

Bases: object

This class is used to read models from CPLEX files (e.g. SAV, LP, MPS) This class requires CPLEX runtime, otherwise an exception is raised.


Use class method read to read a model file.

>>> m ='mymodel.lp', ignore_names=True)

reads a model while ignoring all names.

Global function read_model is a synonym for, and is the preferred way to read model files.

classmethod read(filename, model_name=None, verbose=False, model_class=None, **kwargs)[source]

Reads a model from a CPLEX export file.

Accepts all formats exported by CPLEX: LP, SAV, MPS.

If an error occurs while reading the file, the message of the exception is printed and the function returns None.

  • filename – The file to read.
  • model_name – An optional name for the newly created model. If None, the model name will be the path basename.
  • verbose – An optional flag to print informative messages, default is False.
  • model_class – An optional class type; must be a subclass of Model. The returned model is built using this model_class and the keyword arguments kwargs, if any. By default, the model class is
  • kwargs – A dict of keyword-based arguments that are used when creating the modelpassed to the model constructor.


m = read_model(“c:/temp/foo.mps”, model_name=”docplex_foo”, ignore_names=True)

reads a ,odel from file “c:/temp/foo.mps”, sets its name to “docplex_foo”, and discard all names.

Returns:An instance of Model, or None if an exception is raised.
classmethod read_model(filename, model_name=None, verbose=False, model_class=None, **kwargs)[source]

This method is a synonym of read for compatibility.

classmethod read_ops_file(filename, version=None)[source]

Reads an OPL .ops setting file and builds a CPLEX parameter group.

Reads a .ops file and returns a DOcplex parameter group instance. All CPO and OPL settings are ignored. This parameter object can be used in a solve(). .ops file have dedicated User Interface in OPL IDE and Cloud Pak for Data Experiments, which ease the selection of engine settings.

  • filename – a path string
  • version – optional CPLEX version.

A RootParameterGroup object, if the read operation succeeds, else None.

classmethod read_prm(filename)[source]

Reads a CPLEX PRM file.

Reads a CPLEX parameters file and returns a DOcplex parameter group instance. This parameter object can be used in a solve().

Parameters:filename – a path string
Returns:A RootParameterGroup object, if the read operation succeeds, else None.
exception, *args)[source]

Bases:, model_name=None, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]

Reads a model from a CPLEX export file.

Accepts all formats exported by CPLEX: LP, SAV, SAV.gz, MPS.

If an error occurs while reading the file, the message of the exception is printed and the function returns None.

  • filename – The model file to read.
  • model_name – An optional name for the newly created model. If None, the model name will be the path basename.
  • verbose – An optional flag to print informative messages, default is False.
  • kwargs – A dict of keyword-based arguments that are passed to the model contructor.


This function requires CPLEX runtime, otherwise an exceotion is raised.


m = read_model(“c:/temp/foo.mps”, model_name=”docplex_foo”, solver_agent=”local”, output_level=100)

Returns:An instance of Model, or None if an exception is raised.