See also Github commit history

Releasenotes: Panorama

DateChange note
2022-11-07Bugfix: Panorama-Sampler rebuilds unuable indexes after shrinking space in reaction to errors
2022-11-07List unusable indexes also with invalid objects listing
2022-10-18New dragnet selection with suggestions for use of HASH JOIN SHARED
2022-10-04Panorama-Sampler: Finally fixed the ASH problem with ORA-00001: unique constraint (C##PANORAMA_TEST.INTERNAL_V$ACTIVE_SESS_HIST_PK) violated
2022-09-28Panorama-Sampler: Timing for ASH reworked to prevent from ORA-00001: unique constraint (C##PANORAMA_TEST.INTERNAL_V$ACTIVE_SESS_HIST_PK) violated
2022-09-28Panorama-Sampler: Proceed with AWR snapshot even if there are errors at particular elements
2022-09-19Panorama-Sampler: ASH and AWR are recorded for all visible PDBs now according to v$Containers
2022-09-07Bugfix: Instance=1 assumed if not RAC. Fix error: Instance number should not be empty
2022-09-07Panorama-Sampler: Keep time for ASH records with 1 second sampe cycle can be configured now, makes dashbord function better usable with Panorama-Sampler
2022-09-07Bugfix: Panorama-Sampler stores historic execution plans correctly now in Panorama_SQL_Plan
2022-08-29Bugfix: Limit log-term trend recording to ASH of the current PDB (possible double count until now on PDB and CDB)
2022-08-25Accept protecting index for FK constraints if all columns match, no matter which order the columns have
2022-06-30Show DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_AWR for historic SQLs
2022-06-30Use right indentation for adaptiv execution plans
2022-06-08List roles, role grants, sys privs and object privs
2022-05-23Group SQL details in dashboard over all children of a SQL ID
2022-05-09Support for bind variables in SQL worksheet added
2022-04-07Evaluation of DBA_Scheduler_Jobs
2022-04-07Evaluation of DBA_hist_SGAStat added for historic SGA components
2022-04-05List settings from DBA_Stored_Settings for PL/SQL objects
2021-10-01Extract SQL text by cursor ID in trace files
2021-10-01Show default storage attributes and compression rules for table and index partitions
2021-07-07Show network encryption and checksumming in session info
2021-06-32Dashboard: Show times without activity as 0 in chart
2021-06-16Dragnet selection added for current and historic usage of PQ server
2021-06-16Dragnet selection added for list partitioning proposals
2021-06-13Period selection in time graphs added for ASH investigation
2021-06-13Real-time dashboard for ASH, SQLs and sessions added
2021-03-19Default secret for repeated use is generated at PANORAMA_VAR_HOME if no other is given
2021-02-17Dragnet selection for use of JDBC statement cache
2021-02-11Differentiation between hard and soft parse calls in SQL details
2020-10-28predefined_dragnet_selections.json required in strict JSON notation (line feeds in strings as \n)
2020-09-30SECRET_KEY_BASE or SECRET_KEY_BASE_FILE are required now for persistent connection configs.
CAUTION: Passwords for Panorama-Samplerconnections have to be entered again
2020-05-19Bufix Panorama-Sampler: db block changes are sampled now
2020-05-11Historic usage of TEMP-tablespace now possible per Tablespace
2020-03-02gv$Process_Memory_Detail evaluated in session details including usage hints for population of this view
2020-02-17Saved connections expire after 3 months without using Panorama
2020-01-20List detailled consumption of PGA memory by sessions in 'PGA statistics / Current'
2019-12-11List detailled transaction history by flashback query
2019-03-19List RAC master instance for tables, indexes and their partitions and subpartitions
2019-03-08Execution plan views: Filter records skipped by adaptive plans
2019-01-07Start ASH-sampling immediately after startup instead of starting sampling with first AWR-snapshot
2018-08-14Show MV refresh groups
2018-08-13Show existence and params of materialized view logs for a table in object description
2018-08-09Show segement statistics and active session history from object description
2018-08-09Dragnet selection for PCT_Free>0 but no updates
2018-08-06List invalid objects
2018-07-31List historic SGA resize-operations
2018-06-20SQL worksheet established
2018-06-08List existing extended statistics for table by clicking last analyzed date
2018-06-07Redo-logs in FRA don't count in addition to FRA-size for total sum
2018-06-04Use permanent subdir Panorama at your systems default temporary directory if not setting PANORAMA_VAR_HOME
2018-05-06Show object description for objects in recycle bin
2018-05-05Show log message if path length may exceed Windows-limit of 260 chars
2018-05-02Fixed problem on Windows-OS with No such file to load -- win32/security.rb
2018-04-09Support for tnsnames.ora in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin without TNS_ADMIN
2018-02-27Show memory resize operations in SFA components
2018-01-26Each table can be closed separately and most tables may be pinned at page
2017-12-19New function for list upgrades and patches in menu
2017-12-11Show connection and last menu call in browser title
2017-12-06Each browser tab stores his own independent connection now. It was time now.
