LCA Search REST Service



Search for data sets (numeric filters can use '<', '>', and ',' to specify ranges). e.g. validUntilYear=<2010 or validUntilYear=2000,2010 (all data sets in between 2000 and 2010). Boolean filters accept 'true' and 'false'


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET "©rightHolder=&contact=&reviewers=&validFrom=&validUntil=&validFromYear=&validUntilYear=&latitude=&longitude=&completeness=&amountDeviation=&representativenessValue=©rightProtected=&free=&publiclyAccessible="
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.DefaultApi;

import java.util.*;

public class DefaultApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi();
        String query = query_example; // String | A full text search query. Mulitple words are conjucted with AND
        String sortBy = sortBy_example; // String | The name of the field to sort the results by, scoring will be disabled when using sortBy
        String sortOrder = sortOrder_example; // String | The sort order when sortBy is specified
        Long page = 789; // Long | The page of the result of the current query, a value of 0 means no paging is applied
        Long pageSize = 789; // Long | The size of a page of the result of the current query
        String queryFields = queryFields_example; // String | A comma separated list of fields to use for querying, if none is specified, all available fields will be queried (name, description, category, technology)
        String aggregate = aggregate_example; // String | Specify which aggregations should be applied and returned. If none is specified, all available aggregations will be applied (supportedNomenclatures, multifunctionalModeling, modelingType, aggregationType, co2pePaths, categoryPaths, biogenicCarbonModeling, copyrightProtected, reviewType, unspscPaths, waterModeling, lciaMethods, representativenessType, validFromYear, publiclyAccessible, emissionModeling, infrastructureModeling, processType, free, sourceReliability, endOfLifeModeling, format, reviewSystem, location, validUntilYear, carbonStorageModeling, dataprovider)
        String scoreAmountDeviation = scoreAmountDeviation_example; // String | The results will be scored by the amountDeviation value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
        String scoreCompleteness = scoreCompleteness_example; // String | The results will be scored by the completeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
        String scoreRepresentativeness = scoreRepresentativeness_example; // String | The results will be scored by the representativeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
        String scoreTime = scoreTime_example; // String | The results will be scored by the time information, specify a long value as a date The results will be scored according to the difference to the specified date.
        String scoreGeography = scoreGeography_example; // String | The results will be scored by the geography information, specify latitude and longitude as double values, separated by a comma (52.13,42.12). The results will be scored according to the distance to the specified location.
        String scoreTechnology = scoreTechnology_example; // String | The results will be scored by the technology information, specify a UNSPSC code and CO2PE code, separated by a comma (e.g. 50454302,1.1.1). The results will be scored according to a combination of assessed differences to the specified technology information.
        String format = format_example; // String | A filter for the format field
        String location = location_example; // String | A filter for the location field
        String dataprovider = dataprovider_example; // String | A filter for the dataprovider field
        String supportedNomenclatures = supportedNomenclatures_example; // String | A filter for the supportedNomenclatures field
        String lciaMethods = lciaMethods_example; // String | A filter for the lciaMethods field
        String categoryPaths = categoryPaths_example; // String | A filter for the categoryPaths field
        String unspscPaths = unspscPaths_example; // String | A filter for the unspscPaths field
        String co2pePaths = co2pePaths_example; // String | A filter for the co2pePaths field
        String processType = processType_example; // String | A filter for the processType field
        String representativenessType = representativenessType_example; // String | A filter for the representativenessType field
        String modelingType = modelingType_example; // String | A filter for the modelingType field
        String multifunctionalModeling = multifunctionalModeling_example; // String | A filter for the multifunctionalModeling field
        String biogenicCarbonModeling = biogenicCarbonModeling_example; // String | A filter for the biogenicCarbonModeling field
        String endOfLifeModeling = endOfLifeModeling_example; // String | A filter for the endOfLifeModeling field
        String waterModeling = waterModeling_example; // String | A filter for the waterModeling field
        String infrastructureModeling = infrastructureModeling_example; // String | A filter for the infrastructureModeling field
        String emissionModeling = emissionModeling_example; // String | A filter for the emissionModeling field
        String carbonStorageModeling = carbonStorageModeling_example; // String | A filter for the carbonStorageModeling field
        String sourceReliability = sourceReliability_example; // String | A filter for the sourceReliability field
        String aggregationType = aggregationType_example; // String | A filter for the aggregationType field
        String reviewType = reviewType_example; // String | A filter for the reviewType field
        String reviewSystem = reviewSystem_example; // String | A filter for the reviewSystem field
        String copyrightHolder = copyrightHolder_example; // String | A filter for the copyrightHolder field
        String contact = contact_example; // String | A filter for the contact field
        String reviewers = reviewers_example; // String | A filter for the reviewers field
        Long validFrom = 789; // Long | A filter for the validFrom field
        Long validUntil = 789; // Long | A filter for the validUntil field
        Integer validFromYear = 56; // Integer | A filter for the validFromYear field
        Integer validUntilYear = 56; // Integer | A filter for the validUntilYear field
        Double latitude = 1.2; // Double | A filter for the latitude field
        Double longitude = 1.2; // Double | A filter for the longitude field
        Double completeness = 1.2; // Double | A filter for the completeness field
        Double amountDeviation = 1.2; // Double | A filter for the amountDeviation field
        Double representativenessValue = 1.2; // Double | A filter for the representativenessValue field
        Boolean copyrightProtected = true; // Boolean | A filter for the copyrightProtected field
        Boolean free = true; // Boolean | A filter for the free field
        Boolean publiclyAccessible = true; // Boolean | A filter for the publiclyAccessible field
        try {
            Result result = apiInstance.searchGet(query, sortBy, sortOrder, page, pageSize, queryFields, aggregate, scoreAmountDeviation, scoreCompleteness, scoreRepresentativeness, scoreTime, scoreGeography, scoreTechnology, format, location, dataprovider, supportedNomenclatures, lciaMethods, categoryPaths, unspscPaths, co2pePaths, processType, representativenessType, modelingType, multifunctionalModeling, biogenicCarbonModeling, endOfLifeModeling, waterModeling, infrastructureModeling, emissionModeling, carbonStorageModeling, sourceReliability, aggregationType, reviewType, reviewSystem, copyrightHolder, contact, reviewers, validFrom, validUntil, validFromYear, validUntilYear, latitude, longitude, completeness, amountDeviation, representativenessValue, copyrightProtected, free, publiclyAccessible);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#searchGet");
import io.swagger.client.api.DefaultApi;

