Assignment 3/Final Project
Static results presentation
Automatic table creation
Plotting best practices
ggplot2 for general graphing
Simulations for showing results
Christopher Gandrud
21 March 2016
Assignment 3/Final Project
Static results presentation
Automatic table creation
Plotting best practices
ggplot2 for general graphing
Simulations for showing results
Purpose: Gather, clean, and analyse data
Deadline: 15 April 2016 (note change!)
You will submit a GitHub repo that:
Gathers web-based data from at least two sources. Cleans and merges the data so that it is ready for statistical analyses.
Conducts basic descriptive and inferential statistics with the data to address a relevant research question.
Briefly describes the results including with dynamically generated tables and figures.
Has a write up of 1,500 words maximum that describes the data gathering and analysis and uses literate programming.
Purposes: Pose an interesting research question and try to answer it using data analysis and standard academic practices. Effectively communicate your results to a variety of audiences in a variety of formats.
Presentation: In-class Monday 2 May
Website/Paper: 13 May 2016
The project can be thought of as a 'dry run' for your thesis with multiple presentation outputs.
Presentation: 10 minutes maximum. Engagingly present your research question and key findings to a general academic audience (fellow students).
Paper: 5,000 words maximum. Standard academic paper, properly cited laying out your research question, literature review, data, methods, and findings.
Website: An engaging website designed to convey your research to a general audience.
As always, you should submit one GitHub repository with all of the materials needed to completely reproduce your data gathering, analysis, and presentation documents.
Note: Because you've had two assignments already to work on parts of the project, I expect high quality work.
Find one other group to be a discussant for your presentation.
The discussants will provide a quick (max 2 minute) critique of your presentation–ideas for things you can improve on your paper.
I will have normal office hours every week for the rest of the term except 4 April.
Please take advantages of this opportunity to improve your final project.
What is the basic R syntax for a regression model?
What is a model function? What two parts do GLM model functions have?
How do you find a 95% confidence interval for a parameter point estimate (both mathematically and in R)?
What is one good way to interpret and present results from a logistic regression to both a statistical and general audience?
Today we will learn how to communicate your research findings with automatically generated tables and static plots.
Why automatically generate?
Saves time: don't have to re-enter numbers by hand into a table or restyle a graph each time you change the data/analysis.
Easier to find and correct errors: all source code that created all tables and figures is linked and output updated when corrections are made.
More reproducible: everything is clearly linked together.
In general include the functions to create the tables/figures in a code chunk.
Include in the code chunk head echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, error=FALSE, message=FALSE
You may need to also include results='asis'
for some table functions.
See previous weeks 4 and 5 for figure code chunk options.
There are a number of tools for automatically generating tables in R/R Markdown.
We will focus on kable
and stargazer
is a good, simple tool for creating tables from data frames (or matrices).
is useful for creating more complex tables of regression model output.
Example Docs: HertieDataScience/Examples/PaperWithRegressionTables
example: predicted probabilitiesSet up from Lecture 8:
# Load data URL <- '' Admission <- read.csv(URL) # Estimate model Logit1 <- glm(admit ~ gre + gpa + as.factor(rank), data = Admission, family = 'binomial') # Create fitted data fitted <- with(Admission, data.frame(gre = mean(gre), gpa = mean(gpa), rank = factor(1:4)))
example: predicted probabilitieslibrary(knitr) fitted$predicted <- predict(Logit1, newdata = fitted, type = 'response') kable(fitted)
gre | gpa | rank | predicted |
587.7 | 3.3899 | 1 | 0.5166016 |
587.7 | 3.3899 | 2 | 0.3522846 |
587.7 | 3.3899 | 3 | 0.2186120 |
587.7 | 3.3899 | 4 | 0.1846684 |
example: predicted probabilitiesYou can stylise the table.
kable(fitted, align = 'c', digits = 2, caption = 'Predicted Probabilities for Fitted Values')
gre | gpa | rank | predicted |
587.7 | 3.39 | 1 | 0.52 |
587.7 | 3.39 | 2 | 0.35 |
587.7 | 3.39 | 3 | 0.22 |
587.7 | 3.39 | 4 | 0.18 |
Don't showing more digits to the right of the decimal than are statistically and substantively meaningful.
A rule of thumb: more than one or two digits are rarely meaningful.
