
The vehicle will expose vehicle signals via a WebSocket, or a RESTful web service interface or both. This will enable a client to GET or SET vehicle signals; to SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications relating to one or more vehicle signals and later to UNSUBSCRIBE from receiving notifications.

The W3C WebSocket API is defined here and the WebSocket Protocol (RFC6455).

A component or module running on the vehicle is required to open a WebSocket connection and/or to provide a RESTful web service to enable secure access to vehicle signals. In this specification this module will be referred to as the ‘Application Server’ or for simplicity as the ‘Server’.

This specification assumes that a single WebSocket is used to enable communication between the client Application and the server in order to reduce processing overhead.

N.B It is not explicitly prohibited for the client to request that the server opens more than one WebSocket. However, the server may refuse to open a subsequent connection and the client is responsible for handling this gracefully.

If more than one WebSocket connection is established between a client Application and the server then each connection will be managed independently. For example, subscriptions created using a particular WebSocket connection will only trigger notifications via that connection and the client must use that WebSocket instance to unsubscribe.

N.B. If more than one WebSocket connection has been established between one or more clients and a particular server instance, there is a risk that race conditions and concurrency issues could occur, for example when two or more WebSocket connections are used to concurrently update (SET) the same value.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the client can only assume that the server will implement a simple concurrency model where lost updates and dirty reads could potentially occur if the server has more than one WebSocket connection open.

An example of use is provided below:


This specification defines conformance criteria that apply to a single product: the service that implements the interfaces that it contains.

Implementations that use ECMAScript to implement the APIs defined in this specification MUST implement them in a manner consistent with the ECMAScript


The Promise provide a convenient way to get access to the result of an operation.

Security and privacy considerations

It is expected that security of vehicle APIs described in this document is based on permissions dictated by:

Initialisation of the Web Socket

If the client application is an HTML Application running in a web runtime or is a web page running in a browser, the WebSocket instance can either be initialised natively or created using a WebSocket standards compliant JavaScript library. A WebSocket request can also be initiated from a native (e.g. C++) Application or from an Application written using a managed runtime language like Java or C#. It is assumed that native and managed clients will use a suitable standards compliant WebSocket library to request that a WebSocket connection is opened on the server.

For browser and web runtime clients, the advantage of initialising the WebSocket natively in the web runtime is that there are fewer overheads for the vehicle signal implementation.

A client running on the vehicle will be able to connect to the Application Server instance using the hostname 'wwwivi' and will default to port 443. 'wwwivi' would be mapped to in etc/hosts file.

The sub-protocol name will always be VISS and with a version number suffix, e.g. VISS1.0

	  var vehicle  = new WebSocket("wss://wwwivi", "");

RESTful web services are out of scope for the first revision of this specification, but could be considered for addition in a later version.

There is little advantage to embedding this in a Vehicle object on the navigator interface.

To support ‘defence in depth’ and a layered security approach, connections between clients and servers will be strongly encrypted. This is to make it more difficult for an attacker that has succeeded in installing malicious code on a vehicle to eavesdrop, hijack security tokens and impersonate valid security principals to get and set sensitive vehicle signals.

The client will connect to the server over HTTPS and request that the server opens a WebSocket. All WebSocket communications between the client and server will therefore be over ‘wss’.

Non encrypted communication will not be supported, hence the server will refuse ‘ws’ connection requests.

In many vehicle designs, vehicle signals are made available by Electronic Control Units (ECUs) connected via internal vehicle networks. These include Controller Area Networks (CAN), Media Oriented Systems Transport (MOST) and Local Interconnect Networks (LIN). For security reasons, clients will not be able to connect directly to ECUs or to CAN, MOST or LIN networks. All access will be via WebSocket. This allows the server to securely control access to vehicle signals.

Message Structure

Clients can request vehicle signal data from the server by sending a JSON data structure to the server via the WebSocket connection.