public class DefaultApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi();
        String query = query_example; // String | A full text search query. Mulitple words are conjucted with AND
        String sortBy = sortBy_example; // String | The name of the field to sort the results by, scoring will be disabled when using sortBy
        String sortOrder = sortOrder_example; // String | The sort order when sortBy is specified
        Long page = 789; // Long | The page of the result of the current query, a value of 0 means no paging is applied
        Long pageSize = 789; // Long | The size of a page of the result of the current query
        String queryFields = queryFields_example; // String | A comma separated list of fields to use for querying, if none is specified, all available fields will be queried (name, description, category, technology)
        String aggregate = aggregate_example; // String | Specify which aggregations should be applied and returned. If none is specified, all available aggregations will be applied (supportedNomenclatures, multifunctionalModeling, modelingType, aggregationType, co2pePaths, categoryPaths, biogenicCarbonModeling, copyrightProtected, reviewType, unspscPaths, waterModeling, lciaMethods, representativenessType, validFromYear, publiclyAccessible, emissionModeling, infrastructureModeling, processType, free, sourceReliability, endOfLifeModeling, format, reviewSystem, location, validUntilYear, carbonStorageModeling, dataprovider)
        String scoreAmountDeviation = scoreAmountDeviation_example; // String | The results will be scored by the amountDeviation value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
        String scoreCompleteness = scoreCompleteness_example; // String | The results will be scored by the completeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
        String scoreRepresentativeness = scoreRepresentativeness_example; // String | The results will be scored by the representativeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
        String scoreTime = scoreTime_example; // String | The results will be scored by the time information, specify a long value as a date The results will be scored according to the difference to the specified date.
        String scoreGeography = scoreGeography_example; // String | The results will be scored by the geography information, specify latitude and longitude as double values, separated by a comma (52.13,42.12). The results will be scored according to the distance to the specified location.
        String scoreTechnology = scoreTechnology_example; // String | The results will be scored by the technology information, specify a UNSPSC code and CO2PE code, separated by a comma (e.g. 50454302,1.1.1). The results will be scored according to a combination of assessed differences to the specified technology information.
        String format = format_example; // String | A filter for the format field
        String location = location_example; // String | A filter for the location field
        String dataprovider = dataprovider_example; // String | A filter for the dataprovider field
        String supportedNomenclatures = supportedNomenclatures_example; // String | A filter for the supportedNomenclatures field
        String lciaMethods = lciaMethods_example; // String | A filter for the lciaMethods field
        String categoryPaths = categoryPaths_example; // String | A filter for the categoryPaths field
        String unspscPaths = unspscPaths_example; // String | A filter for the unspscPaths field
        String co2pePaths = co2pePaths_example; // String | A filter for the co2pePaths field
        String processType = processType_example; // String | A filter for the processType field
        String representativenessType = representativenessType_example; // String | A filter for the representativenessType field
        String modelingType = modelingType_example; // String | A filter for the modelingType field
        String multifunctionalModeling = multifunctionalModeling_example; // String | A filter for the multifunctionalModeling field
        String biogenicCarbonModeling = biogenicCarbonModeling_example; // String | A filter for the biogenicCarbonModeling field
        String endOfLifeModeling = endOfLifeModeling_example; // String | A filter for the endOfLifeModeling field
        String waterModeling = waterModeling_example; // String | A filter for the waterModeling field
        String infrastructureModeling = infrastructureModeling_example; // String | A filter for the infrastructureModeling field
        String emissionModeling = emissionModeling_example; // String | A filter for the emissionModeling field
        String carbonStorageModeling = carbonStorageModeling_example; // String | A filter for the carbonStorageModeling field
        String sourceReliability = sourceReliability_example; // String | A filter for the sourceReliability field
        String aggregationType = aggregationType_example; // String | A filter for the aggregationType field
        String reviewType = reviewType_example; // String | A filter for the reviewType field
        String reviewSystem = reviewSystem_example; // String | A filter for the reviewSystem field
        String copyrightHolder = copyrightHolder_example; // String | A filter for the copyrightHolder field
        String contact = contact_example; // String | A filter for the contact field
        String reviewers = reviewers_example; // String | A filter for the reviewers field
        Long validFrom = 789; // Long | A filter for the validFrom field
        Long validUntil = 789; // Long | A filter for the validUntil field
        Integer validFromYear = 56; // Integer | A filter for the validFromYear field
        Integer validUntilYear = 56; // Integer | A filter for the validUntilYear field
        Double latitude = 1.2; // Double | A filter for the latitude field
        Double longitude = 1.2; // Double | A filter for the longitude field
        Double completeness = 1.2; // Double | A filter for the completeness field
        Double amountDeviation = 1.2; // Double | A filter for the amountDeviation field
        Double representativenessValue = 1.2; // Double | A filter for the representativenessValue field
        Boolean copyrightProtected = true; // Boolean | A filter for the copyrightProtected field
        Boolean free = true; // Boolean | A filter for the free field
        Boolean publiclyAccessible = true; // Boolean | A filter for the publiclyAccessible field
        try {
            Result result = apiInstance.searchGet(query, sortBy, sortOrder, page, pageSize, queryFields, aggregate, scoreAmountDeviation, scoreCompleteness, scoreRepresentativeness, scoreTime, scoreGeography, scoreTechnology, format, location, dataprovider, supportedNomenclatures, lciaMethods, categoryPaths, unspscPaths, co2pePaths, processType, representativenessType, modelingType, multifunctionalModeling, biogenicCarbonModeling, endOfLifeModeling, waterModeling, infrastructureModeling, emissionModeling, carbonStorageModeling, sourceReliability, aggregationType, reviewType, reviewSystem, copyrightHolder, contact, reviewers, validFrom, validUntil, validFromYear, validUntilYear, latitude, longitude, completeness, amountDeviation, representativenessValue, copyrightProtected, free, publiclyAccessible);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#searchGet");
String *query = query_example; // A full text search query. Mulitple words are conjucted with AND (optional)
String *sortBy = sortBy_example; // The name of the field to sort the results by, scoring will be disabled when using sortBy (optional)
String *sortOrder = sortOrder_example; // The sort order when sortBy is specified (optional) (default to ASC)
Long *page = 789; // The page of the result of the current query, a value of 0 means no paging is applied (optional) (default to 1)
Long *pageSize = 789; // The size of a page of the result of the current query (optional) (default to 10)
String *queryFields = queryFields_example; // A comma separated list of fields to use for querying, if none is specified, all available fields will be queried (name, description, category, technology) (optional)
String *aggregate = aggregate_example; // Specify which aggregations should be applied and returned. If none is specified, all available aggregations will be applied (supportedNomenclatures, multifunctionalModeling, modelingType, aggregationType, co2pePaths, categoryPaths, biogenicCarbonModeling, copyrightProtected, reviewType, unspscPaths, waterModeling, lciaMethods, representativenessType, validFromYear, publiclyAccessible, emissionModeling, infrastructureModeling, processType, free, sourceReliability, endOfLifeModeling, format, reviewSystem, location, validUntilYear, carbonStorageModeling, dataprovider) (optional)
String *scoreAmountDeviation = scoreAmountDeviation_example; // The results will be scored by the amountDeviation value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required) (optional)
String *scoreCompleteness = scoreCompleteness_example; // The results will be scored by the completeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required) (optional)
String *scoreRepresentativeness = scoreRepresentativeness_example; // The results will be scored by the representativeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required) (optional)
String *scoreTime = scoreTime_example; // The results will be scored by the time information, specify a long value as a date The results will be scored according to the difference to the specified date. (optional)
String *scoreGeography = scoreGeography_example; // The results will be scored by the geography information, specify latitude and longitude as double values, separated by a comma (52.13,42.12). The results will be scored according to the distance to the specified location. (optional)
String *scoreTechnology = scoreTechnology_example; // The results will be scored by the technology information, specify a UNSPSC code and CO2PE code, separated by a comma (e.g. 50454302,1.1.1). The results will be scored according to a combination of assessed differences to the specified technology information. (optional)
String *format = format_example; // A filter for the format field (optional)
String *location = location_example; // A filter for the location field (optional)
String *dataprovider = dataprovider_example; // A filter for the dataprovider field (optional)
String *supportedNomenclatures = supportedNomenclatures_example; // A filter for the supportedNomenclatures field (optional)
String *lciaMethods = lciaMethods_example; // A filter for the lciaMethods field (optional)
String *categoryPaths = categoryPaths_example; // A filter for the categoryPaths field (optional)
String *unspscPaths = unspscPaths_example; // A filter for the unspscPaths field (optional)
String *co2pePaths = co2pePaths_example; // A filter for the co2pePaths field (optional)
String *processType = processType_example; // A filter for the processType field (optional)
String *representativenessType = representativenessType_example; // A filter for the representativenessType field (optional)
String *modelingType = modelingType_example; // A filter for the modelingType field (optional)
String *multifunctionalModeling = multifunctionalModeling_example; // A filter for the multifunctionalModeling field (optional)
String *biogenicCarbonModeling = biogenicCarbonModeling_example; // A filter for the biogenicCarbonModeling field (optional)
String *endOfLifeModeling = endOfLifeModeling_example; // A filter for the endOfLifeModeling field (optional)
String *waterModeling = waterModeling_example; // A filter for the waterModeling field (optional)
String *infrastructureModeling = infrastructureModeling_example; // A filter for the infrastructureModeling field (optional)
String *emissionModeling = emissionModeling_example; // A filter for the emissionModeling field (optional)
String *carbonStorageModeling = carbonStorageModeling_example; // A filter for the carbonStorageModeling field (optional)
String *sourceReliability = sourceReliability_example; // A filter for the sourceReliability field (optional)
String *aggregationType = aggregationType_example; // A filter for the aggregationType field (optional)
String *reviewType = reviewType_example; // A filter for the reviewType field (optional)
String *reviewSystem = reviewSystem_example; // A filter for the reviewSystem field (optional)
String *copyrightHolder = copyrightHolder_example; // A filter for the copyrightHolder field (optional)
String *contact = contact_example; // A filter for the contact field (optional)
String *reviewers = reviewers_example; // A filter for the reviewers field (optional)
Long *validFrom = 789; // A filter for the validFrom field (optional)
Long *validUntil = 789; // A filter for the validUntil field (optional)
Integer *validFromYear = 56; // A filter for the validFromYear field (optional)
Integer *validUntilYear = 56; // A filter for the validUntilYear field (optional)
Double *latitude = 1.2; // A filter for the latitude field (optional)
Double *longitude = 1.2; // A filter for the longitude field (optional)
Double *completeness = 1.2; // A filter for the completeness field (optional)
Double *amountDeviation = 1.2; // A filter for the amountDeviation field (optional)
Double *representativenessValue = 1.2; // A filter for the representativenessValue field (optional)
Boolean *copyrightProtected = true; // A filter for the copyrightProtected field (optional)
Boolean *free = true; // A filter for the free field (optional)
Boolean *publiclyAccessible = true; // A filter for the publiclyAccessible field (optional)

