API Docs for: 0.3

File: src\sim\Behavior\Panic.js

'use strict';

var Vec2 = require('../Common/Vec2');
var Behavior = require('./Behavior');

 * Helbing-Farkas,Vicsek Simulating dynamical features of escape panic
 * @class Panic
 * @constructor
 * @module CrowdSim
 * @submodule Panic
 * @param {World} world parent
 * @param {Object} options for the behavior model algorithm
 * @param {Object} [options.A] repulsive force constant
 * @param {Object} [options.B] repulsive force constant
 * @param {Object} [options.kn] compression large constant
 * @param {Object} [options.Kv] friction large constant
 * @param {Object} [options.relaxationTime] time to simulate progressive stopping
 * @extends Behavior
var Panic = function(world, options) {
  Behavior.call(this, world);
  this.options = Lazy(options).defaults(Panic.defaults).toObject();

 * Return the acceleration result for a agent going to its target.
 * @method getAccel
 * @param {Agent} agent
 * @param {Object} target a destination with target.pos and target.in = function => path point, point, other agent
 * @return {Vec2} acceleration result of the model
Panic.prototype.getAccel = function(agent, target) {
  Behavior.prototype.getAccel.call(this, agent, target);
  var desiredForce = Vec2.create();
  var agentsForce = Vec2.create();
  var wallsForce = Vec2.create();
  var accel = Vec2.create();
  var arrived;

  // check agent desired force
  Vec2.add(accel, agentsForce, wallsForce);
  if (target) { // agent is going somewhere?
    arrived = target.in(agent.pos);
    if (!arrived) {
      Vec2.subtract(desiredForce, target.pos, agent.pos);
      if (Vec2.length(desiredForce) > agent.maxAccel) {
        Vec2.normalizeAndScale(desiredForce, desiredForce, agent.maxAccel * agent.mass);

  // check other agents interaction
  var neighbours = this.world.getNearAgents(agent);
  if (neighbours.length) {
    for (var n in neighbours) {
      var neighbour = neighbours[n];
      if (neighbour !== agent) {
        var neighbourToAgentForce = this.calculateAgentForce(agent, neighbour);
        Vec2.add(agentsForce, agentsForce, neighbourToAgentForce);

  // check walls interaction
  var walls = this.world.getNearWalls(agent);
  if (walls.length > 0) {
    for (var w in walls) { // check all walls
      var wall = walls[w];
      for (var s = 0; s < wall.getJoints().length - 1; s++) { // check each segment of wall
        var projection = wall.getProjection(agent.pos, s);
        var wallsToAgentForce = this.calculateWallForce(agent, projection, wall.getWidth());
        Vec2.add(wallsForce, wallsForce, wallsToAgentForce);

  // fix to stay in place if no target is selected or already at target
  if (!target || arrived) {
    Vec2.negate(desiredForce, agent.vel);
    Vec2.scale(desiredForce, desiredForce, this.options.relaxationTime);
    if (Vec2.length(desiredForce) > agent.maxAccel) {
      Vec2.normalizeAndScale(desiredForce, desiredForce, agent.maxAccel);

  Vec2.add3(accel, desiredForce, agentsForce, wallsForce);
  // return desiredForce + agentsForce + wallsForce;
  if (agent.debug) {
    if (isNaN(desiredForce[0]) || isNaN(agentsForce[0]) || isNaN(wallsForce[0]) ||
        isNaN(desiredForce[1]) || isNaN(agentsForce[1]) || isNaN(wallsForce[1])) {
      throw 'One of the forces is a NaN!';
    agent.debug.forces = {
      desired: desiredForce,
      agents: agentsForce,
      walls: wallsForce
  //console.log(Vec2.str(desiredForce) + '|' + Vec2.str(agentsForce) + '|' + Vec2.str(wallsForce));
  return accel;

 * Calculate the social force between two agents i,j.
 * @method calculateAgentForce
 * @param {Agent} i
 * @param {Agent} j
 * @return {Vec2} force
Panic.prototype.calculateAgentForce = function(i, j) {
  var interactionForce = Vec2.create();
  var rij = i.size + j.size;
  var dij = Vec2.distance(i.pos, j.pos);
  // ij direction
  var nijV2 = Vec2.create();
  Vec2.subtract(nijV2, i.pos, j.pos);
  Vec2.scale(nijV2, nijV2, 1 / dij);
  // ij tangencial direction
  var tijV2 = Vec2.fromValues(-nijV2[1], nijV2[0]);

  var rdij = rij - dij;
  Vec2.scale(interactionForce, nijV2, this.options.A * Math.exp(rdij / this.options.B));

  if (rdij > 0) { // agents touch each other
    // ij tangencial velocity
    Vec2.scaleAndAdd(interactionForce, interactionForce, nijV2, this.options.kn * rdij); // body force
    // sliding friction
    var vjiV2 = Vec2.create();
    Vec2.subtract(vjiV2, j.vel, i.vel);
    var deltaVji = Vec2.dot(vjiV2, tijV2);
    Vec2.scaleAndAdd(interactionForce, interactionForce, tijV2, this.options.Kv * rdij * deltaVji);
  return interactionForce;

 * Calculate the social force between an agent and a wall.
 * @method calculateWallForce
 * @param {Agent} i
 * @param {Vec2} projection point the wall
 * @param {Number} width of the wall
 * @return {Vec2} force
Panic.prototype.calculateWallForce = function(i, projection, width) {
  var interactionForce = Vec2.create();
  var rij = i.size + width;
  // ij direction
  var nijV2 = projection;
  var dij = Vec2.length(projection);
  Vec2.scale(nijV2, nijV2, 1 / dij);
  // ij tangencial direction
  var tijV2 = Vec2.fromValues(-nijV2[1], nijV2[0]);

  var rdij = rij - dij;
  Vec2.scale(interactionForce, nijV2, this.options.A * Math.exp(rdij / this.options.B));
  if (rdij > 0) { // agents touch each other
    // ij tangencial velocity
    var vjiV2 = Vec2.create();
    var dotViT = Vec2.dot(i.vel, tijV2);
    Vec2.scaleAndAdd(interactionForce, interactionForce, nijV2, this.options.kn * rdij); // body force
    Vec2.scaleAndAdd(interactionForce, interactionForce, tijV2, -this.options.Kv * rdij * dotViT);
  return interactionForce;

Panic.defaults = {
  A: 2e3, // N
  B: 0.08, // m
  kn: 1.2e5, // kg s-2
  Kv: 2.4e5, //kg m-1 s-1
  relaxationTime: 0.3
module.exports = Panic;