2048 In Javascript, Crummy Text Edition

Table of Contents

I've seen a few posts going over how much more concisely you can implement 2048 in Haskel than you can in the likes of Javascript or Python. I'm not at all sure that is an accurate statement. Rather than just think that doesn't sound right, I thought I would give a stab at implementing 2048.

So, here we go.

1 Our Algorithms

2048 is a game where you have a "grid" of 16 cells. A cell either has a value or is blank. Cells that have values can be made to move in any of the four main directions until they hit an occupied cell or a "wall." When a collision happens between cells of equal value, they are "merged" into a cell with their combined values.

Looking at all of the cells of the grid and number them 0 to 15, we can see there are very obvious sequences to define how we look at moving cells. In particular, to move up means to look at the sequences \(\{12, 8, 4, 0\}, \{13, 9, 5, 1\}, \{14, 10, 6, 2\}, \{15, 11, 7, 3\}\), whereas down is the reverse of these. Similarly, left and right have clear sequences, as well.

\begin{equation} \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 \\ 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 \\ 12 & 13 & 14 & 15 \end{bmatrix} \end{equation}

Our task, then, is to run along these sequences looking for a merge/slide candidate at a position, then to move to the next position. If we are up for the task of calculating these positions, then the algorithm is complicated a little in order to have to do these calculations at each step. (That is, I'm sure you could mix the logic for looking for a slide/merge and looking for the next block to test.)

Instead, we'll break this up into a few main algorithms. In fact, to keep things very simple, I'll be making three main algorithms. One to make a set of horizontal sequences, one to make vertical sequences, and the last to run through each index checking for a "merge."

1.1 Sequence Generation

We begin with the algorithm to generate the sequences. We start having been given the width (\(w\)), height (\(h\)), whether or not we are doing a "left/right" sequence (\(lr\)), an operation to initialize a collection (\(INIT\)), an operation which is responsible for adding to a collection (\(ADD\)), and a an operation that will calculate the current value we are adding (\(CALC\_CURRENT\)). We will use variables to maintain what row we are on (\(r\)), what column we are on (\(c\)), the collection of all sequences (\(a\)), finally the current sequence we are making (\(s\)).

The values that we will have for \(CALC\_CURRENT\) will be \(r \times w + c\) for horizontal sequences, and \(r + c \times h\) for vertical ones.

  1. [initialize] \(a \gets INIT()\), \(r \gets 0\)
  2. [swap w&h?] if \(!lr\), swap \(w\) and \(h\)
  3. [begin current list] \(s \gets INIT()\), \(c \gets 0\)
  4. [add list to total] \(ADD(a, s)\)
  5. [add next value to s] \(ADD(s, CALC\_CURRENT(w, h, r, c))\)
  6. [increment c] \(c \gets c + 1\), if \(c < w\) goto 4.
  7. [increment r] \(r \gets r + 1\), if \(r < h\) goto 2.
  8. [terminate] \(a\) contains all subsequences

Not going to lie, that actually looks and sounds more complicated than the code. I'm new and/or not good at this. Apologies for the far from idiomatic JavaScript. Keeping it closer to how I wrote the algorithm above. And yes, even that could probably be cleaned up.

function makeSequences(w, h, lr, INIT, ADD, CALC_CURRENT) {
    var c = 0, r = 0, s = null, a = INIT();
    if (!lr)  {
        var x = w;
        w = h;
        h = x;
    for (r; r < h; r++) {
        s = INIT();
        ADD(a, s);
        for (c = 0; c < w; c++) {
            ADD(s, CALC_CURRENT(w, h, r, c));
    return a;

Again, not going to pretend that calling this function is the cleanest thing in the world. Especially if I was willing to code golf, I could just have it such that we did not have to pass the width and height to all functions. No matter, it isn't that bad. (For that matter, if I was just wanting to implement a 4x4 grid for this, I would just code in the sequence and be done with it. Looking forward to possibly playing with different size/shape boards.)

At startup, we will initialize all four sets of our sequences such that they can be looked up in a map by "up", "down", "left", and "right." As so:

var sequences = {
    'left': makeSequences(width, height, true,
                          function() { return []; },
                          function(c, v) {c.push(v);},
                          function(w, h, r, c) {return r * w + c;}),
    'right': makeSequences(width, height, true,
                           function() { return []; },
                           function(c, v) {c.unshift(v);},
                           function(w, h, r, c) {return r * w + c;}),
    'up': makeSequences(width, height, false,
                        function() { return []; },
                        function(c, v) {c.push(v);},
                        function(w, h, r, c) {return r + c * h;}),
    'down': makeSequences(width, height, false,
                          function() { return []; },
                          function(c, v) {c.unshift(v);},
                          function(w, h, r, c) {return r + c * h;})

1.2 Collapsing the Board

Now that we have our sequences, we need our main algorithm. At a high level, for each sequence, we basically slide two pointers across it looking for either a slide, a merge, or simple advance. Things are a little interesting when we do a slide, because we could still merge the tile that was slid. If we do a merge, we won't consider the tile again. Also, there is no need to look at all pairs, as soon as the right focus reaches the end, we are done.