DefaultApi *apiInstance = [[DefaultApi alloc] init];

// Search for data sets (numeric filters can use '<', '>', and ',' to specify ranges). e.g. validUntilYear=<2010 or validUntilYear=2000,2010 (all data sets in between 2000 and 2010). Boolean filters accept 'true' and 'false'
[apiInstance searchGetWith:query
              completionHandler: ^(Result output, NSError* error) {
                            if (output) {
                                NSLog(@"%@", output);
                            if (error) {
                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var LcaSearchRestService = require('lca_search_rest_service');

var api = new LcaSearchRestService.DefaultApi()

var opts = { 
  'query': query_example, // {String} A full text search query. Mulitple words are conjucted with AND
  'sortBy': sortBy_example, // {String} The name of the field to sort the results by, scoring will be disabled when using sortBy
  'sortOrder': sortOrder_example, // {String} The sort order when sortBy is specified
  'page': 789, // {Long} The page of the result of the current query, a value of 0 means no paging is applied
  'pageSize': 789, // {Long} The size of a page of the result of the current query
  'queryFields': queryFields_example, // {String} A comma separated list of fields to use for querying, if none is specified, all available fields will be queried (name, description, category, technology)
  'aggregate': aggregate_example, // {String} Specify which aggregations should be applied and returned. If none is specified, all available aggregations will be applied (supportedNomenclatures, multifunctionalModeling, modelingType, aggregationType, co2pePaths, categoryPaths, biogenicCarbonModeling, copyrightProtected, reviewType, unspscPaths, waterModeling, lciaMethods, representativenessType, validFromYear, publiclyAccessible, emissionModeling, infrastructureModeling, processType, free, sourceReliability, endOfLifeModeling, format, reviewSystem, location, validUntilYear, carbonStorageModeling, dataprovider)
  'scoreAmountDeviation': scoreAmountDeviation_example, // {String} The results will be scored by the amountDeviation value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
  'scoreCompleteness': scoreCompleteness_example, // {String} The results will be scored by the completeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
  'scoreRepresentativeness': scoreRepresentativeness_example, // {String} The results will be scored by the representativeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
  'scoreTime': scoreTime_example, // {String} The results will be scored by the time information, specify a long value as a date The results will be scored according to the difference to the specified date.
  'scoreGeography': scoreGeography_example, // {String} The results will be scored by the geography information, specify latitude and longitude as double values, separated by a comma (52.13,42.12). The results will be scored according to the distance to the specified location.
  'scoreTechnology': scoreTechnology_example, // {String} The results will be scored by the technology information, specify a UNSPSC code and CO2PE code, separated by a comma (e.g. 50454302,1.1.1). The results will be scored according to a combination of assessed differences to the specified technology information.
  'format': format_example, // {String} A filter for the format field
  'location': location_example, // {String} A filter for the location field
  'dataprovider': dataprovider_example, // {String} A filter for the dataprovider field
  'supportedNomenclatures': supportedNomenclatures_example, // {String} A filter for the supportedNomenclatures field
  'lciaMethods': lciaMethods_example, // {String} A filter for the lciaMethods field
  'categoryPaths': categoryPaths_example, // {String} A filter for the categoryPaths field
  'unspscPaths': unspscPaths_example, // {String} A filter for the unspscPaths field
  'co2pePaths': co2pePaths_example, // {String} A filter for the co2pePaths field
  'processType': processType_example, // {String} A filter for the processType field
  'representativenessType': representativenessType_example, // {String} A filter for the representativenessType field
  'modelingType': modelingType_example, // {String} A filter for the modelingType field
  'multifunctionalModeling': multifunctionalModeling_example, // {String} A filter for the multifunctionalModeling field
  'biogenicCarbonModeling': biogenicCarbonModeling_example, // {String} A filter for the biogenicCarbonModeling field
  'endOfLifeModeling': endOfLifeModeling_example, // {String} A filter for the endOfLifeModeling field
  'waterModeling': waterModeling_example, // {String} A filter for the waterModeling field
  'infrastructureModeling': infrastructureModeling_example, // {String} A filter for the infrastructureModeling field
  'emissionModeling': emissionModeling_example, // {String} A filter for the emissionModeling field
  'carbonStorageModeling': carbonStorageModeling_example, // {String} A filter for the carbonStorageModeling field
  'sourceReliability': sourceReliability_example, // {String} A filter for the sourceReliability field
  'aggregationType': aggregationType_example, // {String} A filter for the aggregationType field
  'reviewType': reviewType_example, // {String} A filter for the reviewType field
  'reviewSystem': reviewSystem_example, // {String} A filter for the reviewSystem field
  'copyrightHolder': copyrightHolder_example, // {String} A filter for the copyrightHolder field
  'contact': contact_example, // {String} A filter for the contact field
  'reviewers': reviewers_example, // {String} A filter for the reviewers field
  'validFrom': 789, // {Long} A filter for the validFrom field
  'validUntil': 789, // {Long} A filter for the validUntil field
  'validFromYear': 56, // {Integer} A filter for the validFromYear field
  'validUntilYear': 56, // {Integer} A filter for the validUntilYear field
  'latitude': 1.2, // {Double} A filter for the latitude field
  'longitude': 1.2, // {Double} A filter for the longitude field
  'completeness': 1.2, // {Double} A filter for the completeness field
  'amountDeviation': 1.2, // {Double} A filter for the amountDeviation field
  'representativenessValue': 1.2, // {Double} A filter for the representativenessValue field
  'copyrightProtected': true, // {Boolean} A filter for the copyrightProtected field
  'free': true, // {Boolean} A filter for the free field
  'publiclyAccessible': true // {Boolean} A filter for the publiclyAccessible field

