################################################################################ # # RevBayes Example: Bayesian inference of phylogeny using a GTR+Gamma+Inv # substitution model on a single gene. # # authors: Sebastian Hoehna, Michael Landis, and Tracy A. Heath # ################################################################################ ### Read in sequence data for the gene data = readDiscreteCharacterData("data/primates_and_galeopterus_cytb.nex") # Get some useful variables from the data. We need these later on. n_species <- data.ntaxa() n_branches <- 2 * n_species - 3 taxa <- data.taxa() mvi = 1 mni = 1 ###################### # Substitution Model # ###################### # specify the stationary frequency parameters pi_prior <- v(1,1,1,1) pi ~ dnDirichlet(pi_prior) moves[mvi++] = mvBetaSimplex(pi, weight=2.0) moves[mvi++] = mvDirichletSimplex(pi, weight=1.0) # specify the exchangeability rate parameters er_prior <- v(1,1,1,1,1,1) er ~ dnDirichlet(er_prior) moves[mvi++] = mvBetaSimplex(er, weight=3.0) moves[mvi++] = mvDirichletSimplex(er, weight=1.5) # create a deterministic variable for the rate matrix, GTR Q := fnGTR(er,pi) ############################# # Among Site Rate Variation # ############################# # among site rate variation, +Gamma4 alpha_prior_mean <- ln(5.0) alpha_prior_sd <- 0.587405 alpha ~ dnLognormal( alpha_prior_mean, alpha_prior_sd ) sr := fnDiscretizeGamma( alpha, alpha, 4, false ) moves[mvi++] = mvScale(alpha, lambda=1.0, weight=2.0) # the probability of a site being invariable, +I p_inv ~ dnBeta(1,1) moves[mvi++] = mvBetaProbability(p_inv, weight=2.0) ############## # Tree model # ############## out_group = clade("Galeopterus_variegatus") # Prior distribution on the tree topology topology ~ dnUniformTopology(taxa, outgroup=out_group) moves[mvi++] = mvNNI(topology, weight=5.0) moves[mvi++] = mvSPR(topology, weight=1.0) # Branch length prior for (i in 1:n_branches) { bl[i] ~ dnExponential(10.0) moves[mvi++] = mvScale(bl[i]) } TL := sum(bl) psi := treeAssembly(topology, bl) ################### # PhyloCTMC Model # ################### # the sequence evolution model seq ~ dnPhyloCTMC(tree=psi, Q=Q, siteRates=sr, pInv=p_inv, type="DNA") # attach the data seq.clamp(data) ############ # Analysis # ############ mymodel = model(psi) # add monitors monitors[mni++] = mnScreen(alpha, p_inv, TL, printgen=1000) monitors[mni++] = mnFile(psi, filename="output/primates_cytb_GTRGI.trees", printgen=10) monitors[mni++] = mnModel(filename="output/primates_cytb_GTRGI.log", printgen=10) # run the analysis mymcmc = mcmc(mymodel, moves, monitors) mymcmc.burnin(10000,200) mymcmc.run(30000) # summarize output treetrace = readTreeTrace("output/primates_cytb_GTRGI.trees") # and then get the MAP tree map_tree = mapTree(treetrace,"output/primates_cytb_GTRGI_MAP.tre") # you may want to quit RevBayes now q()