mi = 0 # read the data contData <- readContinuousCharacterData("data/primates_lht.nex") contData.excludeAll() contData.includeCharacter(1) #contData.excludeCharacter(2:11) # work under fixed topology treeArray <- readTrees("data/Primates_tree.nex") psi <- treeArray[1] # sigma: variance per unit of time of the Brownian motion logSigma ~ dnUniform(-5,5) sigma := 10^logSigma moves[++mi] = mvSlide(logSigma, delta=1.0, tune=true, weight=2.0) # univariate Brownian process along the tree # parameterized by sigma logmass ~ dnPhyloBrownianREML(psi, branchRates=1.0, siteRates=sigma, nSites=1) # let us have a look at the stochastic variable logmass #logmass # you can see the actual data by #logmass.show() logmass.clamp( contData ) # create the model mymodel = model(sigma) # on screen, we will monitor only the correlation coefficient and the mean value of each trait monitors[1] = mnScreen(printgen=10000, sigma) # a model monitor monitors[2] = mnFile(filename="output/primates_mass_REML.log", printgen=10, separator = TAB, sigma) mymcmc = mcmc(mymodel, monitors, moves) mymcmc.burnin(generations=10000, tuningInterval=250) mymcmc.run(300000) #q()