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.searchGet(opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class searchGetExample
        public void main()
            var apiInstance = new DefaultApi();
            var query = query_example;  // String | A full text search query. Mulitple words are conjucted with AND (optional) 
            var sortBy = sortBy_example;  // String | The name of the field to sort the results by, scoring will be disabled when using sortBy (optional) 
            var sortOrder = sortOrder_example;  // String | The sort order when sortBy is specified (optional)  (default to ASC)
            var page = 789;  // Long | The page of the result of the current query, a value of 0 means no paging is applied (optional)  (default to 1)
            var pageSize = 789;  // Long | The size of a page of the result of the current query (optional)  (default to 10)
            var queryFields = queryFields_example;  // String | A comma separated list of fields to use for querying, if none is specified, all available fields will be queried (name, description, category, technology) (optional) 
            var aggregate = aggregate_example;  // String | Specify which aggregations should be applied and returned. If none is specified, all available aggregations will be applied (supportedNomenclatures, multifunctionalModeling, modelingType, aggregationType, co2pePaths, categoryPaths, biogenicCarbonModeling, copyrightProtected, reviewType, unspscPaths, waterModeling, lciaMethods, representativenessType, validFromYear, publiclyAccessible, emissionModeling, infrastructureModeling, processType, free, sourceReliability, endOfLifeModeling, format, reviewSystem, location, validUntilYear, carbonStorageModeling, dataprovider) (optional) 
            var scoreAmountDeviation = scoreAmountDeviation_example;  // String | The results will be scored by the amountDeviation value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required) (optional) 
            var scoreCompleteness = scoreCompleteness_example;  // String | The results will be scored by the completeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required) (optional) 
            var scoreRepresentativeness = scoreRepresentativeness_example;  // String | The results will be scored by the representativeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required) (optional) 
            var scoreTime = scoreTime_example;  // String | The results will be scored by the time information, specify a long value as a date The results will be scored according to the difference to the specified date. (optional) 
            var scoreGeography = scoreGeography_example;  // String | The results will be scored by the geography information, specify latitude and longitude as double values, separated by a comma (52.13,42.12). The results will be scored according to the distance to the specified location. (optional) 
            var scoreTechnology = scoreTechnology_example;  // String | The results will be scored by the technology information, specify a UNSPSC code and CO2PE code, separated by a comma (e.g. 50454302,1.1.1). The results will be scored according to a combination of assessed differences to the specified technology information. (optional) 
            var format = format_example;  // String | A filter for the format field (optional) 
            var location = location_example;  // String | A filter for the location field (optional) 
            var dataprovider = dataprovider_example;  // String | A filter for the dataprovider field (optional) 
            var supportedNomenclatures = supportedNomenclatures_example;  // String | A filter for the supportedNomenclatures field (optional) 
            var lciaMethods = lciaMethods_example;  // String | A filter for the lciaMethods field (optional) 
            var categoryPaths = categoryPaths_example;  // String | A filter for the categoryPaths field (optional) 
            var unspscPaths = unspscPaths_example;  // String | A filter for the unspscPaths field (optional) 
            var co2pePaths = co2pePaths_example;  // String | A filter for the co2pePaths field (optional) 
            var processType = processType_example;  // String | A filter for the processType field (optional) 
            var representativenessType = representativenessType_example;  // String | A filter for the representativenessType field (optional) 
            var modelingType = modelingType_example;  // String | A filter for the modelingType field (optional) 
            var multifunctionalModeling = multifunctionalModeling_example;  // String | A filter for the multifunctionalModeling field (optional) 
            var biogenicCarbonModeling = biogenicCarbonModeling_example;  // String | A filter for the biogenicCarbonModeling field (optional) 
            var endOfLifeModeling = endOfLifeModeling_example;  // String | A filter for the endOfLifeModeling field (optional) 
            var waterModeling = waterModeling_example;  // String | A filter for the waterModeling field (optional) 
            var infrastructureModeling = infrastructureModeling_example;  // String | A filter for the infrastructureModeling field (optional) 
            var emissionModeling = emissionModeling_example;  // String | A filter for the emissionModeling field (optional) 
            var carbonStorageModeling = carbonStorageModeling_example;  // String | A filter for the carbonStorageModeling field (optional) 
            var sourceReliability = sourceReliability_example;  // String | A filter for the sourceReliability field (optional) 
            var aggregationType = aggregationType_example;  // String | A filter for the aggregationType field (optional) 
            var reviewType = reviewType_example;  // String | A filter for the reviewType field (optional) 
            var reviewSystem = reviewSystem_example;  // String | A filter for the reviewSystem field (optional) 
            var copyrightHolder = copyrightHolder_example;  // String | A filter for the copyrightHolder field (optional) 
            var contact = contact_example;  // String | A filter for the contact field (optional) 
            var reviewers = reviewers_example;  // String | A filter for the reviewers field (optional) 
            var validFrom = 789;  // Long | A filter for the validFrom field (optional) 
            var validUntil = 789;  // Long | A filter for the validUntil field (optional) 
            var validFromYear = 56;  // Integer | A filter for the validFromYear field (optional) 
            var validUntilYear = 56;  // Integer | A filter for the validUntilYear field (optional) 
            var latitude = 1.2;  // Double | A filter for the latitude field (optional) 
            var longitude = 1.2;  // Double | A filter for the longitude field (optional) 
            var completeness = 1.2;  // Double | A filter for the completeness field (optional) 
            var amountDeviation = 1.2;  // Double | A filter for the amountDeviation field (optional) 
            var representativenessValue = 1.2;  // Double | A filter for the representativenessValue field (optional) 
            var copyrightProtected = true;  // Boolean | A filter for the copyrightProtected field (optional) 
            var free = true;  // Boolean | A filter for the free field (optional) 
            var publiclyAccessible = true;  // Boolean | A filter for the publiclyAccessible field (optional) 

                // Search for data sets (numeric filters can use '<', '>', and ',' to specify ranges). e.g. validUntilYear=<2010 or validUntilYear=2000,2010 (all data sets in between 2000 and 2010). Boolean filters accept 'true' and 'false'
                Result result = apiInstance.searchGet(query, sortBy, sortOrder, page, pageSize, queryFields, aggregate, scoreAmountDeviation, scoreCompleteness, scoreRepresentativeness, scoreTime, scoreGeography, scoreTechnology, format, location, dataprovider, supportedNomenclatures, lciaMethods, categoryPaths, unspscPaths, co2pePaths, processType, representativenessType, modelingType, multifunctionalModeling, biogenicCarbonModeling, endOfLifeModeling, waterModeling, infrastructureModeling, emissionModeling, carbonStorageModeling, sourceReliability, aggregationType, reviewType, reviewSystem, copyrightHolder, contact, reviewers, validFrom, validUntil, validFromYear, validUntilYear, latitude, longitude, completeness, amountDeviation, representativenessValue, copyrightProtected, free, publiclyAccessible);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling DefaultApi.searchGet: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\DefaultApi();
$query = query_example; // String | A full text search query. Mulitple words are conjucted with AND
$sortBy = sortBy_example; // String | The name of the field to sort the results by, scoring will be disabled when using sortBy
$sortOrder = sortOrder_example; // String | The sort order when sortBy is specified
$page = 789; // Long | The page of the result of the current query, a value of 0 means no paging is applied
$pageSize = 789; // Long | The size of a page of the result of the current query
$queryFields = queryFields_example; // String | A comma separated list of fields to use for querying, if none is specified, all available fields will be queried (name, description, category, technology)
$aggregate = aggregate_example; // String | Specify which aggregations should be applied and returned. If none is specified, all available aggregations will be applied (supportedNomenclatures, multifunctionalModeling, modelingType, aggregationType, co2pePaths, categoryPaths, biogenicCarbonModeling, copyrightProtected, reviewType, unspscPaths, waterModeling, lciaMethods, representativenessType, validFromYear, publiclyAccessible, emissionModeling, infrastructureModeling, processType, free, sourceReliability, endOfLifeModeling, format, reviewSystem, location, validUntilYear, carbonStorageModeling, dataprovider)
$scoreAmountDeviation = scoreAmountDeviation_example; // String | The results will be scored by the amountDeviation value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
$scoreCompleteness = scoreCompleteness_example; // String | The results will be scored by the completeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
$scoreRepresentativeness = scoreRepresentativeness_example; // String | The results will be scored by the representativeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
$scoreTime = scoreTime_example; // String | The results will be scored by the time information, specify a long value as a date The results will be scored according to the difference to the specified date.
$scoreGeography = scoreGeography_example; // String | The results will be scored by the geography information, specify latitude and longitude as double values, separated by a comma (52.13,42.12). The results will be scored according to the distance to the specified location.
$scoreTechnology = scoreTechnology_example; // String | The results will be scored by the technology information, specify a UNSPSC code and CO2PE code, separated by a comma (e.g. 50454302,1.1.1). The results will be scored according to a combination of assessed differences to the specified technology information.
$format = format_example; // String | A filter for the format field
$location = location_example; // String | A filter for the location field
$dataprovider = dataprovider_example; // String | A filter for the dataprovider field
$supportedNomenclatures = supportedNomenclatures_example; // String | A filter for the supportedNomenclatures field
$lciaMethods = lciaMethods_example; // String | A filter for the lciaMethods field
$categoryPaths = categoryPaths_example; // String | A filter for the categoryPaths field
$unspscPaths = unspscPaths_example; // String | A filter for the unspscPaths field
$co2pePaths = co2pePaths_example; // String | A filter for the co2pePaths field
$processType = processType_example; // String | A filter for the processType field
$representativenessType = representativenessType_example; // String | A filter for the representativenessType field
$modelingType = modelingType_example; // String | A filter for the modelingType field
$multifunctionalModeling = multifunctionalModeling_example; // String | A filter for the multifunctionalModeling field
$biogenicCarbonModeling = biogenicCarbonModeling_example; // String | A filter for the biogenicCarbonModeling field
$endOfLifeModeling = endOfLifeModeling_example; // String | A filter for the endOfLifeModeling field
$waterModeling = waterModeling_example; // String | A filter for the waterModeling field
$infrastructureModeling = infrastructureModeling_example; // String | A filter for the infrastructureModeling field
$emissionModeling = emissionModeling_example; // String | A filter for the emissionModeling field
$carbonStorageModeling = carbonStorageModeling_example; // String | A filter for the carbonStorageModeling field
$sourceReliability = sourceReliability_example; // String | A filter for the sourceReliability field
$aggregationType = aggregationType_example; // String | A filter for the aggregationType field
$reviewType = reviewType_example; // String | A filter for the reviewType field
$reviewSystem = reviewSystem_example; // String | A filter for the reviewSystem field
$copyrightHolder = copyrightHolder_example; // String | A filter for the copyrightHolder field
$contact = contact_example; // String | A filter for the contact field
$reviewers = reviewers_example; // String | A filter for the reviewers field
$validFrom = 789; // Long | A filter for the validFrom field
$validUntil = 789; // Long | A filter for the validUntil field
$validFromYear = 56; // Integer | A filter for the validFromYear field
$validUntilYear = 56; // Integer | A filter for the validUntilYear field
$latitude = 1.2; // Double | A filter for the latitude field
$longitude = 1.2; // Double | A filter for the longitude field
$completeness = 1.2; // Double | A filter for the completeness field
$amountDeviation = 1.2; // Double | A filter for the amountDeviation field
$representativenessValue = 1.2; // Double | A filter for the representativenessValue field
$copyrightProtected = true; // Boolean | A filter for the copyrightProtected field
$free = true; // Boolean | A filter for the free field
$publiclyAccessible = true; // Boolean | A filter for the publiclyAccessible field