Only the action, path and reqId attributes are required, however multiple other options can be included as described in the table below.

	  vehicle.send('{ "action": "subscribe", "path": "body.mirrors.left",
	                  "reqId": [some_unique_value] }');
@@table class - parameter?
Attribute Description Required Default Value Source
action The desired action from the client (subscribe, unsubscribe, get, set). Required n/a Client
path The path to the desired vehicle signal(s), as defined by the Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS). Required n/a Client
reqId Unique id value specified by the client. Returned by the server in the response and used by client to link the request and response messages. May be a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) Required n/a Client
security Structure containing one or more security token (e.g OAuth2) name/value pairs. Optional Null Client
onchange Request for updates when a signal changes. The value can either be ‘true’ (default) or an object can be sent specifying upper and lower values and a minimum change in the signal value. Optional True Client
subId Integer handle returned by the server to uniquely identify each new subscription. Also used to unsubscribe. Required n/a Client/Server
timestamp A DOMTimestamp value indicating the time that the server returned the response (expressed as number of milliseconds). Required n/a Server
value The data value returned by the server. This could either be a basic type, or a complex type comprised of nested name/value pairs in JSON format. Required n/a Server
TTL Returns the time to live of the authentication token Required n/a Server
status Returns success for the ‘set’ and ‘unsubscribe’ methods Required n/a Server
error number Integer that identifies the type of error. Will be a HTTP status code if a standard value has been defined for the error type. Required n/a Server
error code Error string identifying the particular error code. Different Error Codes could occur for the same error number. For example, there may be more than one reason why a user is forbidden to access a resource (Error Number: 403) Required n/a Server
error message Description of the Error. Required n/a Server


Action can take one of four values describing the desired service for the client. There are described in the table below.

Subscribe Enables the client to receive a notification containing a JSON data structure with values for one or more vehicle signals. The client requests that it is notified when the signal changes on the server.
Unsubscribe Allows the client to notify the server that it should no longer receive notifications based on that subscription.
Get Enables the client to get a value once.
Set Enables the client to set a value once.


This is the desired vehicle signal(s) path, as defined by the Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)

Subscription Id

When the client makes a request to the server to create a new subscription, a JSON data object will be returned. This will contain the attributes that were passed to the server to make the subscription and a 'subId' integer handle value which is used to uniquely identify the subscription.

	  client -> { "action": "subscribe", "interval": 100,
	              "path": "body.mirrors.left",
	              "reqId":"[some_unique_value]" }
          receive on success <- { "subId": 35472, "reqId": "[some_unique_value]" }

The client can use the 'reqId' value to associate the successful subscription response with the original request.

The 'subId' value is a unique value, created by the server and which may be used internally by the server to manage subscriptions on that WebSocket instance.

The subscription id value can be used by the client to unsubscribe from receiving future notifications, by passing the handle value to the server with the unsubscribe action.

To differentiate subscription response from responses for ‘GET’ requests, subscription responses will additionally include the subscription id value that identifies the subscription that triggered that notification.

The server will ensure that a new unique subscription id value is returned for each successful subscription request on a particular WebSocket connection. However the server does not guarantee that subscription handle values are unique between different WebSocket instances.

Access Control and Authorization

When a client makes a request to access signal data it is performing the request on behalf of one or more Security Principals (that is, for a user a vehicle or a device). It may be that the client system does not enable users to login, so the request may be from an anonymous user.

Access to signals shall be managed and controlled by the server. The server can elect not to enforce access controls on a particular signal or set of signals and to enforce different access controls on other signals.

Please see the section on Security [TODO add link] for more information.

When a client makes a request for a signal or set of signals that are under access control, the request must contain one or more valid security tokens (e.g. OAuth 2.0 tokens), one for each Security Principal type that the server wishes to authorize.

In addition to the ‘action’ and ‘path’ attributes, a request for a resource that is under access control must also contain a ‘security’ attribute.

The ‘security’ attribute is a JSON data structure that contains one or more name/value pairs, where each name is the name of a valid security token and the value is the token value.

	  "security": { "Authorization": [some_token_value], 
	                "WWW-Vehicle-Device": "[other_token_value]" }

A subscription request for signals data that is only available to suitably authorised Security Principals is shown below:

	  vehicle.send('{ "action": "subscribe", "path": "body.mirrors.left", 
	                  "security": { "Authorization": [some_token_value], 
                                        "WWW-Vehicle-Device": "[other_token_value]" },
                          "reqId": "[some_unique_value]"');

[TODO Clarify whether need to specify that token value is Base64 encoded]

For simplicity, many of the subscription examples included in this document do not include a security data object. This is acceptable if the data that is being accessed is not subject to access control restrictions.

Server Side Filtering

A 'Filter' can be specified to enable Server side filtering to be used in order to throttle the demands of subscriptions on the server. This may enable the reduction of traffic if the developer has received a 429 - Too Many Requests error message. This can be implementation dependant allowing a number of potential filtering mechanisms, such as ranges, intervals and minimum changes. This can be implemented using the "filter" option.

