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add(byte[]) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Adds the passed value to the filter.
add(T) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Adds the passed value to the filter.
add(byte[]) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.CountingBloomFilter
add(byte[]) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.BloomFilterMemory
add(byte[]) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.BloomFilterRedis
addAll(Collection<T>) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Performs a bulk add operation for a collection of elements.
addAll(Collection<T>) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.BloomFilterRedis
addAndEstimateCount(byte[]) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.CountingBloomFilter
Adds an element and returns its estimated frequency after the insertion (i.e. the number of times the element was added to the filter).
addAndEstimateCount(T) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.CountingBloomFilter
Adds an element and returns its estimated frequency after the insertion (i.e. the number of times the element was added to the filter).
addAndEstimateCount(byte[]) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
addAndEstimateCount(byte[]) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis
addReadSlave(String, int) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Adds a read slave to speed up reading access (e.g. contains or getEstimatedCount) to normal and counting Redis-backed Bloom filters.
allowingSlaves() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisPool
asBitSet() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
Returns the RedisBitSet as a regular BitSet.
asString() - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Prints the Bloom filter: metadata and data


BITS_KEY - Variable in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisKeys
bloom - Variable in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.BloomFilterMemory
BloomFilter<T> - Interface in orestes.bloomfilter
Represents a Bloom filter and provides default methods for hashing.
BloomFilterConverter - Class in orestes.bloomfilter.json
BloomFilterConverter() - Constructor for class orestes.bloomfilter.json.BloomFilterConverter
BloomFilterMemory<T> - Class in orestes.bloomfilter.memory
BloomFilterMemory(FilterBuilder) - Constructor for class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.BloomFilterMemory
BloomFilterRedis<T> - Class in orestes.bloomfilter.redis
A persistent bloom filter backed by the Redis key value store.
BloomFilterRedis(FilterBuilder) - Constructor for class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.BloomFilterRedis
buildBloomFilter() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Constructs a Bloom filter using the specified parameters and computing missing parameters if possible (e.g.
buildConfigHash(FilterBuilder) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisKeys
buildCountingBloomFilter() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Constructs a Counting Bloom filter using the specified parameters and by computing missing parameters if possible (e.g.


C_KEY - Static variable in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisKeys
cardinality() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
clear() - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Removes all elements from the filter (i.e. resets all bits to zero).
clear() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.BloomFilterMemory
clear() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
clear() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.BloomFilterRedis
clear() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis
clear(int) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
clear() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
clone() - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Constructs a deep copy of the Bloom filter
clone() - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.CountingBloomFilter
clone() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
clone() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.BloomFilterMemory
clone() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
clone() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.BloomFilterRedis
clone() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis
compatible(BloomFilter<T>, BloomFilter<T>) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Checks if two Bloom filters are compatible, i.e. have compatible parameters (hash function, size, etc.)
complete() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Checks if all necessary parameters were set and tries to infer optimal parameters (e.g. size and hashes from given expectedElements and falsePositiveProbability).
config() - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Returns the configuration/builder of the Bloom filter.
config() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.BloomFilterMemory
config() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
config() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.BloomFilterRedis
config() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis
contains(byte[]) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Tests whether an element is present in the filter (subject to the specified false positive rate).
contains(T) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Tests whether an element is present in the filter (subject to the specified false positive rate).
contains(Collection<T>) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Bulk-tests elements for existence in the filter.
contains(byte[]) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.BloomFilterMemory
contains(byte[]) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
contains(Collection<T>) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.BloomFilterRedis
contains(byte[]) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.BloomFilterRedis
contains(byte[]) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis
containsAll(Collection<T>) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Bulk-tests elements for existence in the filter.
count(int) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
countingBits(int) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Sets the number of bits used for counting in case of a counting Bloom filter.
countingBits() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
CountingBloomFilter<T> - Interface in orestes.bloomfilter
Represents a Counting Bloom Filter, which in contrast to a normal Bloom filter also allow removal.
CountingBloomFilterMemory<T> - Class in orestes.bloomfilter.memory
CountingBloomFilterMemory(FilterBuilder) - Constructor for class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
CountingBloomFilterRedis<T> - Class in orestes.bloomfilter.redis
Uses regular key-value pairs for counting instead of a bitarray.
CountingBloomFilterRedis(FilterBuilder) - Constructor for class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis
COUNTS_KEY - Variable in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisKeys


decrement(int) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
Decrements the internal counter upon deletion and unsets the Bloom filter bit if necessary.
defaultCharset() - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
destroy() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisPool


equals(Object) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.BloomFilterMemory
equals(Object) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
equals(Object) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.BloomFilterRedis
equals(Object) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis
equals(Object) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
expectedElements(int) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Sets the number of expected elements.
expectedElements() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder


falsePositiveProbability(double) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Sets the tolerable false positive probability.
falsePositiveProbability() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
FilterBuilder - Class in orestes.bloomfilter
Builder for Bloom Filters.
FilterBuilder() - Constructor for class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Constructs a new builder for Bloom filters and counting Bloom filters.
FilterBuilder(int, double) - Constructor for class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Constructs a new Bloom Filter Builder by specifying the expected size of the filter and the tolerable false positive probability.
FilterBuilder(int, int) - Constructor for class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Constructs a new Bloom Filter Builder using the specified size in bits and the specified number of hash functions.
fromByteArrayReverse(byte[]) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
fromJson(JsonElement) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.json.BloomFilterConverter
Constructs a Bloom filter from its JSON representation.
fromJson(JsonElement, Class<T>) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.json.BloomFilterConverter
Constructs a Bloom filter from its JSON representation


get(int) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
get(Pipeline, int) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
getBit(int) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.BloomFilterMemory
getBitSet() - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Return the underyling bit vector of the Bloom filter.
getBitSet() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.BloomFilterMemory
getBitSet() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
getBitSet() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.BloomFilterRedis
getBitSet() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis
getBitsPerElement(int) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Calculates the numbers of Bits per element, based on the expected number of inserted elements expectedElements.
getBitZeroProbability(int) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Returns the probability that a bit is zero.
getBulk(int...) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
Fetches the values at the given index positions in a multi transaction.
getCountingBits() - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.CountingBloomFilter
getEstimatedCount(T) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.CountingBloomFilter
Return the estimated count for an element using the Mininum Selection algorithm (i.e. by choosing the minimum counter for the given element).
getEstimatedCount(T) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
getEstimatedCount(T) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis
getEstimatedFalsePositiveProbability() - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Returns the probability of a false positive (approximated) using an estimation of how many elements are currently in the filter
getEstimatedPopulation() - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Estimates the current population of the Bloom filter (see: )
getEstimatedPopulation() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.BloomFilterRedis
getEstimatedPopulation() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis
getExpectedElements() - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Returns the expected number of elements (called n in the literature)
getFalsePositiveProbability() - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Returns the expected false positive probability for the expected amounts of elements.
getFalsePositiveProbability(double) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Returns the probability of a false positive (approximated):
(1 - e^(-hashes * insertedElements / size)) ^ hashes
getHashes() - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Returns the number of hash functions (called k in the literature)
getHashFunction() - Method in enum orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider.HashMethod
getReadSlaves() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
getRedisBitSet() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis
getRedisKey() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
getSize() - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Return the size of the Bloom filter, i.e. the number of positions in the underlyling bit vector (called m in the literature).


hash(byte[]) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Returns the k hash values for an inputs element in byte array form
hash(String) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Dispatches the hash function for a string value
hash(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider.HashFunction
Computes hash values.
HASH_METHOD_KEY - Static variable in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisKeys
hashAdler(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider
hashCarterWegman(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider
hashCassandra(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider
hashChecksum(byte[], Checksum, int, int) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider
hashCRC(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider
hashCrypt(byte[], int, int, String) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider
hashes(int) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Set the number of hash functions to be used.
hashes() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
hashFunction(HashProvider.HashMethod) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Sets the method used to generate hash values.
hashFunction(HashProvider.HashFunction) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Uses a given custom hash function.
hashFunction() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
hashMethod() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
hashMurmur2(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider
hashMurmur3(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider
HashProvider - Class in orestes.bloomfilter
HashProvider() - Constructor for class orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider
HashProvider.HashFunction - Interface in orestes.bloomfilter
An interface which can be implemented to provide custom hash functions.
HashProvider.HashMethod - Enum in orestes.bloomfilter
Different types of hash functions that can be used.
hashRNG(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider
hashSimpleLCG(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider


increment(int) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
Increment the internal counter upon insertion of new elements.
intersect(BloomFilter<T>) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Performs the intersection operation on two compatible bloom filters.
intersect(BloomFilter<T>) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.BloomFilterMemory
intersect(BloomFilter<T>) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
intersect(BloomFilter<T>) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.BloomFilterRedis
intersect(BloomFilter<T>) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis
isAllSet(int...) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
Tests whether the provided bit positions are all set.
isCompatibleTo(FilterBuilder) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Checks wether a configuration is compatible to another configuration based on the size of the Bloom filter and its hash functions.
isEmpty() - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Returns true if the Bloom filter does not contain any elements
isEmpty() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.BloomFilterMemory
isEmpty() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
isEmpty() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.BloomFilterRedis
isEmpty() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis


K_KEY - Static variable in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisKeys


M_KEY - Static variable in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisKeys
murmur3(int, byte[]) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider


N_KEY - Static variable in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisKeys
name(String) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Sets the name of the Bloom filter.
name() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder


optimalK(long, long) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Calculates the optimal hashes (number of hash function) given expectedElements (expected number of elements in bloom filter) and size (size of bloom filter in bits).
optimalM(long, double) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Calculates the optimal size size of the bloom filter in bits given expectedElements (expected number of elements in bloom filter) and falsePositiveProbability (tolerable false positive rate).
optimalN(long, long) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Calculates the amount of elements a Bloom filter for which the given configuration of size and hashes is optimal.
optimalP(long, long, double) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Calcluates the best-case (uniform hash function) false positive probability.
orestes.bloomfilter - package orestes.bloomfilter
orestes.bloomfilter.json - package orestes.bloomfilter.json
orestes.bloomfilter.memory - package orestes.bloomfilter.memory
orestes.bloomfilter.redis - package orestes.bloomfilter.redis
orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper - package orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper
overwriteBitSet(BitSet) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
Overwrite the contents of this RedisBitSet by the given BitSet.
overwriteIfExists(boolean) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Sets whether any existing Bloom filter with same name should be overwritten in Redis.
overwriteIfExists() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder


P_KEY - Static variable in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisKeys
parseConfigHash(Map<String, String>, String) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisKeys
persistConfig(RedisPool, FilterBuilder) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisKeys
population(BitSet, FilterBuilder) - Static method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter


redisBacked(boolean) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Instructs the FilterBuilder to build a Redis-Backed Bloom filters.
redisBacked() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
RedisBitSet - Class in orestes.bloomfilter.redis
A persistent BitSet backed by Redis.
RedisBitSet(RedisPool, String, int) - Constructor for class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
Constructs an new RedisBitSet.
redisConnections(int) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Sets the number of connections to use for Redis.
redisConnections() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
redisHost(String) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Sets the host of the backing Redis instance.
redisHost() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
RedisKeys - Class in orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper
Encapsulates the Redis keys for the Redis Bloom Filters
RedisKeys(String) - Constructor for class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisKeys
RedisPool - Class in orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper
Encapsulates a Connection Pool and offers convenience methods for safe access through Java 8 Lambdas.
RedisPool(String, int, int) - Constructor for class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisPool
RedisPool(String, int, int, Set<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>) - Constructor for class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisPool
redisPort(int) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Sets the port of the backing Redis instance.
redisPort() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
rejectionSample(int, int) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider
Performs rejection sampling on a random 32bit Java int (sampled from Integer.MIN_VALUE to Integer.MAX_VALUE).
rejectionSample(BiFunction<Integer, byte[], Integer>, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider
remove() - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Destroys the Bloom filter by deleting its contents and metadata
remove(byte[]) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.CountingBloomFilter
Removes the object from the counting bloom filter.
remove(T) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.CountingBloomFilter
Removes the object from the counting bloom filter.
remove() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.BloomFilterRedis
remove(byte[]) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis
remove() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis
removeAll(Collection<T>) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.CountingBloomFilter
Removes the objects from the counting bloom filter.
removeAndEstimateCount(byte[]) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.CountingBloomFilter
Removes an element and returns its estimated frequency after the insertion (i.e. the number of times the element was added to the filter).
removeAndEstimateCount(T) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.CountingBloomFilter
Removes an element and returns its estimated frequency after the insertion (i.e. the number of times the element was added to the filter).
removeAndEstimateCount(byte[]) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
removeAndEstimateCount(byte[]) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis


safelyDo(Consumer<Jedis>) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisPool
safelyReturn(Function<Jedis, T>) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisPool
set(int, boolean) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
set(Pipeline, int, boolean) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
Performs the normal RedisBitSet.set(int, boolean) operation using the given pipeline.
set(int) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
setAll(int...) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
Set all bits
setBit(int, boolean) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.BloomFilterMemory
setOverflowHandler(Runnable) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
size(int) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
Sets the size of the filter in bits.
size() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.FilterBuilder
size() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet


toByteArray() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
toByteArrayReverse(BitSet) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
toBytes(T) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Converts an element to the byte array representation used for hashing.
toJson(BloomFilter<?>) - Static method in class orestes.bloomfilter.json.BloomFilterConverter
Converts a normal or Counting Bloom filter to a JSON representation of a non-counting Bloom filter.
toString() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.BloomFilterMemory
toString() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
toString() - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.RedisBitSet
transactionallyDo(Consumer<Pipeline>, String...) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisPool
transactionallyRetry(Consumer<Pipeline>, String...) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.helper.RedisPool


union(BloomFilter<T>) - Method in interface orestes.bloomfilter.BloomFilter
Performs the union operation on two compatible bloom filters.
union(BloomFilter<T>) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.BloomFilterMemory
union(BloomFilter<T>) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.memory.CountingBloomFilterMemory
union(BloomFilter<T>) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.BloomFilterRedis
union(BloomFilter<T>) - Method in class orestes.bloomfilter.redis.CountingBloomFilterRedis


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider.HashMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum orestes.bloomfilter.HashProvider.HashMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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