try {
    $result = $api_instance->searchGet($query, $sortBy, $sortOrder, $page, $pageSize, $queryFields, $aggregate, $scoreAmountDeviation, $scoreCompleteness, $scoreRepresentativeness, $scoreTime, $scoreGeography, $scoreTechnology, $format, $location, $dataprovider, $supportedNomenclatures, $lciaMethods, $categoryPaths, $unspscPaths, $co2pePaths, $processType, $representativenessType, $modelingType, $multifunctionalModeling, $biogenicCarbonModeling, $endOfLifeModeling, $waterModeling, $infrastructureModeling, $emissionModeling, $carbonStorageModeling, $sourceReliability, $aggregationType, $reviewType, $reviewSystem, $copyrightHolder, $contact, $reviewers, $validFrom, $validUntil, $validFromYear, $validUntilYear, $latitude, $longitude, $completeness, $amountDeviation, $representativenessValue, $copyrightProtected, $free, $publiclyAccessible);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->searchGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::DefaultApi;

my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::DefaultApi->new();
my $query = query_example; # String | A full text search query. Mulitple words are conjucted with AND
my $sortBy = sortBy_example; # String | The name of the field to sort the results by, scoring will be disabled when using sortBy
my $sortOrder = sortOrder_example; # String | The sort order when sortBy is specified
my $page = 789; # Long | The page of the result of the current query, a value of 0 means no paging is applied
my $pageSize = 789; # Long | The size of a page of the result of the current query
my $queryFields = queryFields_example; # String | A comma separated list of fields to use for querying, if none is specified, all available fields will be queried (name, description, category, technology)
my $aggregate = aggregate_example; # String | Specify which aggregations should be applied and returned. If none is specified, all available aggregations will be applied (supportedNomenclatures, multifunctionalModeling, modelingType, aggregationType, co2pePaths, categoryPaths, biogenicCarbonModeling, copyrightProtected, reviewType, unspscPaths, waterModeling, lciaMethods, representativenessType, validFromYear, publiclyAccessible, emissionModeling, infrastructureModeling, processType, free, sourceReliability, endOfLifeModeling, format, reviewSystem, location, validUntilYear, carbonStorageModeling, dataprovider)
my $scoreAmountDeviation = scoreAmountDeviation_example; # String | The results will be scored by the amountDeviation value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
my $scoreCompleteness = scoreCompleteness_example; # String | The results will be scored by the completeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
my $scoreRepresentativeness = scoreRepresentativeness_example; # String | The results will be scored by the representativeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
my $scoreTime = scoreTime_example; # String | The results will be scored by the time information, specify a long value as a date The results will be scored according to the difference to the specified date.
my $scoreGeography = scoreGeography_example; # String | The results will be scored by the geography information, specify latitude and longitude as double values, separated by a comma (52.13,42.12). The results will be scored according to the distance to the specified location.
my $scoreTechnology = scoreTechnology_example; # String | The results will be scored by the technology information, specify a UNSPSC code and CO2PE code, separated by a comma (e.g. 50454302,1.1.1). The results will be scored according to a combination of assessed differences to the specified technology information.
my $format = format_example; # String | A filter for the format field
my $location = location_example; # String | A filter for the location field
my $dataprovider = dataprovider_example; # String | A filter for the dataprovider field
my $supportedNomenclatures = supportedNomenclatures_example; # String | A filter for the supportedNomenclatures field
my $lciaMethods = lciaMethods_example; # String | A filter for the lciaMethods field
my $categoryPaths = categoryPaths_example; # String | A filter for the categoryPaths field
my $unspscPaths = unspscPaths_example; # String | A filter for the unspscPaths field
my $co2pePaths = co2pePaths_example; # String | A filter for the co2pePaths field
my $processType = processType_example; # String | A filter for the processType field
my $representativenessType = representativenessType_example; # String | A filter for the representativenessType field
my $modelingType = modelingType_example; # String | A filter for the modelingType field
my $multifunctionalModeling = multifunctionalModeling_example; # String | A filter for the multifunctionalModeling field
my $biogenicCarbonModeling = biogenicCarbonModeling_example; # String | A filter for the biogenicCarbonModeling field
my $endOfLifeModeling = endOfLifeModeling_example; # String | A filter for the endOfLifeModeling field
my $waterModeling = waterModeling_example; # String | A filter for the waterModeling field
my $infrastructureModeling = infrastructureModeling_example; # String | A filter for the infrastructureModeling field
my $emissionModeling = emissionModeling_example; # String | A filter for the emissionModeling field
my $carbonStorageModeling = carbonStorageModeling_example; # String | A filter for the carbonStorageModeling field
my $sourceReliability = sourceReliability_example; # String | A filter for the sourceReliability field
my $aggregationType = aggregationType_example; # String | A filter for the aggregationType field
my $reviewType = reviewType_example; # String | A filter for the reviewType field
my $reviewSystem = reviewSystem_example; # String | A filter for the reviewSystem field
my $copyrightHolder = copyrightHolder_example; # String | A filter for the copyrightHolder field
my $contact = contact_example; # String | A filter for the contact field
my $reviewers = reviewers_example; # String | A filter for the reviewers field
my $validFrom = 789; # Long | A filter for the validFrom field
my $validUntil = 789; # Long | A filter for the validUntil field
my $validFromYear = 56; # Integer | A filter for the validFromYear field
my $validUntilYear = 56; # Integer | A filter for the validUntilYear field
my $latitude = 1.2; # Double | A filter for the latitude field
my $longitude = 1.2; # Double | A filter for the longitude field
my $completeness = 1.2; # Double | A filter for the completeness field
my $amountDeviation = 1.2; # Double | A filter for the amountDeviation field
my $representativenessValue = 1.2; # Double | A filter for the representativenessValue field
my $copyrightProtected = true; # Boolean | A filter for the copyrightProtected field
my $free = true; # Boolean | A filter for the free field
my $publiclyAccessible = true; # Boolean | A filter for the publiclyAccessible field