2017-11-20Switched to JRuby 1.9.14 with support for Java 9
2017-11-09Include-Files supported for tnsnames.ora a'la IFILE=/bla/bla
2017-11-09New Pnorama-Sampler functions added for object size evolution, DB-cache usage and blocking locks history
2017-09-15v$SYSAUX_Occupants added to TS-list
2017-09-01Panorama-Sampler: sampling of SegStat added
2017-08-31Choose plan_hash value for baseline creation if there are multiple
2017-08-29Panorama-Sampler: sampling of SysStat added
2017-08-28Panorama-Sampler: sampling of SQL binds added
2017-08-27Panorama-Sampler: sampling of SQL plan added
2017-08-23Own sampling for SQL History, ASH
2017-08-10Show active resource manager plan in start page
2017-08-10Detailled view on automated maintenance tasks
2017-08-09First alpha release of Panorama-Sampler as alternative to AWR
2017-08-09Separate thread per Web-Request to Panorama instead of fixed number of processes (supports more concurrent requests in multiuser environment)
2017-06-19Show column other with remote SQL via DB-Link in explain plan
2017-06-15Show ORACLE_HOME in start page
2017-06-14List fragmentation fo free tablespace extents, list extent size distribution of segments (table, index)
2017-05-23Additional historic TEMP-usage from SysMetrics at Storage/Temp/Historic
2017-05-10SQL Exec Start and SQL Exed-ID are shown in session details page
2017-03-01Show bind variable for SQL from SGA at level gv$SQLArea
2017-01-03Show current used and unused leaf blocks for indexes
2016-12-21View cluster structure
2016-12-12New menu entry "Feature usage" to show usage of features and packs
2016-12-12New menu entry start-page to recall the entry page after login
2016-12-12Describe objects: wildcards allowed for owner and object-name
2016-12-07Explicite usage of parameter SID/Servece-Name instead of trying both variants
2016-11-29Evaluate num_rows in execution plan from last analysis by executing SELECT COUNT(*)
2016-11-21New dragnet selection: list missing usage of bind variables by plan-hash-value
2016-11-15Save request parameters of current action to restore page at later time
2016-09-20Show SQL Monitor page a'la Cloud Control from SQL details
2016-09-07New dragnet function for detection of excessice logon operations
2016-08-10New dragnet functions for identification of unused tables and unused PL/SQL-Code
2016-08-08Describe function for additional types (PL/SQL-Objects, Views, Synonyms). Decribe function extended by dependencies and grants.
