Scaling Up Fast: Real-time Image Processing and Analytics using Spark

Kevin Mader
1 July 2014, Spark Summit

Paul Scherrer Institut ETH Zurich 4Quant


  • Imaging in 2014
  • Scaling Imaging
  • Scaling Post-processing
  • Towards Real-time Imaging
  • Beyond


A modern image analysis infrastructure to make complex problems simple and handle the flood of data from current and next generation instruments

Internal Structures

Imaging in 2014

Ever more sensitive and faster hardware means image acquisition possibilities are growing rapidly

  • Light-sheet microscopy (see talk of Jeremy Freeman) produces images \( \rightarrow \) 500MB/s
  • SRXTM (next slide!) images at (>1000fps) \( \rightarrow \) 8GB/s
  • High-speed confocal images at (>200fps) \( \rightarrow \) 78Mb/s
  • Many other examples

Images are only as useful as what you can do with them, the bottleneck isn't measurement speed, but analysis

Time Consumption

Adapted from: Sboner A,et. al. Genome Biology, 2011

Synchrotron-based X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy

The only technique which can do all

  • peer deep into large samples
  • achieve \( \mathbf{<1\mu m} \) isotropic spatial resolution
    • with 1.8mm field of view
  • achieve >10 Hz temporal resolution
  • 8GB/s of images


[1] Mokso et al., J. Phys. D, 46(49),2013

Courtesy of M. Pistone at U. Bristol

How tomography works

\[ \downarrow \text{ Converted to Visible Light and Captured} \]

Reconstructing 3D Structures

Filtered back-projection / Radon transform

Segmentation and Post-processing

Typical Large Scale Projects

Zebra fish Phenotyping Project

Collaboration with Keith Cheng, Ian Foster, Xuying Xin, Patrick La Raviere, Steve Wang

1000s of samples of full adult animals, imaged at 0.74 \( \mu m \) resolution: Images 11500 x 2800 x 628 \( \longrightarrow \) 20-40GVx / sample

  • Identification of single cells (no down-sampling)
  • Cell networks and connectivity
  • Classification of cell type
  • Registration with histology

Brain Project

Collaboration with Alberto Astolfo, Matthias Schneider, Bruno Weber, Marco Stampanoni

1 \( cm^3 \) scanned at 1 \( \mu m \) resolution: Images \( \longrightarrow \) 1000 GVx / sample

  • Registration separate scans together
  • Blood vessel structure and networks
  • Registration with fMRI, histology

Imaging Goals

There are three different types of problems that we will run into.

Really big data sets

  • Several copies of the dataset need to be in memory for processing
  • Computers with more 256GB are expensive and difficult to find
  • Even they have 16 cores so still 16GB per CPU
  • Drive speed / network file access becomes a limiting factor
  • If it crashes you lose everything
    • or you have to manually write a bunch of mess check-pointing code

Many datasets

  • For genome-scale studies 1000s of samples need to be analyzed identically
  • Dynamic experiments can have hundreds of measurements
  • Animal phenotyping can have many huge data-sets (1000s of 328GB datasets)

Exploratory Studies

  • Not sure what we are looking for
  • Easy to develop new analyses
  • Quick to test hypotheses

Revised Goals

The current state

  • Hundreds of image processing tools are available
  • Some tasks are easy, some are difficult
  • Much of the code is highly optimized

The problems

  • GPUs are fast, but have limited memory
  • RAM is fast, but limited
  • Highly optimized code impossible to read (usually involves black magic)
  • Each problem is a little bit different
  • Scientific questions \( \neq \) software packages

What we need?

  • Tools that handle
    • 100x100x100 (0.001GVx) datasets in a few minutes
    • 2560x2560x2160 (14Gvx) in a few hours
    • 10,000x10,000x1000 (100+GVx) eventually
  • Simple (not much harder than Python), single (one code for all possible cluster, cloud configurations) algorithms
  • Testable code
  • Local, cluster, and cloud operation
  • Just add computers

What about existing tools?