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->searchGet(query => $query, sortBy => $sortBy, sortOrder => $sortOrder, page => $page, pageSize => $pageSize, queryFields => $queryFields, aggregate => $aggregate, scoreAmountDeviation => $scoreAmountDeviation, scoreCompleteness => $scoreCompleteness, scoreRepresentativeness => $scoreRepresentativeness, scoreTime => $scoreTime, scoreGeography => $scoreGeography, scoreTechnology => $scoreTechnology, format => $format, location => $location, dataprovider => $dataprovider, supportedNomenclatures => $supportedNomenclatures, lciaMethods => $lciaMethods, categoryPaths => $categoryPaths, unspscPaths => $unspscPaths, co2pePaths => $co2pePaths, processType => $processType, representativenessType => $representativenessType, modelingType => $modelingType, multifunctionalModeling => $multifunctionalModeling, biogenicCarbonModeling => $biogenicCarbonModeling, endOfLifeModeling => $endOfLifeModeling, waterModeling => $waterModeling, infrastructureModeling => $infrastructureModeling, emissionModeling => $emissionModeling, carbonStorageModeling => $carbonStorageModeling, sourceReliability => $sourceReliability, aggregationType => $aggregationType, reviewType => $reviewType, reviewSystem => $reviewSystem, copyrightHolder => $copyrightHolder, contact => $contact, reviewers => $reviewers, validFrom => $validFrom, validUntil => $validUntil, validFromYear => $validFromYear, validUntilYear => $validUntilYear, latitude => $latitude, longitude => $longitude, completeness => $completeness, amountDeviation => $amountDeviation, representativenessValue => $representativenessValue, copyrightProtected => $copyrightProtected, free => $free, publiclyAccessible => $publiclyAccessible);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling DefaultApi->searchGet: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.DefaultApi()
query = query_example # String | A full text search query. Mulitple words are conjucted with AND (optional)
sortBy = sortBy_example # String | The name of the field to sort the results by, scoring will be disabled when using sortBy (optional)
sortOrder = sortOrder_example # String | The sort order when sortBy is specified (optional) (default to ASC)
page = 789 # Long | The page of the result of the current query, a value of 0 means no paging is applied (optional) (default to 1)
pageSize = 789 # Long | The size of a page of the result of the current query (optional) (default to 10)
queryFields = queryFields_example # String | A comma separated list of fields to use for querying, if none is specified, all available fields will be queried (name, description, category, technology) (optional)
aggregate = aggregate_example # String | Specify which aggregations should be applied and returned. If none is specified, all available aggregations will be applied (supportedNomenclatures, multifunctionalModeling, modelingType, aggregationType, co2pePaths, categoryPaths, biogenicCarbonModeling, copyrightProtected, reviewType, unspscPaths, waterModeling, lciaMethods, representativenessType, validFromYear, publiclyAccessible, emissionModeling, infrastructureModeling, processType, free, sourceReliability, endOfLifeModeling, format, reviewSystem, location, validUntilYear, carbonStorageModeling, dataprovider) (optional)
scoreAmountDeviation = scoreAmountDeviation_example # String | The results will be scored by the amountDeviation value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required) (optional)
scoreCompleteness = scoreCompleteness_example # String | The results will be scored by the completeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required) (optional)
scoreRepresentativeness = scoreRepresentativeness_example # String | The results will be scored by the representativeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required) (optional)
scoreTime = scoreTime_example # String | The results will be scored by the time information, specify a long value as a date The results will be scored according to the difference to the specified date. (optional)
scoreGeography = scoreGeography_example # String | The results will be scored by the geography information, specify latitude and longitude as double values, separated by a comma (52.13,42.12). The results will be scored according to the distance to the specified location. (optional)
scoreTechnology = scoreTechnology_example # String | The results will be scored by the technology information, specify a UNSPSC code and CO2PE code, separated by a comma (e.g. 50454302,1.1.1). The results will be scored according to a combination of assessed differences to the specified technology information. (optional)
format = format_example # String | A filter for the format field (optional)
location = location_example # String | A filter for the location field (optional)
dataprovider = dataprovider_example # String | A filter for the dataprovider field (optional)
supportedNomenclatures = supportedNomenclatures_example # String | A filter for the supportedNomenclatures field (optional)
lciaMethods = lciaMethods_example # String | A filter for the lciaMethods field (optional)
categoryPaths = categoryPaths_example # String | A filter for the categoryPaths field (optional)
unspscPaths = unspscPaths_example # String | A filter for the unspscPaths field (optional)
co2pePaths = co2pePaths_example # String | A filter for the co2pePaths field (optional)
processType = processType_example # String | A filter for the processType field (optional)
representativenessType = representativenessType_example # String | A filter for the representativenessType field (optional)
modelingType = modelingType_example # String | A filter for the modelingType field (optional)
multifunctionalModeling = multifunctionalModeling_example # String | A filter for the multifunctionalModeling field (optional)
biogenicCarbonModeling = biogenicCarbonModeling_example # String | A filter for the biogenicCarbonModeling field (optional)
endOfLifeModeling = endOfLifeModeling_example # String | A filter for the endOfLifeModeling field (optional)
waterModeling = waterModeling_example # String | A filter for the waterModeling field (optional)
infrastructureModeling = infrastructureModeling_example # String | A filter for the infrastructureModeling field (optional)
emissionModeling = emissionModeling_example # String | A filter for the emissionModeling field (optional)
carbonStorageModeling = carbonStorageModeling_example # String | A filter for the carbonStorageModeling field (optional)
sourceReliability = sourceReliability_example # String | A filter for the sourceReliability field (optional)
aggregationType = aggregationType_example # String | A filter for the aggregationType field (optional)
reviewType = reviewType_example # String | A filter for the reviewType field (optional)
reviewSystem = reviewSystem_example # String | A filter for the reviewSystem field (optional)
copyrightHolder = copyrightHolder_example # String | A filter for the copyrightHolder field (optional)
contact = contact_example # String | A filter for the contact field (optional)
reviewers = reviewers_example # String | A filter for the reviewers field (optional)
validFrom = 789 # Long | A filter for the validFrom field (optional)
validUntil = 789 # Long | A filter for the validUntil field (optional)
validFromYear = 56 # Integer | A filter for the validFromYear field (optional)
validUntilYear = 56 # Integer | A filter for the validUntilYear field (optional)
latitude = 1.2 # Double | A filter for the latitude field (optional)
longitude = 1.2 # Double | A filter for the longitude field (optional)
completeness = 1.2 # Double | A filter for the completeness field (optional)
amountDeviation = 1.2 # Double | A filter for the amountDeviation field (optional)
representativenessValue = 1.2 # Double | A filter for the representativenessValue field (optional)
copyrightProtected = true # Boolean | A filter for the copyrightProtected field (optional)
free = true # Boolean | A filter for the free field (optional)
publiclyAccessible = true # Boolean | A filter for the publiclyAccessible field (optional)

