Ember.js @ SRXP

Quick show and tell

Elte Hupkes / eh@srxp.com

Hey again!

Elte Hupkes (eh@srxp.com)


We've been using Ember for a while...

~ git show -s `git rev-list HEAD | tail -n 1`
commit 1eb67dab47ebfeae2e12c5dc5a983589f1fc93ae
Author: Elte Hupkes <eltehupkes@secureceipt.com>
Date:   Wed Oct 3 14:09:46 2012 +0200

Repository creation.

@type String
@default ''
Ember.VERSION = '';

Early days of Ember

  • No provided structure (i.e. EmberCLI)
  • No stable model layer (i.e. Ember Data)
  • Lots of breaking changes

Some statistics

~ find . -iname "*Route.js" | wc -l
112 // # of routes!

Battle for the longest route name:

SRXP.SuperuserCustomersEditExportFormatsAddSuitsupplyExactGlobeRoute = SRXP.SuperuserCustomersEditExportFormatsAddRoute.extend({
    // Uhm yeah, this actually exists. We're not proud.

Some statistics

~ cloc . --exclude-dir=Lib/Vendor --force-lang=html,hbs \
Language        files          blank        comment           code
Javascript        386           2754           7535          15482
HTML              192            182              0           4004
SUM:              578           2936           7535          19486

"Only" 15000+ lines of JS.

Enjoy tonight!

Elte Hupkes (eh@srxp.com)

Elte Hupkes