2016-07-19Show number of active parallel query slaves per operation in execution plan
2016-06-21Show DDL generated by DMBS_METADATA.get_ddl at object description
2016-06-09New dragnet selection: Possibly expensive TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID with additional filter predicates on table
2016-06-09Extended view on historic blocking locks with root blocker and detailed blocker/waiter infos
2016-06-02List audit actions from XML files instead of DBA_Audit_Trail if auditing to XML-output is configured
2016-06-02Function "List blocking DML-Locks" extended by link on "ID1/ID2" to show records from gv$Lock with same values for ID1, ID2 (in addition to gv$Session.Blocking_Session)
2016-05-30Number of DML-operations since last analyze is shown in table-description (from DBA_Tab_Modifications)
2016-05-26Use fuzzy time relation for historic allocation of TEMP space to consider also TEMP-usage of inactive sessions
2016-05-23New dragnet selection to show amount of LOGON-operations per time unit
2016-05-23List content of server-side log files like alert.log at "DBA general / Server logs"
2016-05-23New dragnet selection to show missing bind variables via number of distinct SQL-IDs on time line
2016-04-19Real amount of allocated temp space and PGA shown in explain plan
2016-04-13Download grid as CSV-file working in Firefox and Chrome, possibly not working in Internet Explorer
2016-04-07Show IP name resolution for machines
2016-04-06Evaluate LOB partitions in function "Describe object"
2016-03-30Menu entry "Attached objects" removed. New function "Sessions accessing" and "Objects accessed" in session details and table description for evaluation of gv$Access
2016-03-21Additional predefined SQLs for dragnet selection may be distribibuted by file predefined_dragnet_selections.json in PANORAMA_VAR_HOME
2016-03-20User is enabled to define personal dragnet SQLs that are stored at Panorama's server instance
2016-03-16Show historic GATHER_TABLE_STATS-operations as link at column "last analyzed" in table descriptions
2016-03-14New dragnet selection to identify TABLE ACCESS BY ROWID with string filter after weak index access
2016-03-03New function to generate script for creation of SQL plan baseline from historic execution plan by simple button click
2016-03-02Allow setting of query timeout in seconds in login dialog to automatically cancel long running queries after timeout
2016-03-01New function in table-description: Show detailed histogram values from DBA_Tab_Histograms for columns with histograms
2016-02-26New function in Session-details: Show detailed runtime information for active SQL by DBMS_SQLTUNE.report_sql_monitor
2016-02-26New function in SQL-details from SGA: Show execution plan as output from call DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY
2016-02-26New function in menu Spec. additions/Dragnet investigation": Relevance of access on migrated / chained rows compared to total amount of table access
2016-02-11New functions in menu Analyses/statistics" / "Genuine Oracle AWR reports" for generation fo Oracle's genuine reports by executing functions in package DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY
2016-02-11New functions in menu "SGA/PGA details" / "SQL plan management" for display of existing SQL-profiles, SQL plan baselines and stored outlines
2016-02-08Use child-number and child-address to uniquely access gv$SQL
2016-02-08Show alias, query block and number of search columns for index access in executin plan from SGA
2016-02-08Show detailed hints for existing SQL profiles in SQL details
2016-02-02Show SGA memory-details from gv$DB_Object_Cache and gv$SQLArea with drill down
2016-01-23Remove single charts from diagrams by click in legend
2016-01-06Reduction of memory consumption at server site by iterating over large SQL-results, no need to store complete result as ruby array
2016-01-06Show compression state of partitions at table level
2015-12-08Allow wildcard search for SQL-IDs in SQL-Area
2015-12-03Jump to active session history details from temp usage historic
2015-12-03Reduce storage consumption at server side for stored history
2015-11-19Saved connection info is now stored at server sid, encrypted with server side key, key is salted with client side key (stored as encrypted cookie), so only requests from client are able to decrypt stored passwords
2015-11-04New column 'max. PGA usage' in 'Session waits historic'
2015-11-04New function 'Temp usage historic'
2015-11-04Support for context menu on touch devices (long touch instead of right mouse button)
2015-11-04Allow stacked charts in diagrams
2015-11-04Switch value points on/off in diagrams
2015-11-04Show 'others'-chart in Top-10 diagrams with cumulated values for charts outside top 10
2015-11-04Cache last used DB-connection in server to suppress disconnect after request and reconnect if next request uses same DB
2015-10-26rework look and feel
2015-10-26Recognize touch events on tablets and phones
2015-10-26Show last analyzed date in execution plan lines
2015-10-26Grouping active session history by session-type (foregreound/background)
2015-10-26Repeat last called menu action without deep-dive in menu-structures by clicking icon right to menu
2015-10-26Active Session History: Show tablespace name as object name if no current object exists. Helps to recognize action in UNDO-TS.