  • Friendly GUI
  • Optimized: Use Vectorized code and GPUs
  • Scale well up to 1024 x 1024 x 1024 \( \approx \) 1 GVx.


  • if one machine crashes, everything crashes (some tools are very instable)
  • Tedious to scale to many datasets
  • Arrays cannot handle multichannel data
  • implementing new algorithms is very difficult
  • extracting specific metrics (shape as a function of distance, etc) usually not possible
  • checkpoints must be done manually


  • You don't ask the questions you should, you ask the questions you can
  • None of these approaches are robust or deal with the data flood
  • 8 GB/s is more data than Facebook processes a day and 3 times as many images as Instagram (and they are all 5Mpx 14-bit and we don't compress them)

Imaging as Machine Learning

  • input
    • sample: genetic background, composition, etc
    • environment: treatments, temperature, mechanical testing, etc
  • output
    • structure: cell count, shape, distribution, thickness
    • function: marker/tag localization, etc
  • prediction
    • identify how a single input affects the outputs


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

Phenotype Pipeline Example

Phenotype Pipeline

Solution Spark: Imaging Layer / TIPL

Developed at 4Quant, ETH Zurich, and Paul Scherrer Institut

  • SIL is a flexible framework for image processing and testing

    • modular design
    • verification and testing
    • reproduction of results from parameters
    • cluster integration
  • Report Generation

    • parametric assessment
    • pipelined analysis
    • Rendering subregions for movies
    • Displaying multidimensional data efficiently


Spark Imaging Performance

Real Performance

Overhead Costs

Performance Extrapolated

Keeping up

  • Analyze images as fast as we measure now (1 scan / minute)
  • Analyze images as fast as we can measure (10 scans / minute)

The future

  • 60 scans per minute
  • 600 scans per minute (10/s)

Tomcat Goals

Tomcat Goals

Post-processing: Statistical Analysis

  • Exploring phenotypes of 55 million cells.
  • Our current approach has been either
  • Group and divide then average the results.
    • Average Cell Volume, etc.
    • Average density or connectivity
  • Detailed analysis of individual samples
    • K-means clustering for different regions in bone / layers
    • Principal component analysis for phenotypes

Standard problem: asking the questions you can (which are easy), rather than the questions you should

Phenotype Within Between Ratio (%)
Length 36.97 4.279 864.1
Volume 67.85 12.479 543.7
Nearest Canal Distance 70.35 333.395 21.1
Density (Lc.Te.V) 144.40 27.658 522.1
Nearest Neighbors (Lc.DN) 31.86 1.835 1736.1
Stretch (Lc.St) 13.98 2.360 592.5

The results in the table show the within and between sample variation for selected phenotypes in the first two columns and the ratio of the within and between sample numbers

Visualizing the Variation

How does this result look visually? Each line shows the mean \( \pm \) standard deviation for sample. The range within a single sample is clearly much larger than between Partial Volume Effect

Reducing Variability

Instead of taking the standard metrics, we can search for

  • linear combinations (principal component analysis)
  • groups (k-means)

within the 65 million samples based on a number of different phenotypes to reduce the variation within single samples and

  • highlight the effect of genetic differences
  • instead of spatial variation.

Partial Volume Effect

Spark Numerical Performance

With the ability to scale to millions of samples there is no need to condense. We can analyze the entire dataset in real-time and try and identify groups or trends within the whole data instead of just precalculated views of it.


1276 comma separated text files with 56 columns of data and 15-60K rows

Task Single Core Time Spark Time (40 cores)
Load and Preprocess 360 minutes 10 minutes
Single Column Average 4.6s 400ms
1 K-means Iteration 2 minutes 1s

Can iteratively explore and hypothesis test with data quickly

We found several composite phenotypes which are more consistent within samples than between samples

Real-time with Spark Streaming


  • Spec Macro to control acquisition
  • C program to copy data to network drive
  • Python-wrapped C program to locally create sinograms
  • Highly optimized C program called from Python script through PHP website
  • Bash scripts to copy data
  • DCL Scripts to format data properly
  • Proprietary image processing tools (with clicking)
  • Output statistics with Excel

With Spark

  • Spec Macro to control acquisition
  • Data into a ZeroMQ pipe
  • Spark Streaming on ZeroMQ pipe

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10

Beyond: Approximate Results

Extensions of Spark out of AMPLab like BlinkDB are moving towards approximate results.