See also:
is limited if we want to create regression output tables, especially for multiple models.
is good for this.
exampleEstimate models
L1 <- glm(admit ~ gre, data = Admission, family = 'binomial') L2 <- glm(admit ~ gre + gpa, data = Admission, family = 'binomial') L3 <- glm(admit ~ gre + gpa + as.factor(rank), data = Admission, family = 'binomial')
example HTMLWhen you are creating a table for an HTML doc with stargazer use:
type = 'html'
# Create cleaner covariate labels labels <- c('GRE Score', 'GPA Score', '2nd Ranked School', '3rd Ranked School', '4th Ranked School', '(Intercept)') stargazer::stargazer(L1, L2, L3, covariate.labels = labels, title = 'Logistic Regression Estimates of Grad School Acceptance', digits = 2, type = 'html')
example HTMLstargazer
example PDFWhen you are creating a PDF use the arguments:
type = 'latex'
header = FALSE
# Create cleaner covariate labels labels <- c('GRE Score', 'GPA Score', '2nd Ranked School', '3rd Ranked School', '4th Ranked School', '(Intercept)') stargazer::stargazer(L1, L2, L3, covariate.labels = labels, title = 'Logistic Regression Estimates of Grad School Acceptance', digits = 2, type = 'latex', header = FALSE)
output in PDFstargazer
plain text outputYou may want to compare multiple models at once in your R console, use stargazer
with type = 'text'
stargazer(L1, L2, L3, type = 'text')
Tables are important to include so that readers can explore details, but are usually not the best way to show your results.
Figures are often more effective.
(A Selection of) Tufte's Principles for Excellent Statistical Graphics (2001, 13):
Show the data
Encourage the eye to compare differences in the data
Serve a clear purpose
Avoid distorting the data
Be closely integrated with the text
Show the data, not other things like silly graphics or unnecessary words.
Have a high data ink ratio:
How did the budgets change? (Orange is 2013, Blue is 2012)
In general: Avoid using the size of a circle to mean something!
So, avoid:
bubble charts
pie charts
Circles can distort data.
It is difficult to compare their size.
The Ebbinghause Illusion!
Order the circles from smallest to largest.
The circles are on a scale of 0-100, so what are their values?
Which circle is bigger?
Which square is darkest?
Only give graphical features (e.g. bars in a bar chart) different colours if it means something in the data.
Colours should be used to:
highlight particular data,
group items,
encode quantitative values
Values of continuous variables should be represented using increasing hues of the same colour.
Categorical variables should be represented with different colours. (rule of thumb: avoid using more than about 7 colours in a plot)
Color Blindness
People who are colour blind can have difficulty distinguishing between red-green and blue-yellow.
About 5-8% of men are colour blind.
We need to choose colour schemes for our graphics that are colour blind friendly.
For more information see
Color Brewer is a great resource for selecting colours:
"gg" means "Grammar of Graphics".
"2" just means that it is the second one.
Each plot is made of layers. Layers include the coordinate system (x-y), points, labels, etc.
Each layer has aesthetics (aes
) including the x & y, size, shape, and colour.
The main layer types are called geometrics (geom
). These include lines, points, density plots, bars, and text.
library(devtools) library(ggplot2) source_url("") # Create data with no missing values of infant mortality InfantNoMiss <- subset(MortalityGDP, ! # Create High/Low Income Variable InfantNoMiss$DumMort[InfantNoMiss$InfantMortality >= 15] <- "high" InfantNoMiss$DumMort[InfantNoMiss$InfantMortality < 15] <- "low"
ggplot(data = MortalityGDP, aes(x = InfantMortality, y = GDPperCapita)) + geom_point()
ggplot(data = MortalityGDP, aes(x = InfantMortality, y = GDPperCapita)) + geom_point() + theme_bw(base_size = 13)
There are a number of ways to specify colours in ggplot2.
The simplest way is to let ggplot choose the colours for you.
ggplot(data = InfantNoMiss, aes(log(InfantMortality), log(GDPperCapita))) + geom_point(aes(colour = income)) + theme_bw()
There are many ways to pick specific colors.
In this class we will mainly use hexadecimal colours.
This is probably the most commonly used system for choosing colours on the web.
Every colour is given six digits.
A good website for getting hexadecimal colour schemes is:
# Create colour vector Colours <- c("#1B9E77", "#D95F02", "#7570B3", "#E7298A", "#66A61E", "#E6AB02") # Create graph ggplot(data = InfantNoMiss, aes(log(InfantMortality), log(GDPperCapita))) + geom_point(aes(colour = income)) + scale_color_manual(values = Colours) + xlab("\nLog Infant Mortality") + ylab("Log GDP/Capita\n") + ggtitle("Log Transformed Data\n") + theme_bw()
# Create a violin Plot ggplot(InfantNoMiss, aes(factor(DumMort), log(GDPperCapita))) + geom_violin(fill = "#E7298A", colour = "#E7298A", alpha = I(0.5)) + geom_jitter(color = "#7570B3") + xlab("\n Infant Mortality") + ylab("Log GDP Per Capital\n") + theme_bw(base_size = 16)
King, Tomz, and Wittenberg (2001) argue that post-estimation simulations can be used to effectively communicate results from regression models.