2015-10-26List captured bind values also for datatype TIMESTAMP
2015-10-26Replace WM_CONCAT with LISTAGG for database release 11.2 and above beacause WM_CONCAT is not supported beginning with 12c
2015-10-26Replace sys.User$ with DBA_Users because access on sys.User$ is not part of SELECT ANY DICTIONARY beginning with 12c
2015-10-26Dragnet investigation for parallel degradation (FORCE SERIAL)
2015-07-16Show load of parallel query slaves within coordinator session in Active Session History
2015-07-16Distinguish between active session load executed in parallel query slaves or not in Active Session History
2015-07-16List global database triggers like LOGON-Trigger at "DBA General" / "Database triggers"
2015-07-16Dragnet investigation: Use filter to search selection in list
2015-07-16Dragnet investigation: Further selections for performance pitfalls
2015-07-16Object description: show size and state of subpartitions
2015-07-16Disk stroage summary: Show size and content of Fast recovery Area
2015-07-16Filter string works also for username in Active Session History
2015-07-16Show retention for AWR data at start page
2015-07-16Add DB-Name and AWR retention in DBID-selection at start page if cloned database has different DB-IDs in AWR history
2015-07-16Evaluate history for one SQL-ID over all RAC-instances (not only per instance)
2015-07-16Show LOB details in object description, include LOB-size in size calculation of object size
2015-07-16Describe database objectes as separate menu item
2015-07-16SSL-encrypted network traffic between browser and Panorama-instance (https)
2015-07-16SQL-details historic: List complete history of recorded bind values
2015-01-22Historic timeline resource usage and resource limits
2015-01-22Historic timeline for real CPU-usage and DB-time
2015-01-22Correct calculation of CPU-Time and DB-Time in listing of active session history
2014-09-17Keep DB connection open after request for reuse in next request without reconnect
2014-01-15Analyse von UNDO-Tablespace unter "Storage / UNDO-TS"
2014-01-15Analyse von Materialized Views unter "Storage / Materialized view structures"
2014-01-15Konsoldierung von Storage-Themen unter eigenem Menüpunkt
2014-01-15Tabellen in Höhe zoombar durch Anfassen am unteren Rand
2014-01-15Auswertung Active Session History jetzt auch nach Transaction-ID und SQL-Exec-ID
2013-05-14Embedded Web-Server jetzt im Panorama.war enthalten, damit kann Panorama Standalone ausgeführt werden per "java -jar Panorama.war -Xmx512m". Bei Zeichensatz-Problemen bitte nach -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 hinzufuegen.
2012-11-26Umstellung der tabellarischen Darstellungen auf jQuery-Plugin "slickGrid"
2012-09-18Erweiterung der Active Session History für Oracle 11g
2011-11-30Anzeige Wait-Times je Objekt in Segment-Statistics historisch
2011-11-30Anzeige der Hierachie blockender Locks mit Auslöser-Sessions der Lock-Kaskade
2011-11-30Ausweisung der Hinderungsgründe fü Nichtnutzung Shared Cursor
2011-11-30Separate Ausweisung der SQL-Area nach SQL-ID und zusätzlicher Unterscheidung von Child-Cursoren
2011-11-30Beginn Internationalisierung mit deutsch, englisch
2011-11-30Anzeige der Hierachie blockender Locks mit Auslöser-Sessions der Lock-Kaskade
2011-11-30Anzeige Nutzer in Login-Shortcuts
2011-11-30Anzeige von Tagessummen je SQL über komplett verfügbaren Datenbestand in Historie (Button am Ende der SQL-Detail-Ansichten)
2011-11-30Erweiterung der Gruppierungen der ActiveSessionHistory um User
2011-11-30Separierung historischer SQL-Daten nach Parsing_Schema_User für saubere Trennung identischer SQL-Statements ausgeführt von verschiedenen Usern gegen gelichnamige Schema-Objekte
2011-11-30Einblenden der sekuendlichen Wait-Events aus v$Active_Session_Wait in historische Wait-Auswertung soweit diese in SGA verfuegbar sind
2011-11-30Auswertung blocking Locks aller Art über RAC-Lock-Manager unter "DBA-Wait-Analyse/Enqueue Statistics"
2011-04-28Anzeige Service-Name in Einzelanlistung der Active Session History
2011-04-28Connect jetzt auch zu Listener-Services möglich (bisher nur auf konkrete SID)
2011-04-28Auswertung historische Enqueue-Kennzahlen
2011-04-28Auswertung des ON_CPU-State zusätzlich zu den bisherigen Wait-States in Active Session History