The subscription currently defaults to sending values to the client only onchange, however this may cause unnecessary processing demands on the vehicle server.

	//client receives data every 100ms
        { "action": "subscribe", "path": "body.mirrors.left", "filters": { [insert custom tags]  } }

Potential tags could include:

[TODO - modify the existing filtering mechanisms]

The 'interval' attribute can be used alongside the 'subscribe' action to allow the client to set a time interval. By specifying an interval, the client is requesting that the server sends a notification to the client containing the requested data each time a full interval has elapsed. This data will be sent regardless of whether the signal value has changed. The server will continue to send notifications containing the requested data until the client unsubscribes.

If the ‘interval’ value is not set or unsupported, and the onchange value is not set or supported, the interval will be determined by the server.

	  //client receives data every 100ms
	  { "action": "subscribe", "path": "body.mirrors.left", "interval": 100 }

On Change

The ‘onchange’ attribute can be used with the 'subscribe' action to enable the client to subscribe to receive a notification when data changes.

The onchange attribute can either be set to the Boolean value of ‘true’ or it can be a JSON object which contains an upper and lower value and a minimum change amount (delta) for the signal.

Setting the onchange attribute to ‘true’ will be valid for any signal type, but is particularly convenient for discrete values. By setting onchange to true, the client is sending a request to the server to send a notification whenever the data changes on the server.

	  { "action": "subscribe", "onchange": true, "path": "engine.rpm" }

If the onchange attribute is set to true and the signal is not discrete, but changes continuously, the server is free to determine how often it notifies the client of a change in the value.

If the client wants more control with respect to how often it is notified of a continuously changing signal it can specify an upper and lower value for the signal and the minimum amount (delta) that the signal must change before the server should send a notification to the client. Values outside of the specified upper and lower bounds will not cause notifications and will require separate subscriptions, regardless of the specified minimum amount. The upper and lower bound should be inclusive.

The client should take care to avoid specifying a minimum change amount that is too small in order to prevent unnecessary messages.

In the following example, the client will receive a notification if the engine.rpm signal value changes by more than 100 regardless of any upper or lower attribute value.

N.B. In this example and the others that follow, the server response indicating that the subscription was accepted is not shown.

	  client -> { "action": "subscribe", 
                      "onchange": { "minChange": 100 }, "path": "engine.rpm" } }'

          // sometime later
	  receive <- '{ "id": 35472, "path": "engine.rpm", "value": 600 }'
	  receive <- '{ "id": 35472, "path": "engine.rpm", "value": 500 }'
	  receive <- '{ "id": 35472, "path": "engine.rpm", "value": 600 }'
	  receive <- '{ "id": 35472, "path": "engine.rpm", "value": 700 }'
	  receive <- '{ "id": 35472, "path": "engine.rpm", "value": 800 }'

The client receives a notification containing engine oil temperature data whenever the temperature is above 150 degrees or below 10 degrees, provided the temperature has changed by at least 5 degrees since the last notification was sent for the subscription.

client -> { "action": "subscribe", 
            "onchange": { "above": 150, "below": 10, "minChange": 5 }, 
            "path": "engine.eot" } }

// sometime later
receive <- '{ "id": 35489, "path": "engine.eot", "value": 150}'
receive <- '{ "id": 35489, "path": "engine.eot", "value": 155}'
receive <- '{ "id": 35489, "path": "engine.eot", "value": 160}'
receive <- '{ "id": 35489, "path": "engine.eot", "value": 165}'
receive <- '{ "id": 35489, "path": "engine.eot", "value": 155}'
receive <- '{ "id": 35489, "path": "engine.eot", "value": 150}'

The client receives power data whenever when the power value is between 10kW and 120kW provided it changes by at least 2kW.

client -> { "action": "subscribe", 
            "onchange": { "above": 10, "below": 120, "minChange": 2 }, 
            "path": "engine.power" } }

// sometime later
receive <- '{"id": 35493, "path": "engine.power", "value": 12}'
receive <- '{"id": 35493, "path": "engine.power", "value": 14}'

The client can subscribe to receive notifications for any of the signals that are specified by a given path value. In this case a notification is sent containing data for all applicable signals provided that the threshold or change criteria for any of the signals has been met.

