Comstack PM Report API


This document follows on from the Comstack Private Messaging REST API documentation, same thinking rules etc applies.

With that in mind this document will only cover the endpoints and data models, if you want to know how paging, filtering, sorting and what else is available to you, refer to the Comstack Private Messaging REST API documentation.

Base path

The API will live at /api/v1/cs-pm-report on the installed site.



POST /api/v1/cs-pm-report Show details

Report a conversation.

Request body

Property Type Description Required?
conversation_id Integer The ID of the conversation you're reporting.
reasons Array An array of machine name strings that represent the reasons for the report.
other_reason String The "other" reason text value.
posts Array An array of post ids relevant to the report.

Example request body

  "conversation_id": 1,
  "reasons": ['spam'],
  "other_reason": "And I really didn't need any Viagra :C",
  "posts": [123]


Status Description Example
200 Conversation reported. No response
400 Validation issue or otherwise, see issue text.
404 Conversation not found.