  • Instead of mean(volume)
    • mean(volume).within_time(5)
    • mean(volume).within_ci(0.95)

For real-time image processing, with tasks like component labeling and filtering it could work well

  • are all 27 neighbor voxels needed to get a good idea of the result?
  • must every component be analyzed to get an idea about the shape distribution?

It provides a much more robust solution than taking a small region of interest or scaling down

Beyond Image Processing

For many datasets processing, segmentation, and morphological analysis is all the information needed to be extracted. For many systems like bone tissue, cellular tissues, cellular materials and many others, the structure is just the beginning and the most interesting results come from the application to physical, chemical, or biological rules inside of these structures.

\[ \sum F_{i} = 0 \]

Such systems can be easily represented by a graph, and analyzed using GraphX in a distributed, fault tolerant manner.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-11

Cellular Potts Simulations

For cellular systems, a model called the Cellular Potts Model (CPM) is used to simulate growth, differentiation, coarsening, phase changes, and a number of similar properties for complex systems. Implementing such algorithms has traditionally been very tedious requiring thousands of lines of optimized MPI code (which is difficult to program well and in a stable manner). For real imaging data, the number of elements in these simulations can exceed 14 billion elements with 378 billion edges run over thousands of iterations

\[ E = \frac{1}{2} \sum_i\sum_{\rangle j\langle_i} J[1 - \delta(S_i - S_j)] \]

Thomas, G., de Almeida, R., & Graner, F. (2006). Coarsening of three-dimensional grains in crystals, or bubbles in dry foams, tends towards a universal, statistically scale-invariant regime. Physical Review E, 74(2), 021407. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.74.021407

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13

Reality Check

  • Spark is not performant \( \rightarrow \) dedicated, optimized CPU and GPU codes will perform slightly to much much better when evaulated by pixels per second per processing power unit
    • these codes will be wildly outperformed by dedicated hardware / FPGA solutions
  • Serialization overhead and network congestion are not neglible for large datasets


  • Scala / Python in Spark is substantially easier to write and test
    • Highly optimized codes are very inflexible
    • Human time is 400x more expensive than AWS time
    • Mistakes due to poor testing can be fatal
  • Spark scales smoothly to enormous datasets
    • GPUs rarely have more than a few gigabytes
    • Writing code that pages to disk is painful
  • Spark is hardware agnostic (no drivers or vendor lock-in)


Spark provides a very flexible solution for large, fast image processing tasks.

  • Coarse-grained operations require rethinking (and often simplifying) common approaches to image analysis.
  • Tuples while wasteful of memory mean more flexible codes and make handling multi-channel/spectral datasets substancially easier than using arrays.
  • Bottlenecks can be written in optimized CPU / GPU code and incorparated into Spark tools using JNI (best of both worlds)
  • Spark is constantly being tweaked and optimized \( \rightarrow \) your apps get faster without you doing anything


  • AIT at PSI
  • TOMCAT Group Tomcat Group

We are interested in partnerships and collaborations

Learn more at

Getting an image to Key-Value Format

x y val
1 1 0.6275
2 1 0.7804
3 1 0.8863
4 1 0.8980
5 1 0.9098
6 1 0.9216

The key is position \( \langle x, y \rangle \) and value is the intensity \( val \)

Loading the data into Spark (Scala)

val rawImage=sc.textFile("cell_colony.csv")
val => ((point(0).toInt,point(1).toInt),point(2).toDouble))
  • Count the number of pixels
  • Get the first value
  • Sample 100 values from the data