In the following example the client subscribes to receive engine notifications by setting the “path”: “engine”. The client receives ‘power’ and ‘eot’ updates (for simplicity, other engine signals are not shown, but would be included in the response data packet).

client->{ "action": "subscribe", 
          "onchange": { 
             "power": { "above": 10, "below": 120, "minChange": 2 }, 
             "eot": { "above": 150, "below": 10, "minChange": 5 } ,  
          "path": "engine" } }

// sometime later
receive <- '{ "id": 35502, "path": "engine", 
              "value": { "power": 114, "eot": 151, 
                          [other engine signal name/value pairs] } }'
receive <- '{ "id": 35502, "path": "engine", 
              "value": { "power": 118, "eot": 156, 
                         [other engine signal name/value pairs] } }'


If there is an error with any of the client’s requests, the server will respond with an error number, code and message.

client -> { "action": "subscribe", "onchange": true, “interval”: 100, "path": "body.mirrors.left" }
receive on error <- { "error": { "number": ERROR_NUM, "code": ERROR_CODE, 
                                 "message": ERROR_MESSAGE }, 
                      "interval": 100, "path": "body.mirrors.left" }

These error messages are defined below.

Error Number Error Code Error Message
304 TODO Correct The subscription is already active, so no changes have been made by the server.
401 user_unauthorised Error message describing particular reason e.g. token expired.
403 user_forbidden Error message describing particular reason user is forbidden from accessing data.
404 invalid path TODO Includes private branch requests if not authorised (XX Can getVSS got public but not private XX - explain this somewhere)
406 TODO look up (auth but can't because of vehicle state) TODO Fix Error message
429 too many requests TODO Fix Error message describing particular reason user is forbidden from accessing data.
502 bad gateway TODO Fix Error message describing particular reason user is forbidden from accessing data.
503 service unavailable TODO Fix Error message describing particular reason user is forbidden from accessing data.
504 timeout TODO Fix Error message (used if server is too busy)
<nn> unrecognised_format The server is unable to fulfil the client’s request due to the format of the data request.
<nn> data_not_supported The server is unable to fulfil the client’s request since the data is not available on the vehicle.
<nn> none_settable_path This will be returned if the specified value does not match the specified path.
<nn> invalid_ID The specified ID used to unsubscribe is not recognised by the server

TODO Add note explaining ReasonCode can be used to describe sub errors e.g. 'invalid_vin'

Web Socket Closure

The WebSocket can be closed by either the client or the server by invoking the ‘close()’ method on the WebSocket instance.

The following example shows the lifetime of a WebSocket on the client:

// Open the WebSocket
var vehicle  = new WebSocket(“wss://localhost:4343”);

// WebSocket is used to GET, SET, SUBSCRIBE and UNSUBSCRIBE

// Close the WebSocket

The WebSocket server can terminate the WebSocket connection if it has not received a request for a period determined by the server. It is the client’s responsibility to handle this gracefully and to recover and for example request new subscriptions, where these are required.

Dataflow Examples


Subscribe to an attribute at 100ms interval

client -> '{ "action": "subscribe", “interval”: 100, "path": "body.trunk" }'
//confirm subscription
receive <- '{ "id": 13654, "interval": 100, "path": "body.trunk" }
//return data every 100ms
receive <- '{ "id" 13654, "path": "body.trunk", 
              "value": { "isopen": true, "islocked": false } }
receive <- '{ "id" 13654, "path": "body.trunk", 
              "value": { "isopen": true, "islocked": false } }
receive <- '{ "id": 13654, "path": "body.trunk", 
              "value": { "isopen": true, "islocked": false } }

Subscribe to an attribute onchange (discrete values therefore no threshold required). The server returns only the changed attribute.

client -> '{ "action": "subscribe", “onchange”: true, "path": "body.trunk" }'
//confirm subscription
receive <- '{ "id": 13658, "onchange": true, "path": "body.trunk" }
//return data when the trunk is opened
receive <- '{ "id": 13658, "path": "body.trunk", "value": { "isopen": true, "islocked": false } }
//return data when the trunk is closed
receive <- '{ "id": 13658, "path": "body.trunk", "value": { "isopen": false, "islocked": false } }
//return data when the trunk is locked
receive <- '{ "id": 13658, "path": "body.trunk", "value": { "isopen": false, "islocked": true }}