    # Search for data sets (numeric filters can use '<', '>', and ',' to specify ranges). e.g. validUntilYear=<2010 or validUntilYear=2000,2010 (all data sets in between 2000 and 2010). Boolean filters accept 'true' and 'false'
    api_response = api_instance.search_get(query=query, sortBy=sortBy, sortOrder=sortOrder, page=page, pageSize=pageSize, queryFields=queryFields, aggregate=aggregate, scoreAmountDeviation=scoreAmountDeviation, scoreCompleteness=scoreCompleteness, scoreRepresentativeness=scoreRepresentativeness, scoreTime=scoreTime, scoreGeography=scoreGeography, scoreTechnology=scoreTechnology, format=format, location=location, dataprovider=dataprovider, supportedNomenclatures=supportedNomenclatures, lciaMethods=lciaMethods, categoryPaths=categoryPaths, unspscPaths=unspscPaths, co2pePaths=co2pePaths, processType=processType, representativenessType=representativenessType, modelingType=modelingType, multifunctionalModeling=multifunctionalModeling, biogenicCarbonModeling=biogenicCarbonModeling, endOfLifeModeling=endOfLifeModeling, waterModeling=waterModeling, infrastructureModeling=infrastructureModeling, emissionModeling=emissionModeling, carbonStorageModeling=carbonStorageModeling, sourceReliability=sourceReliability, aggregationType=aggregationType, reviewType=reviewType, reviewSystem=reviewSystem, copyrightHolder=copyrightHolder, contact=contact, reviewers=reviewers, validFrom=validFrom, validUntil=validUntil, validFromYear=validFromYear, validUntilYear=validUntilYear, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, completeness=completeness, amountDeviation=amountDeviation, representativenessValue=representativenessValue, copyrightProtected=copyrightProtected, free=free, publiclyAccessible=publiclyAccessible)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->searchGet: %s\n" % e)


Query parameters
Name Description
A full text search query. Mulitple words are conjucted with AND
The name of the field to sort the results by, scoring will be disabled when using sortBy
The sort order when sortBy is specified
Long (int64)
The page of the result of the current query, a value of 0 means no paging is applied
Long (int64)
The size of a page of the result of the current query
A comma separated list of fields to use for querying, if none is specified, all available fields will be queried (name, description, category, technology)
Specify which aggregations should be applied and returned. If none is specified, all available aggregations will be applied (supportedNomenclatures, multifunctionalModeling, modelingType, aggregationType, co2pePaths, categoryPaths, biogenicCarbonModeling, copyrightProtected, reviewType, unspscPaths, waterModeling, lciaMethods, representativenessType, validFromYear, publiclyAccessible, emissionModeling, infrastructureModeling, processType, free, sourceReliability, endOfLifeModeling, format, reviewSystem, location, validUntilYear, carbonStorageModeling, dataprovider)
The results will be scored by the amountDeviation value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
The results will be scored by the completeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
The results will be scored by the representativeness value (Only specify the parameter name, no value required)
The results will be scored by the time information, specify a long value as a date The results will be scored according to the difference to the specified date.
The results will be scored by the geography information, specify latitude and longitude as double values, separated by a comma (52.13,42.12). The results will be scored according to the distance to the specified location.
The results will be scored by the technology information, specify a UNSPSC code and CO2PE code, separated by a comma (e.g. 50454302,1.1.1). The results will be scored according to a combination of assessed differences to the specified technology information.
A filter for the format field
A filter for the location field
A filter for the dataprovider field
A filter for the supportedNomenclatures field
A filter for the lciaMethods field
A filter for the categoryPaths field
A filter for the unspscPaths field
A filter for the co2pePaths field
A filter for the processType field
A filter for the representativenessType field
A filter for the modelingType field
A filter for the multifunctionalModeling field
A filter for the biogenicCarbonModeling field
A filter for the endOfLifeModeling field
A filter for the waterModeling field
A filter for the infrastructureModeling field
A filter for the emissionModeling field
A filter for the carbonStorageModeling field
A filter for the sourceReliability field
A filter for the aggregationType field
A filter for the reviewType field
A filter for the reviewSystem field
A filter for the copyrightHolder field
A filter for the contact field
A filter for the reviewers field
Long (int64)
A filter for the validFrom field
Long (int64)
A filter for the validUntil field
Integer (int32)
A filter for the validFromYear field
Integer (int32)
A filter for the validUntilYear field
Double (double)
A filter for the latitude field
Double (double)
A filter for the longitude field
Double (double)
A filter for the completeness field
Double (double)
A filter for the amountDeviation field
Double (double)
A filter for the representativenessValue field
A filter for the copyrightProtected field
A filter for the free field
A filter for the publiclyAccessible field


Status: 200 - The search result

Status: 400 - One of the filter values is not allowed


Submit a new data set to the index


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X POST ""
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.DefaultApi;

import java.util.*;

public class DefaultApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi();
        String apiKey = apiKey_example; // String | The API key to perform secured actions
        DataSet dataSet = ; // DataSet | The data set descriptor to index
        try {
            apiInstance.searchIndexPost(apiKey, dataSet);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#searchIndexPost");
import io.swagger.client.api.DefaultApi;

public class DefaultApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi();
        String apiKey = apiKey_example; // String | The API key to perform secured actions
        DataSet dataSet = ; // DataSet | The data set descriptor to index
        try {
            apiInstance.searchIndexPost(apiKey, dataSet);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#searchIndexPost");
String *apiKey = apiKey_example; // The API key to perform secured actions
DataSet *dataSet = ; // The data set descriptor to index

DefaultApi *apiInstance = [[DefaultApi alloc] init];

// Submit a new data set to the index
[apiInstance searchIndexPostWith:apiKey
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
                            if (error) {
                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var LcaSearchRestService = require('lca_search_rest_service');

var api = new LcaSearchRestService.DefaultApi()

var apiKey = apiKey_example; // {String} The API key to perform secured actions

var dataSet = ; // {DataSet} The data set descriptor to index

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.searchIndexPost(apiKey, dataSet, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class searchIndexPostExample
        public void main()
            var apiInstance = new DefaultApi();
            var apiKey = apiKey_example;  // String | The API key to perform secured actions
            var dataSet = new DataSet(); // DataSet | The data set descriptor to index

                // Submit a new data set to the index
                apiInstance.searchIndexPost(apiKey, dataSet);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling DefaultApi.searchIndexPost: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\DefaultApi();
$apiKey = apiKey_example; // String | The API key to perform secured actions
$dataSet = ; // DataSet | The data set descriptor to index

try {
    $api_instance->searchIndexPost($apiKey, $dataSet);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->searchIndexPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::DefaultApi;

my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::DefaultApi->new();
my $apiKey = apiKey_example; # String | The API key to perform secured actions
my $dataSet = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::DataSet->new(); # DataSet | The data set descriptor to index

eval { 
    $api_instance->searchIndexPost(apiKey => $apiKey, dataSet => $dataSet);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling DefaultApi->searchIndexPost: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.DefaultApi()
apiKey = apiKey_example # String | The API key to perform secured actions
dataSet =  # DataSet | The data set descriptor to index

    # Submit a new data set to the index
    api_instance.search_index_post(apiKey, dataSet)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->searchIndexPost: %s\n" % e)


Header parameters
Name Description
The API key to perform secured actions
Body parameters
Name Description
dataSet *


Status: 201 - The data set was successfully added to the index

Status: 409 - A data set with the posted refId already existed

Status: 422 - The posted data set was invalid


Deletes an existing data set from the index


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X DELETE "{refId}"
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.DefaultApi;

import java.util.*;

public class DefaultApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi();
        String apiKey = apiKey_example; // String | The API key to perform secured actions
        String refId = refId_example; // String | The refId of the data set
        try {
            apiInstance.searchIndexRefIdDelete(apiKey, refId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#searchIndexRefIdDelete");
import io.swagger.client.api.DefaultApi;

public class DefaultApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi();
        String apiKey = apiKey_example; // String | The API key to perform secured actions
        String refId = refId_example; // String | The refId of the data set
        try {
            apiInstance.searchIndexRefIdDelete(apiKey, refId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#searchIndexRefIdDelete");
String *apiKey = apiKey_example; // The API key to perform secured actions
String *refId = refId_example; // The refId of the data set

DefaultApi *apiInstance = [[DefaultApi alloc] init];

// Deletes an existing data set from the index
[apiInstance searchIndexRefIdDeleteWith:apiKey
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
                            if (error) {
                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var LcaSearchRestService = require('lca_search_rest_service');

var api = new LcaSearchRestService.DefaultApi()

var apiKey = apiKey_example; // {String} The API key to perform secured actions

var refId = refId_example; // {String} The refId of the data set

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.searchIndexRefIdDelete(apiKey, refId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class searchIndexRefIdDeleteExample
        public void main()
            var apiInstance = new DefaultApi();
            var apiKey = apiKey_example;  // String | The API key to perform secured actions
            var refId = refId_example;  // String | The refId of the data set

