myContextPos
* @return {Vec2} point
function myContextPos() {
return startContext.getRandomPoint();
var getInitPos = startContext ? myContextPos : myInitPos;
var numberToGenerate = Math.min(agentsCount, this.options.agentsMax);
// agent generation
for (var i = 0; i < numberToGenerate; i++) {
pos = getInitPos(pos);
var size = opts.agentsSizeMin;
var mass = Agent.defaults.mass;
if (opts.agentsSizeMin !== opts.agentsSizeMax) {
// random uniform distribution
size = opts.agentsSizeMin + Math.random() * (opts.agentsSizeMax - opts.agentsSizeMin);
// scale mass around average proportional to size
mass = Agent.defaults.mass * (size - (opts.agentsSizeMax + opts.agentsSizeMin) / 2 + 1);
var agent = new Agent(pos[0], pos[1], this, {
size: size,
mass: mass,
debug: opts.debug,
path: this.entities.path,
aspect: this.options.agentsAspect || Math.round(Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF),
pathStart: this.options.pathStart,
maxAccel: this.options.agentsMaxAccel,
maxVel: this.options.agentsMaxVel
//agent.followPath(this.entities.path, this.options.startIdx);
return newAgents;
* Add agents to the group.
* @method addAgents
* @param {Number} agentsCount the number of agents
Group.prototype.addAgents = function(agentsCount) {
var newAgents = this.generateAgents(agentsCount);
this.agents = this.agents.concat(newAgents);
* Removes all agents from the group.
* @method emptyAgents
Group.prototype.emptyAgents = function() {
this.agents.length = 0;
* Remove the given agents from the group.
* @method removeAgents
* @param {Array} agents
Group.prototype.removeAgents = function(agents) {
for (var i in agents) {
var j = this.agents.indexOf(agents[i]);
this.agents.splice(j, 1);
* Check if am agent is within a group area.
* @method in
* @param {Vec2} pos
* @return {Boolean} true if inside; false otherwise
Group.prototype.in = function(pos) {
return Vec2.squaredDistance(pos, this) < this.options.radius * this.options.radius;
* Adds a single agent to the group.
* @method addAgent
* @param {Agent} agent
Group.prototype.addAgent = function(agent) {
* Gets the smaller rectangle area that contains the group agents
* @method getArea
* @return {Array} array of two {Vec2} [[Xmin,Xmax][Ymin,YMax]]
Group.prototype.getArea = function() {
return [
Lazy(this.agents).map(function(e) { return e.pos[0] - e.size; }).min(),
Lazy(this.agents).map(function(e) { return e.pos[0] + e.size; }).max()
Lazy(this.agents).map(function(e) { return e.pos[1] - e.size; }).min(),
Lazy(this.agents).map(function(e) { return e.pos[1] + e.size; }).max()
* Advances the simulation of the group by creating/destroying agents in its contexts.
* @method step
Group.prototype.step = function() {
if (this.agents.length === 0) {
// generate agents in startContext based on uniform distribution
if (this.options.startRate > 0 && this.options.startProb > 0 && this.agents.length < this.options.agentsMax) {
var probBirth = Math.random();
if (probBirth < this.options.startProb) {
var rate = this.options.startRate ;
if (rate + this.agents.length > this.options.agentsMax) {
// limit maximun agents
rate = this.options.agentsMax;
// destroy nth-first agents in endContext based on uniform distribution
if (this.entities.endContext && this.options.endRate > 0 && this.options.endProb > 0) {
var probDie = Math.random();
if (probDie < this.options.endProb) {
var endContext = this.entities.endContext;
var agentsOut = Lazy(this.agents).filter(function(agent) {
return endContext.in(agent.pos);
Group.defaults = {
agentsMaxVel: 1,
agentsMaxAccel: 0.5,
agentsAspect: 0, // used for colors
agentsSizeMin: 0.5,
agentsSizeMax: 0.5,
agentsCount: 10,
agentsMax: 100,
debug: false,
pathStart: 0,
pathReverse: false,
pathCircular: false,
radius: 3, // used when no start context is associated
startProb: 0, // Adds agents per step in startContext
startRate: 0, // Adds agents probability per step in startContext
endProb: 0, // Removes agents per step in endContext
endRate: 0 // Removes agents probability per step in endContext
Group.id = 0;
Group.type = 'group';
module.exports = Group;