Subscribe to an attribute (tps - throttle position) onchange (continuous value without minChange, so minChange determined by the server).

client -> { "action": "subscribe", "onchange": true, "path": "engine.tps" }}
receive <- '{ "id": 13661, "path": "engine.tps", "value": 54}'
receive <- '{ "id": 13661, "path": "engine.tps", "value": 58}'

Subscribe to an attribute (tps - throttle position) onchange (continuous value with minChange and bounds set).

client -> { "action": "subscribe", "onchange": { "above": 60, "below": 100, "minChange": 20 }, "path": "engine.tps" }}
receive <- '{ "id": 13662, "path": "engine.tps", "value": 60}'
receive <- '{ "id": 13662, "path": "engine.tps", "value": 80}'


Unsubscribe from a single subscription with valid ID

client -> '{ "action": "unsubscribe", "id": 35472 }'
receive <- '{ "status": "success", "action": "unsubscribe", "id": 35472}

Unsubscribe from all subscriptions by sending subscription “id” of ‘0’

client -> '{ "action": "unsubscribe", “id”: 0 }'
receive <- '{ "status": "success", "action": "unsubscribe", "id": 0 }

Unsubscribe from a single subscription with an invalid ID

client -> '{ "action": "unsubscribe", “id”: 3542 }'
receive <- '{ "error": { "number":[nn], "code": INVALID_ID ,"message": "Invalid ID" }, "action": "unsubscribe", “id”: 3542 }

Where [nn] denotes a numeric integer error number (e.g. HTTP status code).

The client should always unsubscribe from receiving notifications when it is no longer interested in receiving them. Over a long vehicle journey, this will significantly reduce the processing required by the server and enable the server to free memory, making it easier for the server to remain responsive to requests from the client.


The server shall return messages to the client using the following format, including the path to the signal and the value held within the signal:

client -> { "action": "get", "path": "engine.rpm" }
receive <- { "path": "engine.rpm", "value": 2372 }

In the case where the client has subscribed to a path which returns a complex type, the value shall be returned as name value pairs in a JSON object, as defined in the vehicle signal specification format. Wildcards can be used in order to specify only a subset of data. This can be specified at any level of the Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) tree.

Complex type

client -> { "action": "get", "path": "body.trunk" }
receive <- { "path": "body.trunk", "value": { "locked": false, "open": true }}

Complex type with nested array. Path: “body.doors.*.lock” - All doors, lock state.

client -> { "action": "get", "path": " body.doors.*.lock" }
receive <- { "path": "body.doors.*.lock ", "value": { [ {"locked" : true }, {"locked" : true }, 
              {"locked" : false }, {"locked" : true } ] } }

Complex type with nested array. Path: “body.doors.*” - All doors, all door attributes (where door has two attributes, lock and window_pos)

client -> { "action": "get", "path": " body.doors.* " }
receive <- { "path": "body.doors.*.lock ", "value": { [ {“locked” : true, “windows_pos”: 143 }, {“locked” : true, “windows_pos”: 23 },
              {“locked” : false, “windows_pos”: 162 }, {“locked” : true, “windows_pos”: 0 } ] }

Request none-existent data

client -> { "action": "get", "path": "body.flux.capacitor" }
receive <- '{ "error": { "number":[nn], "code": UNRECOGNISED_FORMAT, "message": "Unrecognised Format" } }


Successfully set a signal.

client -> { "action": "set", "path": " body.doors.*.lock", "value":{ [ {“locked” : true }, {“locked” : true }, 
              {“locked” : false }, {“locked” : true } ] } }
receive <- { "status": "success",  "path": " body.doors.*.lock", "value":{ [ {“locked” : true }, {“locked” : true }, 
              {“locked” : false }, {“locked” : true } ] } }

Unsuccessful set. The value cannot be set.

client -> { "action": "set", "path": "engine.rpm", "value": 2000}
receive <- receive <- '{ "error": { "number": 403, "code": PERMISSION_DENIED , "message": "User is not authorised to set this value" }, "path": "engine.rpm", "value": 2000 }

Unsuccessful set. The value does not exist in the specified path.

client -> { "action": "set", "path": "engine.rpm", "value": { [ {“locked” : true } ]} }
receive <- '{ "error": { "number": [nn], "code": DATA_NOT_SUPPORTED , "message": "Data Not Supported" }, "path": "engine.rpm", "value": { [ {“locked” : true } ]} }