                // Deletes an existing data set from the index
                apiInstance.searchIndexRefIdDelete(apiKey, refId);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling DefaultApi.searchIndexRefIdDelete: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\DefaultApi();
$apiKey = apiKey_example; // String | The API key to perform secured actions
$refId = refId_example; // String | The refId of the data set

try {
    $api_instance->searchIndexRefIdDelete($apiKey, $refId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->searchIndexRefIdDelete: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::DefaultApi;

my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::DefaultApi->new();
my $apiKey = apiKey_example; # String | The API key to perform secured actions
my $refId = refId_example; # String | The refId of the data set

eval { 
    $api_instance->searchIndexRefIdDelete(apiKey => $apiKey, refId => $refId);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling DefaultApi->searchIndexRefIdDelete: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.DefaultApi()
apiKey = apiKey_example # String | The API key to perform secured actions
refId = refId_example # String | The refId of the data set

    # Deletes an existing data set from the index
    api_instance.search_index_ref_id_delete(apiKey, refId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->searchIndexRefIdDelete: %s\n" % e)


Path parameters
Name Description
The refId of the data set
Header parameters
Name Description
The API key to perform secured actions


Status: 204 - The data set either succesfully deleted or did not exist


Returns the data set with the given refId from the index


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X GET "{refId}"
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.DefaultApi;

import java.util.*;

public class DefaultApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi();
        String apiKey = apiKey_example; // String | The API key to perform secured actions
        String refId = refId_example; // String | The refId of the data set
        try {
            DataSet result = apiInstance.searchIndexRefIdGet(apiKey, refId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#searchIndexRefIdGet");
import io.swagger.client.api.DefaultApi;

public class DefaultApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi();
        String apiKey = apiKey_example; // String | The API key to perform secured actions
        String refId = refId_example; // String | The refId of the data set
        try {
            DataSet result = apiInstance.searchIndexRefIdGet(apiKey, refId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#searchIndexRefIdGet");
String *apiKey = apiKey_example; // The API key to perform secured actions
String *refId = refId_example; // The refId of the data set

DefaultApi *apiInstance = [[DefaultApi alloc] init];

// Returns the data set with the given refId from the index
[apiInstance searchIndexRefIdGetWith:apiKey
              completionHandler: ^(DataSet output, NSError* error) {
                            if (output) {
                                NSLog(@"%@", output);
                            if (error) {
                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var LcaSearchRestService = require('lca_search_rest_service');

var api = new LcaSearchRestService.DefaultApi()

var apiKey = apiKey_example; // {String} The API key to perform secured actions

var refId = refId_example; // {String} The refId of the data set

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.searchIndexRefIdGet(apiKey, refId, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class searchIndexRefIdGetExample
        public void main()
            var apiInstance = new DefaultApi();
            var apiKey = apiKey_example;  // String | The API key to perform secured actions
            var refId = refId_example;  // String | The refId of the data set

                // Returns the data set with the given refId from the index
                DataSet result = apiInstance.searchIndexRefIdGet(apiKey, refId);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling DefaultApi.searchIndexRefIdGet: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\DefaultApi();
$apiKey = apiKey_example; // String | The API key to perform secured actions
$refId = refId_example; // String | The refId of the data set

try {
    $result = $api_instance->searchIndexRefIdGet($apiKey, $refId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->searchIndexRefIdGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::DefaultApi;

my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::DefaultApi->new();
my $apiKey = apiKey_example; # String | The API key to perform secured actions
my $refId = refId_example; # String | The refId of the data set

eval { 
    my $result = $api_instance->searchIndexRefIdGet(apiKey => $apiKey, refId => $refId);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling DefaultApi->searchIndexRefIdGet: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.DefaultApi()
apiKey = apiKey_example # String | The API key to perform secured actions
refId = refId_example # String | The refId of the data set

    # Returns the data set with the given refId from the index
    api_response = api_instance.search_index_ref_id_get(apiKey, refId)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->searchIndexRefIdGet: %s\n" % e)


Path parameters
Name Description
The refId of the data set
Header parameters
Name Description
The API key to perform secured actions


Status: 200 - The data set was found and returned

Status: 404 - The data set did not exist


Submits a new or updated version of a data set to the index


Usage and SDK Samples

curl -X PUT "{refId}"
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.DefaultApi;

import java.util.*;

public class DefaultApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi();
        String apiKey = apiKey_example; // String | The API key to perform secured actions
        String refId = refId_example; // String | The refId of the data set, this must match the posted data
        DataSet dataSet = ; // DataSet | The data set descriptor to index
        try {
            apiInstance.searchIndexRefIdPut(apiKey, refId, dataSet);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#searchIndexRefIdPut");
import io.swagger.client.api.DefaultApi;

public class DefaultApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi();
        String apiKey = apiKey_example; // String | The API key to perform secured actions
        String refId = refId_example; // String | The refId of the data set, this must match the posted data
        DataSet dataSet = ; // DataSet | The data set descriptor to index
        try {
            apiInstance.searchIndexRefIdPut(apiKey, refId, dataSet);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#searchIndexRefIdPut");
String *apiKey = apiKey_example; // The API key to perform secured actions
String *refId = refId_example; // The refId of the data set, this must match the posted data
DataSet *dataSet = ; // The data set descriptor to index

DefaultApi *apiInstance = [[DefaultApi alloc] init];

// Submits a new or updated version of a data set to the index
[apiInstance searchIndexRefIdPutWith:apiKey
              completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
                            if (error) {
                                NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var LcaSearchRestService = require('lca_search_rest_service');

var api = new LcaSearchRestService.DefaultApi()

var apiKey = apiKey_example; // {String} The API key to perform secured actions

var refId = refId_example; // {String} The refId of the data set, this must match the posted data

var dataSet = ; // {DataSet} The data set descriptor to index

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
api.searchIndexRefIdPut(apiKey, refId, dataSet, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;

namespace Example
    public class searchIndexRefIdPutExample
        public void main()
            var apiInstance = new DefaultApi();
            var apiKey = apiKey_example;  // String | The API key to perform secured actions
            var refId = refId_example;  // String | The refId of the data set, this must match the posted data
            var dataSet = new DataSet(); // DataSet | The data set descriptor to index

                // Submits a new or updated version of a data set to the index
                apiInstance.searchIndexRefIdPut(apiKey, refId, dataSet);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling DefaultApi.searchIndexRefIdPut: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\DefaultApi();
$apiKey = apiKey_example; // String | The API key to perform secured actions
$refId = refId_example; // String | The refId of the data set, this must match the posted data
$dataSet = ; // DataSet | The data set descriptor to index

try {
    $api_instance->searchIndexRefIdPut($apiKey, $refId, $dataSet);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->searchIndexRefIdPut: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::DefaultApi;

my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::DefaultApi->new();
my $apiKey = apiKey_example; # String | The API key to perform secured actions
my $refId = refId_example; # String | The refId of the data set, this must match the posted data
my $dataSet = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::DataSet->new(); # DataSet | The data set descriptor to index

eval { 
    $api_instance->searchIndexRefIdPut(apiKey => $apiKey, refId => $refId, dataSet => $dataSet);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling DefaultApi->searchIndexRefIdPut: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.DefaultApi()
apiKey = apiKey_example # String | The API key to perform secured actions
refId = refId_example # String | The refId of the data set, this must match the posted data
dataSet =  # DataSet | The data set descriptor to index

    # Submits a new or updated version of a data set to the index
    api_instance.search_index_ref_id_put(apiKey, refId, dataSet)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->searchIndexRefIdPut: %s\n" % e)


Path parameters
Name Description
The refId of the data set, this must match the posted data
Header parameters
Name Description
The API key to perform secured actions
Body parameters
Name Description
dataSet *


Status: 201 - The data set was successfully added to the index

Status: 204 - The data set was successfully updated in the index

Status: 422 - The posted data set was invalid

Generated 2018-04-10T15:08:13.240Z