Perform a threshold

val threshVal=0.5
val labelImg=imgAsKV.filter(_._2<threshVal)
  • Runs on 1 core on your laptop or 1000 cores in the cloud or on a local cluster resource.
  • If one computer crashes or disconnects it automatically continues on another one.
  • If one part of the computation is taking too long it will be sent to other computers to finish
  • If a computer runs out of memory it writes the remaining results to disk and continues running (graceful dropoff in performance )

Get Volume Fraction


Region of Interest

Take a region of interest between 0 and 100 in X and Y

def roiFun(pvec: ((Int,Int),Double)) = 
 {pvec._1._1>=0 & pvec._1._1<100 & // X
  pvec._1._2>=0 & pvec._1._2<100 } //Y
val roiImg=imgAsKV.filter(roiFun)

Perform a 3x3 box filter

def spread_voxels(pvec: ((Int,Int),Double), windSize: Int = 1) = {
  val wind=(-windSize to windSize)
  val pos=pvec._1
  val scalevalue=pvec._2/(wind.length*wind.length)
  for(x<-wind; y<-wind) 
    yield ((pos._1+x,pos._2+y),scalevalue)

val filtImg=roiImg.
      flatMap(cvec => spread_voxels(cvec)).
      filter(roiFun).reduceByKey(_ + _)

Setting up Component Labeling

  • Create the first labels from a thresheld image as a mutable type
val xWidth=100
var => (pvec._1,(pvec._1._1.toLong*xWidth+pvec._1._2+1,true)))
  • Spreading to Neighbor Function
def spread_voxels(pvec: ((Int,Int),(Long,Boolean)), windSize: Int = 1) = {
  val wind=(-windSize to windSize)
  val pos=pvec._1
  val label=pvec._2._1
  for(x<-wind; y<-wind) 
    yield ((pos._1+x,pos._2+y),(label,(x==0 & y==0)))

Running Component Labeling

var groupList=Array((0L,0))
var running=true
var iterations=0
while (running) {
    reduceByKey((a,b) => ((math.min(a._1,b._1),a._2 | b._2))).
  // make a list of each label and how many voxels are in it
  val => (pvec._2._1,1)).
    reduceByKey(_ + _).sortByKey(true).collect
  // if the list isn't the same as before, continue running since we need to wait for swaps to stop
  running = (curGroupList.deep!=groupList.deep)
  print("Iter #"+iterations+":"+groupList.mkString(","))

Calculating From Images

  • Average Voxel Count
val labelSize = newLabels.
  map(pvec => (pvec._2._1,1)).
  reduceByKey((a,b) => (a+b)).
labelSize.reduce((a,b) => (a+b))*1.0/labelSize.count
  • Center of Volume for Each Label
val labelPositions = newLabels.
  map(pvec => (pvec._2._1,pvec._1)).
def posAvg(pvec: Seq[(Long,(Int,Int))]): (Double,Double) = {
val,b) => (a._1+b._1,a._2+b._2))

Lazy evaluation

  • No execution starts until you save the file or require output
  • Spark automatically deconstructs the pipeline and optimizes the jobs to run so computation is not wasted outside of the region of interest (even though we did it last)

Running Spark in a Sun Grid Engine (or similar)

Ideally Spark is used on a dedicated cluster or using Mesos tools, but many existing clusters are running Sun Grid Engine or similar frameworks and unlikely to change in the near future (legacy codes). Spark can, however, be run very efficiently run inside these environments (more here)

  1. Start the master node on one of the machines (locally)
  2. Submit the code to run to the queue management system

    qsub mysparkjob.sge -master=spark://

    (replace accordingly)

  1. Submit many worker jobs connecting to the master node for i in {1..100}; do qsub sparkworker.sge spark://; done


As worker jobs are scheduled by Sun Grid Engine they connect to the master and work on whatever needs to be done. Workers will not quit until they exceed the maximum running time (s_rt)