Estimate our parameters' point estimates for ˆβ1…k.
Draw n values of the point estimates from multivariate normal distributions with means ˉβ1…k and variances specified by the parameters' estimated co-variance.
Use the simulated values to calculate quantities of interest (e.g. predicted probabilities).
Plot the simulated distribution using visual weighting.
Post-estimation simulations allow us to effectively communicate our estimates and the uncertainty around them.
This method is broadly similar to a fully Bayesian approach with Markov-Chain Monte Carlo or bootstrapping. Just differ on how the parameters are drawn.
Find the coefficient estimates from an estimated model with coef
Find the co-variance matrix with vcov
Draw point estimates from the multivariate normal distribution with mvrnorm
Calculate the quantity of interest with the draws + fitted values using and plot the results.
First estimate your model as normal and create fitted values:
library(car) # Contains data M_prest <- lm(prestige ~ education + type, data = Prestige) # Find a range of education values range(Prestige$education)
## [1] 6.38 15.97
edu_range <- 6:16
Extract point estimates (coefficients) and co-variance matrix:
mp_coef <- matrix(coef(M_prest)) mp_vcov <- vcov(M_prest)
Now draw 1,000 simulations of your point estimates:
library(MASS) # contains the mvrnorm function drawn <- mvrnorm(n = 1000, mu = mp_coef, Sigma = mp_vcov) %>% data.frame head(drawn)[1:3, ]
## X.Intercept. education typeprof typewc ## 1 -11.4981043 5.590099 1.352594 -7.925274 ## 2 -6.0972757 4.935945 3.198519 -5.290580 ## 3 0.4064657 4.446182 4.516295 -7.978600
Now we can add in our fitted values to the simulation data frame:
drawn_sim <- merge(drawn, edu_range) # Rename the fitted value variable drawn_sim <- dplyr::rename(drawn_sim, fitted_edu = y) nrow(drawn)
## [1] 1000
## [1] 11000
Using the normal linear regression formula (^yi=ˆα+Xi1^β1+…) we can find the quantity of interest for white collar workers:
## [1] "X.Intercept." "education" "typeprof" "typewc" ## [5] "fitted_edu"
drawn_sim$sim_wc <- drawn_sim[, 1] + drawn_sim[, 2] * drawn_sim[, 5] + drawn_sim[, 3]
ggplot(drawn_sim, aes(fitted_edu, sim_wc)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.2) + stat_smooth(se = FALSE) + theme_bw()
# Find 95% central interval and median at each fitted value of edu central <- drawn_sim %>% group_by(fitted_edu) %>% summarise(median_sim = median(sim_wc), lower_95 = quantile(sim_wc, probs = 0.025), upper_95 = quantile(sim_wc, probs = 0.975) )
ggplot(central, aes(fitted_edu, median_sim)) + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower_95, ymax = upper_95), alpha = 0.3) + geom_line() + theme_bw()
Use the same steps for simulating predicted outcomes from logistic regression models. The only difference is that the equation for the quantity of interest is:
Last week I started working on the simGLM package for doing this process with normal linear and logistic regression models.
fitted_edu <- expand.grid(education = edu_range, typeprof = 1) simGLM::sim_glm(M_prest, newdata = fitted_edu, x_coef = 'education')
simGLM is in development. Comments, bug reports welcome!
It can be downloaded with:
For more examples see:
The Zelig package also streamlines the simulation process.
First estimate your regression model using zelig
library(Zelig) # Have to explicitly declare rank as factor Admission$rank <- as.factor(Admission$rank) Z1 <- zelig(admit ~ gre + gpa + rank, cite = FALSE, data = Admission, model = 'logit')
Then set the fitted values with setx
setZ1 <- setx(Z1, gre = 220:800)
And run the simulations (1,000 by default) with sim
simZ1 <- sim(Z1, x = setZ1)
Create tables and visualisations of descriptive and inferential for your Assignment 3 in an R Markdown document using the techniques covered in class today.
If you don't have your data set fully cleaned yet, use one of the built-in R data sets for practice.
Bonus help develop simGLM. Test out the examples on the README, suggest other model types to simulate quantities of interest for, and more.
King, Gary, Micheal Tomz, and Jason Wittenberg. 2001. “Making the Most of Statistical Analyses: Improving Interpretation and Presentation.” American Journal of Political Science 22 (4): 341–255.
Tufte, Edward R. 2001. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. 2nd ed. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press.