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Currently, this repository contains settings files for developing the globalbiocro.Rscript in the PEcAn.BIOCRO package.

There is a version of the script in vignettes/globalbiocro.Rscript, and branches for different machines.


These inputs were prepared for the MsTMIP runs, and we will need to comply with any restrictions on their use at time of publication.

Files are on ebi-forecast in /home/share/data/, on biocluster in /home/groups/ebimodeling/

  • met driver data is in met/cruncep/all.nc
  • soil data is in soil/hwsd.nc

There is a branch for use on biocluster and one for use on ebi-forecast.

Notse on driver files

(do this on a slave node qsub -I)

Rename variable

ncrename -v surface_pressure,air_pressure foo.nc 

subset US from global cruncep files on biocluster

sh cd /home/groups/ebimodeling/met/cruncep/ time ncks -d lon,-135.0,-67.0 -d lat,25.0,48.0 out/all_uncompressed.nc us_uncompressed.ncsh

subset specific year (2013)

Convert date to index

  • units are days since 1700-01-01
ymd("2013-01-01") - ymd("1700-01-01")
## Time difference of 114321 days
ymd("2014-01-01") - ymd("1700-01-01") 
## Time difference of 114686 days
time ncea -F -d time,114321,114686 us_uncompressed.nc us_2013.nc
time ncea -F -d time,114321,114686 illinois.nc illinois_2013.nc

subset Central Illinois from MsTMIP-NARR drivers

cd /home/groups/ebimodeling/met/narr/threehourly
time ncks -d lon,-91.6,-87.4 -d lat,37.0,42.75 out/all.nc illinois.nc

time ncks -d lon,-88.8,-87.7 -d lat,39.8,40.5 out/all.nc champaign.nc

 rsync -routi *.nc ebi-forecast.igb.illinois.edu:.pecan/dbfiles/met/narr/

Create some example data for initial testing

download.file("https://www.betydb.org/temp_models/miscanthus_yield_grid.csv", method = 'wget', destfile = 'mxg.csv', extra = "--no-check-certificate")

## Attaching package: 'data.table'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:lubridate':
##     hour, mday, month, quarter, wday, week, yday, year
mxg <- fread('mxg.csv', skip = 1)

mxg[ , `:=` (lcl = round(yield * 0.25, 2),
          ucl = round(yield * 0.5, 2),
          median = round(yield * 0.75, 2),
          yield = NULL)]
##            lat        lon  lcl  ucl median
##    1: 38.96153 -123.55790 1.98 3.96   5.94
##    2: 39.24150 -123.63930 4.92 9.84  14.75
##    3: 39.52163 -123.72150 4.94 9.89  14.83
##    4: 39.80193 -123.80450 3.06 6.12   9.17
##    5: 40.36298 -123.97290 3.75 7.50  11.25
##   ---                                     
## 7623: 45.49031  -67.63921 3.33 6.66   9.99
## 7624: 44.58933  -67.90132 3.56 7.12  10.68
## 7625: 44.84104  -67.69658 3.67 7.34  11.01
## 7626: 45.09244  -67.48988 3.77 7.55  11.32
## 7627: 44.94524  -67.13498 2.37 4.74   7.11
mxg_il <- mxg[lon < -87.4 & lon > -91.6 & lat < 42.75 & lat > 37]

write.csv(mxg_il, 'data/mxg_il_example.csv', row.names = FALSE)

By Counties

download.file("https://www.betydb.org/temp_models/miscanthus_yield_county.csv", method = 'wget', destfile = "mxg_co.csv",  extra = "--no-check-certificate")

mxg <- fread('mxg_co.csv', skip = 1)
mxg_il <- mxg[STATE=="IL", 
              list(state = STATE,
                   county = County_NAME,
                   county_fips = County_FIPS,
                   yield = miscanthus_yield)]
yield <- list()
for(year in 1990:2005){
  i <- year-1989
  ## miscanthus change over time
  t <- c(0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.1, 1, 0.95, 0.9, 0.85, 0.8, 0.77, 0.74, 0.7, 0.65)[i]
  ## random error for each county
  e <- runif(nrow(mxg_il), -0.1, 0.1)
  yield[[i]] <- mxg_il[,list(state, county, county_fips,
                             year = year, 
                             yield = yield * (t + e))]  

m <- rbindlist(yield)
m[ ,`:=` (lcl = 0.8*yield,
          median = yield,
          ucl = 1.3 * yield,
          yield = NULL)]
##       state     county county_fips year      lcl    median       ucl
##    1:    IL      Adams       17001 1990 8.536290 10.670362 13.871471
##    2:    IL  Alexander       17003 1990 4.064225  5.080282  6.604366
##    3:    IL       Bond       17005 1990 6.299761  7.874702 10.237112
##    4:    IL      Boone       17007 1990 3.826545  4.783181  6.218136
##    5:    IL      Brown       17009 1990 8.898735 11.123419 14.460444
##   ---                                                               
## 1628:    IL  Whiteside       17195 2005       NA        NA        NA
## 1629:    IL       Will       17197 2005       NA        NA        NA
## 1630:    IL Williamson       17199 2005       NA        NA        NA
## 1631:    IL  Winnebago       17201 2005       NA        NA        NA
## 1632:    IL   Woodford       17203 2005       NA        NA        NA
write.csv(m, 'data/mxg_il_co_example.csv', row.names = FALSE)