So, our overall algorithm is:

  1. [initialize] \(l \gets 0\)
  2. [reset r] \(r \gets l\)
  3. [advance r] \(r \gets r + 1\), if \(r > w\) terminate
  4. [test r] if \(b[r]\) is empty goto 3
  5. [slide?] if \(b[l] is\) empty, b[l] <- b[r], b[r] <- empty, goto 3
  6. [merge?] if b[l] = b[r], b[l] <- b[l] + b[r]
  7. [advance l] l = l + 1, goto 2.

In javascript, this is the rather interesting looking code below. The only modification we really need is a flag to indicate that we are checking for moves and not actually performing any. That is, if the game is unable to place random pieces, we need to know if the user is able to make any more moves.

function collapseBySequence(b, s) {
    var l = 0,
        r = 0;
    for (r = 1; r < s.length; r++) {
        if (b[s[r]] === 0) {
        if (b[s[l]] === 0) {
            b[s[l]] = b[s[r]];
            b[s[r]] = 0;
        if (b[s[l]] === b[s[r]]) {
            b[s[l]] = b[s[l]] + b[s[r]];
            b[s[r]] = 0;
        l = l + 1;
        r = l;

1.3 Checking for moves

We do not always want to perform a collapse when inspecting the game board. In particular, when we are checking for "game over." Originally, I just tacked on some extra lines in the collapse method, however, that is getting rather heavy and I'd rather keep things simpler.

So, we have this modification of that method to simply return whether or not there are possible moves for a sequence. As can be seen, it is the same code, just without the modifications to the underlying board state.

function checkForMoves(b, s) {
    var l = 0,
        r = 0;
    for (r = 1; r < s.length; r++) {
        if (b[s[l]] === 0) {
            return true
        if (b[s[l]] === b[s[r]]) {
            return true;
        l = l + 1;
        r = l;
    return false;

We will also go ahead and make our method that checks for any moves. This is simply chaining the above method with all of the sequences.

function checkSequencesForMoves() {
    for (var d in sequences) {
        for (var s in sequences[d])
            if (checkForMoves(board, sequences[d][s]))
                return true;
    return false;

1.4 Placing Random Values

After that, the only real "algorithmic" part I need is a way to place random values. I'm not going to claim that random values are a strong point, so I'm tacking "ish" to this. Basic idea is find all indexes that have a zero and then randomly pick two.

function placeRandomIsh(board, allowedValues, sequences) {
    var i, c = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
        if (board[i] === 0) {
    if (c.length === 0) {
        return checkSequencesForMoves();
    } else {
        var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * c.length);
        board[c[x]] = allowedValues[Math.floor(Math.random() * allowedValues.length)];
    return true;

2 Putting it together (in a console)

With all of that, we are ready to put the code together into something we can run from the console. I'm not exactly a node expert. Or well, node programmer for that matter. Some quick searching shows I really just need to set a couple of switches and to import one library to get what I want.

Ultimately, this is much easier than a GUI would be, since I just have to display the state of the board after each move. If I still have the energy in a couple of days, I'll modify the collapse code such that I can animate merges and slides appropriately. (This is something I feel will be much easier, since at each merge/slide, I know exactly which blocks are changing. The traditional "functional" styles for this make that a bit more difficult to figure out.)

I did keep the "make move" and a few other pieces of code in this section, since that will ultimately be different when/if I get around to doing things in a browser. At least, I suspect they will be.

var sprintf=require("sprintf-js").sprintf;
var stdin = process.stdin;


function Game(width, height) {


    var board = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < (width * height); i++) {
    function showBoard() {
        var line = "";
        for (var i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
            if (i % width === 0) {
                line = "";
            line += sprintf("%5d", board[i]);
    this.makeMove = function(d) {
        var updated = false;
        for (var s in sequences[d]) {
            updated = updated || checkForMoves(board, sequences[d][s]);
            collapseBySequence(board, sequences[d][s]);
        if (updated)
            placeRandomIsh(board, [2,2,2,2,4], sequences);
        if (!checkSequencesForMoves())
            console.log("Game Over")
    placeRandomIsh(board, [2], sequences);
    placeRandomIsh(board, [2], sequences);
var game = new Game(4,4);

stdin.on('data', function (key) {
    if (key == '\u0003') process.exit();
    if (key == 'w') game.makeMove("up");
    if (key == 'a') game.makeMove("left");
    if (key == 's') game.makeMove("down");
    if (key == 'd') game.makeMove("right");

3 Conclusions

I hasten to add a note saying I don't think you can really draw any conclusions on the verbosity of javascript here. This is upwards of 130 lines of code. Though, about 30 of that is because I did not just hard code the sequences.

It isn't like that would be a necessarily fair comparison, either. For one, I'm not a good programmer. :) For two, without the document that the code is tangled from (this one), I can make no pretense that the code is obvious. I do not feel it is completely unapproachable, but not obvious.

I do believe this code is a lot easier to reason about when it comes to performance characteristics. Though, I can't imagine that is a concern for this game.

I would like to extend this code into an actual GUI someday. That will likely require reworking parts of this to support. So, I'll treat this part as a "done deal" for now. Hopefully someone has some enjoyment reading it.

Author: Josh

Created: 2014-06-23 Mon 18:02

Emacs (Org mode beta_8.3)
